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52938320 No.52938320 [Reply] [Original]

>no actual relief rallies
>taking longer to bottom out than the 2018 one
>no blowoff top, yet shits this hard anyways
>4 red quarters in a row LMFAOOOOOoOOOoOaoOOOOaoaoaaoaiaiaiaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa
>will do something like 80-86% like every other bear market despite, again, having no blowoff top
>BNB has held better from the ath and that's with manipulated fud targeting it too
Bitcoin is a memecoin, but worse because it takes itself seriously

>> No.52938352

wen moon

>> No.52938372

wait do you avoid the bear or do you avoid the bull? this is such a stupid analogy

>> No.52938398

i'm scared bros... six figure portfolio... need hope

>> No.52938412
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>diminishing returns
>same downturns
Bitcoin is unironically dead, 69k was the peak

It might pump to 40k after the next halving if we're lucky

>> No.52938431

What you said makes no fucking sense based off of what I wrote in the op. Yes, DCA here, stupid. I'm simply stating facts on how shit btc has performed. Unjustified bullshit. Even bitch stocks and gold had better green periods aka relief rallies. Bitcoin just shat for 14 months straight

>> No.52938455

Nah, it will make an ath. Reason we really dumped was because jews wanted to buy cheap so they are manipulating this shit to do so. Sam also is responsible for making btc be anemic by printing paper btc among other shit.

>> No.52938528

Bitcoin barely did a x3 in half a decade (20k -->69k), it's over. Nobody wants to buy in anymore especially when it's highly correlated with boomer market

>> No.52938546
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And all to stop Chainlink.

>> No.52938549

Just don't buy like a pussy then. Literally clockwork. Normies never dca into the red. They'd rather buy in the heavy green

>> No.52938573

The pump from 40k to 69k in the span of a few weeks was factually a blowoff top. Your mistake is constantly expecting the same rates of gains at 1 trillion mcap as it had at 1 million mcap.

>> No.52938618

What really sets this bear market apart is the banning of Trump NFT threads

>> No.52938654

>factually a blowoff top
First of all, you're an idiot. BNB rallied harder and even then didn't drop as much as btc. Held its value better despite being an alt coin that had a stronger rally while also being fudded by jews to all hell.
Secondly "same rates of gains". Huh? Retard. Learn what "DIMINISHING returns" are. No fucking shit btc isn't going to do some 100x shit, but in terms of diminishing returns, yes, this run was ass as far as btc goes

>> No.52938753

You are retarded.

>> No.52938972

nothing but endless humiliation, demoralization, and schadenfreude. Truly a gay faggot year with what feels like a black swan every other week. Even if I miraculously become a billionaire by Feb 2023 I think I'll still be bitter about this past year. I know that's a shitty attitude to have but man it's hard not to feel that way

>> No.52939001

>bear market
I've told you millions of times already. This is not a bear market. This is crypto failing right in front of your eyes. It's gone. Zero. Nada.

>> No.52939050

That's what they say every bear market.

Blowoff tops don't usually repeat slightly higher a few months later.

>> No.52939110

We are in a recession, crypto has never been through one before. Crypto has also never dealt with high interest rates, we are in uncharted territory.

>> No.52939141


This and its important that we gain new leadership in the United States, this is all a consequence of the 2020 election. I also would like to add it would be a good idea to kill all the mexicans flooding into our country so they do not continue spreading their corruption.

>> No.52939255

Its because the broad market is taking a shit

World index is down 10% yoy

>> No.52939317

>That's what they say every bear market.
As OP said, this has not happened before. Ask yourself why.

>> No.52939325

it’s not a bear market it’s a depression you mongoloid

>> No.52939348

>he thinks we are currently in a bear market
You will know soon what a bear market is, when Binance goes bankrupt

>> No.52939372

And trust me, it's been very painful to come to that conclusion, I had $300,000 just a year ago, but it is what it is, mate. The economy was flooded with free money for a decade and that money went into internet tokens that we call crypto, but it's not real, it was never real, it was a bubble all the time. Free money creates bubbles, every economist knows that, and we've fallen for this one.

>> No.52939426

>1 ruble deposited to your account, Ivan

>> No.52939428

In some ways, sure. In many ways it's nowhere near the worst.

>The economy was flooded with free money for a decade and that money went into internet tokens
lel you're acting like people got all kinds of paychecks from the government directly into their hands.

>> No.52939460
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same im down 50% and unemployed and dont want to go back to work im also in my 30s and a virgin kek i feel like my head is getting so hot and full of pressure it's about to explode any day

>> No.52939712
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>diminishing returns

>> No.52939738
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>> No.52939740
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what if next year we got 4 quarters of green?

