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52926424 No.52926424 [Reply] [Original]

Is taking TRT a profitable endeavor for a man?

>> No.52926433

tattooed roastoid

>> No.52926467
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Are you feeling established and complete, bros?

>> No.52926476

>tattooed roastoid
Worse than a roastie, she's a copie.

>> No.52926500

It's TRTL on here, boy

>> No.52926508

unprecedented levels of cope

you almost feel bad.. ALMOST..

>> No.52927098

It will fuck up your hormonal balance. Only 50+ year olds have an excuse to risk it, even then you don't really need it if you keep yourself healthy.

>> No.52927127

omg i love 30s Lainey. i love that evil little man eater grin with eyes saying she's been through 400 mes. I love the sassy bent wrist shoveling massive amounts of gassy goyslop into her wormy digestive tract of mouth thats seen too many anuses. I love that bad bitch suit and tattoos saying she's an independent woman who wants you to pay and has chased a career rather than a family while she literally heartlessly ditched the guy before you because of his height.

>> No.52927164
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just keep telling yourself until you believe it. It's the woke way.

>> No.52927189
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I’m in my 30s and planning to jump on it, but injecting multiple times a week sounds tedious

>> No.52927191

y baby have beard

>> No.52927197

What is the point of this psyop women posting Idk what's up with all the demoralizing stuff on biz now. Is it just one group doing it or is everyone just collectively being doomers

>> No.52927218

>injecting multiple times a week sounds tedious
It takes less time than brushing your teeth. You ARE brushing your teeth every day, right??

>> No.52927253

trt is a little baby dose of test. it's nothing. guys with normal levels of test (500-800) that don't train won't notice it at all. like you could secretly inject them and they wouldn't notice anything change whatsoever. maybe they'd have 1 second more road rage or something. you do notice it when lifting if you plateau'd or something, assuming you're eating right and assuming you're sleeping right
this is the essential perspective of a normal lanklet that has normal test. won't notice any diff
test has been studied for a century and the risks are virtually non-existent if you get regular bloods. you can take trt for 5 years and quit cold turkey and nothign will happen, your balls will come back just fine. it's not a high enough dose to do anything. you can also throw in hcg if you want your balls to stay bigger
the fear around trt is as nonsensical as getting cancer from the sun or going blind from finasteride or w/e loser niggers on reddit larp about

>> No.52927314

order 27g 1/2" and go into your quad. you won't feel it at all. using a smaller needle takes awhile but you'll never fuck up a vein either so it won't traumatize you 1/5 times. test clinics regularly give out baggies of whale harpoon 22g 1" and expect anyone to do that to themselves kek

>> No.52927415

I've told myself I'd consider it when I hit 40. Do you just look for discrete gray area "anti-aging" clinics? And how much do regular blood panels cost? What's the proper way in the US to get on trt and how much would it cost annually for just a babby boost? Also, what does it mentally feel like to be juiced beyond trt?

>> No.52927454

other way around, women in their 30s/40s are desperate

great for everymen to build harems with

>> No.52927536

Those clinics in Mexico will give you a years supply for less than two grand, you can also fly back with you’re entire years supply. But what’s the QRD on natural production rebound? I don’t train, my levels are around 700-800 last I checked, but I’d like more because why not. I’m in my mid twenties and don’t want to fuck myself down the line or be dependent on exogenous testosterone for the rest of my life. Is TRT useless? Should I just do my own research and order some test cyp to cruise on for a few months then do a PCT? Help me roid bros

>> No.52927666

Tick tock females, your body does not have long to produce a child

>> No.52927719

roastoids like to fantasize about mixed race babies but they dont have any in their neighborhood's, this is what they imagine they look like

>> No.52927819

>maybe they'd have 1 second more road rage or something.
>you do notice it when lifting if you plateau'd or something
>or something
> is as nonsensical as getting cancer from the sun
nobody here will take you seriously if you spout shit like this