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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52942724 No.52942724 [Reply] [Original]

Well you KNOW we need another 300 reply BAT thread filled with fud.

>> No.52942730

i mean they just deleted the other bat thread so i guess so. fucking nigger as jannies.

>> No.52942771

Fuck Brave
Fuck BAT

10 cents incoming

>> No.52942933
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>> No.52943442

just bought 15k BATerinos for under 18 cents each

>> No.52943832
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parker is a pedo nigger. as previously stated, parker, i will cease posting your picture and calling you a pedo and a nigger on january 16th as long as you do not post in any bat threads or engage with anyone from the bat community in discord or other platforms between now and then

any engagement on any platform resets the timer

>> No.52943952

Quit mentioning this clown. It just gives him a reason to come in and janny the threads. Even if for some slight chance it’s not him, his presence is guaranteed to nuke the threads and get multiple frens banned. It’s not worth making this clown relevant anymore.

>> No.52944177

>i mean they just deleted the other bat thread
What other thread, the one with slurp lion OP and 319+ posts? Bump limit is still 300, is it not?

>> No.52944302

>Quit mentioning this clown.
i will stop mentioning him on january 16th as long as he fucks off. im sick of his bullshit.

no it was a different thread after that, had like 10 posts and then got nuked for no reason

>> No.52944985
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if you lot have so much time and money why not buy an ad like these assholes or better yet hire the same jet farm because as annoying as they are it is waaaay more effective than whatever the fuck this is

>> No.52945746

But anon, /biz/ is already a crypto billboard, and it's free.
Here's something else free: *ffffbbbbbbRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAP*

>> No.52947495
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So the “bear market gainer” narrative is done right? Brave is an internal mess with lots of drug use like the rest of the crypto companies? Brendan drinks all day, which I don’t really care for, but maybe he can hold his liquor and I’m sure Luke smokes weed constantly. It’s the other employees I suspect that are getting high on hard drugs. Brave needs to clean up their act if they wanna be relevant in the next bull run.

>> No.52949946


>> No.52950405

It's over

Batties got scammed

>> No.52950673

Funny how shitty BAT threads like this one stay up, how good ones like yesterday's get ripped down, and how certain people are targeted for bans. What is it about BAT that invites such seething?

>> No.52951392

it's le google deepstate my bro

>> No.52951555

its unironically parker

>> No.52951661

>shitty BAT threads
That hurts my feelings bro, I'm just being a cheeky cunt

>> No.52951793

These threads are getting worse and more desperate than ICP. Get off the drugs and clean up your act or BAT is going nowhere in the next bull trap

>> No.52951958
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>> No.52952486

Trips confirm but we no longer mention his name in these threads.
Stop then. It attracts the spergs and fags.

>> No.52952825

There is nothing to discuss about this shitcoin. Brave scammed us and we deserve it for putting our faith in BAT.

>> No.52952853

I’m here to discuss how and why they scammed us. I thought these guys were different.

>> No.52953418

I just come for the thots and the banter really. Holding 75k BAT and a bit discouraged, but I’m not selling anytime soon. Where thotposter??

>> No.52954110

someone drop the community call link please

>> No.52954132

Ask and ye shall receive, for this is the season of giving.

>> No.52954457

thanks. idk why i am even joining. these calls are depressing as fuck. its going to be a bunch of discord faggots jacking each other off about an NFT or game night or some stupid shit.

bat literally has the worst community of any coin. there used to be a good community in the bat telegram, then they shut it down, then they started it back up and then parkers faggot ass sim swapped luke and scammed everyone. brave is so fucking stupid its insane.

>> No.52954539

I miss the BAT telegram too. Can they do another one where only North American’s, Euros and wherever BAT Paula is from are allowed?

>> No.52954573

they arent going to do another one after they fucked up the other one so badly. they should have never closed down the original one. they only re-opened it because they lost iOS rewards and wanted to try and calm the bagholders down.

now they have this gay discord that is literal fucking cancer.