>> No.52939752

I had a little over 300k a year ago that was mostly in stocks and I sold almost all of it, then dumped it into down payment on house, as well as physical gold & silver & platinum. Been trying to make money all year in BTC & stocks and have so far failed but don't care due to my physical assets. Knowing they're real versus digital lets me sleep easy and not care about the fiat casino so much.

>> No.52940063

had as it may sound we don't know if we gonna dip further but then we just have to keep a position on preferred gems be it perp DEX tokens GMX, mobility-native tokens RIDE; BNB, Azero and stake even though it means wrapped BTC on DEXs say Uniswap via liquidity mining. Just spread coz the bulls may take a while to return.

>> No.52940125

>it's the RIDE pajeet bot
expect another reply to this

>> No.52940198

someone get this hothead outta here

>> No.52940219

Now how do you feel saying that?
oh yeah bruv it's a dynamic IP maybe someday you'd understand.

>> No.52941369

Do you fucking hear yourself right now?

>> No.52941446

this childrens cartoon forum is your entire existence, isnt it?

>> No.52941453

retard normie trash
>muh jews will destroy the samurai!
We deserve it
NGMI. Nah jk. You will, but by the time we do, our minds will be so warped where it won't even matter.

>> No.52942684

Nope , all to stop BSV. Nobody cares about your Oracle on ETH shitchain

>> No.52942751


Thank you for putting eloquent words to it. Completely demoralizing year.

>> No.52942917

all that means is volatilitys gone down and you have no way of knowing if it'll ever reach 80% so with that considered its actually held up better

>> No.52942951

the returns are about 5x less every cycle this still followed the same pattern as always

>> No.52943293

It's literally down 77% from the ath, Lel. It's also in a giant bear flag. 80-84% is in the cards.

>> No.52943366

It was a dead cat bounce moron. The bull ended the moment the parabolic advance was broken. We've been bear for 18 months.

>> No.52943398

stay shitting in the fucking gutter my brownoid

>> No.52943405

Worse than gox

>> No.52943417

At this rate it feels like 4 more red quarters is more likely

>> No.52944948

>bitcoin is dying which means its market cap will be put on the other coins
I don't hold any bitcoin because that's like having a Ford Model T in modern times

>> No.52944957

lolno. They have like 3 more to go and you can tell the last one will pump it regardless.
Also it's not about the inflation itself but the rate. People only care about knowing if it peaked or not.

>> No.52944975

Stop using terms like "bear market" and random file name if you talk specifically about Bitcoin you monkey

>> No.52945102

Why hold gold when you can invest in diamonds instead?

>> No.52945314

retard take

>> No.52945340

Bear markets end when things are cheap. They aren't fucking cheap yet. Most alts need to fall another 90%, and btc another 50%. I do think it's a decent time to start accumulating. Be prepared though, this may be 2-3 years of bleeding

>> No.52945372


>> No.52945785

>>no actual relief rallies
>>no blowoff top, yet shits this hard anyways
>Bitcoin just shat for 14 months straight
Fuck, this hit me like a motherfucking truck.
Been buying and holding since 2017.
We got scammed out of a blowoff top, while retards bought in shit like SHIB for a hundred bucks and ended up with tens of millions of dollars.

I completely missed selling the top at 69k because I watched hotshot traders sell 7k in 2017 thinking it was the top then boom, 20k.
Now 5 years later I'm fucking down from 2017 prices.
And now we just grinded down nonstop for over a year with no relief anywhere.

What the fuck man, if this cycle's top is just as disappointing (if we even get a bull run and if it is still even a cycle, which already seems doubtful) I'm out.

>> No.52945820

BTC isn't done dropping yet, sell

>> No.52945921

What is -85% of 69k? There's your bottom.

>> No.52946009

Hey dum dum. That's a log chart. Turn log off

>> No.52946387

>Sam also is responsible for making btc be anemic by printing paper btc among other shit.
when you print fake paper btc btc price is affected? You dont sell them on the spot market

>> No.52948268

That'd be 10,350

>> No.52948638
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everyone and their barbers 'n mothers are bearish af.

i think this time majority of bearish traders will get fucked by tranny cow waiting the 10k'ish BTC just like majority of bulls got scammed out of the blow off top in last ATH.

this is the bottom if any. or atleast were near it.

>> No.52948700
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Next come the crab market. We get to scuttle around at the bottom once it's in. This is when smart money buys and bagholders get buck broken and leave. This lasts for years. By the time thr next bull run begins Binnance will be as well known as Bittrex and 90% of your current shitcoins will fade into obscurity like 2017 shitcoins.
>t. 2017oldfag
I look forward to not having to hear your redditor meme words
>short squeeze
>web 3
When these retarded 21 run memewords die off then the end of the this cycle is complete and a new one can begin.

