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52946715 No.52946715 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 32 turning 33. I’m young looking/attractive still (good genes). I want to be a famous actor or politician and have wanted to be for 15 years. Went to a top college and got into law school but didn’t go. Had a lot of crazy self destructive thing happen in the past and had mental health issues. Did things that would ruin me if I ever became famous. Lots of identity issues and bad choices. Have paranoia and anger.

Still think I can somehow break through and become a famous actor some how.

Anyone else?

>> No.52946757

>want to be a politician

unfathomly cringe bro

>> No.52946766

easier to become a politician than actor
dont worry about the past, it doesn't exist anymore

>> No.52946773

Your mistake was thinking you can do it on your own. You need an ugly but intelligent partner with a reliable thirst for power to be the brain of the operation

>> No.52946789

You cant make it in entertainment over 30. FACT. I’m 29, got less than a year to make it before ai give up and pursue a normal career.

>> No.52946795

Anon…. Consider changing your priorities. All but family and relationship with a woman is meaningless

>> No.52946796
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I'm a thriving narcissist. Feels good man

>> No.52946819

I’m sorry that you had a childhood that made you become a narcissist, but nobody likes narcissists and you will never ever be famous and liked.

>> No.52946827

Already been in serious relationships with great/smart women. I’m talking highly educated with the highest careers you can think of. And I felt love and am capable of being a good and caring person.

BUT my narcissistic creativity is truly a part of my soul. I was planning to do the acting classes and try that when I was in college but I ended up having all these crazy things happen and mental health issues.

Got a normal job and just lived a normal life for 10+ years.

But deep down the demon is still there. I need to go become famous and reach my potential.

By the way this part isn’t a larp: I really am very very good looking. And people think I’m like 23 all the time.

>> No.52946847

>I want to be famous
that's not how this works
now go back to flipping burgers

>> No.52946863

I think it could be genetic. Didn’t meet my real father until I was a teenager. It turned out that we were the same in a lot of ways. Same thought processes. Same kind of narcissistic creativity. He made enormous efforts to be famous in the business world and he actually ended up going on national tv quite a few times and quoted in national newspapers for his opinions on the niche he was in (don’t want to be too specific and dox myself).

But that wasn’t enough for him. He was like 50’s/60’s and had this idea that he could construct his own reality and that identities were bullshit. He has this really interesting narcissistic creativity and would change personas a lot. He was angry in old age that he didn’t become more famous and always talked about how he could have been an actor or musician/hippie type, not the formal business intellectual persona he became.

He was really smart though. Higher IQ than me. And he could be a good dad too and be caring, after I got to know him (just like how I’m caring with my girlfriends). But the narcissistic creativity was just just inside of him.

So I don’t think it was environmental for me. I think I just have my dad’s genes. Didn’t even know what he was like until I was a teenager.

>> No.52946868

> I need to go become famous and reach my potential.
so that you can bombastically and publicly self destruct. if you're truly narcissistic, the urge to destroy yourself never leaves and it's impossible to stop even if you have handlers. you should aim high because you're going to fuck yourself over no matter the situation but never forget what you are.
>t. narcissist who's blown up two life changing art careers and alienated everyone who supported him

>> No.52946876

Actually to say a few times in national tv is an understatement. My dad was on tv to give professional opinions about his niche more like 50-100 times.

People in the business world thought he was special and he got great fulfillment in that. I can truly relate to the way he felt and what he wanted in his life.

>> No.52946886

>>Didn’t meet my real father until I was a teenager.

Here w go again...

Post hand pic with timestamp and I might give you a helpful advice

>> No.52946909

i aint OP but i'm open to advice
not posting hand but i'm white

>> No.52946914


>> No.52946918

What do you mean? You think I’m a larp?

>> No.52946928

Can you tell me more about your experience?

I self destructed in college and did things that made people think I was insane and a bad person. But I recovered and have a good job. My employer loves me, wants me to go to grad school and come back for a bigger position at the company.

Also, I get college women no problem. They are 21 and I’m 32 but they think I’m like 23 and don’t believe me when I tell them my age. People have been telling me about my amazing looks my whole life. It’s a constant thing. Really.

