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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 280 KB, 981x540, Happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52921398 No.52921398 [Reply] [Original]

Interlinked >>52861706

news and updates:
>gcr closed his short
>zaradar's proposal
>binance will burn offchain transactions fees of 0.1%

official tr discord:
>discord (dot) gg (slash) 9cyVTVcM
if you have the time, help other anons by calling out the kikery in there

>please try to stake with validators with lower voting power for decentralization

/tlcg/ official waifu validator, based and redpilled:

other validators that seem fine:
>interstellar lounge
>LUNC Development Fund
>Apeiron Nodes

questionable validators:

/tlcg/ blacklisted validators: (REDELEGATE IF YOU STAKE WITH THEM!)
>luna station 88
>lunc dao
>autism staking

exchanges supporting offchain burns:
>binance, coininn

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>Terra Finder for Classic
>How to stake on Terra Station
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>alex forshaw
>ed kim (probably)

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)

>> No.52921434
File: 136 KB, 967x584, fuck TR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for fuck Terra Rebels

>> No.52921443

I hate these shitcoin general threads with all my fiber and being and I want you all to know it
Niggers tongue my anus
Back to being filtered

>> No.52921467

someone post the recent Barbie cap that got him banned from TR by ClanCumHorn, I didn't save it

>> No.52921600

Don't forget to unfilter in the bullrun so you can dilate

>> No.52921639

Just want to be rich

>> No.52921813

i think it's over

>> No.52922096

for you

>> No.52922165
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>> No.52922408

literally who?
thank you anon and Bloomberg
shib to da moon

>> No.52922528


>> No.52922564

these faggot devs have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. $100k salaries by minting the coin they're supposed to be working to save - that crashed because of over-minting. you want to get paid? FIX THE COIN. your own bags will be your payday. we're supposed to pay you NOW for work you PLAN TO DO LATER? blow me.

>> No.52922585

I am at a loss for words. The team is full of greedy Jews. I'm still never selling because after TR implodes with greed, a real establishment will come along and fix this shit.

>> No.52922586

>Posted in October
>No burn happened

>> No.52922625
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>> No.52922638
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I have a feeling that the anon from the last bread, claiming that the giga-fomo starts in january, wasn't larping
lunc chads... prepare your anuses

>> No.52922826

The worst, most vile creatures in this entire shit show that is the crypto space are those who give other anons false hope over nothing. Truly disgraceful. And during the holidays of all times. Shove your larps and meme dates up your ass.

>> No.52922898

TR devs figured out how to make a passive $100k/year off LUNC and everyone's mad. Don't hate the players hate the game.

>> No.52922915

what's a fatman to do here? i'm not fucking selling, but i'd also like to see this cluster of barnacle devs who suddenly think they're hot shit, return to the utter obscurity from whence they came. i stake 1/2 my stack to based validators, i vote most basedly on each proposal...there must be more we can do.

>> No.52922946

TR rode in on the raw meme magic energy lunc had going from the may crash and redditor bloodbath. their newfound attempts to harness and control that energy for their own gain is going to explode. meme magic favors chaos above all else. this is like the nazi's opening the ark in raiders.
how do we, the based few, profit from understanding this?

>> No.52922973
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>היצורים הגרועים והשפלים ביותר בכל המופע החרא הזה שהוא מרחב הקריפטו הם אלה שנותנים לאנונים אחרים תקוות שווא על כלום. ממש מביש. ובמהלך החגים של כל הזמנים. תדחף את הלפס ותאריכי הממים שלך לתחת.

>> No.52922982

do nothing

>> No.52923080

Hi, Ed

>> No.52923166



two more weeks
trust the plan

debunked chud

>> No.52923198

זה כתוב טוב מדי בשביל להיות תרגום אוטומטי, הייתכן ויש פה עוד ישראלים איתי בחדר?
חרא על מכבי.

>> No.52923215
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Finally about to receive my bonus on Monday. Should be about 52k after taxes.
I'm thinking of buying the following:
100 million LUNC
500k USTC
5k Luna 2

Cover all my bases.

>inb4 LOL 2una
You see, for me? The action IS the juice.

>> No.52923222
File: 582 KB, 1400x788, 9cb782e32b51d410de87699da3256b272fe7bad9-1200x675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay TR 300k salaries
>Or else we won't release upgrades, delay the roadmap, crash the price, miss the bullrun, and get CZ to abandon LUNC.

>But what if we pay TR in LUNC?
>No, they want cash.

