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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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529410 No.529410 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on /biz/ ever fallen for a scam before? If so how did you deal with it?

>> No.529413

No. I almost did once, but I got out of it before it was actually done.

>> No.529421

commission only sales

I was unemployed, living at home and it was the first employer in months of job seeking to actually call me.

>> No.529424
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I fell for a scam called, "get rich or die trying." I died trying. I m died.

>> No.529426

MLM, sales of diet items. Paid $35 to get in, was 17 at the time and thought it was a dealer opp.

Just let it go and move on.

>> No.529450

I had this selling kirbys but i was fucking good and sold like 3 a week on average.

Herbalife though. Fuck those guys.

>> No.529460



>> No.529466

I gave some faggot on BHW $450

He was paying back $50 a month with a lot of verified reviews that everyone was getting their promised return

He was probably building up as much trust in the community as he possibly could, before he bolted. Only got half my money back.

Didn't do much, but me and some others met in chat rooms a few times trying to share information and track him down.

Some people lost well over 10,000 lol

That's just no big deal, I also started a business with a Mormon, and that was the biggest scam in history.

>> No.529477

Almost fell for one once. This rich Arab dude wanted me to sell insurance for his network marketing company and buy a bunch of training sessions. Got the fuck out as soon as I found that out, didn't lose a dime.

>> No.529480

I got a prepaid debit card a while back.
Total scam.
4.95 upload fee, 4.95 monthly.
Supposedly it comes with an option to start a savings account at 5% APY, but no doubt the devil is in the details there...

>> No.529483

I almost bought Bitcoins a few months ago. Then I chuckled and didn't. Boy would that have sucked.

>> No.529508

My dad fell for some high tech/high wealth job interview scam bs. He payed like 2000 bucks to get proper "training" on how to compete in high wealth jobs. I felt bad for him though because he had lost his job and was really motivated to get a good paying one.

>> No.529516

>I went to this meeting.
>Lot of young people there
>It was in this big house
>Like a mini mansion
>Started out all great
>The host was hip
>The crowd had a lot of cute girls
>Host had us watch a movie
>Started out great
>Good presentation
>Really positive
>Says we need to make sure we aren't missing something very important
>Then talks about god and jesus for 20 minutes
>Nope, nope, nope, right the fuck out of there!

>> No.529537

True you just gotta let it go

>> No.529550

>be 12
>Xbox 360 first gen
>super hype
>red ring
>ask gamestop if they would replace it
>clerk gives me a number for a xbox repair guy
>give guy my xbox and a hundred dollars
>never hear from him again
>mom never trusts me with money again
>learn my lesson and now am extremely smart/cautious with money

Shit was pretty fucked up and when I went back to that gamestop I never saw that same clerk again. Did learn a lot though.

>> No.529562
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That's an interesting one. I'm guessing he never worked there to begin with, just wore a uniform that looked like a sales employee.

>> No.529565

Dude sounds like a cunt, but I know how you feel. At least you learned a lesson though

>> No.529591

i once got sucked into a MLM scam meeting

this random dude started talking to me while we were both waiting at a barber shop, i gave him my email so he could invite me to some convention talking about some "tech show" for a web business. i was more on the adventerous side back in those days also fresh out of college in my new job eager to learn new things. it was a weird cult-like atmosphere with a bunch of young kids like me and middle-aged spinsters.

i could go into more detail but im not as open to talking to strangers in public anymore.

>> No.529600


teach you right for being a twelvie.

>> No.529603

about 10 years ago I bought a website for $1200 (super cheap shit). I was mostly interested in the users.

The guy gave me his trusted third party traffic stats. After I bought the site, traffic decreased by 10x.

Turns out the traffic he bought to the site was not organic. He had purchased it just long enough for our sale to go through.

I had $200 in paypal and payed $1000 with credit card for a total of $1200. When I realized what happened, I did a chargeback on my credit card, because paypal wouldn't help me. Ended up losing $200.

>> No.529605

I had the same experience, basically just ran away after a couple of weeks. I was working 50 hour weeks for for $100 p/w
Unemployment is far, far better than what they offer.

>> No.529612

What's wrong with doing business with a Mormon

>> No.529616

Hotels fine everything else terrible

>> No.529631

Bought online a betting tip for a "fixed" soccer game. Turned out it wasn't really fixed. Haven't done sports betting since that.