>> No.52954779

what the fuck are these dumb niggers even talking about

>> No.52954780

What a boring call

>> No.52954789
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First bat weekly call I've been on. Are they always this bad? Some guy sharing his screen saying how they are going to have customizable theme colors. And implement things Google does.

So you're going to usurp Google. By implementing things they already have? Fuck this shit

This is retarded

>> No.52954798

idk man this is horrible. this shit has nothing to do with bat. it seems like they are talking about nonsense so they dont have to talk about real stuff

what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.52954820

Yea. I think I might chime in. About the reddit posts talking about about bat dropping from rank 20 to rank 100 In 5 years

>> No.52954855

Even fgooglenbigbro is buying into their BS time drain of a subject. It's been 20 minutes with literally nothing important discussed.

>> No.52954873
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>> No.52954904


>> No.52955100

they are faking the bat purchases on the transparency page lol

>> No.52955156
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Definitely. He dodge the question. There isn't even enough volume on Gemini on the days to even cover the purchases. Assuming the purchase was 100% of the volume. Hahhah fucking a

>> No.52955157

did these faggots say anything about the nft keyword stuff. im not paying attention

>> No.52955171

the aggregate volume for WEEKS doesnt even equal 1.6m BAT to cover just that one purchase, and there were supposed to be two 1m+ purchases in that time period. its literally impossible. they are just lying.

>> No.52955209

they have been faking the BAT buys on the transparency page for a long time haven't they? its a pretty bold move, when the buys can obviously be verified easily. is the MAU fake too?

>> No.52955215

Bullshit call. Not even worth summarizing anything this week

>> No.52955230

>they have been faking the BAT buys on the transparency page for a long time haven't they? its a pretty bold move, when the buys can obviously be verified easily. is the MAU fake too?
i think whoever was writing the purchases down probably never even considered the fact that the volume was so low on gemini that it could be verified by looking at it. when they were doing them on coinbase (supposedly) nobody could tell if they were real because there was enough volume on that exchange

>> No.52955282

either the bat purchases never happened, and they instead dumped that amount of BAT from the UGP for payouts


they literally just didnt buy the bat and the vBAT balances in the browser have just been bullshit and they know that not even people withdraw or claim the BAT to need to actually make all the purchases. thats why only about one in every 3 or 4 purchases is real

>> No.52955336

I asked about the rebates in Brave Swap. Appreciate that I got a decent answer about them trying to develop a transaction-based reward scheme for wallet transactions generally. Glad he answered that. Even if it doesn't quite respond to "what happened to it." Guess it's another wait and see...

>> No.52955362

the thing is, i dont believe for one second that they are actually truly working on integrating BAT with any of that stuff. they probably discussed it once and wrote it down on a list somewhere.

>> No.52955370

>i think whoever was writing the purchases down probably never even considered the fact that the volume was so low on gemini that it could be verified by looking at it.
youd think someone wouldve caught it. nobody buys BAT on gemini except me. Ive literally swallowed 1/4 the daily volume on my own before. this looks really bad and we'll probably never get a straight answer. very sloppy move

>> No.52955397

Every Brave employee should see our BAT threads and realize how stupid they are. Many good points were made by fellow anons.

>> No.52955782

I’m still really upset they would stoop this low. It defeats the whole purpose of BAT and having a transparency page. Those fake purchases will exist online forever. I don’t wanna tell Coffeezilla because it would only end up hurting us too.

>> No.52955871

>I don’t wanna tell Coffeezilla because it would only end up hurting us too.
I don't think it would hurt us that much. When Brave dropped iOS BAT barely budged. BAT is FUD and FOMO resistant, it only moves with BTC and main trading activity comes from bots. It's quite dead, otherwise it would be in the top 5 long time ago.

It would be interesting to watch what Coffeezilla could dig up on Brave and BAT.