>What is the money paying for exactly? You got the Neblio deal to pay for infrastructure.
>Uh....don't question us!! Banned.

Why can't they ask Binance to fund them directly then? If TR doesn't believe in the project's success by the swaps upgrade, why hold it against the people who support the community? Why can't they sacrifice free work hours to have a guaranteed life of never working again in a mansion?

Just why?

>> No.52923235

oh and some of those luna burning knight NFTs

>> No.52923248

>not below $0.001
>not worth buy it, yet

>> No.52923463

I swear to fucking christ I'm going to slurp so hard if this adds a zero. Fucking giga slurp.

>> No.52923464

I am a part time jew

>> No.52923767

What makes you think it will dump to 100?
The las dump was because people got scared by the minting

>> No.52923810

I don't blame them desu and I think a VC is a necessary evil at this point. I hope they get the funding

>> No.52923826

you mean .0001?

>> No.52924014
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>> No.52924018

It is. No burns, "utility" will never materialize. It's just a money-making scam now.

>> No.52924491

it’s over.
i’m selling at a loss.
the bottom is coming in march (ides of march)

>> No.52924539
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>What does TR do exactly for $3,600,000+ a year?
>Are whales going to invest in a shitcoin where useless devs suck the oracle pool dry without producing anything besides a copy and paste wallet?
>Is anybody going to use the rebel station wallet?
>Are they asking for back pay?
>How come TR changed the narrative from let’s ALL sacrifice a little to do the right thing to YOU need to sacrifice to pay me?
>Does TR realize this opens them up to multiple lawsuits?
>How much minting is needed to pay for TR lawyers to save their asses from getting sued into oblivion?

>> No.52924639
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>> No.52924678

Smoke weed every day

>> No.52924722

Tranny Barbie is right

>> No.52924762
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>Terra luna

>> No.52924786

I remember I did the same thing in 2018 with Link, I filtered the threads, guess what happened later?

>> No.52924862

Spend money on talent scout. Can we even see their CVs?

>> No.52924906
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>> No.52924950

Isn't this plain theft? Rexx banned me for telling him off. I'd work for free.

>> No.52925571

It says Dec 18 which is today so where is the 2.5T burn then? Let me guess
>I know we said 2.5T but we can only afford to burn 100 a day which used to be a lot so it’s not like we’re lying

>> No.52925820

Where did it say 2.5T will be burnt on the 18th?

>> No.52925837

What if we just pay the terra rebels in burned LUNC? No really, call it quantum deminting or some other meme shit, and just pay the devs in LUNC whilst burning an equal amount? Make it a set amount to so the incentive for a raise would be raising the value of LUNC. Can somebody not retarded help me sort out what I'm saying here?

>> No.52925964 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 1198x658, lying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally who?
that shit is fake lookup the owner of "lithosphere" he is a lying nigger scammer

>> No.52925980

Pay them 1M lunc each then burn 5T to make the value $1 each.

>> No.52926301
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pic from another thread

>> No.52926352

>fictional story
>Terra Is the most promising
>Has strong technology with lots of uses
It’s fictional for a reason

>> No.52926512

>open /tlcg/
>90% seething about TR

I see the TCV shill brigade is out in force today.

>> No.52926768

Isn't there a valid reason behind grilling TR? Or in the end just all organized fud?

>> No.52926821

TR are just being really sketchy fags. They all used to be liked then they started getting all tarded

>> No.52926877

Things are fine aside from the awful macro environment; IBCs are opening and work continues.There’s always a good reason to hold TR, or any dev team, accountable. However, you can tell the difference between good faith criticism and FUD by whether it is constructive. For example, TR should provide the community with a budget plan and it’s fair to call them on that. Most of the posts in this thread however are pure seethe/whining without any substance beyond “TR BAD! WEN LAMBO?!” These posts are either from Indian teenagers or bad faith actors from groups like Akujiro’s

>> No.52926892

Case in point: >>52926821

>> No.52927231

imo its equally unconstructive blaming the crowd for being unsatisfied with poor leadership.

>> No.52927524

Rexx is such a fucking walking meme of a faggot it hurts my chest - smug, smarmy, weak and arrogant chink with zero self-awareness I hate him so bad bros

>> No.52927756

None of this shit matters. No matter what happens, this coin will hit .01 in the next bull run, even if that's 2025 -- just ensure you have 150mm by then so you can be a millionaire after taxes.

>> No.52928164

Based and redpilled

>> No.52928435

If it can hit .01 then it’s in the same trajectory Doge was. Which means .10 or even upwards if .70 is possible.

