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52940312 No.52940312 [Reply] [Original]

Participants should buy at least 1 XMR. Never keep your XMR on an exchange. Always move it to a personal wallet. Hold for 20 years.

>TOGETHER, as an unknown amount, we will make it

>> No.52940337
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Remember to teach your daughter about Monero!

>> No.52940387
File: 18 KB, 371x353, 1631467898525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy at least 1 XMR.
>Hold for 20 years.

>> No.52940438

Can I atomic swap xmr with 99% of other crypto's out there? No? well I can with ARRR now. Must suck to suck.

>> No.52940487

Yes, very cool. Your cryptocoin is the best.

>> No.52940561

Monerocels missed out on the last two bull runs, absolute midwits

>> No.52940574

I like the idea behind the coin, maybe because I’m a Linux user myself, how do I get them if I’m, literally speaking, poor?

>> No.52940645

I will buy only if price goes up and to the right.
Moon is the only thing that matters.

>> No.52940826

How's that working out for the majority of the shitcoins on the market right now?

>> No.52940914

>Participants should buy at least 1 XMR. Never keep your XMR on an exchange. Always move it to a personal wallet. Hold for 20 years.
Are you giving out 1 XMR or a portion of it? Don’t make these threads unless you are

>> No.52941459

Normie here, XMR is shit and will always be shit if I can’t buy it and spend it easily. Robinhood won’t let me buy it, coinbase and binance apps are difficult to set up. Was going to buy in to XMR when it was $250, now it’s $150 and not any easier to buy.

XMR: great in theory, shit in execution.

>> No.52941640

I keep my monero in my desktop wallet and cakewallet.
I dont trust ledger or trezor, should I?

>> No.52941717
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How does one get money?

You clearly don't spend much time thinking.
I honestly don't know what to say to people like you. I've been sitting here for five minutes trying to write some response, but I don't even know where to begin. Is it the conflating Monero with exchanges? The use of Robinhood or the supposed difficulty of using Goybase? Maybe it's the interest in Monero for financial gain rather than its incredible utility?
I'm at a loss.

>usb stick
>tails os
>persistent storage
>feather wallet

>> No.52941719
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>was about to buy high
>too dumb to figure out how to buy
>price goes low
>"it's shit"

>> No.52941727


But I agree. XMR was made for linux commie neckbeard basement dwellers, who suck latino gangsta druglord cock.

Moon is the only thing that matters. PRICE, that is the most important thing.

>> No.52941773

>usb stick
You know how many usb sticks have died on me? The last one that shit the bed I had a bunch of important projects from college.
See cake wallet, you only need an email to access a bunch gift cards

>> No.52941798

>You know how many usb sticks have died on me?
I've never had a single one die on me, but I've heard it happens. The seed is obviously stored somewhere else.

>> No.52942226

To participate in Monero Monday

Mine with p2pool

It will, just participate and be patient. XMR is the comfiest hold if you believe (or realize why it's very likely to be useful in the future)

>> No.52942936

This. But you can trade ARRR trustlessly, kyc-free via atomic swap on atomicdex.io right now. If XMR bros had invested more effort into collaboration as opposed to fud and attacks on all other privacy protocols perhaps Monero would have the same options now. The moral of the story is that xmr has stagnated due to tribalism. https://dexstats.info/searchorders.php?address=&coinsell=arrr

>> No.52943187
File: 151 KB, 1318x632, On0hfyv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Monero already has several dedicated DEXs in development.
2. Nobody cares about ARRR.

>> No.52943201

Thanks, I’ll try trocador. I’m not tech savvy and I shouldn’t have to be, I’m a normie, but normies make big line go up.
All I can say for currencies and exchanges is that a simple and streamlined process would go a long way towards growth.
I know jack squat about crypto, the only reason I’m getting “into” crypto is to figure out a way to buy XMR since it’s the only coin that doesn’t seem like a scam.
I want to stack XMR as an investment since I’m too stupid to figure out how to shop for guns and cocaine on the dark web. So hopefully with this app I can load cash and buy XMR. It’s probably the bottom now and the best time to get on the bandwagon.

>> No.52943226

Trocador does not work with cash.
For this I would recommend BISQ, since Haveno is still on the works.
You will need to buy BTC and then swap for XMR on trocador.

>> No.52943411

So I,
Download BISQ
Exchange dollars for bitcoin
Download trocador
Send bitcoin from BISQ wallet to trocador wallet
Exchange bitcoin for XMR on trocador
