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52944585 No.52944585 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here successfully receive a vaccine exemption for work? I need a job to start stacking for the next bull run but most places require covid vaccinations.

>> No.52944593

Too late nigger, bullrun starts in 2 weeks

>> No.52944811

>but most places require covid vaccinations.

>> No.52944837

The vaccine was proven to be harmful. If they are trying to force harm on you, sue them.

>> No.52944872

I had a religious one with Disney at one of the parks at Disney world then they tried to me in the back away from people like I was a black man working in the 1930s. I said fuck that and quit

>> No.52944931

>most places require covid vaccinations.

do they tho? its pretty much just hospitals.

>> No.52944950

I filled out a religious exemption and got to keep my job during that whole mess

>> No.52945043

I work for the DoD as a financial analyst, they set a date in November of 2021 that I had to submit an exemption (medical or religious) or show proof of vaccination. I gave the most generic answers stating only “my sincerely held religious beliefs” or just outright refused to answer some questions since they were asking about other vaccines, am I against all immunizations or how long I’ve held my beliefs. Submitted it and never heard another word from anyone about it. Some of my upper superiors acted weird around me for a few months after that.

>> No.52945084

>vaccine exemption

LMAO Im literally a glowie and we never got pressed on the issue. Ever. The only thing you had to do was sign whether you were vaxxed or not or refusal to say. Did cucks really lose jobs over this?

>> No.52945225

just pay a homeless guy to get the jab for you

>> No.52945261

I refuse to believe most of the world still zealously pushes pharma that didn't work

>> No.52945902

This for me also

t. work in healthcare in LA

>> No.52945929

no one talks about that here anymore. the ukraine stuff wiped all of it from media and the sheep mind

>> No.52945945

That's because your attrition rate sucks. As is your on-boarding rate too. Don't have much leverage when you can't effectively hire and keep people from the get go.

>> No.52945956

My job was going to require it but half the workforce including my boss started writing letters requesting exemption. They sat on it for a couple months then Obiden dropped the requirement for government contractors and they just never mentioned it again.

>> No.52946399

I just didn't take it

>> No.52946413
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>but most places require covid vaccinations or something.

>> No.52946415

I got one for school. I just said it was haram in Islam because the vaccine uses baby parts. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. They don't even require masks anywhere here now.

>> No.52946474

you don't actually believe it's harmful, do you?
that was just propaganda by politicians looking to rile up a contrarian base.

you ought to consider that "doing the opposite of what someone says, out of spite" means that person still has full control over you ... and in some cases your choice to always "do the opposite out of spite" means you do something against your own self-interest
in the case of the COVID vaccine, that means your health (debatable), or more timely: this job you're trying to get.

Do what's best for you, anon, not what some politician says to do.

>> No.52946511

>you don't actually believe it's harmful, do you?
Why would I need to believe, lol?
The papers on that matter have already been released.

>> No.52946541


Joined this online cult.
It was already taken to court and won before I joined. Your get notarized documents that tell your employer to fuck off. Or you could try to write your own.

>> No.52946544


>> No.52946589
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>> No.52946605
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My job a year ago allowed for a religious exemption but essentially told us straight up if you aren't vaccinated by Dec 9th, 2021, you "can't work there anymore". They approved my religious exemption and their "reasonable accommodation" was to put me on 90 days unpaid leave and then fire me. Sure enough, Dec 9th rolled around and they demanded my badge and got rid of all email privileges I had. They essentially fired me and 50 other people with extra steps and ignored the injunctions against Biden's EO, which they originally blamed as the sole reason for the policy decision.

I am currently awaiting class-action status with those other 50 people in a lawsuit against them. Fuck em.

>> No.52946614

i work for google and they require vaccines to be in their offices
what that means is that I have to work remote