>> No.52928772
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If it's hits 0.1 its going to top at $1.35 before the 13% stakers finish their 21 day unlock. Plan accordingly.

>> No.52928864

Not with the current supply.

>> No.52929050

I thought he was a kike

>> No.52929950

TFW Rexx is your HR rostie

>> No.52930207

Fuck imagine the amount of volume that could burn with traffic from advertisements

>> No.52930622

See this anons? People posting old shit that never happened to sucker in more retards who don't dyor. Fucking scammers

>> No.52930639

This, this fucking whole project is dead. TR are just another group of scammers. Creating false hope to continue to receive sheckles from goyim

>> No.52930783

Only reason people skilled lunc so hard was for tuna. The narrative is switching to tuna unironically and I know you fucks see it. It's fucking over. And fuck the bull of binance Street and cz. Literally scammed people with hopium just to get tuna going. Faggots

>> No.52930839

All the fud in that thread is only reinforcing my faith. Lunc is the most fudded token for a good reason.

>> No.52930850
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Just stake for a while and forget, brother. 2023 is gonna be a wild ride.

>> No.52930883

I keep a few millions on Kucoin to swing trade and increase my stack when it's easy like a few days ago, and stake the rest.

>> No.52930885

No it's not, so many fucks are bag holding this shit coin right now. This shit has no future. No fucking person is going to come in and pump your bags. Lunc literally has no function but fucking pure Cope for poor fags.

>> No.52930912
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Thanks for your concern anon but basically I'm just not selling

>> No.52930923

Yeah just think of it as a nft and hold retard. Shit ain't going anywhere, fuck is a coin gonna do with fake devs

>> No.52930937
File: 258 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20221219-031455_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your bags

>> No.52930947

Oh no, a random twitter grifter likes tuna, it's over bros
Enjoy your (you)

>> No.52931034
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah just think of it as a nft and hold
Will do.
>Enjoy your bags
Will do

>> No.52931183

dude why did you jump into this thread and start screeching fud? and dont fucking tell me its because you care about my bank account

>> No.52931264



>> No.52931321

I had some hope thinking the game will be somewhat playable, but what the fuck this game is shit


Nah, people think is what is gonna burn 2.5T

>> No.52931608

zaradar just confirmed what we all saw coming, he has left Terra Rebels

>> No.52931664

post proof or you're a lying jew.

>> No.52931782

It's true. He was on a sabbatical and is apparently still contributing, however.

>> No.52931799

>Ed gone
>Zaradar gone
>Remint 50% of all burns
>$150k to pay discord trannies

lol, lmao even

>> No.52931822

Not being part of TR isn't the same as leaving the ecosystem.

>> No.52931867
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 7EA4F3C7-A569-4633-B4AF-FEBF7D967945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he’ll be back after the holidays. The holidays haven’t even started yet

>> No.52931885
File: 25 KB, 747x202, ITSOVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52931927

Just saw it. IT'S FUCKIN OVER.

>> No.52931929

Oh I see. Would you please excuse me?

>YouTube’s how to tie a noose

>> No.52931934

He said he will still be working on LUNC though. Fuck TR. Fuck Clanfuckhorn and fuck tranny Rexx. And fuck all those kikes subverters.

>> No.52931935

Man I can't believe we were duped into buying this shit! What should I do with my 2m coins now?? Is there any hope left?

>> No.52931957


TCV and possibly Toxic

>> No.52931975

The $150k wallet is now empty being split between Rexx's tranny harem so expect a dump

>> No.52931999

I don't want to sell at a loss bro. I'll wait till the bullrun but I have no high hopes. At least I bought other actual good projects

>> No.52932017

This is peak /biz/. Buy at the top, sell at the bottom lmao

>> No.52932020


they are groups building on lunc, not shitcoins, TCV were responsible for opening IBC which pissed off TR's as they were using it as a bargaining chip. Still they got paid in the end

>> No.52932032

You guys are fucking pussies. I have ~120 million and I'm holding. There are no better alternatives. If Binance bails then we can panic.

>> No.52932036

After Zaradar leaving, everybody should be calling out TR on twitter and discord for killing this project with the lack of leadership, so much cash grabing and incompetency to deliver anything.

Fuck them, worthles pieces of shit
Also fuckin discord mods, gucking cheering jets /normies. I hate them all

>> No.52932073

>”I’m willing to do whatever the community wants”
>”I’m leaving TR because I don’t agree with what the community wants”
Faggot. Good riddance

>> No.52932075

I applied for a credit card just so I can cred-max for lunc

>> No.52932146

He is the classic case of genius with a big ego

>> No.52932175

How does one get to “work” on lunc outside TR?

