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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 652 KB, 1080x2408, Mosq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52938164 No.52938164 [Reply] [Original]

Stop redeeming

>> No.52938202

is this real? lol

>> No.52938227

yes. idiot should have just shaved his head, fin ruined his body

>> No.52938265

he looks like my female psychology teacher in 10th grade. it's actually uncanny how similar he looks to her it's freaking me out.

>> No.52938358


Fin ?

>> No.52938422
File: 730 KB, 670x1000, brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NW of $160 billion and look like muskrat, or $5 million and look like this?

>> No.52938424

Finasteride. A hairloss drug. Ruins your body/hormones

>> No.52938453


>> No.52938569

If the age is also a factor I would take Young Brad with humble richness over billionaire old Elon.

>> No.52938603

Is that even a question? Of course the $5 million and looksmaxxing.

>> No.52938727

Being the most important person in the world is not a small thing anon...

>> No.52938810

>musk fanboys actually believe this type of crap
Yeah hes real life iron man gonna take us to mars

>> No.52938824

If I had to choose, I'd take being cucked by angelina jolie over fucking grimes

>> No.52938878

>fighting for free speech
>hated by (((the media)))
>exposed the corrupt FBI
>fired commie tranny twitter jannys
Yep, I'm thinking he's based.

>> No.52938926

hes literally from africa

>> No.52938937
File: 27 KB, 246x390, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, who do you think is the most important man in the world? Biden?

>> No.52938941

lol never go full retard inceldome

>> No.52938966

Brad pitt is arguably more important than elon musk.

>> No.52938982

Probably Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin. How dumb do you have to be to think a senile dementia patient frontman is important to the people who actually run the US

>> No.52939017
File: 36 KB, 500x566, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say this without knowing it's true
>be just speculating
I love hating Elon as much as anyone but doesn't he have enough real
problems to go after? why are we making up extra shit

>> No.52939057

They are the most important men in their own countries. Elon Musk is the most recognizable name in the world right now. He can do anything in any country he wishes to anywhere in the world. When you are a leader of a country there are very tight power structures you should watch out for. They couldn't do "fuck all" things like Elon did.

>> No.52939100

>They couldn't do "fuck all" things like Elon did.
Putin invades countries and has radioactive poison planted on British citizens while Xi runs a concentration camp.

>> No.52939132

None of things are "their" decisions. How old are you kid? Do you think they just wake up and make decisions based on their dreams?

>> No.52939207

They hand pick their counsel and imprison their opposition so yes they are their decisions you retarded boomer faggot.

>> No.52939231

I hope you manage to leave your mother's basement one day and have a chance to experience things in life.

>> No.52939349

Jesus he really should have ironed that shirt better

>> No.52939365

shaving just makes you look like a spic/nigger lol just wear your age with pride like literally all of your ancestors ever you fucking feminine faggots.

>> No.52939438

fin + test + hgh + no exercise + being a workaholic

>> No.52940675

i would rather be broke and look like that than have 160bil.

>> No.52940892

Putin is richer than Elon

>> No.52941005

It's true, you aren't aware or educated.

>> No.52941242

The money frankly. Youth is over pretty quickly and beyond that you need money to cope.

>> No.52942996

>5 mil $ and look like brad pitt
>assume no autism
>get cucked by your adopted son by a woman who cut her boobs
>160 billion $
>can pay 10 supermodels 10k$ each to sleep with me every night at the same time
>doing it every single night I'll run out of money in 4300 years
Even asking the question is retarded

>> No.52943037

LMFAO, keep coping baldcel

>> No.52943075

literally no one will remember this guy but elon will be the first man on mars

>> No.52943125

He is just autistic, with that kind of money it would easy to be in shape just pay a team to follow you around. Dietitian and cook to monitor your calories, personal trainer to get you working out each day, Best doctors to monitor bloodwork for any missing vitamins etc.

>> No.52943176

Coping baldcel

>> No.52943190

Literally no one will remember brad pitt one the most famous actors on the planet

>> No.52943212
File: 1.10 MB, 3000x2000, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's been balding for decades now. guess his fake hair is falling once again.

>> No.52943243

Chad Pitts youth is immortalized in movies
If Elon manages to pull off the things he says he will then he will be remembered but his track record for that isn’t so good

>> No.52943324

>>>tressless with the other fin gobblers

>> No.52943363


>> No.52943382

Actually sweetie I'm norwood 3

>> No.52943403

you still have time to save your hair before you reach the point of no return

>> No.52943465

Waiting on pyriludamide, can't tolerate fin it's my only hope

>> No.52943495

i started taking fin a month ago and it makes my balls hurt

>> No.52943559

I mean the literal side effect is that your dick doesn’t work

>> No.52943586

i dont care i dont use it anyway

>> No.52943623

What are you using your hair for

>> No.52943629


>> No.52943638

i need it to keep my friends from making fun of me

>> No.52943701

He said he got a $40k transplant you seething retard

>> No.52943718

u still have to take fin after u get the transplant or the new hair will just fall out

>> No.52943726

dihydrotestosterone is a useless trash molecule which plays zero functional role in the human body post puberty. You're a retard that let the baldcels on here convince you otherwise. Testosterone is all that matters.

>> No.52943735
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1620853570904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52943747
File: 56 KB, 555x690, A653E297-A22A-4A44-A345-481CB988E9E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf really? I took fin for 2 years and I think I did slowly develop side effects, stopped about 3 months ago and in 6 months I’ll be back to normal. I still have hair though but my plan was to get an expensive transplant, I thought it was permanent

>> No.52943806
File: 433 KB, 656x426, FUT Rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's another stupid wives tale. The hair above your neck and near your ears are 100% immune to DHT, which is why even the most subhuman baldcel still has a horseshoe of healthy hair

Rich was taking enough roids to take down an elephant, DHT inhibitors alone wouldn't have been enough to save the transplanted hairs otherwise.

>> No.52944352

my dad got a transplant and all his hair fell out again when he stopped taking it

>> No.52944603
File: 144 KB, 1125x1191, 296B6C9E-8FE0-4C4B-9F51-2B872E1E0D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i boughted

>> No.52944627

Wtf I got banned for posting this pic in his replies

>> No.52944671

if u looked like brad in picrel u can also take looksmax + -5 million debt

>> No.52944776
File: 37 KB, 600x430, rothschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All puppets

>> No.52944808

Wow you look like a seething retard. An uneducated seething retard.

>> No.52944820
File: 1.11 MB, 3525x2518, photo-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad pitt 5millions easily
>move to a 3rd world country such as Philipines, Costa Rica or something
>learn how to surf
>open my own beach party hostel
>spend the rest of my days having sex with 16-25 y-o zoomer thots and have stable income from the tourists and surfing lessons I give
>basically get paid to surf with thots and fuck them at night with my uber looks and social status since I own the place

that sounds like a good life... would rather do that then live in some billionaire penthouse in Dubai. Sex would be totally organic too unlike paying for prostitutes

>> No.52944910

observe. the retarded elon nigger

>> No.52945062

take the money and buy a harem of blind women

>> No.52947027

160 billion

>> No.52947085

That's what I thought too
But it's pretty depressing when you wanna have a wank and you have the dead dick.

>> No.52947334

Lmao, you dont really believe this right? Gaylon Schmusk wont leave the sphere of this planet ever, its all ponzi schemes.

>> No.52947341

Nah, he is just fat and old