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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52925324 No.52925324 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52925332

where will this bottom out and when?

>> No.52925341

If it's LINK then always sell during uncertain times because it dumps the hardest. 2023 will be a year of uncertainty, I think placing buy orders between $1 and $2 might be a good idea.

>> No.52925344

Always sell Link.

>> No.52925480

Stake. You’re literally completely liberated from daily candles. It’s comfort and bliss beyond measure.

>> No.52925517

concerned about the recession talk here and the further decline in price. not seeing any catalyst helping with price.

>> No.52925605

if you are "never selling" anyway, then staking might be a good idea. especially since the unstaking date is uncertain anyway

>> No.52925623

So if the price goes down more due to a recession, you’ll sell. Classic /biz/.

>> No.52925651

i try to figure out if its a good time to sell some % and go into cash because of the recession. Is this a bad idea? if ccip is realeased today they will need time to make good apps and the market will not get it again.

>> No.52925714

selling some or even most of it seems like a good idea to me as well. don't listen to the bagholders, what counts is the amount of money your portfolio is worth, not the amount of time you held a piece of garbage until it became completely worthless. sell some now, keep it in cash or safe investments, then buy back in at $3.46 or something if you still want to

>> No.52926003

bump help me out

>> No.52926120


>> No.52926127

never sell your chainlink brother

>> No.52926224
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Gosh I hate you illiterate boomer stakers so much

You're already down 28% in 2 weeks...you need SIX FUCKING YEARS of staking to break even

>> No.52927886
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I selled token price bad

>> No.52927903

I solded, felt good letting go of this shit bags

>> No.52927905

Sell and put into Ethereum if you want your money back desu.

>> No.52927911

>duurrrrr should I sell the bottom hurrrrrr

>> No.52928536

Think of it this way, it’s barely $6 and there’s no positive catalyst imminent. Staking was supposed to “reduce supply and cause demand spike” but nothing happened. Nothing ever happens with these carrot dangling events

>> No.52928550

>Staking was supposed to “reduce supply and cause demand spike” but nothing happened.
nope, it was to supplement sergay dumps or however you want to call it with buzzwords.

>> No.52928567


>> No.52928574
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>sell in fear
>buy in greed
yes OP, that's the /biz/ way

>> No.52928882

Sorry but I don’t recall being down any amount of LINK, only up. And LINK is the only currency I care about. Do you know why? Because I’m not fucking selling. I know, hah, I know.. it’s just, I’m not. Sorry.

>> No.52929009

Now is the perfect time to sell then buy back in at around 60/70. That’s my plan

>> No.52929046

I am physically unable to sell

>> No.52929827
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I staked my LINK and if it dumps to $1-$2 I'm buying more.

>> No.52930884

So you can really use all of the chainlink services that are currently available without the token? Is that true?

>> No.52930908

I wouldn't call "price continuing to fall" uncertain times. That's pretty certain times, price will continue to dump until it maybe reverses.

>> No.52930935

sadly no pajeet the service you are using already paid for it. you need to use the token public goods and all aside

>> No.52930954

What? Do you use the link token to get retreive th oracle price of lets say eth, for example

>> No.52930963

This strategy has made Sergey $100 million after taxes. He has never bought a single token.

>> No.52931112

Yes I pay because I'm not a nigger.

>> No.52931878
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Buy more

>> No.52932266

Hold. 2023 will be pain overall, but LINK might be the bear market surprise again. Fundamentals in a shit market matter.

>> No.52932741

>I hate stakers
Kek get fucked i'm earning 4.75% in Link every day and every night you sit here typing. My rewards just keep going up and up. I have 60k Link staked and I just love thinking about you seething and with each spiteful little breath you take, my rewards increase. Even while you sleep and dream of fudding, my Link stack climbs inexorably.
How does that feel? Knowing you failed. Must hurt eh? You failed to achieve what you set out to do, and I laugh in your ugly, twisted little face.
Now, I'll be off. I might even buy some more Link today just for the hell of it. Byeeeee!