>> No.52932213

ask Alex he seemed to have huge interest in LUNC even though he wasnt working for them anymore ;)

>> No.52932260

zaradar seemed to be the only competent dev there so hopefully now the TR eats themselves and new leadership steps up to try to pry the sword from the stone

>> No.52932273

Should we sell now frens?

>> No.52932310

did zaradar code at all?

>> No.52932383

look man i dont fucking know i just average what i hear and parrot it

>> No.52932423

Nice try Alex. Fuck off with your Vitamin C shit you nigger

>> No.52932427
File: 847 KB, 1024x576, 00099-431603433-Looking out from the starship command center room, digital painting, ship personnel, indoors, manning consoles, hologram screens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Zaradar next to ground control CZ left the fucking ship? He was the last person who had an ounce of respect after Vegas voted against Rabbi's proposal.

Whoever was the idiot in the TR group who asked for the TR rebels to hostage the upgrades for money should get murdered in Minecraft. Fuck them. CZ should hire his own team.

>> No.52932653
File: 15 KB, 747x85, whoevenaretrnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duncan out now too

>> No.52932740

>If Binance bails then we can panic.
This. I'm more concerned about Binance fighting Jewish evil than some paper handed team that could get replaced by smarter devs.

>> No.52932796

This is all bullish. None of this seems organic. These niggers hold big bags of lunc. They also dedicated months of their lives to the project (see OP). They aren’t giving up this easy. There’s about to be a shift in power and for the better

>> No.52932798

This is our time frens, let's call out what's left of terrafags, they all need to be purged asap. Get on trannycord and ask them to step down

>> No.52932841

We're seeing a coupe in real time, this should resolve fast or Dokwona is gonna take over, because I bet poophorn and fagex are on donkeykong payroll

>> No.52933329

To be fair, the community doesn't know what it is doing. It's incredible the amount of faggots here who think the burn is somehow meaningful, when everyone knows that the burn.
Don't know, but his idea of using the swap mechanism that destroyed LUNA to 'burn' LUNC while printing USTC was a good idea, and definitely a proof of his value.

>> No.52933369
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>> No.52933375

I tried to sell but you can't even bridge LUNC to any other chain right now. Feels like a BSC shitcoin honeypot at this point

>> No.52933586

>This is peak /biz/. Buy at the top, bagholder down 99% because “muh diamond handzzz”

>> No.52933628

ive been joking around saying “it’s over” for months now, but this is actually it

>> No.52933666

Where’s the ‘fly on the wall’ faggot when we need him most? So much back room bullshit going on

>> No.52934127
File: 76 KB, 772x603, 20221219_140623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a list of all the active/inactive people that make up TR, enjoy

>> No.52934219

Stop being little bitches. It's not over till the fat lady sings and I haven't sung yet. Hold or massively regret in 3-5 months.

>> No.52934694

Not selling, only slurping.

>> No.52934704

I just used $10 to open a 20x short. This piece of shit better drop a 0 or I’m fucked

>> No.52935017

Why do they need 4 people making $150k+ a year for community relations at the same time telling the community it’s our responsibility to figure out how to pay them? Are they also asking for the community to pay for meditation rooms and to get lunch catered?

>> No.52935045

Perhaps monthly blowies are also on the table?

>> No.52935213

All TR members are required to send pictures of their peepees to a community relation representative every hour. A soft peepee will get you on the inactive list. Poor Zaradar never got the peepee of the month even after Ed with his massive asian cock left TR.

>> No.52935503

>community relations

>> No.52935818

No qualifications. No experience. Lots of money. Fuck me.

>> No.52935855
File: 62 KB, 680x521, 1630904351526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering if market book orders mean something, most of the orders are in the 0.00004/5/6 zone.

>> No.52935898

Well I'm still in the green, I'm gonna dump. Coin is dead and tr are retards.

>> No.52936019
File: 200 KB, 1200x922, FkVvvsHVsAEU_RD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some insider info from duncan on how TR works, take it with a grain of salt since he's mad, but imo it seems pretty accurate

>> No.52936163

Godspeed Duncan. Finally some non-Fud truth coming out. Bad actors ate up TR from the inside and only 3-4 members doing things right in there.

It's these perilous times that test my diamond hands. Now we wait for CZ's January announcement...

