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52929567 No.52929567 [Reply] [Original]

You’re in a bear market anon. Stop staring at charts and start a real business (no, dropshipping doesn’t count).

Tell me where your ecomm store struggles and I’ll give you some tips.

>> No.52929581

Just give me some fkn realistic product ideas

>> No.52929682

there are none, fren
What are YOU buying that you can't just get on ebay/amazon already? You're a consumer, put yourself in your own shoes. What are you buying from Etsy?
Probably fuckin' nothing.

>> No.52929849

If I started all over today I would sell bidets or create my own branded portable version

>> No.52930032

is shopify worth it over woocommerce, opencart etc and is dropshipping dead in the water like people say

>> No.52930084

I'm not interested in private label shit. I'm not interested in selling junk

>> No.52930120

That ship has sailed. You’ll need to put in 10,000+ hours for the a chance to make 1 sale, everything’s Bezos now. And whatever’s not, like b2b middleman, is by aging boomers.

Also clickthrough rates on social media ads plummeted.

It’s all shit, stop wasting your time with this useless garbage.

>> No.52930249

Shopify is the best there is. And I personally hate Dropshipping, but it’s not a bad idea to get your feet wet. Dropshippers are more like sales people for the actual business. I like running my own business.

You have zero clue what you’re talking about lol

>> No.52930258

Is it possible to run a successful business from the ground up as an INFP? I am often intrigued by business ideas and how things work. I end up having many ideas for businesses. But the actual day to day nitty gritty of investing my hard earned capital and trying to run a business just seems daunting. I don't want to put $5k into some business just for it to fail because people don't like my idea or service

>> No.52930273


>> No.52930326

It sure is. Especially in the online space where you don’t necessarily have to put a face on your business. What are some ideas you have without getting into great detail?

>> No.52930352

How do you identify possible products which will sell?

>> No.52930389

Im getting 5 percent ctrs on video ads

I dropship, yes you get fleeced on product cost

>> No.52931880

So you have your own brand and product right? Where do you manufacture it and how did you come up with the idea? Was it through testing dozens of products? That has to cost a lot of money I guess...

What's your ROI on ads?


>> No.52931890

i sell art on etsy (very successfully) and have a shopify but have no idea how to get customers to my shopify page, instagram needs a shit ton of time to get any enagement.
what kind of ads would you use, facebook?

>> No.52931918

1. For every $100 spent on ads, how many dollars you get back?
2. If Facebook ads banned your account today, would your biz sorta collapse?
3. What platforms you use that isn't Facebook ads
4. Is it possible to make money with econ without ads spending?

>> No.52931969

what tools do you use?

>> No.52932092

but this seems hard and like real work, if i wanted to work id have a job, i just want to get rich quick on fake internet money

>> No.52932286

Fuck me.
I literally sold 3 million worth in 2019 and I would love to see a $6,000 at this point.

>> No.52932294

Tip. From an experienced e-commerce anon.
It's all the same shit.
ONLY ONLY ONLY marketing matters.
Good luck.

>> No.52932392
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high shipping costs are the biggest problem, people just nope out seeing that they will have to pay 50% of their order or even 100% in shipping.
For medium-sized orders it's the worst, just under freight, but still bulky. Half a grand for a pallet worth 10k isn't that bad, but when it's $300 for an order of $1000 it gets sticky.

>> No.52932492

People are so enamored by "free shipping" that you can legit charge 2-3x for the product and ship it free and they'll gobble it down.

>> No.52932696
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Hi Anon,

Brick and mortar store (think plumbing parts) having to convert to online in leaf land

Already half way through a shopify build - looking for resources on what apps to add
-automated emails
-sources for workflows/online biz flows
-integration with asana (for customer flows)
-best practice/rules of thumbs

any help - guidance much appreciated
thanks, anon

>> No.52932799

This is my exact business except think hardware store.
Keep your website overhead costs as low as possible to start. You don't need all the apps and plugins until you are further oriented.
Build steadily and under control.
Early bad reviews cannot be afforded.
I was you 1999.
Made my first e-commerce sale in 1999.

You are sticking to ONLY in stock items right anon? You aren't going to drop ship as a means to expand your line? Right?

>> No.52932953
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>You are sticking to ONLY in stock items right anon? You aren't going to drop ship as a means to expand your line? Right?

thanks anon
and yes - being the purchaser for the last 3yrs has taught me lots of hard supply chain lessons

1) yes, basically have a reduced offering of products, but guarantee (as best as possible) the items are in stock - so minimize total skus but stock heavy on the things we offer
2) I'm more concerned about minimizing returns and keeping down shipping costs, or do I take an approach like you did by raising prices but covering the shipping
3) that and making sure there's not holes/gaps between the store and the apps that information/leads could be dropped/missed

any lessons you wish you could tell your earlier self anon?

ideally i'm looking to make it small, lightweight, and would much rather have less features and less headaches

thanks anon

>> No.52932958

If I were to start today, how important are domain names.