>> No.52955940

who the fuck is coffeezilla

>> No.52955953

youtuber who exposes scams

>> No.52955992

the worst thing about bat, is that its not even a scam interesting enough to "expose"

"brave team said they would implement bat utility. they didnt. they also lied about bat purchases they made. the end"

>> No.52956006

He won’t ever waste his time on BAT. It would be his lowest viewed video in years. He would struggle to even break the 10 minute length threshold for more ad revenue lol.

>> No.52956315

The bigger point here is Brave can no longer maintain its integrity as a company. They already lost a ton of respect when they were caught injecting referral codes on Binance. Now it’s becoming a pattern with this company and to add insult to injury they dump on us constantly. Can it get any worse?

>> No.52956346

Hahaha truth. Literally wouldn't do anything.

>> No.52956711


38 minutes in

>> No.52956893

oh for fucks sake, exploratory stage? then why the fuck was eich saying that its coming

they are literally just blowing fucking smoke up our asses dude

>> No.52956914

and why the fuck are these even called "BAT community calls" when they have almost nothing to do with BAT. some fucking faggots sitting there talking about slightly different colored browser themes and minecraft servers or whatever the fuck. its embarrassing.

>> No.52957088

It's over

>> No.52957307
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>It's over
This. The fake BAT buys on the “transparency page” we’re the last straw for me.

>> No.52957362

if he responds and is interested in running the story make sure you post the screenshot here so i can at least sell first

>> No.52957365

i dont wanna be bagholding this shit while a hit piece comes out on it and puts the final nail in the coffin

>> No.52957448

I got you

>> No.52957816
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Fuck it, i sold most of it and kept 150 bat for old times sake.
BAT should just be considered a fun farming token you get by watching ponzi ads, but you have to be qn absolute mongoloid to buy it with real money.

>> No.52958011 [DELETED] 

Time to put Brendan to jail.

>> No.52958204

Could you help a humble retard like me walk through the implications of this being true? Let's say every single one of the BAT purchases on the transparency page is completely fake.
- A user like me gets 6 BAT for November.
- Rewards users are potentially as high as 11.8M out of 20M DAUs. Let's be cynical and say it's only 6M, oy vey! Let's further say that the average BAT reward is actually lower, like 3 BAT per month. An absolute pittance.
- 6,000,000 x 3 BAT / mo is still 18M BAT, and again this is being conservative in terms of both actual Rewards users and payout amounts.
Where does this 18M BAT come from each month? Brave's own UGP reserves? Are they running on fumes? Are these payouts also partially faked (e.g. "vBAT") to keep the scheme going? What is your theory?

>> No.52958245


>> No.52958276

let me dumb it down for you.

1. advertisers give brave money for ads
2. brave keeps the money while pretending to buy bat with it
3. they distribute this "fake bat" aka "vbat" to rewards users
4. they know the majority of it will never be claimed, but pretend its backed 1:1 by actual reserves (see -> ftx scam)
5. now that the supply of vbat is "stacking to infinity" (eich's own words) they are discontinuing it under the guise of "regulations" so that they can delete it all from existence

once in a while they do purchase some bat because a few people actually do have verified wallets, but mostly its just fake

>> No.52958302

>they are discontinuing it under the guise of "regulations"
Isn't this bullish then?

>> No.52958319

>Isn't this bullish then?
its bullish in the sense that brave was misleading its investors since the beginning, having them believe that vbat was actually backed by real bat and was impacting the supply/demand aspect of the token.

its bearish in the sense that they were committing fraud and lying to everyone the entire time up until now.

>> No.52958337

well actually, both those things are bearish. the bullish part is that they are getting rid of the vbat scam. but with that, also comes its own problems like less people opting into rewards. also now that search ads are out, it seems brave doesnt need bat anymore nor do they care about it.