>> No.52936249

Duncan's a whiny faggot that didnt do shit in TR but he's correct in this instance

>> No.52936297

>massive information problem
100% this. Everyone had their own idea and opinion on what was going on. There would be 1 different things being said about the same issue and if you brought up any discrepancies, the tranny team swooped in to silence you. We also need to stop the community pool from refilling otherwise these days will continually suck it dry

>> No.52936304

what will happen in january anon?

>> No.52936317

>phone fag

>> No.52936334
File: 17 KB, 400x321, 198231627836213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't these faggots put up some pro bono work? They want to be paid on top of having LUNC bags mooning? Greedy fucks

>> No.52936426

I was just shit posting like every other lunc holder

>> No.52936430

okay anons waiting for the last big pump and dump, then LUNC will be dead

>> No.52936432

Is it kinda bullish TR is liquidating itself?

>> No.52936483

I can see it. Zaradar, Ed and Vegas have always been the most relevant actors. As long as they stay involved in the LUNC ecosystem, trimming TR fat is a good thing.

>> No.52936554

this shit is never gonna pump

>> No.52936583

yeah but why the yellow CZ holds trillions???
Yellow tricks or what?

>> No.52936619


Lmao, yeah lunc will have a 5 trillion mc

>> No.52936719

Binance will be imploding soon, so I guess we'll find out.

>> No.52936722

Sort of. TR really has just been a lead weight holding them down. They're still going to be working on the chain just not with terra retards

>> No.52936850

Bro, it's been like a week
give it up

>> No.52936898

>Duncan out now too
good. he's a twofaced lying bitch who contributed 0 work during his time with TR while fudding every single proposal to come out in support of development work. he's also a lying grifting faggot who scams people with his Onyx validator. fuck that fat spic piece of shit.

>> No.52936930

never, chinks are smart, not like fat pussy jew and this butterface ugly whore

>> No.52937041

CZ either continues to burn and pour money into TR's pocket.
Or he continues the burn and announces a plan to save LUNC.
Or he stops burning and we start dumping hard.

Hopefully option 2.

>> No.52937067


>> No.52937076

He'll be busy dodging the feds

>> No.52937138

Whats the status of using terra station wallet? Should we be removing LUNC from there to an independent wallet, or is it continuing to support LUNC? Haven’t been fully following.

>> No.52937262

I keep LUNC shit on Chinance station

>> No.52937271

I doubt CZ would intentionally be funding TR after everything that has gone down, especially after they openly state that they will be paying mods. Way too much unnecessary overhead.

>> No.52937306


It’s not like it costs him anything to hold it.

>> No.52937509

so it's over?

>> No.52937640
File: 213 KB, 1850x724, Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 1.58.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>116 transactions in the block

wtf people actually use this?

>> No.52937676


>> No.52937869

Knowing CZ, he might have one last plan for LUNC. He always gains something out of his investment moves. I know he bought a trillion at the very bottom, so right now he still has the potential of billions to be made if LUNC's revival succeeds. Billions for enough fuck you money to keep his exchange open forever. He could easily hire his own actors to "join" TR and work on it from the inside. The only issue is the governence system slowing it down.

And like the rumors in every thread, CZ apparently talks to some TR members to talk about the Neblio deal. I believe he's aware of the situation and talking to his investors about his next move.

>> No.52938084


he didn't 'buy' trillions. he had customers who panic sold out of their positions after the price had already crashed. it's an important distinction between that and buying.

>> No.52938085

It's over for real this time
2 more weeks...not anymore

>> No.52938157
File: 80 KB, 845x850, A25614BD-1894-4FAA-AA5C-28E372E07F23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what time it is

>> No.52938224 [DELETED] 

what's the terra classic december update?

>> No.52938295


what's the luna classic december update?

>> No.52938306

For sure he has interest in Lunc, but with the major players having left TR, there would have to be a better way for him to get involved rather than finding a way to fund what’s left of them. The scenario you laid out with CZ putting in his own group of people into TR would be problematic for the reason you stated.

There has to be a more upfront approach for luncs path forward. We need something like what TR used to be. EK and zaradar were basically the ‘leaders’ and they dictated how things were going to go. None of this “we only do what the community wants” bullshit, or “lunc’s success is up to you guys”. Fuck all that

>> No.52938465

The CZ larp has been the funnest shit in lunc and most schizo. Imagine actually believing CZ cares about lunc lmao

>> No.52938526

Did you guys ever once think that the best move for lunc is just to abandon it? Lunc does fuck all for crypto but cope? What tech can lunc do that other stable coins do already? Like I said, lunc is literally the poor man's cope to make it

>> No.52938665

If he didn't care he wouldn't burn it every month, retard.