>> No.52932989

Boomer thread

>> No.52933059

Would you rather $5k into crypto that fails? Same shit, except with marketing and ecom, even if you somehow lose it all (you can't unless you're a retard), you still have the experience.

>> No.52933081

Wtf do I sell? Trinkets? Oil diffusers? Idk?? Aaahhh

>> No.52933131

In woocommerce, you have more freedom and flexibility, but you spend a lot more time building the store than marketing (and there's going to be bugs you have to fix), and by the time you begin marketing, the product you were trying to sell may no longer be available.

>> No.52933976

doesn't work for this. heavy, bulky and expensive products. (Average order is probably $800)

>> No.52934081

needs to be easily readable, writable, sayable.
Something related to your field but stylized
If you sell bidets, your name could be biddy or jetwash or streamclean or whatever.
why not? just gotta push through.
you can sell anything, if theres an online store selling something no reason you couldnt do the same

>> No.52936064

If you’re not doing dropshipping then where are you getting your products? Do you manufacture them yourself? I’d really like to know because I’m getting to this. Thanks anon.

>> No.52936139

Order in bulk to your front door or warehouse, package & ship yourself (or hire wagies to do it if you can afford)

>> No.52936308

Here is a question. I have a product that I think can sell tens of thousands. The margins would he really low. Like $1. How do I hire wagies to do this? Are there warehouse companies that provide this service?

What if I find a domestic dropshipping wholesaler who will ship everything for me? Could that work too?

>> No.52937099

1$ before or after fees, taxes etc? That's a really thin margin.

>> No.52938273

For every dollar I spend make $2 to $2.5, based on my dashboard stats + UTMs. But ads lead to people searching my brand on Google and coming back later, so if I spend $1000 per day I will make $4-6k in sales. Do I depend heavily on FB? Maybe, but every business needs to spend on ads nobody has time for organic outreach. It’s possible to make money without it but you will never scale.

Unfortunately I have no experience in heavy products.. but I agree with anon that maybe you can increase your price by $300-400.

Klaviyo for automated emails/flows all day. Capture those abandoned carts and follow up with your best customers.

I use privy for popups to push customers to bundle instead of buying 1 product. No free shipping unless they buy 2 or more products. They’ll get a 15% off code when they enter email.

Another I use is AfterSell for post purchase upsells if a customer only buys one item. I’ll pitch them a second item at a “discounted” price but the total ends up being the same as if they would have bought 2 with the 15% off.

Be sure your products are marked up by 4-5x your cost and even then don’t offer free shipping unless they buy multiple items or bundle. Many customers will jump on the chance to get a discount + free shipping, just make sure your pricing is right and your free shipping threshold is more than your highest costing product.

Find manufacturers on Alibaba

$1 is insanely low. There is no possible way you’ll be profiting once you spend on ads, unless you sell in bulk.

>> No.52938822

Thank you. Can you tell me the minimum profit margin I should aim for to potentially be profitable after ad spend?

>> No.52938825

I'm just recently being brought into a small clothing brand that runs on shopify, as well as sells wholesale to some larger retailers (both online & brick & mortar). I'll be one of 3 employees and have no experience with anything to do with retail/clothing. I'll mostly be handling the financial end of things as well as some business strategy/data analysis stuff. Any broad tips? Do you use an accounting software that integrates with shopify and just do your accounting yourself? Is your company a registered LLC? Do you do much marketing, if so, on what platforms?

>> No.52938870

Yes sir. Can you tell me the minimum margin that I should be aiming for after all costs? Thanks

>> No.52938943

Your product should have a 70-80% profit margin all expenses. If your cost is $10 you sell it for $50. If your product as a $1 margin you sell them in packs of 25 or 50.

Quickbooks and file them myself

>> No.52938954

I have a brilliant idea. Y'see, it's called a "Jump To Conclusions Mat".......

>> No.52938973

A pocket pussy

>> No.52939143
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sweet thanks anon
perfect that's the one we were going with
and thanks I'll check out those other two

1) any preferences on shipping (fast frieght/ ship station etc)?
2) do you just do daily batches then enter to quickbooks?
3) any advice on return policies/shipping back returns (who covers expenxse etc)?

thanks anon!

>> No.52939190

Thank you, anon.