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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 235 KB, 900x478, arb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52921633 No.52921633 [Reply] [Original]

Just finally release the fuckin token

>> No.52921746

Ed Felton said there will never be a token. They don’t sneed one

>> No.52921863

i am just doing all those bounties, galxe still paused. we'll see.

>> No.52921971

they already waited too long
it would just get dumped by jeet sybillors now
funnier to just give them nothing since the $50 they spent in bridge fees and tx costs is like 6 months salary for them

>> No.52921995

Protocol can't handle a token at the moment, It'll collapse under the load

>> No.52922031

Just wait until Arbitrum is announced as a Chainlink BUIL participant

>> No.52922765

>they already waited too long
The plan was to use sybillors for free fake activity, obviously not giving anything or at most absolute scraps for it. When you even see jeet biz posts about farming trust me bro soon arbi airdrop sers, repeatedly, it's not hard to see what's up. Arbis solution to their own irrelevance, was try and be polygon 2.0 lmfao

>> No.52922780
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, imagine_my_disdain_for_you_OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Andrew Saunders and I played you all. Good day :)

>> No.52922787

Imagine sucking my cock this much, getting discord, doing all my gay little quests (that just cost you money actually), and you don't get a drop at all? LOL.

If there is a drop, and I'm not saying there is, it will be deteremined by how much money we siphon from other chains into our rollup. Whomever moves the most cash and stays wins, it's the same as it ever was. Silly retard goose.

>> No.52922804
File: 296 KB, 327x316, 745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polyjeet cope

>> No.52922822

Remind me again what arbitrum solves

>> No.52922885

It solves the scam shitchain (avax, polyjeet, solana, luna, fantom, bsc etc.) problem by making them as irrelevant as they deserve to be.

>> No.52922933

Nah it won't because you guys shill just like the jeets you claim to hate lmao probably because you do in fact hire and attract the same marketing jeets as yes, polyjeet. That was my point, faggot. Now go back to your discord.

>> No.52922970

Oh no you called him a pajeet!

How does that solve these issues?
>transaction fees are higher than sidechains, so people who want the cheapest transactions use those instead
>yields are lower than mainnet/sidechains, so there's little reason to use Arbitrum unless you're using GMX

>> No.52922971

No amount of cope will recover your shitchain's tvl from being down 99%

>> No.52923014
File: 20 KB, 416x352, EUeYcuDU8AASgKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use those
Use what on your scam shitchains? There is nothing to do there lmao, they only existed for ponzi yield farms. Now that the bull market is over and there isn't anymore new money to fuel your shitchain ponzis, the only chain to survive is Arbitrum, because there are actual legitimate projects there that I can use, such as Premia and GMX. I use them everyday, meanwhile you shill your shitchains whilst doing nothing of value on them because there is NOTHING to do there LMAO.
>muh yields
That's the only thing you pajeet poorfags care about. Not actually useful protocols like GMX or Premia, just ponzi scam inflationary YIELD YIELD YIELD. It's pathetic and it shows in your eternally bleeding TVL KEK

>> No.52923347

Oh, le real utility like buying options on shitcoins or leverage shorting shitcoins? This is only infinitesimally more useful than le yield farming lol.

>> No.52923424

Like these boys are fucking playing with my sanity like why the wait, OP launched and are god-damned doing fine. Mehn Arbitrum interaction was way faster than Optimism on bridging for aerdraps. The NFTs built on it are fucking hooge, the likes of Battlefly. But moving on from them, there seems to be FP sweeping on Skyjack NFTs, but in-game integration seems more like the most anticipated

>> No.52923840

Pretty much the same opinion as me. Wtf is all the hype about for Arbitrum? You would they the protocols on there are super innovative. Like a uniswap type innovation launched on there. People are just waiting for an airdrop to fucking dump on each other. Hopefully then we will get to see that’s it’s just another overhyped chain with nothing really innovative.

>> No.52923889

the fact that there are no VCs with a shit token to shill is the reason you do not see more hype for arbitrum, which the fact alone makes it the most legit

>> No.52923944

it also means the token is not needed for all these shitcoins especially rose

>> No.52924022

Doing an airdrop in a bear market is retarded, OP was a disaster too

>> No.52924126

lol you really have a broom stuck up your arse mr. oldfag. kek

>> No.52924654

They can just restrict it to people who used it in the first month and then outside of that extreme varied volume only a real use would have

But naw these retards will prob give it to odyssey farming tards instead of people who actually care for l2

I believe during the summer unique wallets doubled but txs barely changed at all

>> No.52925678

Retarded minds think alike. Keep coping.

>> No.52925719

i would preferred if arb doesnt have a token, that way no solanna bullshit and it also made other l2 seethe

>> No.52925845

Arbitrum gets all the hate since pajeets can't pump and dump a legit crypto project. It's good for Arbitrum and I hope they won't change their mind. Also avoid anything that's constantly shilled here in /biz/ like avax or one.

>> No.52925943

>Now that the bull market is over ... the only chain to survive is Arbitrum
sure is nice to have 1b TVL in a bear market... even though Arbitrum missed out on the end of 2021 bull market, cucking the platforms who believed the "L2 killer hype" and launched there
but don't worry we have yet another decentralized leverage trading platform now XD totally worth the missed gains

>That's the only thing you pajeet poorfags care about.
yeah pajeets totally have the capital to yield farm XDDDDDDD
there's a reason they stick to fee on transfer reflection shitcoins on BSC

>> No.52926227

Please god
This would be the sentiment shift driver that could really save us.