>> No.52938714

Where has it been stated Ed Kim and Zarader have both left TR?

>> No.52938741

Yes anon, most of us already sold and bought FTT.

>> No.52938775

Literally everywhere. Ed started TGF a while ago and Zaradar has not specified where he is going, afaik.

>> No.52938852

TR quickly realized that pumping their (and our) bags was impossible. Now they want to be paid US dollars instead. This change of heart from the dev team has caused the price to nosedive.

>> No.52938860

EK is old news. Scroll up for the zaradar stuff

>> No.52938913

>There has to be a more upfront approach for luncs path forward
That's the problem CZ has. He could throw money at it, but he doesnt want to be "manipulating the market".

What I meant was that CZ hired his own actors to infiltrate TR and upgrade the coin while seemingly making it look like they work for free. Good actors. Only greedy bastards in TR would hold the upgrades ransom for "funding" which is another problem.

And CZ cant spawn his own coding team to fix LUNC for obvious reasons. I fully agree with you that the "community method" needs to be thrown out. NPC votes can be purchased. Validators suck the cock of whoever bribes them. Lemmings cant function without a leader. And fuck the morons who want Do Kwon to lead LUNC again.

>> No.52939097

So what's going to be a new solution gents?

>> No.52939225

Ideally dissolve TR and have someone else take over.

>> No.52939840

That was just so the poor lunc shills on Twitter don't attack him retard

>> No.52939855

Because lunc is unironically dead and only poor fags say different.

>> No.52939856

>CZ is burning millions of dollars so twitter jeets won’t bully him

Imagine believing this.

>> No.52939879

>Luna is Dead
Long live Luna

>> No.52939884

The fucking coins have no value retard, they were literally minted out of then air and are worth nothing. Burning them are just a fucking virtue signal for poor fag cope

>> No.52939901

As an og, I larp as a fudder and post it's over all the time, but this time it's unironically over.
We're going back to 5 and lower.
There's not really any more hope unless some other group forks from TR and we start the whole goddamn process all over.

>> No.52939942

Not what AI says in fictitious story Rouge.

>> No.52940018

OG here too, I'm just staking, compoonding, and if it happens, great, if not, whatever.

>> No.52940019

The burned trading fees amount to literal millions of USD.

>12 pbtid


>> No.52940122

so it's basically a chainlink situation

>> No.52940136

It just fucking annoys me that every retarded prophecy came true, like the blood moon shit, and even the minor ones from the toilet of Dubai ones came true. Even her shitty prediction of Dec 20 came true for lunc, but all the predictions for lunc failed.
Fuck the Jew parasites so much.

>> No.52940332

zaradar is no longer involved with lunc

>> No.52940349

false hopium

>> No.52940380

Proofs? I know he left Terra Rebels but this is the first I’ve heard of him leaving LUNC entirely.

>> No.52940510

ClanFurfag alluded to Binance again, in a positive way. Not selling.

>> No.52940601

anyone else getting sexually aroused by all the fud?

>> No.52940613

you dumb mf, do you really think binance would have anything to do with that useless discord tranny?
it's obvious that he's just trying to keep the grift going and to milk idiots who still believe in the TR name for all its worth.

>> No.52940622
File: 200 KB, 600x696, 1651573815440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more week until $1 bros

>> No.52940729

It’s over. Call me whatever you want but TR has successfully been infiltrated and compromised by kikes. We failed to kick them out early and they sunk their dirty claws into the project. I’m just gonna keep my bag staked on terra station just in case, but I’m 150% demoralized.

>> No.52940858
File: 148 KB, 1080x1304, Onedollarendofyear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52941049

There will be no merge. Nobody is pumping your 2una bags. Go back to twitter.

>> No.52941288

Nah pretty sure he's a wispy chink faggot, can anyone double confirm?

>> No.52941316

>be plaintiff in class action lawsuit
>potentially awarded millions of dollars
>attorney offers to represent your plaintiff group with the understanding they will receive $1M of winnings if successful
>as legal battle progresses, attorney suddenly has change of heart
>Now attorney DEMANDS $100K up front
>question whether attorney has lost faith in merrits of lawsuit
>worry that you and rest of plaintiff group may end up losing money
>other plantiffs attack you

>> No.52941337

I'm not worried. I have more than enough to gain plenty through stakong and my sell ladder is already made. And I got multiple notifications past 0.001 and 0.000005.