>> No.52958350

>delete it all from existence
In this context we're simply talking about KYC being mandatory from the get-go now, correct? So that non-KYC users can't accumulate forever without cashing out? The reason "vBAT" feels like a spook to me is because mine only ever went to Gemini, got turned into another crypto, and eventually sold for cash. Did you anticipate Brave changing basically nothing, in the wake of FTX and the heat from Washington?

>> No.52958376
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Yeah I'm starting to think the same. Especially now that moving vbat directly to their wallet will never happen.
You have websites like odysee who allow it, you can literally send their token once you receive it, but somehow Brendan Eich the mastermind behind the most popular programming language can't.

>> No.52958383

>In this context we're simply talking about KYC being mandatory from the get-go now, correct?
yes kyc will be mandatory now, and if people dont claim their bat by a certain date then it will get deleted (brave will take it back). who knows what will happen for people in 3rd world shitter countries where they dont even have an exchange option to claim it

>So that non-KYC users can't accumulate forever without cashing out?
thing is, it turns out they werent actually accumulating anything. if everyone were to verify their wallets for every last vbat in existence and try to withdraw, brave would not have enough. its fake. thats probably why they randomly flag accounts etc as well, to keep people from withdrawing

i think they probably realize there is some kind of heat on them now from the FTX debacle as well, there was a thread here a couple weeks ago about someone saying brave was running a fractional reserve system with vbat and that it was the next FTX. and that was before any of this mandatory KYC stuff. i think they were probably right and now brave is trying to clean up.

>> No.52958401

and keep in mind, buys on the "transparency page" are verifiably fake.

>> No.52958418
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>it seems brave doesnt need bat anymore nor do they care about it.
It’s where all their skeletons exist and and they’re slowly burying them and never looking back. BAT is only gonna haunt them forever now. They just couldn’t keep their greedy little jew hands out the crypto cookie jar.

>> No.52958423

and let me also add, that brendan eich admitted to dumping bat from the UGP a few days ago as well.

bat holders were under the impression that brave was PURCHASING bat from the open market, stated by their transparency page brave.com/transparency

so not only were they lying about that, but they were actually DUMPING additional supply lol. ridiculous.

>> No.52958426

>if everyone were to verify their wallets for every last vbat in existence and try to withdraw, brave would not have enough
OK, what is the proof of this claim? How much BAT does Brave actually have right now? Can we even ascertain that figure for certain?

>> No.52958427

Uphold buys are fake too? They have links to transactions.

>> No.52958449

uphold buys were real in the beginning. i think they realized they were leaving money on the table and then started scamming when they switched to coinbase. notice how the amounts get much larger when they switch from uphold to coinbase

>> No.52958453

>OK, what is the proof of this claim? How much BAT does Brave actually have right now? Can we even ascertain that figure for certain?
nobody knows because they wont ever release that info. all we know is that they are evasive as fuck when asked if its backed 1:1 (its not). and a lot of the buys on the transparency page are fake

>> No.52958471

Heh, I remember the supposed big announcements they were gonna make and then FTX rugged, and they all went quiet.
Fucking Luke Mulks was really upset and defending FTX the day before it collapsed, shitting on CZ.
>Solana becoming a dead chain
>focused on NFT shit nobody cares about
>FTX which was probably the next kyc exchange
>Vbat fraud
>Fake bat buy rumors
Anyways I expect them to fully focus on privacy, remove the browser ads, and just focus on brave search like one of you mentioned.
Looks to me that BAT is a failed project.

>> No.52958490

This is frustrating. Just tell us the fucking truth, Brendan you scamming piece of shit.

You better pump BAT or I will pump you full of lead.

>> No.52958499

yeah its pretty unfortunate. i was a big bat supporter for years. i have unloaded about 20% of my bags so far, going to go at least another 30% possibly more. i will still hold a portion of it just in the off chance that it moons, but im certainly not holding my breath.