>> No.529634

AFAIK he left with over 200k. Nice fucking money.

>> No.529637

Thought I would make some coin by buying brand name electronics from the U.K when I was 16, now 19. Dumb idea obviously, money sent through though western union (for the love of god, don't ever send money unless you can 100% this person with your life) which added up to around 2.5k. Never saw it again, and he kept calling for more money because of overseas taxes that apparently had been paid - even though it was included in the quote of alibaba.

Yes I know it was dumb haha so no need for rude comments lol

All I can say is I have learnt a lot from my mistakes and now looking for more ideas.

>> No.529638


Thank god i'm not stupid enough to trust a random person on the internet with no credentials for thousands of dollars

>> No.529641


Knew there would be one.

It was a risk, sometimes they work and more times than not they don't. Now that I am in a much better financial situation, because of this and other mistakes I have made and learnt from, I have strict terms that I make deals with to minimise risk.

>> No.529643

I bought gold

>> No.529784


Played some obvious cons in three-card-Monte once, just for the experience.

They where actually very nice. Showed me how it worked from their perspective in exchange for the $5 I lost playing.

>> No.529810

Once, it was the classic salesman routine, on the phone:
"congratulation, you've won the right to buy our cellphone at a 20% reduction"
I fell for it, I was young and stupid, and it was my first cellphone.

Still it was a pretty good phone, so eh.

>> No.529815

I bought a real estate book that was supposed to give me an in to the business. Later they started asking for more money over the phone. I called them out on it and they said it was from someone else with my same first name that they meant to ask for more money from.

Also bought mining equipment from butterfly labs over a year ago before I bailed on bitcoin. Still waiting for my refund, those polesmokers.

>> No.529836

Luckily never

But my best friend fell for the MLM company Zinzino and spent the better part of 2000 dollars on coffee and three coffee machines before he realised how dumb it was, got demotivated, and now he has three coffee-making machines that he does not use

The coffee tasted good though, but it was a pyramid scheme from the getgo, they are even listed on the stock exchange and I wonder when they are going to go bancrupt or if they will succeed like Tupperware

>> No.529848

I'm embarrased for how stupid I was 4 years ago.

I got hooked into an online dating scam through Cougar Life. User spoke excellent english, Supposedly located in Illinois, gave me a mailing address and everything. I sent her flowers, and had way too much trouble getting them to her but it did happen. Then she decided to go to a humanitarian mission in Nigeria, and started asking me for money when she got "stuck" out there. I was so suckered in that I did it, for 2 months. Then it got really weird, which tells me it was a big operation. I'm in Colorado, and she actually had me send her money ($5k) from a "friend" in Grand Junction that sent it to me directly. I did it. Then "she" got desperate and tried to get my credit card info so that her dads million dollar estate could pass to me. I then noped the fuck out. In hindsight I should have called the FBI, but whatever.

Fuck Nigeria. I lost something like $2k on the scam. Never again

>> No.529854

The difference between a MLM and a pyramid scheme is that the MLM itself can survive long-term. It's just as much of a scam for employees / sales reps / whatever the hell you want to call them, but the business itself is more sound.

>> No.529857

If it makes you feel better, there was a worse example on Belgian television.
(don't remember the exact numbers)
His little love bird asked for money for a plane ticket, his reasoning:
"If I would go there, it would cost me €1000. She needs €600. So even if she isn't real, you actually save €400!"

>> No.530103

I fell for an online dating scam once.

Never again.

>> No.530131

I was a dumbass and bought a motorcycle for 20% APR.

Paid it off after two months ($8,000), so I didn't really deal with the bullshit but god damn am I fucking stupid. I was 19 years old.

>> No.530153

I bought a ps3 off a guy on craigslist for $100, I was an idiot for not plugging it in before buying it, never again

>> No.530248

That isn't a scam

The salesman helped you make a decision that was relevant to your interests

>> No.530253

Was it you? Think his username was Chailik (or something)

>> No.530262

You meant that you paid money or that you talked to a bot or something similar? If you attempted to date someone and failed it isn't a scam, though it can both feel shitty :D

There were some times were I was scammed that involved pricing of items. For example I once had someone deliver me a pizza and it was 10 euros. I paid it and after 2 mins he ringed my door again saying he didn't get enough money bla bla bla. I was like 'huh, oh well here you have the extra 4 euros'. Later I found out I actually did pay him exactly 10 euro I was just brainafk.