I want to use that Potential in this one life. What do I do?

>> No.52946964

Oh now I get the joke. 4chan joke got it. I am white.

It was a unique situation. Imagine successful white businessman who had a kid out of marriage. But didn’t really get to know the kid until much later on. My dad was good man though. Narcissistic like me but also a kind guy like me, for the most part.

I’m not really an asshole. I just have all of these narcissistic dreams. It’s been in my head since childhood and never left. But I hold normal job and the people around me don’t know what’s going on in my head.

>> No.52947019

you have to somehow tame it op or actually go with it you need a lot of connections to get in showbusiness where are you from btw

>> No.52947036

Los Angeles. So the location isn’t an issue.

By the way I know I’m admitting to being narcissistic and that people tend to overestimate their qualities. But trust me I’m being honest and reasonable here about my looks. I really have the god damn looks. But never tried acting. And IQ is probably average or so.

I’m 32 bro. I can’t tame it. Sometimes I feel guilt. But I know I’ll always be angry if I don’t go for it.

No chance I can make it without connections? What about casting calls? And they see you and think you would fit a certain role? No?

Please give me actual advice on what to do in Los Angeles.

>> No.52947151
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Covert narcissist
$2.4m net worth
Beautiful house in center of the city in Europe (worth $750k)
Love my clothes and perfumes
Performing regularly with spoken word and singing. (good source of primary supply)
Knows he's a narcissist and maximalises it instead of hiding it. People unironically don't realise it and most of them actually love it (many know nothing of psychology)
Carnivore Diet. Adhd meds. Coffee.
Smoke weed in my bathtub to relax.
Have a toy boy to play with.
At university, becoming a doctor, psychiatrist.
Waiting on the bottom 2024-2025 to invest heavily into $300 ETH.
Know I'll be a $10+ millionaire later in life

>> No.52947185

Work on your sources of supply. Look into primary and secondary supply: https://www.choosingtherapy.com/narcissistic-supply/

Also, narcissism is in my opinion just one part of what happens to the brain when it has to grow in a chronically stressed environment. (the womb and upbringing) In my opinion, everybody actually has to undergo this, but most people have it much heavier than others, thus developing a personality "disorder". I prefer to call it adaptation. Your brain HAD TO adapt in this way to survive.

But it did not only develop narcissism. It also developed ocd, sensitivity,... and probably adhd.
So, try and get therapy for adhd. Which are planning and organisational skills etc. They are -necessary- for success.

Also if people question you and your needs just make an honest confession and tell them you need attention to feel motivated. That sounds -way less bad- than the stigmatised "narcissism".

Also try to work on emotional intelligence and in general - projecting warmth - that helps a lot in social relationships.

Good luck anon I believe you can truly make it. Way more fun being a narcissist than being a boring wageslave.

>> No.52947229

I'm pretty sure it's mostly connections you have to get lucky and get to know one or two guys who can help you out , you can start tiktok or instagram modeling that might help you to accelerate

>> No.52947235

You sound like a nice guy and your father too. And looks like he had a lot of success, you can be proud of that. Most narcissist end up low-functioning and alone.

The hardest thing for us narcissists is probably choosing one path and sticking to it. And working onto something long-term instead of short-term opportunity hopping.

Anyways, it's understandable that you dream of becoming an actor. Narcissists love to be the star. The tv personality or the doctor or the artist or the politician... we want to be looked at and admired.

The bad thing about it is if you work at McDonalds and pretend that you're a big shot.
But if you actually work yourself up to a position of competence. (for example, doctor) (or in your fathers case, expert in his niche)
It's actually very admirable.
And we, narcissists, can be very convincing and inspiring to the others.

Also, narcissists can be good leaders:

Don't let yourself get down by the haters.

Oh and also, you know you can actually have good relationships. But be willing to work with your partner, to grow in your relationship, be flexible, work on yourself too, also adjust to her needs... but ofcourse find someone who it works naturally with.

I kind of like girls who just let me talk and explain things and who kind of look up to me in awe. They're dependent on me mostly.

>> No.52947239

Thanks anon. This is so helpful. I saved it.

