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52924506 No.52924506 [Reply] [Original]

Can money buy happiness?

>> No.52924528

yet another twitter screencap thread

>> No.52924551

no but it can buy goods and services

>> No.52924553

>mcdonalds pays 17/hr
>40hrs x17 / hr x 4 weeks = 2720
> tax bullshit = 600
> generous room sublet = 1200
> car payment + gas = 400
> spaghetti fund = 520
She's just trying to live some movie sex-in-the-city lifestyle on a mcwagie tier job.

>> No.52924561

I think this is scientifically accurate. I have seen studies that show after you meet your basic needs with money, money doesn't increase life satisfaction or happiness. Maybe you get a temporary bump in dopamine, but it quickly baselines.

>> No.52924570

>yes I need you to: harvest my wheat, dehusk it, ground it, roll it, and bake it for me. I couldn't possibly make the noodle or wheat plant myself.

>> No.52924575

sphaghetti is at most $1 per meal
rent is at least $10 per day
guarantee the person who made this analogy has lived with a silver spoon since childhood

>> No.52924606

people that say "Money can't buy happiness'' and also the people that try to stupidly refute it are stupid. Of course money can't buy you happiness but I'd rather be billionaire than an poorfag
You either are too poor or not rich enough to appreciate the true power of money

>> No.52924632

having money isn't everything but not having money sucks

>> No.52924643

>Can money buy happiness?
Yes, but only if you're not mentally ill. If you have some mental illness/depression then it's not going to work.

>> No.52924656

this cap is so true. all i want is time back into my life. my weekend is over and all i got to myself was 5 hours. its a fucking joke.

>> No.52924691


>> No.52924758

I already know this is a leftoid cuck that wants his free goypod and goyslop, at best. That's why they're cattle.

>> No.52924768

Money can't buy happiness
But the lack of money certainly "buys" unhappiness.

>> No.52924780

Shit, wrong reply. Meant to >>52924632

>> No.52924793

What's with everyone crying? Every comment thread on every website has some retard claiming that they're crying.

>> No.52924794

> just $500 a month to invest.
A grim future for the American worker you present.

>> No.52924825

You are smoking crack if you think MCD pays 17 an hour.

>> No.52924870

They don't know what true pain is, and me neither.

But grandma knows, and great grandma know even more.

>> No.52924934

It's hilarious you think this is some kind of "own" - you didn't even factor in food.

>> No.52924947

read the post again, very carefully this time Einstein

>> No.52924974

I think you could benefit from your own advice. Maybe there is a night spED class in your area for reading comprehension.

Deduct another $200 for food expenses and pray no one ever gets sick.
>inb4 some incel Biden shill tries to make $200 for food a month seem excessive by breaking down the cost of wheat chaff and spoiled veggies

>> No.52925005

Yes it can. I have a boomer retard father who never experienced hardship. His mantra was that material possessions and money can never bring you happiness. What a fucking idiot. absolutely tragic i listened to that idiot for so long.

>> No.52925008

Literally does in bumfuck idaho

>> No.52925017
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Anyone else love reading poor people posts on twitter and plebbit's povertyfinance channel? It's my not-so-guilty pleasure. I love reading posts from low IQ poorniggers venting and whining about their lives. Even better when you scroll down a bit and see they got themselves in that situation by being low iq subhumans.

>> No.52925024

McDonald’s don’t pay 17 per hour and no landlord will let you rent a place unless you earn at least 3 times as much as the rent amount.

>> No.52925031

If paying rent and buying spaghetti gives you happiness, I don't know how I can help you.

>> No.52925034

>mcdonalads doesn't pay 17
yes it does
>can't rent for that little
what is a fucking room sublet you tard

>> No.52925045

Yeah, its way more satisfying than it should be admittedly.

>> No.52925060

There’s is not a single room available within a 5hrs daily commute radius from my workplace that I can afford to rent. Well I could afford them but landlords are so used to subhumans blowing their rent money on drugs or some such that they won’t let you rent unless you earn many times the rent over.

>> No.52925077
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>dumb poornigger steals from workplace

>> No.52925102

>This post was typed by someone who was a trust fund baby or still lives at home
Hilarious you make the assumption that food (that isn't your joke part) and medical insurance isn't a thing. Also what a depressing reality where you work forever and never have enough money to save towards anything meaningful

>> No.52925109

>not sure what the policy is for naming and shaming
Kek, problem is wagies that low on the totem pole don't understand the concept of liability. She could be injured while diving in the dumpster and blame the company. Or, if it becomes customary and expected for wagies to engage in late night dumpster meals, they'll start fighting amongst themselves for who gets what.
Too many headaches for the company to allow it.

>> No.52925111

Not even close

>> No.52925114

tfw literal burger flippers in idaho are saving more money than junior consultants in NYC, kek

>> No.52925133
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>> No.52925157
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>poorfag doesn't read the basic terms and conditions for their bank account
>wahhhhhhhhhhh they charged me a fee they laid out in the paperwork this is capitalism's fault!

>> No.52925176
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>$4 left to your name
>buy candy and soda

>> No.52925194

it can grant access to certain experiences otherwise unavailable
although I'm not sure if that really counts as happiness

>> No.52925245

You can solve any problem holding you back in your life much easier with money. If you have no money or living paycheck to paycheck in a lowly existence, you have no power and that's what really makes you miserable.