Otherwise I never really got scammed except by the government their tax rates, or signing up for an economics degree.

>> No.531274

my buddy paid for a 4chan pass once

>> No.531279

You could have theoretically gotten the police involved, it's illegal to sell something without being truthful about the product. Unless he specified the PS3 did not work, then it's completely your fault.

Check your local laws.

>> No.531281

Vector Marketing right?
My adviser warned me of it, he said he wasted an entire Summer trying to push that shit. Funnily enough they sent me a letter and it went straight to the bin.

>> No.531283

I feel for that scam too, never again.

>> No.531523

I paid half of the $100 buyin for a March Madness pool when I was 13 with my friend with the agreement that he entered the pool and we split the winnings if we made it into the money - we lost early and I just forgot about it

14 years later I found out that his entry didn't lose early, it won the whole thing for over $8,000.

>> No.531531

I just graduated from high school and I wanted a job so I looked for one at jobs.com or some shit like that, they offered a at home marketing job so I'm like what the hell

So anyways I looked at the offer which made me sit through a 30 minute video of basically this guy saying "I'm getting free money and I don't do shit"

Then called this guy so I can get started, tried making me buy a set of organic pills and I'm saying "I gotta talk to my parents about that" then never called ever again

>> No.531532

should have stayed for the cult pussy man

>> No.531535

>Anyone on /biz/ ever fallen for a scam before?


I got married

>> No.531539

Never fell for a scam. I am not greedy and I know wealth does not come from "opportunities" that weren't in my plans first.

Same remark for sales, I'm not going to buy something at a deep discount because I'm never buying a single thing that is not 1) already on my buying list, 2) necessary and well thought out.

>> No.531745

Yeah same happened with me but it wasn't pills but some registration shit. Was 17 too and pulled the same line lel

>> No.531917

>Slaying green dragons
>Safe 3 items including whip
>Guy comes and says he wants to make a video with me
>Tells me to bank all items except whip
>Just wants to kill me and I dont have to skull
>Gives me 100k
>We go back to wildy
>He drops 4noted dragon b axes
>I pick it up
>He teleblocks me
>Ice, dds, everything
>Think ok np i dont have skull
>Respawn with 3 noted dragon b axes and no whip

>> No.531918

Paramax speakers in a Frys parking lot for 300 bucks. You wouldnt have believe how well planned the scame was for what they were probably making. Totally not worth for the scammers. I heard some people fell for like a thousand though. Thank god it was only 300

>> No.531947

We all make mistakes anon

>> No.531951

I started working a bad paying 40 hour job 8 years ago. fml

>> No.531955
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Just though of something, dunno if it's a "scam".
Babby's first time soliciting somewhere, guy told me he'd hire me. I could start working and he'll bring me the contract.

Whenever I tried to get hold of him for the contract he "wasn't there". Came in the shop unannounced, saw him and then he gave me €15 for almost two days of work.

If my father hadn't told me to be pushy, I'd have lost more time on it.
However, I was so aghast to discover that people were dishonest... I didn't solicit anywhere anymore till after high school (which is what I regret most of all).

>> No.531977

preordered a videogame

>> No.532020
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>Know a guy who works with kirbys as a door knocker.
>Ask whether its ok pay.
>He tells me he hasn't been paid in a month, and hasn't sold any kirby's, its commission based.
>He literally then tries to sell me a kirby.
>He goes on about how they're really great machines, and how surprised he was at their quality etc.
>After a few minutes of conversation, he tells me about how the company makes everyone sing the 'kirby' song. Which goes something like "we will find a home for you, yes we will, a home for every kirby!!!"
>He then tries to sell me a kirby again.
>He still works there after 9 months.
>He's been broke that whole time.

>> No.532026

don't be aghast, we tell our children that being good is the norm and evil/stupidity is unusual so that we don't stress them out too much, part of becoming an adult is realizing it is the other way round

you have to search for the few good people out there, when you take a risk on someone and they disappoint just roll the dice again, eventually you'll hit a 6

>> No.532027
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>He literally then tries to sell me a kirby.
>"we will find a home for you, yes we will, a home for every kirby!!!"
>He still works there after 9 months.
lel, I don't even

I don't even understand the psychology behind this

I don't

>> No.532040

it's been so long, but are four dragon b axes less valuable than a whip? also lol if you had just picked up two you'd have been in the clear.