>> No.52948721
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>This lasts for years.
False. Pic rel

>> No.52948816

Can't wait to hear about all the mass suicides at 10k, you dumbfuck hodl retards deserve it

>> No.52948866

If you're not dcaing from now to a potential 10k, you're an idiot. These are buy zones even if we can go -40% to -50% lower. In a year from now, these prices will be a joke

>> No.52948885

There are years of crab in that chart and this latest bull run was so massive and drawn out that it will have a long sell off and crab crypto winter. It took from January of 2018 to November of 2020 to break 20k again. It spent much of that time below 10k. Get ready to accumulate and bag hold. Don't expect to break 69k any time soon.

>> No.52948896

worst off we haven't truly capitulated yet

>> No.52948952

Based and correct piled. Start DCAing now. I barely made anything in the 2017 run and then left for good in 2018 only to come back in early 2021 to see it taking off again. I've been waiting for a good entry to DCA and this look like it even if it does drop to 10k. I wish it would and force all the plebbitors out and crash all these staking platforms. That shit needs to die. You buy bitcoin low and only mess with shitcoins (all alts are shitcoins) when you hear rumors of some new projects and get in early. You then sell the news to retarded normalniggers that unironically believe in "the tech" and "use" as if it isn't all just a gian ponzi and then you let them hold your bags. Anyone that has been through two crypto bull/bear/crab cycles knows this.

>> No.52948967

>There are years of crab in that chart
Lolno. After we bottom, we can potentially crab for a few months the way we're crabbing now before it goes up, but it's clearly not years hence the uptrend.
>and this latest bull run was so massive
LMFAOOO this was the most anemic bullrun of all time. Even with diminishing returns, this shit was ass. Especially with bitcoin specifically. Sure, alts did well, but bitcoin had the most garbage run of all time. Objectively the worst performance ever of all bullruns (WITH diminishing returns taken into account).
>and drawn out that it will have a long sell off and crab crypto winter.
You're stupid. Read above.
>It took from January of 2018 to November of 2020 to break 20k again.
I don't care? Go look at the charts right now on the monthly. Look at how long it took to go from the ATH to the bear market low. Guess what? This bullrun was not only the shittiest, but it is ALSO having a longer bear market than the 2018 one despite THAT bullrun being magnitudes time more extreme.
>It spent much of that time below 10k. Get ready to accumulate and bag hold. >Don't expect to break 69k any time soon.
Read above for the btfo. You don't know what you're saying. Also stupid people buy in the heavy green when the bullrun is 70% over. Smart people DCA now because the bottom levels are where the real gains are made. Not just some pussy 2-3x like what latefags MIGHT get

>> No.52948989
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Don't make me gongo anon...

>> No.52949013

Well ya. Dca now. Same with alts though because the moment btc bottoms, so do alts and alts are up against btc even now despite being -90%+.
Chainlink was at 20 cents in the bear market lows Nd despite how shit it has been, 20 cents to 6 dollars is still a 30x. Ftm is at 20 cents and was under a penny in the same time aka still up over 20x. Same thing with eth, bnb, matic, etc.

My problem was flipping alts early as shit so I missed their life changing retirement gains as I had sold them early for more btc. Moral of the story? DCA now into both alts and btc. 50% split and sell during the heavy green

>> No.52949024

>"hey, I have been incorrect repeatedly in the past"
>listen to my bullish prediction for the future

bearish signs...

>> No.52949095

You have to be careful on which alts. A lot of the coins from 2017 had higher highs in 2017 than in 21. Not all alts can continue momentum through multiple bull run cycles and often fade into obscurity.
>repeatedly wrong in the past
Yes. You learn more from failure than success. 2017 was my 1st bull run and I thought it was over in 2018. I capitulated and left /biz/. I believed the doom posting about it never reaching 20k again. I watched it make lower highs everytime it bounced off support. I watched it rug and walked away to other boards until bitcoin news spilled out into other boards and normie media. I turned my attention to it again to find it had rocketed past 20k. It wasn't until then did I understand I should have been buying in 2018 and 2019 instead of fucking off. I've been waiting for similar sentiments from this cycle ever since and now seems similar to 2018.

>> No.52949122

Well duh. Crypto is dead. Where the fuck do you think the money is going to come from for a fresh bull market? Everyone's been burned already

>> No.52949188

Shut the fuck up, normie. Literally clockwork. ALL bear markets burn people. During the 2008 crash when stocks shat for 18 months, people like YOU sold the lows due to fear. No, normie. Risk on assets aren't dead and bear markets aren't forever. As painful as they are, they are actually very short lived compared to the green periods

>> No.52949203

Do you have an updated monthly chart of %?

>> No.52949246

tab in the corner to pick time frame

>> No.52949249

2 more weeks to go green

>> No.52949521

Thanks anon

>> No.52949589

You're a retarded bull buts that ok as long as you DCA now.