Let me tell you this for your quick analysis. So, since I’m good looking I realized I could get women. So I spent like 2 years womanizing (in a nice way, not being an asshole but just getting tons of women). I went on dates with dozens of women and was successful with many of them.

That was a cool vibe for a while. But now it’s gotten meaningless feeling. Like they’re just people and there’s nothing special about seeing their vaginas even if they’re hot. Does this happen to narcissists? So, would a famous narcissist act get tired of the supply he gets from making movies and need something else eventually?

>> No.52947251

Successful narcissist here. Feels good being at the top and looked up to with people who rely on me. I don't know your feeling OP.

>> No.52947263
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/narcissists appreciation thread/
Look at this prime example of wealthy, beautiful, educated, men. Discussing philosophy together, debating, cracking jokes and getting drunk.

Joys that the neurotypical and anti-intellectual will never understand.
Don't let yourself get down by this anti-narcissist and anti-intellectual culture of the stupid.
We are actually the gods- the lights- on earth.
Be one.
Be the best.

>> No.52947281

I think so yes- we probably need enough variation.
But ain't nothing wrong with settling down too- and being grateful for a girl/ a wife you have.

It's my most regretted mistake. I actually was together with wife material for 2,5 years. But I broke up with her because I wanted to "fuck other women". I deeply regret that now, because she was a good girl. I could have made it work with her.
Anyways, I was more naive back then.

>> No.52947288

>33 years old
>Some vague generic 8 year olds power fantasy
>wanted it for 15 years with no results

You're just a delusional retard

>> No.52947299

Thanks anon! I appreciate the input. Just some data for your insights on this topic… I’m not the type of narcissist who pretends to be something I’m not. I’m actually weirdly critical of fakeness in myself and in others as well. I will be really open sometimes, even telling people about my objective circumstances… that I make $75k at a desk job. I see it as ok money, not terrible but not great.

I’m kind of an existentialist about things and maybe being pretentious about that perspective is where I get some supply. Since I’m good looking I get hot women no problem…. So my version of narcissism has been like “hey look. I’m just this totally regular guy. But I get to sleep with all these hot, educated and high achieving women, before they get married to some doctor guy who gets a bad deal in life”. I kind of fancy myself as like a Cliff (Brad Pitt’s character) from once upon a time in Hollywood. He is just a regular guy but gets all the chicks and doesn’t give a damn.

One night I was driving home from a date in LA. This really hot girl who makes 6 figures had hooked up with me, but she was kind of telling me my place is too small and I should go to grad school to up my game. Her ex’s are all older guys who are millionaires (I did research and confirmed this). But I politely told her that I appreciated her view because it’s cool to see how other people think but that my style is minimalistic.

Driving home that night I felt like Cliff (brad Pitt) from that movie and I was looking at the LA sky line and feeling like I had life all figured out with my $75k job. While these rich guys are getting the bad deal but I’m getting the pussy with no strings. See the type of narcissist I am?

>> No.52947300

Last post because I have to study...
Everyone is narcissistic... it's a spectrum really...
But some are just so narcissistic that they call it a "disorder"...
But things that are out of order... can be put in order again...
And the bigger the chaos which you're able to bring -in order- the more power it has.
It's like a big fire. If you can control that, you're more powerful than when controlling a smaller fire.

>> No.52947306

Or a guy with emotional problems who never broke the barrier.

>> No.52947320

Sure! Pretty cool that you get girls so easily.
What do you think it is?
Your height? Looks? Game?
The fact that you approach them with "no strings attached"?

>> No.52947323

Not reading any of your faggy blogposts until you post hand

In all fields

>> No.52947329

Wow you can fuck dumb empty sluts

>> No.52947366

>Waiting on the bottom 2024-2025 to invest heavily into $300 ETH.
Narcissists are so retarded they usually miss out on wealth too and stay eternally poor.

>By the way I know I’m admitting to being narcissistic and that people tend to overestimate their qualities. But trust me I’m being honest and reasonable here about my looks. I really have the god damn looks.

>We are actually the gods- the lights- on earth.

>> No.52947445


>> No.52947460

I am the exact opposite, I actively avoid being put in the spotlight even though nearly all my talents/hobbies basically beg for it.