>> No.532051

So its not only me that the pass doesn't work for?

>> No.532086

I paid money for the service but it turned out the women were fake.

>> No.532102

biz stole from tv


>> No.532207

I once mined stablecoins for three days.

>> No.532263

Nope, just familiar with the case.

These threads inspire me though, I live in a pretty unregulated third world country, recently some brilliant man made a few millions with a ponzi scheme, one of the guys dumb enough to go to the police lost 400k because after the first "payout" he sold a prime location business real estate he rented and invested it in the scheme. He made so much money from that rent that he was set for life and now he works lowest paid manual labour jobs just to get food. It's a dog eat dog world here.

>> No.532335

That sounds surprisingly encouraging :)

>> No.532348


A guy tried to sell me his boots for ten dollars.

I gave him ten dollars and told him God was watching.

I'm not even Christian.

>> No.532359

Never had much money to lose in the first so no way to get swindled.

Most I've probably lost is due to laziness.

>some guy teaching how to do affiliate marketing on his site for $97
>sure why not
>take notes from his videos
>check similar sites
>going for those niche keywords
>try building up a site
>can't get enough traffic
>conversion rate
>meh fuck it

Outside of webhosting, buying some urls, and the training program probably lost out on 350-400.

>> No.532458
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this kirby? I thought it was just a cartoon character. Maybe it's just a USA thing.

>> No.532917

"If I just keep working it'll work out."
the motto of a lot of people

This is just a particularly extreme case

>> No.532929

>be on coke music
>see all these people with nice furni
>i want nice furni
>google search how to get a lot of coke caps (or whatever the currency was) for furni
>we'll give you nice furni, just send your pw
>send pw
>sign in next day excited
>all my shit is gone

never again

also, my mom bought a car on craigslist for 3K that broke down the next day. there's no lemon laws in our state so there was nothing we could do. shit pissed me off, especially when i went on facebook and found out he's christian.

>> No.532940

what the fuck is furni

>> No.532951

sent my money to a prince in Nigeria, I don't regret it tho he said he really needed them and will pay be triple in few months

>> No.532969

>Maybe it's just a USA thing.
I live in the US and I'm not really positive what they are, I think it may be a brand of vacuum cleaner

>> No.533483

Anyone this stupid deserves it

>> No.533492

Damn, thats one advanced scam. Props on him

>> No.533539


>> No.533623

It's the vacuum brand. I've never seen one but I've heard of it.

>> No.533646
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>visit website often
>pretty cool, I enjoy my time there and it is a really unique experience
>one catch
>every time I want to talk to someone the website creator makes me translate a bit of Somalian
>says it's for this project he's working on
>project fails
>Somalian stays but creator gives users a way out
>$20 to get rid of this annoying shit
>mfw I bought a 4chan pass

>> No.533691

Once this black dude
, when I was 15, asked me to use my phone. He called one of those faggit money d raining services and nommed 10€ off my phone account. The worst part was that I knew about these, I was just a bleeding idiot

>> No.533772

>also, my mom bought a car on craigslist for 3K that broke down the next day.

Fucking been there.

I actually bought a cheap car from an elderly couple earlier this year, that claim to have owned it since it was first built. It still has dealership stickers, completely original interior, and old man spec bits and pieces all over the place. Two weeks after buying it, it blew a head gasket and severely overheated. I tore down the engine in my garage, pulled the head off, and sent it to a machine shop to get reconditioned, and the machine shop told me that it had been reco'd in the recent past at some point. The cylinder bores looked re-honed as well, so my best guess is that the engine had some serious issues before and ended up getting rebuilt by some shitty garage mechanic. Since the head needed new valves, lifters, and a valve grind done, the entire repair ended up costing me $1400 or so. I've since put it back together and the fucker overheats... got sold a lemon car.

What really gets me is that the people selling it were literally 80 year old retirees. The car has grandpa spec everything, stock wheels, engine components, suspension, etc. Maybe they were selling it for someone who trashed it in the past? Maybe they were just trying to offload it, and ended up being lying cunts? I have no idea. It seriously is some next level scamming shit though.

