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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52942611 No.52942611 [Reply] [Original]

>my little brother wants a crypto wallet
>I have $500 (it's his savings) for this wallet

which cryptos are good options?

>> No.52942630

buy him a trump nft

>> No.52942637

uhhh chainlink i guess

>> No.52942643

ya 20 chainlink tokens and a trump nft

>> No.52942758

BerylBit. Your little brother will have a happy future with lots of money.

>> No.52942821

Beautiful eyes

>> No.52942919

buy him some matic before the end of this year, because polygon will be launching the first ever open-source zkevm early 2023

>> No.52942940

everyone on biz talks about brb, but i don't really know what it is
safe? where can i get a bag of this coin?

>> No.52943007

No one ever talks about shitcoin nowadays stupid pajeet, you should by gasoline to douse yourself in and light yourself on fire

>> No.52943026

Get him some whackd

>> No.52943058

>everyone talks about it brb

What are you trying to say sanjeep?

>> No.52943061

this is the current pajeet token of the week thats being ultra shilled right now. buy it knowing the more its shilled here the more likely a pajeet dump is about to happen. with poos you lose.

I guess get him $100 worth of shiba inu anon. shibarium beta is finally rolling out

>> No.52943073

im going with this

>> No.52943083

How do I short professional streetshitting coins?

>> No.52943109

Ignore them, BerylBit is based.
>Project has been going for more than a year
>Price fall during crypto winter was less meaningful than BTC fall
>Don't have money? Then just mine it
>Constant development and accessible dev
>Has its own mainnet

>> No.52943133

you can send contract?

>> No.52943181

fuckin based

>> No.52943230

Either Bitcoin or Radix.

>> No.52943246


>> No.52943253
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>spending money on a virgin wallet

>> No.52943264

Just buy him bitcoin. Don't turn him into a degenerate right away. At least give him a chance

>> No.52943267


>> No.52943292

If you have 6 or 7 figures in crypto and you just think paper is good enough you are not a Chad but instead straight up retarded. At least put that shit on something fire and water resistant

>> No.52943645

>what is a fireproof safe

>> No.52943699

That's better at least. Original post said paper in a tin in the closet, which I still contend is retarded

>> No.52944068

I’d probably buy topnetwork it’s Dex will be done shortly and the Dapps will make the under valued coin skyrocket.

>> No.52944171

Have sex

>> No.52944229
File: 137 KB, 1125x1351, BDE22DCD-6694-43B3-B722-174F7946A4AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
the ultimate DeFi pack

>> No.52944513

Just say
>he has $500
You fucking moron

>> No.52944961


>> No.52945325

Begin by allowing him to use a privacy wallet to protect his assets and transactions.

>> No.52945576

low caps with real life utility are the best options with such a little amount. You should look at ORE, TOWER and CVP for him if they pique your interest

>> No.52946137
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I usually go for xor, mostly for security, with everything that happened with FTX is what I need more (besides waifus lmao)

>> No.52946269

I only buy Bitcoin when I intend to save money. I also favor altcoins with quick returns. I've been investing in FTM, MATIC, and XPRESS while also making passive income from them.

>> No.52946294
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Security is important, Candyass, but for now the chances favor payment projects because that's where the money is.

>> No.52946333

buy my niggerjew420coin.

>> No.52946437

What's that shitcoin

>> No.52946542
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Get him some tezos, he will make a lot if he can stake it.
staking mine on the sylo smart wallet and the yield is good.
Vet and Pond are good in-between

>> No.52946597

should be bitcoin though. Don't listen to anyone else. Every portfolio starts with bitcoin. It's the most stable crypto out of all of them and least chance of dumping to zero.

>> No.52946740

How secured is this smart wallet. I'm glad Xpress partnered with unstoppable-web making it possible for users to make transactions via the Unstoppable domains instead of using wallet addresses as we generally do.

>> No.52947134

>with poos you lose
Yet the overwhelming majority of this board shills MATIC.

>> No.52947170

DAI or USDC only so he can make all his own mistakes like the rest of us

>> No.52949448

Ftx, thank me later

>> No.52949592
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you sound retarded desu
Yup, and I'd add sylo for p2p transactions, does more than that thou

>> No.52949739

get him a ledger nano s or x, doesnt matter, just get him something with LEDGER on it

>> No.52949761

open an account on binance for him and teach him to trade futures.