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52946865 No.52946865 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who's holding on Shiba inu coin here ?
It's retarded but I'm waiting for 1$ or 0.5$ breakthrough

>> No.52946875

it will literally never happen, enjoy staying poor

>> No.52946878

thats what they said about link too though

>> No.52946884


>> No.52946897

Without looking at the market cap I'm pretty sure SHIB at $1, hell probably anywhere near .5 would have it worth more than some first world countries GDP. At that point your job is paying you in SHIB and your grocery store and rent is paid in SHIB.
So yes it can happen. Probably in 2 more weeks.

>> No.52946898

And they were right

>> No.52946900

Should I sell my holdings ?

>> No.52946906

That's literally exactly what they said about link though, and it hit an ath of over 50 bucks

>> No.52946910

1$ would be the 300x market cap of apple. with the market cap of gold shib would be at 0.0217

>> No.52946922

What part of shib isn’t link don’t you understand

>> No.52946927

the part where there's no hope

>> No.52946951

i dont know, but even 0.1 is impossible
you can still make a profit on the coin, but keep in mind that youd need more money than there is in the world to reach 0.1

>> No.52946966

>Am I the only one who's holding on Shiba inu coin here ?
Money is already made. Only bagholders hold at this point. Sorry mate, the party is over. You're late again.

>> No.52946984

no you retard, in very rough numbers SHIB hitting 1$ would be like link hitting $100,000 not 50 bucks

>> No.52946999

retards are STILL saying buttcoin will hit 1mil though

>> No.52947009

No more like link = $750,000

>> No.52947137

I actually can't believe you're comparing Link (faggot coin btw) with Shib...
Look at the supply and mkt cap.

The only way that could ever happen is if Shib's supply got reduced to 0,00001% of current supply.

>> No.52947217
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>> No.52947231

I have a billion shib I bought for 100 dollars in January 2021. I'm just not gonna sell it is all, sorry.

>> No.52947269

>It's retarded but I'm waiting for 1$ or 0.5$ breakthrough
How many Shibu out there? 1 Quadrillion
Sure, $1 Shibu... $1 Quadrillion dollars...
By the way, the total amount of wealth on Earth, every asset, every penny... is $1.2Quadrillion
If your dumdum coin reached $1, it would double that

>> No.52949870
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I'm out of the market, but when BTC drops to 12-12.5K i'm going full in SHIB

>> No.52950826

bad bait

>> No.52950924

Which means it would have over quadruple the marketcap of Apple at it's peak. Shiba Inu would need a 1 quadrillion marketcap meaning Aliens invade us and make it the global currency and we're all on leashes wearing shiba furry costumes.

>> No.52950944
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I still hold and continue stacking. the last few dips down have gotten me a respectable amount to add to the stash. At this point im waiting on my stack of shiba inu, bone, leash to kick off down the road once shibarium drops (beta rolling out finally phase) and will wait for bone to hit $100-500 a token and shiba inu to get to $0.01.

>> No.52951012

Shib is going to 1$ whilst bread cost 10,000,000$ and houses cost rought 1tril$.

>> No.52951193

it will make too many anons into trillionaires so everyone there will be murdered before it ever dares reaching 1 buck.

>> No.52951301

>Shiba inu
I hold it for gambling, i didn't put much, whatever happens is not gonna affect me much, but if I make money, good for me
>my real monie is in Ethereum, Ride and Xen.

>> No.52951328
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>he didn't buy Doge
>he didn't buy Vinu
>he believes in Shib
Anon I don't really know what to tell you.

>> No.52951372

ok? good luck i guess?

>> No.52951383
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all the same bro

>> No.52951403
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I recently became a SHIB hodler and now I shill it.

>> No.52951414

Did you eat lead paint chips as a child?

>> No.52952008

Me too, I have about 1000$ worth. I don't see any reason why if doge can pump, shib can't knock a zero or two off. I will be willing to lose that money entirely that's how sure I am I can make at least a few tens of thousands. I've got 109 (the same historically recorded number of countries jews were expelled from) million - and I'll let it ride

>> No.52952035

guess we better get those printers running

>> No.52952054

holding doge and shib from low costs, smd

>> No.52952103
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>there are still a large number of posters who dont understand marketcap
We are absolutely nowhere near the bottom yet. I will start buying again when all these tourists have cleared off

>> No.52952174

with FRL market cap is a non factor. half the money is funny money. who cares? it's clown world, accept it