>> No.534090

Too ashamed to admit.

>> No.534095

nearly fell for this
>only people to reply to any of my job applications
>they put me on a trial
>go out with them for about 6 hours
>the entire car ride the group was telling me how i could make 2000 a fortnight
>the guy saying this has a nokia brick phone
>cheap jeans
>worn out shoes
>basically doesnt look like he makes around 4k a month
>they're selling some car washing product
>he sells about 4 cans in 6 hours
>only made like $20
>the others about the same
>say i did really well in the training and want to hire me

yeah, nah.

>> No.534105

>>the guy saying this has a nokia brick phone
>>cheap jeans
>>worn out shoes
>>basically doesnt look like he makes around 4k a month
He could be incredibly frugal y'know. I've met a bunch of people with stacks of cash in the bank, only coz they don't spend a dime until whatever they have breaks. Those brick phone can last a while.

>> No.534106

This is 4chan, and you're anon. In fact just talking about it should be therapy enough to make you feel a little better about it. Spill the beans, we've all been chums.

>> No.534348

This, I know a millionaire who dosent even have a bed, he sleeps on the floor, says it feels good on his back.

>> No.534366

fastwax my nigga, did that shit but i made like 600 on a hot day and 60 on a bad day

>> No.534369

What the fuck is wrong with them?

Do they just jack off over knowing they have 7 figures in their bank account and lots of money but having the same quality of life as a mcdonalds worker? Money is suppose to enhance life if you're the exact same as someone who is at the poverty line then what the hell is even the point

>> No.534372

>green dragons
>tfw nostalgia

RS had some of the most complex scams and lures I've ever seen,

Oldschool before grand exchange:

>2 guys stand in a bank
>one selling karils coif 400k
>one buying karils coif 1.2m
>karils coif is 60k
>the guy buying it will never accept trade

>> No.534375

>work at door to door sales company one summer
>instantly recognize its a classic pyramid scheme and 99% of the employees are getting fucked while the guys at the top are going to space (virgin galactic),
>no one else seems to realise this
>one girl working 14 hours a day hard selling and pushing sales
>see her one day showing off her louis vittonne handbag she bought for £800
>mfw these people are fucking idiots

I made £350 in an hour standing on a street basically chatting to people once though that was sweet.

>> No.534377
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pic related,
3rd richest man in the world

>> No.534390

It works, you just need to sign into it dummy

It's a scam because 2 months after moot created it he bumped the post timer up to 60 seconds. The ease of posting isn't such a big deal when you have an entire minute to type in a new captcha

>> No.534397

Bought a 40€ android phone of an unknown company at dx.com

wasted 40€, plus I fear any battery might explode

>> No.534409

money buys you peace of mind more than anything. Blowing it all on luxury items is a good way to take that piece of mind away in exchange for material shit. Lifestyle inflation is a bitch.

>> No.534413

What this guy says,living a life of excess and extravagance will not make you happy it will have the opposite effect.

"Some people are so poor all they have is money"

>> No.534414


>> No.534421

True, but I was still annoyed, with that property he had upper class income, maybe like 250k USD (compared to our standard of living of course), he was living really well and he threw it away without thinking. I want to con a few suckers like that.

>> No.534423

Oh god, I remember those, along with free enchanting or gold plating, or whatever, London haven't played it in 5 years. Do post more if you remember.

>> No.534431

Now I didn't say blow it all on luxury items, I understand that's foolish I'm simply saying what good is money if your lifestyle didn't change a bit from when you were making minimum wage?

Is it simply a collection of wealth as an achievement to say "I have $7,000,000 in my bank account I am richer than you" or is it to actually use and enjoy? Why would you constantly save money until you turn 70 and can't even enjoy it anymore.

Except it will. You can now afford higher quality things which result in higher quality of life.
Most importantly you can now ignore price tags and simply buy whatever you like the most since you are rich.

Instead of building a budget pc for $600 for example you can buy whatever you like for $1500, instead of looking at price of different trips for vacation you now choose the one you like the most regardless of how much it costs., instead of looking at how much food costs and trying to find deals you buy the brand and food item you enjoy the most, instead of looking for your new car for <$10,000 you now purchase whichever car you like the most.