It's a long wait to 2024, but like doge and link, it'd be stupid to sell your entire bag near the bottom.

>> No.52941403
File: 8 KB, 183x68, Screen Shot 2022-12-19 at 6.14.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope faggot, probably the Canadian Twink or another one of these kike shorters

Let me count how many times I've gone into some random coin's general thread and made a fucking DOZEN posts shitting on it just for fun - ok I counted and it was ZERO TIMES you goddamn nigger lmao, get fucked retard

>> No.52941424

I'm really wondering what part of
>This is a full-on bear market bordering crypto winter
that anons are having a hard time understanding, really jogs the nog

>> No.52941533

Retarded niggers getting caught by the fudniggers, fudniggers shilling shitcoins, clueless retarded niggers posting nonsense, I'm getting sexually aroused

>> No.52941815

>the handful of people responsible for doing the work leave
>the community freaks out
>TR freaks out internally
>oh no the money train has derailed
>TR dissolves
>paperhands sell
>that handful of relevant actors comes back
>hey guys were forming the terra revolutionaries
>smug china man.jpeg

>> No.52941898

All the while, I compoond

>> No.52941971

youve just reminded me
i must compoooooond

>> No.52942265

>TR making a bunch of retarded decisions
>Talking about paying the fucking discord jannies
>Push through vote on making Rebel station for some stupid fucking reason instead of working on revival
>The last competent dev decides to leave TR
You faggots were all saying for weeks how TR collapsing and a new set of devs taking over would be the best thing for LUNC. Now it's happening and it sounds bullish as fuck to me.

>> No.52942418

Cope and seethe

>> No.52942434
File: 101 KB, 1226x457, TR scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabbi on point again TR is gonna get fucked hard

>> No.52942447

No lol your bag will always be worth nothing lmao

>> No.52942458

still worth more than your input, interestingly enough

>> No.52942469

They never learn, soon it'll pump to 0.0005 and people will fomo and then dump and shorts will make money on poor wagies cope lmao

>> No.52942484

Cope, you should be buying bitcoin. And not shitcoins

>> No.52942536

>implying i have no bitcoin
do you have any other poignant advice or are you just here to rile up the natives?

>> No.52942565

If you did you wouldn't be touching lunc unless you are a original victim of the crash lmao cope

>> No.52942573

>creates attorney metaphor
happy hanukkah, fud kike

>> No.52942598

It has never been about making it, it has always been about compoonding and watching the stack get bigger by itself.

>> No.52942717

>didn’t I mute you indefinitely?
While also ignoring the question. FUCK those tranny jannies

Also, we’ve been pushing TR on the budget since they’ve announced it. Those niggers have come up with every excuse not to provide any details about amounts or distribution. It sounds like we need to vote in anew prop to stop funding the community pool.

>> No.52942718

i bought the crash
you are a dipshit and a troll
probably the vincent jaja nigger poster, still with nothing better to do than go for the world record for most faggotry ever displayed in a single 4chan thread

>> No.52942741

that would never get past the validators and you know it

>> No.52942812

I gain 2 million every week from staking and coompounding. Get outta here with that weak Fud.

>> No.52942838

any anon in the biz/lunc discord you lot need to be reaching out to zaradar(or just get some competent devs) and working on revival. Keep it completely tight; schedules, deadlines, funding all laid out clean. If you have published proof of this junction, then the plans and open books, and can knock off at least two decent points on a roadmap. Then go public and the community will flip on TR and all their bullshit. This is off course if the biz lunc discord hasnt just degenerated into shitposting/nothingness.
This would also be a prudent opportunity for DNP anon to come in and wrest control into something mature and workable from the TR-tards

>> No.52942931
File: 57 KB, 412x396, 1647200172969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hodl fast

>> No.52943137

I remember when i was new to crypto. Lmao I love reading this shit. You have a long way to go kiddo.

>> No.52943262

Kek fully malding

>> No.52943361 [DELETED] 

It's over
just unstaked my 146mil bag
i'm selling and expect another zero soon.
Terra ruggers just Kwon'd us

RexX, ClanCumhorn and R_kracucks tongue my anus

>> No.52943446

t-two million a week!?

