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File: 20 KB, 400x400, moon schizo turd recepticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52941539 No.52941539 [Reply] [Original]

how the FUCK is this bitch always right??

>> No.52941548

name one (1) time

>> No.52941553

Dubai Witch. Beware

>> No.52941555

Imagine the smell

>> No.52941556

I would sell my entire stack just to see her naked

>> No.52941557

rigged economy

>> No.52941587

She's speaking with Fantom's team at Quantum Miami in January

>> No.52941604
File: 36 KB, 600x687, 1643877650798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is a literally who twatter eceleb right!! it's not like you can just check the Stoch RSI, nooo, that's impossible, the market is a total mystery!! only ecelebs with magical powers can predict the future!!
kys retard

>> No.52941607
File: 216 KB, 1037x1778, explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name 1 (one) time she wasn't right. literally every single stupid date she ever put out was exactly right, called the date and then LUNA happened on that date, called for another and then FTX happened right then and now she calls for 20th December as one more leg down and what do you know entire market is shitting yet again on time

that's it, I'm becoming a moon schizo

>> No.52941608
File: 121 KB, 508x508, fuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost a shit ton of money because of this fucking WHORE!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH GIVE MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!

>> No.52941631

Half the shit she ever posts never comes true or does in some timeframe way out of the scope she predicted.

She's a fraud who shotguns out predictions until one sticks.

>> No.52941660

she's wrong even in the screencap you cited, it's way past early november and we're hitting new lows

>> No.52941679

Does she have of or any nudes?

>> No.52941686


the whole $20?

>> No.52941687

I have. It cost a fair bit for semi-nudes but it was worth it. God I love her so much, it hurts so bad i'll never see her naked in the flesh.

>> No.52941700

and what happened during early november?

>> No.52941722

absurdly mid tier latina whore

>> No.52941760

Post them!

>> No.52941762

how much semen and piss did she swallow?

>> No.52941860

She’s not latina you absolute fuckwit.

>> No.52941863

I've been thinking about her Dec 20th post for a while now. She's often off by 2-3 days in either direction but her calls have been great so far and it feels like this one will turn out the same. Check her calls versus charts for the past couple years, very high correlation. I keep seeing people poopoo her but I think she's got a gift.

>> No.52941872

by being extremely vague and clarifying later?

>> No.52941883

Shes jewish.. Makes it even hotter. A goy getting a jewess is a big flex like how niggers want whyte bitches

>> No.52941894

literally nothing has happened

>> No.52941896

>and now she calls for 20th December as one more leg down and what do you know entire market is shitting yet again on time
It's the 19th not the 20th you fucking retard.

>> No.52941914

Umm FTx much

>> No.52941920

Nah shes actually been surprisingly spot on..
She called the big may dump and the ftx dump

>> No.52941931

I really need to express how much I dislike this godless witch jew whore

>> No.52941978

She's a Whore for Wall Street just like Jim Cramer. She is on Wall Street's payroll. Think Jim Cramer, but more slutty.

Any info she gives you is being fed to her, with some Witch Bullshit to give plausible deniability. Anything you follow will place you on the opposite side of the trade against her sugar daddies. Beware.

>> No.52942182

She is spot on with her 20th December.

>> No.52942300
File: 104 KB, 900x900, +_fb38dd720a9e2f58d2acf2760905ea9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only my time zone exists

>> No.52942359

>name 1 (one) time she wasn't right
Every single time. I've been countertrading her and made a fortune. She's an even better indicator than biz or that cnbc guy.

>> No.52942360

That might do it for this potty whore

>> No.52942361

>c-close enough, anon! My queen was right yet again!

>> No.52942755

imagine being this retarded

>> No.52942777

it's already 5am in dubai.

jokes aside witchcraft is a jailable offense in the UAE.

>> No.52942831

>December 20, 2022
wtf kind of prediction is just calling out a random date? she didn’t even say if it was going to be a pump or dump

>> No.52943693


I would pay 1 eth to see you two fight to the death.

>> No.52943821

anyone can be right like her. its just once most people have skin in the game they start second guessing their correct assumptions

>> No.52945209

>she still didn't say shit about XOR
im good im good im good im good im good

>> No.52945232

bitches be crazy, and astrology is better at calculating the next moves than the finest meme lines.

>> No.52945701
File: 48 KB, 1430x877, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not in japan it aint.

>> No.52945765

Keep in mind her name is More In Alt Man!.
Not Morein BTCman!

>> No.52945825
File: 1010 KB, 540x4864, Screenshot_20221030-113517_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because astrology works. Don't be a normie, become esoteric and accept the astrological reality.

>> No.52945948

she abandoned her trading telegram a few months ago because her trades werent profitable

>> No.52946010

There's no one more slutty than Jim Cramer, anon

>> No.52946026
File: 46 KB, 742x484, 1642353604042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shes jewish.. Makes it even hotter. A goy getting a jewess is a big flex like how niggers want whyte bitches
t.inbred pedokike

>> No.52946053

Who is she? My money is the sex slavery didn't hold her down.

>> No.52946087

Maren Altman
Jewish (Pole) american witch thot. Anorexic vegan degenerate but somehow based at times. Most of her followers are just coomers.

>> No.52946356

Jewesses are ugly as shit and the biggest most disgusting whores. A jewess will always want to do the most degenerate things

>> No.52946376

fuck off cunt with your shitter