Simply cultivating money like some Jews do while not living anything different from some 20 year old kid working in a grocery store makes absolutely 0 sense.

>> No.534439


Almost. Once.

>Be me. Young NEET. No direction.
>Meet lady.
>Introduces me to some people.
>They talk and walk and act rich.
>Meet up with these "rich" people now and then.
>Start saying stuff in front of me, "Think he has what it takes?" "Nahhh, he don't have what it takes." Change subject.
>Eventually start saying, "Think he has what it takes?" "He might have what it takes..."
>One day, say again, "Think he has what it takes?" Before anyone else can reply, I reply, "What does it take? Cause I got what it takes. That's for damn sure." They look at each other and say, "All right. He has what it takes."
>Give me the pitch.
>Sounds fucking great.
>Sit my parents down and tell them about it. Gonna make 'em proud.
>Parents nod head. Listening quietly. Say, "if that's something I want to do then they'll support me."
>Few days later.
>"Rich" guy says something that I hadn't heard him say before.
>Ask him to repeat himself.
>Changes the subject.
>Thousands of things start running through my head. Realize I'm staring at my hands with what the fuck was I thinking face.
>"Fuck, I forgot about a doctor appointment. I gotta go."
>Drive to parents.
>Dad's outside mowing the lawn. Shuts off engine as I pull into driveway. Turn off car. Open door and get out.
>"Why didn't you try and stop me?"
>"When I'm gone, how are you gonna know you're making a big mistake if I never let you make one? You know how they got you? Why you wanted to do it?"
>Think for a minute. Money? Women? Power? All of the above?
>"...I guess I didn't want to be a loser anymore..."
>Dad nods.
>"Good. Now you know you're not."
>Dad starts up lawn mower and keeps working.
>Go inside. Watch Dad through the window for a long time.
>Have shit job and enrolled in night classes by end of the week.

Never again.

>> No.534448

By freely spending I was hated by everyone below me (50+) lower paid service workers. Plus it exageratez every little character flaw you have & you become different, strange.

>> No.534449

Got scammed by some gypsies who half fixed my car bumper. Not a big deal I'm sure they needed the money more than me at the time.

If anyone hands you a business card with a jesus fish on it, toss that shit in the garbage immediately.

>> No.534463

I attended public school. It was stupid and boring, and employers never ask if I graduated high school, so it is officially pointless.

I bought a house for more than its actual value. (I later defaulted on my mortgage, but it still cost me my downpayment, and some monthly mortgage payments.)

I dated a girl with borderline personality disorder once. The sex was good for a while, at least.

>> No.534475

Could you be any more vague? What did they try to get you to do? What did he say that gave you your moment of clarity?

>> No.534501

Did you see the "Mr.Hands" video? He lied about not doing it, he was died actually.

>> No.534502

Yeah, I was born. Ruined my life.

>> No.534516

Fuck, man. That story still blows my mind every time I hear about it. It just doesn't make sense in any way, whatsoever.

>> No.534518

>Not a big deal I'm sure they needed the money more than me at the time.

That's the attitude that a sheep would take. Are you a sheep? Or are you a shark? You gotta have no neck, like a motherfuckin' shark. Screw everyone else, make your money and fuck them over like a true shark.

>> No.534521

I havent heard the story. care to explain?

>> No.534524

I once scammed a shoe shining boy in some big European city, paid that sucker with a worthless American dime he couldn't even pay for anything with.

>> No.534554


Well you can Google it but I'll give you the basics. This is all on Wikipedia.

>Guy A shows up at Washington hospital with Guy B saying Guy B needs help.
>Guy B is taken into hospital and dies in the emergency room from a perforated colon.
>Hospital staff goes to find Guy A and he's gone.
>Hospital turns ID of Guy B over to police.
>Turns out, Guy B is a Boeing Engineer with security clearance.
>Police go to friends and family of dead Guy B trying to find Guy A.
>Somehow discover Guy B goes to this farm.
>Police then discover this farm is known as a place to go by a lot of people for bestiality with livestock...unknown to the owner of the farm.
>Police then discover hundreds of hours of videotapes of bestiality from this farm, including recent video of dead Guy B, filmed by neighbor of the farm with some other guy who was never named or charged.
>Video of Boeing Engineer Guy B getting fucked to death by a horse leaks online.
>Political and media shit storm ensues.
>Neighbor who filmed it got 1 year suspended sentence, $300 fine, and one day of community service.
>Neighbor who filmed it arrested 4 years later in Tennessee for basically the same thing, though nobody died, and got probation.