I avoid attention like a vampire avoids sunlight while my interests/hobbies are playing drums in a band, photography, kitesurfing and lifting weights. I do all of those while actively avoiding as much people as possible.

>> No.52947491

33 is still young, recently turned 30 here.
DeNiro played Jake Lamotta in Raging Bull at the age of 37.
DeNiro, 79, now has a 10 year old daughter.
Do not be demoralised by age and progress.
The fact you still have some belief in yourself (whether you think it to be delusional or not) is very positive.
Also good to note that a lot of 'famous' people are pieces of shit with many skeletons in the closet too.
Shia LaBeouf it - make your dreams reality - just do it, etc

>> No.52947514

My conclusion has been that you have to have at least SOME game. But when you’re really good looking it makes everything easier.

I’m tallish (over 6 foot) as well so that helps.

My experience has been that if you are good looking and can figure out to be on dates and take more control of that then you will get laid all the time. Some examples: 1) don’t reveal more about yourself than the woman does; 2) if you have any instinct telling you to not say something, then do not say it. Veer on shyness over being unattractively revealing; 2) don’t be too overly chivalrous. Obviously holding doors and getting the bill is important. But you don’t need to hold cars doors, for example. This isn’t 1945 and it comes off as trying too hard; 3) you don’t have to be a jerk. But don’t he mr. overly nice guy (this one was hard for me because I’m naturally kind of real and easy going with people); 4) don’t compliment women’s looks unless you really think you know what you’re doing (like if it’s necessary for establishing attraction). But usually don’t compliment their looks; and 5) get to the point that you have been on so many dates that they don’t feel like a big deal to you.

After you go on tons of dates your instincts will improve and you won’t see dates as a very big deal.

But also, if you get tired of getting women and genuinely become aloof, and your good looking, that’s when they really start coming to you. And at that point you barely have to do anything. I’d say that comes after a long string of successes.

Lastly, approaching women directly can work but it is the least smooth thing to do. For example, the other night at a bar I asked these two girls in line what the occasion was that brought them out (not the smoothest thing to do). I could tell they kind of brushed me off. But then one girl looked back and saw I was good looking and then struck up the convo and was more friendly and later on that night inviting.

>> No.52947535
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Narcissism in the coping mechanism of a wounded ego, of a child that was not listened to and cared for. "Oh, I'm worthless? Actually, I'm the BEST!"
To put yourself above someone else, you need someone else, and thus, you put yourself into a dependent position on him, evidencing and perpetuating your weakness.

>> No.52947562

And by the way, game doesn’t mean that you are some worked up persona trying to effectuate something. It just means that you kind of naturally know what not to do and have a good instinct for what to do. Sometimes, conversations with women on first and second dates even become real at times. Something she said is actually interesting and you actually want to know what she thinks about something… but you still kind of feel like you have control over modifying the way you interact.

Hard to put it all into bullet points too. What works for one guy might not work for the next guy. Best thing is to have some balls and risk being rejected/having awkward dates for a while so that eventually, you’ll figure it all out on your own.

>> No.52947583

Lmao OP’s going to be an easy mark for the glowniggers with all that baggage.

>> No.52947591

What does that mean? What’s a “glownigger”?

>> No.52947607

>Had a lot of crazy self destructive thing happen in the past and had mental health issues.
You're just an american. In any other country your family would have helped you, but your parents probably stole from you instead.

>> No.52947623

Oh I googled the term. Nah, it’s nothing illegal. More just embarrassing stuff I did to my reputation over 10 years ago in college. I said a lot of weird things to people and had mental health issues.

>> No.52947713

Man, dont ever identifie yourself through your looks. They WILL fade away in your old age and you will die depressed and sad. Identifie yourself through the thibgs you have done, the words you have spoken and the connections you have.

>> No.52947734

>I want to be a famous actor
Grow up faggot

>> No.52948316

You aren't a narcissist.

99.9% of narcissists aren't aware that they are one.

>> No.52948397


>> No.52948520

The cattle wants to become a good looking cattle

>> No.52948713

Not true. Narcissists are so retarded they get diagnosed with narcissism and brag about it as if it’s a good thing.

>> No.52948747

>narcissist in los angeles wants to be famous
youre a meme