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52930909 No.52930909 [Reply] [Original]

seeing lots of fags talking about "the same few people fudding" lately and yeah im one of them, will lay it out if u want

>> No.52930928

what compels you to do it
are you freelance or part of a group
what is your ratio of copy paste fud to "personal" one off replies

>> No.52930931

i dont recognised your style of writing, you are not the 4-5 people

>> No.52930943


not paid at all to fud chainshit, just do it because, i actually want to, hard to believe for cultist scum.

I dont copy paste much at all, i just write whatever I want when i post. I have plenty of free time to do it

>> No.52930953

Isn't link down 40% since the long awaited useless binance scam chain style 2021 "lock tokens for more tokens while early investors sell like crazy" ponzi staking went live?

It's not really fud at this point. It's a chart of objective data happening in real time completely divorced from "Sergey farts in dev room" or Bulgarians want your tokens nonsense.

>> No.52930960


Do you have a job? People say the fudders are wither paid or unemployed

>> No.52930977


I quite working years ago when my boss get getting angry whenever i turned up late and threatened to fire me, so i quite first, fuck that nigger.
Havent waged since and live with parents rather that take part in the jewish economy.
I used to own Link and got fucked by holding it due to all the cultist scum and chainlink labs shills.

>> No.52930997



>> No.52931005

guys, op is a larper. He's a not a the true fudder

>> No.52931021

I think it's funny to see holders squirming when you point out the red flags. The best thing is when they try to deflect, it's so obvious you hit a nerve, it's hilarious

>> No.52931036


Why would i lie?
Honestly, my life is fucking shit lately. LINK was my only hope, and cultist scum basically rugged me with chainlink labs being silently while dumping on everyone. I thought i was going to make it with LINK, maybe get married one day, ever have to wage for some jewish cunt again.
Sold my fucking bags, and now im more than happy to dedicate EVERYTHING to ruining this projects reputation even more. The girl i was talking to online for the past 2 years stopped responding to me this week and I'm pretty fucking angry about it, and i KNOW this would not have been the case if i never got caught up in this fucking cult.

>> No.52931037

Thank you for admitting this, anon. I had suspected for sometime now that the fud was coming from /pol/ migrants who saw the significance of LINK via its connections to the great reset/Schwab and aped in because we were all rich and euphoric, and were now exacting revenge for a perceived betrayal. Just understand though that you got involved in link for precisely the wrong reasons and that basically everyone you are attacking on a daily basis is one of /our guys/. Bag holding isn't something that linkies did to you, it's just something that happens to virtually everyone new to this space when they're first getting started.
t. bag held btc at a loss from 2013-2017

>> No.52931054

because i am the true resident fudder, we have a discord with top alpha signal when to fud and to shill. One guy went rogue though, and kept post WTWT all the time

>> No.52931080


Didnt read faggot. Sergey is doing another NXT, and cultist scum will take his big dumps like good shills

>> No.52931526
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I created the "sergay betray" meme, along with the most exciting chainlonk fud pictures, AMA

>> No.52931553

Holy shit get a life you fucking loser.

>> No.52931561

no u

>> No.52931581

>Honestly, my life is fucking shit lately.
Have you thought about suicide? I recommend it. I'm not trolling. I know it must be difficult but it really will make everything better for you. You will be at peace, anon, and that is priceless. If you're in Canada they will assist your suicide even if you're young, just tell them you have debilitating pain and depression and they'll make it easy for you.

>> No.52931668

You must be from Austria, sucks to be you

>> No.52931688

whats the lowest price you would suck a dick for?

>> No.52932000


chainshit baggie cope

>> No.52932120

>my life is shit and it’s all chainlink’s fault

>> No.52934385


whats so funny?

>> No.52934444

What has been one of your favorite responses by the shills?

Who are you favorite co-fudders?

Do you own any other cryptos, and if so, which ones?

>> No.52934471

>link thread

>> No.52935152

i also fud for fun in almost every chainlink thread that pops up and there are a lot more than 4-5 people doing it
the fat man even made it easy as fuck to do so with how fucking incompetent he is in investor relations lol
why i do it, fudders fudded me out of eth gains and now i return the favor
link is even special in this case as the price doesnt need retail retards pumping it but the biggest gains come from real institutional usage demand and they cant be fudded
already retired in 18 so what else is there to do, i also try to make it effort with real anon to the point posting not easily ignored pastas

>> No.52935237

>cultist scum
>is in anti-link cult
Two sides of the same coin OP.

>> No.52935296

Lmao fuck chainshitters and their gay stockholm syndrome

>> No.52935753

This is fucking hiliarious lol you're going to actually rope when it does go to $81k lol

>> No.52935780
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>when it does go to $81k lol
Ladies and gentlemen....the IQ of Chainshitters

>> No.52936939

Even your ID is disgusted with you anon