>> No.52932816

>4.75% in Link every day and every night
it's actually per year. since rewards don't even compound, you can just divide 4.75% by 365 to get the daily percentage. it's 0.013% if you were wondering. that's pretty bad if you were wondering

>> No.52934004

>what is price action?

>> No.52934035
File: 207 KB, 826x767, 1605657814002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Bullrun can only start if Chainlink is destroyed.
The Great Short must take place first. There is no other way to make it now but to short Chainlink (ticker: LINK) into oblivion and send globohomo a message they can't forget.
We will put and end to their shill campaigns, their illegal use of DARPA bots, sybil attacks, paid shills and glowing insiders.

>> No.52934140

I don't understand, slashing is not active yet, and so far i only earned rewards and increased my stack by more than 1 LINK per day?

>> No.52934175
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4.75% is bad. Get fucked fudders

>> No.52934214

By the way most of that other yield is subject to some risk, v0.1 is entirely risk less and you're not subject to liquidations or counterparties, it's like a native savings account

>> No.52934251

The only true set and forget.

>> No.52934279

And the build companies reward drops range from 5 million to 50 million contributed to link staking. Split among 3200 wallets and we should be getting between 1500-15000 tokens per BUILD company of which there are 10, assuming you staked the full 7k limit.

Basically getting 10 make-it stacks for 10 different companies

>> No.52934354

Thanks for this, I was just doing some basic number crunching to get a rough idea.

>> No.52934368

Yeah just stake your crypto on an exchange so they can use it to manipulate the market and fuck your bags.

>> No.52934372

I concur with this anon
it's bliss not having to check the price anymore
is there a way to top up my coinbase account to regularly buy LINK weekly using my fiat?
stopped trying to time buys and sells in the past because I suck at it, I want to auto-build another stack for when the pool is increased to 75m

>> No.52934432

I tried calling up Chainlink support so that I could move my staked link into a better traditional high yield savings account and the Indian guy on the other end just laughed at me and told me about how Chainlink is helping farmers in Burundi tokenize their plots and that the future of farming was on the Blockchain. Wtf did I just buy into?

>> No.52934480

You're holding an unregistered security. It's basically stock for Chainlink but with extra steps.

Dump that shit and buy Bitcoin.

>> No.52934525

It's not stock, holders get no rights and no protection. It's more like a piece of paper that says "I gave CLL $x"

>> No.52934533

Doesn't change the fact that it's an unregistered security.

>> No.52934556

it's either of those things, both don't inspire confidence in a company funding itself this way

>> No.52934571

I said basically, not that it is.

>> No.52934577

>muh unregistered security fud
Get a load of this retard still rehashing 2020 fud

>> No.52934588

Scammerfag detected

>> No.52934599

Sell and buy yourself a lot more bit instead.

>> No.52934609

I think that you’re unfamiliar with what a security is and how the staking mechanism works.
It’s too late for you now anyway. Probably best to move on.

>> No.52934617

Throw the Howey Test at it, then come back to me.

>> No.52934642

priced out

>> No.52934653

Stop projecting bro. Besides anyone can afford a $6 shitcoin lmao

>> No.52934676

Whales are accumulating and OG wallet ranks have been dropping steadily for months now. Cope

>> No.52934695

Oh, and you're one of the whales? Show me your riches.

Ah that's right I gotchau, you're just coping over with all that money you lost.

>> No.52934738

Link is a utility token. That’s why we have an ‘Alert’ button. Hence, not a security (under definition #4).

>> No.52934783

Even better: get paid by chainlink for holding chainlink.

>> No.52934800

Proving my point that it's an unregistered security.

>> No.52934809

In 2018, the SEC’s director for the Division of Corporation Finance, William Hinman, said he believes Bitcoin and Ethereum are not securities because they had become “sufficiently decentralized,” a threshold undefined by the Howey test.

>> No.52934852


>In a new CNBC interview, Behnam reiterates a position held by other US regulatory agencies that Bitcoin is a commodity, but he takes a contested position that Ethereum is also a commodity that falls under CFTC jurisdiction.

Feds are being paid off by ETH bro.