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52924905 No.52924905 [Reply] [Original]

>dog coins

high iq answers only please, there definitely seems to be a pattern occurring. I have some ideas but I don't want to muddy the water

>> No.52924912


>> No.52924949

even if crypto is actually dead, something stupid will replace it

>> No.52925004

I think the best bet is L1 coins will still be competing for the number 1 smart contract chain spot. Whatever chain has the fastest growing activity will do well.

>> No.52925235

Cardano native tokens

>> No.52925237
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>> No.52925282
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"Decentralized utilities", characterized by a network of independent nodes that provide some sort of service, all powered by a trustless economic system

You could potentially do this with a centralized economic system, but that would introduce a single point of failure and a strong need for confidence in that particular part of the system. You would also need to act through a large payment processor, with their sometimes whimsical implementation of ToS

Depending on design, the decentralized utility itself can have many benefits:
1: Lowered/distributed startup costs
2: Redundancy
3: Enable trustless interaction between users

An example of how to achieve trustless interaction is what OriginTrail (TRAC) does: When someone uploads a dataset to their "decentralized knowledge graph", a hash signature of that data is printed to a blockchain. This makes the data tamper-proof, allowing people to share things like certificates, audit data, product origins etc in a system much more powerful than the blockchain itself

There's also more straight-forward hosting and storage services like Flux, Opacity and certainly many others

Render Network lets people rent eachothers GPU power to do heavy 3D renders. Quite interesting since ETH went PoS and there should now be a relative surplus of GPUs on the market

One thing I find heartening is that these are also starting to pop up on the barely existent Kadena ecosystem:

-Docushield are building a secure document storage service
-Crankk wants to build a "Proof of Service" network
-Timpi has some centralizing aspects and basically only fundraised on Kadena, but they're building a network of web crawlers in order to take on Google Search, building a whole new index.

For a decentralized economic model to really compete, it needs cheap and abundant blockspace, which Kadena has and will continue to have in perpetuity. Though I suspect blockspace will become cheap everywhere when most of the DeFi nonsense finally burns itself out

>> No.52925372

i said high iq answers

can you dumb down this pasta and explain where the meme appeal for retail money will flood in. This seems fascinating though

>> No.52925989

I think it needs to get bad enough that smart money abandon cynical "retail bait" with questionable utility, but these things also need to see some actual usage, providing a cash flow to (non consensus) "node" operators to where they are not just rewarded with inflationary payouts.

>> No.52926100

Do you think there are greater fools out there than you? Where would you find such persons?

>> No.52926222

>i said high iq answers
Cardano is too high IQ for you you to understand obviously.

>> No.52926828

Still could be NFTs. They're finding more and more utilities. And cases of copycats is minimal now, thanks to multi-chain verification through protocols like ORE.

>> No.52926897

>greater fools out there than you? Where would you find such persons?

i have an MBA work in tech and have spent maybe a thousand hours reading about this stuff and I still feel like a noob

>> No.52927065
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I've never heard a good explanation why anyone is bullish for Cardano. Always seems like
>THE next ethereum
>it has THE TECH

Maybe you're on to something though since it's such a normie adjacent project

>> No.52927580
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I say boost real shit coins. Not tokens, but obscure POW coins you can only trade for doge on low key exchanges.

All these pump and dumps would be put to shame if you just go drop a few thousand doge on actual long hall mine-able coins.