>> No.52958505

i hold a lot of bat and i have for a long time so this was a really tough decision for me.

this guy just wasn't cut out for a leadership position

>> No.52958517

So what does it all mean for Brave? As I said, I was always able to cash out, and I concede maybe I'm in the minority who chose to do so. The idea that Brave is actually ending vBAT (the degree and percentage of how many "awarded" vBAT in various non-KYC'd wallets that may be wiped out we will likely never know) by way of enforcing mandatory KYC for ALL Rewards users only seems like a positive development. And I say "positive" only a bullish sense, not like it's cool or that anyone, Brave included, is hyped about KYC but the regulatory climate at this moment is anything but friendly.
Ultimately I just want to know who stands to be defrauded or fucked over by this development-- and that's assuming everything we're alleging is true-- and how does it threaten Brave? Just the forever-non-KYC crowd who held browser BAT?

>> No.52958535
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>tfw I regret not selling BAT at +1.80 more than DOGE at .70

>> No.52958566

well, brave knows that a lot of people are not willing to KYC to claim their bat, or they cant because their country isnt supported, or their device is lost etc. so there are a lot of liabilities that brave can erase from their books after this

their lifetime BAT purchases since the transparency page started is $29.55m worth of BAT

so about $30m and lets assume that maybe 10% of people are KYC'd and actively claiming bat. even 20%. and then discount the fact that a lot of devices are just dead, or old wallets from people that uninstalled or whatever. round that number down a bit even. so they have like $20m in fake bat that they get to write off their books.

>> No.52958595

this is assuming that you dont see some huge bank run where all these non-kyc accounts all of a sudden decide they do in fact want to claim their BAT once this update takes place and is announced to the normies. in that case, you will probably just see a lot of newly flagged accounts kek. the whole thing is really scammy

>> No.52958610

>Their lifetime BAT purchases since the transparency page started is $29.55m worth of BAT
Jesus, that's incredibly low.
Screw this, I'm gonna sell my Solana also. I want nothing to do with anyone even remotely associated with FTX.
I still have small faith in Brave since their browser is still better than most.

>> No.52958648
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at the end of the day, no matter how you slice it, these are facts:

1. brave is cucking its entire bat system for regulations that do no exist yet
2. they are lying about bat purchases on the transparency page
3. they have completely NOTHING - i repeat, ZERO, items from their BAT roadmap
4. they have been dumping large amounts of UGP on us as they string us along with false promises of bat utility that will come "someday"
5. search engine gives brave a path to profitability without bat. in fact they make more money serving ads without bat, because they get to keep all the money from it
6. brave MAU/DAU growth has stagnated, and mandatory kyc for bat ads will drive opt-in rates way down.

these are facts that even the most deluded of BAT bulls cannot deny.

>> No.52958996

Points worth considering. Thanks for engaging at least. I'll offer my last thoughts and then go to bed. Please forgive spacing:

1. I think KYC is inevitable. Not trying to be defeatist about it, that's just the way of things. Eich does everything he can to stay on the safe side, maybe to the detriment of pumping ours bags, but whatever, cool. If it means vBAT gets eliminated, even better. Having asked before about any comparable Rewards systems that are non-KYC the best response I got was about some 800th rank shitcoin with Reddit stank all over them. If you know of any with a remotely comparable case to Brave please let me know. It's usually apples to orangutans.

2. Brave is an actual, *good* working product with tens of millions of users. In that regard alone, it's incredibly unique in the crypto space. It's competitors are dogshit, nobody, johnny-come-lately's. BAT, in the same way, is also unique, even if in a technical sense its only another ERC20 chuckie cheese token. It doesn't have to savagely compete against dozens of other strong projects, unlike say an L1.

3. I suspect we'll be pleasantly surprised by how the coming Manifest v3 ushers new users our way. For the targeted userbase, it'll be us or Firefox, and Firefox are faggots.

4. Eich's head is genuinely, unironically huge.

5. It's a fucking deep bear market and BAT's not performing considerably worse than any of the rest of my alts. Oh fucking well.