Kenneth Pinyan. Enumclaw Horse Sex Case.


Weird story all around, man. Weird story.

>> No.535305
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Bump for intrest

>> No.535370

... wut

>> No.535402
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>Be 14, circa 2004
>Parents relatively poor and divorced
>still get 600€ to buy computer for school work & internet
>Buy it on eBay.
>It never ships.
>mfw eBay scammer.

>> No.535535


>> No.535772

Dude that's really fucking sad.

>> No.535777

>new project
>numbers instead of Somalian
>somehow this is even more good for the planet
>if i wanted to do this id do statistics

>> No.535780

They probably do have their reasons. The rest just have some OCD were spending money instead of cultivating stresses them out.
But for the former reason for example: There was a TLC show on Extremely Frugal people and one was a person who collected shit from the dump and even skimped out on some basic hygiene just to save maybe $100 extra a year. That person however I believe owns their apartment, and will be ready to buy whatever other property they wanted, in cash. They had about 6 figures in the bank, and worked hard. No partner. They just have goals I suppose.

>> No.535812


bump, how the fuck do >>534439 and >>534554
have anything to do with each other?

>> No.536158

Im also confused

>> No.536210

>completed the witch potion in rimmington
>hike to falador to the east bank
>guys in gold trimmed black armor start talking to me
>they tell me there is an item they want to pick up but their accounts are full
>give me 1000 gold right there, say they will give me 10,000 if i collect enough
>fuck it, ill be a pack mule for a hour
>go northwest
>its this little temple with zamorak(evil god) monks in it
>try to pick up zamorak wine
>turns out its damned, all the monks suddenly become aggressive
>door closes with blk(g) guys holding it close, no way out. cant apparate out since no runes

fuck old runescape

>> No.536286

damn, that's a sweet scam. He made money off of you AND the parts of the xbox. If I wasn't such a moralfag, I'd try something like that.

>> No.536774

bump for stories

>> No.536784

About 12 years ago, I had an online relationship with someone for 3 years. I thought she was my age, but it turns out she was 50 and was sending me pictures of her daughter.

Pathetic I know, but I was a loser in my younger years.

>> No.536788


>> No.536790


Anyway heres my story:
>be 13
>playing neopets
>give us ur password, we'll multiply ur neopoints !
>log in

>> No.536831

are you divorceanon or the other guy who wanted to get rid of his money so his wife couldn't get it?

>> No.536837

>playing diablo 2
>trading some really valuable set piece item or some shit
>some guy offers an SoJ
>fuck yeah
>put it up in the trade window
>accept trade
>he switches the SoJ for some shit magic ring where the picture looks the same
>I'm so eager I just re-accept the trade, not really thinking
>he gets my good shit
>I get his shit shit

Pretty bad scam as scams go, but my excuse is that I was like 11.

>> No.536855
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>Be like 10
>playing Habbo Hotel
>with friends
>all we did was scamming people
>probably most fun I had in a game ever
>rewarding feeling you got something actually worth money
>mfw I realise we made kids cry

>> No.536870

Gonna have to break it off with my jesus cult soon.
I play Smash Bros. with a couple of the guys though. It's gonna be tough.

>> No.536886

I work in a legal firm so we get a lot of stupid civil shit; scams, mistakes and so on. You'd be surprised how many people fuck up. And the ones who fuck up are sometimes so goddamn creative, it should be classified as commercial banditism or something.
I've never been scammed in my life. My friends haven't been scammed either, except this one fool who lost a 300$ CS:GO knife on Steam because of falling for stupid scam.

>> No.536895

>Anyone on /biz/ ever fallen for a scam before?

Yes. Look up "Hollywood accounting". I fell for that shit.

>If so how did you deal with it?

It was only $1500, which, in the grand scheme of things is nothing. I now know what greed feels like, which has helped me avoid other scams, so I conciser it Savvy 101.