>> No.52925307

What an odious breed of humans single mothers are. I hope her kids lose all respect for her after realizing the preventable hell she put them through.

>> No.52925311

This is why I am a neet. I get $1200 a month for disability and my only expenses are rent, food and internet. I live in government housing which only costs $400 a month, spend $250 a month on food and $75 on internet so $725 in payments a month so I save $475 each month which I invest $300 into crypto each month and use $125 for fun money and save $50 for emergency fund which I used the other day to upgrade my computer as it getting outdated. Life is good.

>> No.52925320

>Using 'emergency money' to upgrade your computer
Jesus Christ

>> No.52925366

Money can buy escape.

>> No.52925396

t. a cripple that never gets laid

>> No.52925426
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>> No.52925510
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>> No.52925529

Boohoo cry me a river

>> No.52925570

No but it can buy you out of a lot of unhappiness. Once you are reasonably well off, your happiness becomes more a matter of your physical health and spiritual demons.

>> No.52925604

IT gives you the means, time and opportunity to be happy.

>> No.52925622

>this world isn't designed for low income earners
No, it's not. If you are willing to make even the slightest effort it's almost impossible to not be making $75k+ a year

>> No.52925652

roommates retard, use them, living alone is for triple digit IQ people

>> No.52925690

Soon in California fast food wagies will make $22hr.

>> No.52925849

Take it from someone severely ill, health is the only thing that brings you happiness.

Money can buy health. When you can't afford treatments because you're too sick to make money it proves that yes, money does buy happiness.

>> No.52925853

you need a lot of money to get a gf so yes

>> No.52926160

>living alone
>wasting money on a pet
She should be living with her parents and saving as much as she can
My $50k in Bitcoin became over $1m in 2017

>> No.52926286


>> No.52926557

Also SNAP can easily pay for costco roast chicken and rice at an average of $1.50 and $0.50 per lb respectively.

>> No.52926621
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You're very privileged if you can live at home and build wealth.

If your parents have the space, and are willing to let you live at home for free, you are incredibly privileged. A lot of people don't have parents to fall back on. I know a lot of latino kids that are smart but grew up in shitty apartments with their single mom and 8 siblings; all sharing 2 bedrooms between them.

>> No.52926650
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My mom was never strapped for cash (always made 100k) but completely destroyed my life by lying that we were poor and deliberately undercutting me and stealing social security benefits/using me for adult tax credits and discouraging me from working during college and graduating later than I should have kek.

A single mom who 'steals for her kids' is retarded on many levels, but it could always be much worse.

>> No.52926654

I'd rather cry in a Mercedes than a ricer Civic.

>> No.52926671

>waaa waaaa waaaaahh
>I'm just trying to afford rent and Spaghetti
Whatever "I don't want to do the adult today" mentaly-ill-ennial. Maybe don't purchase above your means, maybe actually don't waste money chasing tick tock trends on the iphone.
>Nooo you don't understand you zoomer, I need everything the boomers have and I need it NOW!
Okay, and you have done what excatly besides go to college and waste everything in your fucking life? Now your're mad at a bunch of fucking 60 year old grandparents cuz they won't give you their 200 year old eletronics and rotting houses and you're gonna throw a fucking fit for the rest of your fucking life?

If it wasn't for gen Z building everything the mentally ill toast eaters love then they wouldn't even be able to complain. I cannot think of a worst group of people that have ever exited on earth.

>> No.52926721

I had to fire my incompetent Millennial realtor for being lazy and worthless, and she wanted to call and her feelings after I clearly described what she should be doing, how she was failing, and how she should move forward. She's only sold houses in a bull market and is now totally lost and perplexed. Christ, it was like breaking up with a retarded girl.

>> No.52926776

So you witnessed their selfishness firsthand, sorry bro. That line, “steals for her kids”, she’s already stolen a father from them and thus a normal life, goddamn the lengths they need to go to to justify their greedy narcissism. I’m so sick of the media portraying them as competent, independent women when they’re the complete opposite: retarded, parasitic womenCHILDREN.

>> No.52926824

There is a lot of violence in store for the elites and bankers in the near future, and that's a good thing.

>> No.52926838

>work 40 hours a week
>cant afford rent and spaghetti
Theres a problem here and it isnt their rent or the price of a can of spaghetti.
Also, Karens arent baby boomers, they are gen-x.

>> No.52926853

Talk about “pride”. Seriously How prideful do you need to be to choose your “identity” over money? The way she talks about them being toxic, why the fuck would she want to tell them anything? Coming out is retarded

>> No.52926871
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I can save her... but I won't.

>> No.52926890

I just inherited a bunch of money. It took care of the money stress and made the remaining issues easier to see and hopefully clear up. So there's that.

>> No.52926940

>work at mcdonalds
>free food
>die at 40 so your investments don't matter anyway

>> No.52927282

Having just returned from a few weeks at the Four Seasons in Whistler, I can confidently say yes, money can buy happiness. How the mega rich ever get sad i will never understand. Just go for a massage or some shit.