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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52939862 No.52939862 [Reply] [Original]

This is the lamest fucking bear market I've ever seen in my life. Weak-ass atrophic pumps with volatility lower than pulse of under-the-knee smelly stinky piece of breatheless fentanigger shit. Same FUD repackaged and reheated like the most kosher goyslop. Same lame-ass bullshit threats of regulayshun like it's 2018. Same boring insipid retards with their useless bullshit out-of-the-ass horseshit takes. God I hate this fucking market.

>> No.52939885

low iq post

>> No.52939938

True. It feels so fake and fabricated.

>> No.52940109

/biz/ is captured by VC funded GPT chatbots. Last bear market we could at least discuss ideas without "people" flying into hysterics but now the entire discourse is geared toward manipulating people's emotions. Every other post reads like it was written by a vengeful woman. These bots are like chemical or bioweapons, there aren't any great defenses against it.

>> No.52940139

It’s so weird and different that I actually start to believe the „this time it’s actually over“ doomers… I don’t feel so good bros.

>> No.52940181
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go back

>> No.52940283

For stocks? maybe. For crypto we have never seen such a brutal bear market. This has been the worse one yet.

>> No.52940484

Nope, this bear market is kino as fuck. Societal collapse, war, Great Depression 2.0. It’s all going to happen. The macro environment has never been worse then it has been now

>> No.52941068

>Nope, this bear market is kino as fuck. Societal collapse, war, Great Depression 2.0. It’s all going to happen. The macro environment has never been worse then it has been now
it's just getting started. the real fun begins when shit hits the fan and the Fed has to decide between hyperinflation or a great depression where 99% of the unemployed population is basically useless

>> No.52941147
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>Societal collapse, war, Great Depression 2.0.
This world is too cruel to be that exciting. Life is just going to slowly and tediously become more and more unbearable until we all unceremoniously commit suicide.

>> No.52941302

>it's just getting started
Yeah bro it's JUST getting started.
From here on out there will only be crisis after crisis after crisis till the day you die. You think it's bad? Well it's only getting even worse. And worse. And then it will ACTUALLY get even worse. Just more pain forever. We are so far from the bottom it isn't even funny. There is no bottom. Where will the new money magically come from huh? It's so over. No happy thoughts never ever. Crisis and pain forever. Be afraid. It's over. It's dead. Buckle up.