>> No.536951
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>be in grand exchange clan chat lobby
>be basically doing a pump and dump in runescape
>everyone buying rune plate bodies increasing their wealth
>we're supposed to dump the next day
>but prices start dropping hours before the next day
>see on price charts the rune plate bodies are in free fall
>desperately try to sell
>no use
>plate bodies don't sell for another 3 days
>when they do sell I end up losing about 3mil

looking back on it years later its amazing how sophisticated people were on the game.

>> No.537106

I once bought some pills on the promise it would make my 5" penis grow to 8"+. My penis only got to 7.5", what a fucking scam.

>> No.537142

I used to offer 1800k, then add a few items. I'd act like a noob e.g. offer 1.8m for zamorak helm then add stuff like coal ore or yew logs, then slyly remove from the cash pile, so it was only 10k gp. I scammed tons of treasure trail items, rune sets, you name it.

>> No.537156

My friend's grandparents got taken on that Legends of Oz scam movie for a few grand. The moment I heard about it I called scam and he did the research and tried to warn them, but too late.

>> No.537158

>buying grey market goods from foreign markets
>oops there goes 800 to a scammer

never happened again though so I chalked that up to a learning experience

>> No.537168

i had 22btc+ on mintpal

how i dealt with it? fucking raged, punched a wall and broke my wrist

>> No.537243


My father did the same, he lost a lot of money on investing in a film project. You have to be a real scumbag to sell a net profit investment like that with a straight face.

>> No.537251


Anyone in North America who has ever invested in a mutual fund.

Biggest white collar scam NA

>> No.537252



>> No.537815

>Is it simply a collection of wealth as an achievement to say "I have $7,000,000 in my bank account I am richer than you" or is it to actually use and enjoy?

If I had 7mil in the bank you know what I would do? Absolutely nothing.

>> No.537840

>implying putting your money in a huge pot where the jews can manipulate it is a good idea

>> No.537855

One time, I was driving my cargo truck and I decided to stop at a diner in a NY suburb, parked it, everything seemed fine, waved hello to some nice fellas standing in the parking lot, no niggas around, no big deal, I go in to get my lunch, come back out, truck was gone, some niggers stole my truck, you believe that? Went back in to the diner to ring the police, unbelievable. I don't leave the keys in my truck anymore.

>> No.537887

Goodfellas reference?

>> No.538841
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omggg fucking Kirbys I used to sell these right out of high school

>get "hired" (hiring process is "do you have your own car? Welcome aboard")
>Okay anon, you will have to go on 15 appointments per week to sell these fucking thousand dollar vacuums
>$200 commission for each one sold, and as long as you do all 15 appointments you get $600/week
>make myself available for every appointment, but they could only give me 14 because their leads sucked
>almost all of them were just randoms out of a phone book that thought the appointment was for something else, and they were almost all poor as shit (South Boston)
>14th appointment was on a Sunday at 11pm (not joking, literally 11pm) in Cape Cod (I live north of Boston so over 100 miles, easily)
>Take the appointment because I'm dead broke
>Woman actually buys the Kirby on credit
>Call supe to run quick credit check
>Her credit score is <200 (lel)
>Can't do it cause she can't pay cash
>No credit for the sale
>Oh anon, well we did say you need 15 appointments to make the $600.00
>Work over 60 hours + use my own gas for literally $0
>he does it for free
>blow off all my appointments the next day
>snap quit, never look back

Jesus fuck that place... We never sung the Kirby song though lmao that's amazing

>> No.538863

>what the fuck did that guys story even say
>almost got scammed and stared at his hands but had a doctor appointment but not really

literally what

>> No.538872


maybe he was going to get paid filming some poor sod getting fucked by a horse

>> No.538875

>buy grey market shit from china
>customs seizes that shit
>lose 27k

I made it back the next week but oh well.. cost of doing business.

>> No.538894

>approached y guys in a parking lot
>selling stero systems
>buy one
>it works
>over payed

never again

>> No.539332

signed up for college. luckily I didn't finish though. Oh hoh good thing

>> No.539431


My parents god suckered into buying a Kirby a long time ago, like a whole huge kit for $700 or something.

>Door-to-door salesman
>full demonstration
>Parents agree
>We'll bill you for it
>Bill never comes
>Nobody ever calls
>Free Kirby vacuum

It actually was a very good vacuum.