>> No.52943458

based 450 million have

>> No.52943525

>just unstaked my 146mil bag
Post wallet you weak fud fuck literal nigger

>> No.52943551

1 tril is sui stack now

>> No.52943558
File: 3.65 MB, 2200x1426, 53737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu i'll sell just 10k worth of Lunc to pay debts, i'll buy back later once we go even below.
This drama will last at least 1 month now that twitter mob are calling TR scammers and ruggers

again, fuck ClanCumhorn
Fuck GayXxX (RexX)
and fuck jannies

>> No.52943820

Lunc has been a scam like 4 times now I'm fucking done. Ive lost so much money on this BULLSHIT I'm filtering this shit. Niggers and devs tongue my anus

>> No.52943831

Why did you guys drop so much on this?
I spent $200

>> No.52943881


>> No.52943900
File: 84 KB, 560x448, 1289437432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had so many things to choose to invest in, and you invested in the dead corpse of a collapsed gook ponzi scheme, LMAO get fucked

>> No.52944188
File: 51 KB, 512x512, terra-allies-server-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons. Terra Classic doesn't need rebels. It needs allies. We need to take matters into our own hands and take over the L1 dev for Terra Classic so we can actually get back to $1 and beyond, and stop having the chain be exploited by bad actors. I'm a dev, and if you are too then come help! Regular anons welcome as well. It's time to take the power from Terra Rebels and put it back in the community's hands. Join me here and let's get to work: discord (dot) gg (slash) bbkzGsqg

>> No.52944261

Not selling but do we have any hope left?

>> No.52944349

fuck TR

>> No.52944443

And I hope for everyone's sake you succeed anon. I can't help as a dev cause frankly I'm dumb af

>> No.52944445

>$11,000 a piece to discord jannies
>a copy and paste 'propriety' station
>'its not the communities concern what we do with OUR money'
when will you fucks realise TRs have been scammers from the very beginning

>> No.52944495

Join all the same. Right now we need to get the word out and grow our numbers. Normies welcome too, so keep it normie friendly. You already know you've got the other server for if you want to sperg out. This is so we can grow and take over the chain

>> No.52944503
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1671308157025204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apeiron bumping commission up to 15%
Peak shyster.

>> No.52944548
File: 176 KB, 1124x1123, CC64DB3A-3DC6-4DAA-9559-79C19CF8DAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the daily reminder that all the good LUNA projects moved over to Polygon
sell while you still can

>> No.52944565
File: 185 KB, 1067x1016, 46B77614-8C13-42E9-8A96-C88737449023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same is the case with Solana

>> No.52944574

be real with me for a sec, how much do they pay you to post the exact same ads in every thread, every day?

>> No.52944608
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>> No.52944626

All you gotta do to be a developer is create a Twitter profile and shill lunc about how it's coming back lol that's all lmao

>> No.52944701

Literally none.

>> No.52944760
File: 47 KB, 476x346, 1671360074431694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52944783

Hey fud nigger why are you still posting ITT? You absolutely MUST have something more valuable to do with your time, I refuse to believe otherwise

>> No.52944806

youre still here? fuck off retard

>> No.52945042
File: 1.04 MB, 854x480, 1671158347365676.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you big mad like Lil baby who shit himself lol

>> No.52945060

Because I can, bitch. I bet I haven't spent 15 minutes total actually interacting itt.

>> No.52945114

>jokes on you im just pretending to be retarded

>> No.52945548

Pathetic weak nigger kek

>> No.52945589

Either way, he’s a tranny fag

>> No.52945986

dude you’re delusional. you’re talking to nobody.

>> No.52946543

>TR collapsing
>New set of devs taking over
Don't think that's happening, chief.
Btw, allnodes lol. They've fucked us at every turn with their shitty voting record. Whoever's staking so much with them needs to get fucked.

>> No.52946631

It’s already happening, Terra Allies is a thing now. Also it’s so satisfying watching Terra Rebels fall apart after months of their faggotry. They’ve lost 16% of their delegations with their validator today alone, going from 0.48% VP to 0.40% in a couple hours already, and I doubt this will be the end of it. Fuck those self righteous intolerable faggots.

>> No.52946917

Terra Allies is just a biz offshoot. None of the tards there know how to code.
Stop voting like retards, niggers. From the tax code reduction to the 50% to community pool to failing to pass rabbis proposal to passing this revel station vote, you nigers have voted the wrong way at every turn.
Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.52947033

>None of the tards there know how to code
nice, its just like the TR

>> No.52947090

>Democracy was a mistake

If LUNC is remembered for nothing else it should serve as an excellent example of why direct democracy is a terrible idea.

>> No.52947132


>> No.52947373

Minus the tranny jannies. Wagmi

>> No.52947508

Fuck of Rajesh

>> No.52947550

How much money do validators get for running a node?

>> No.52947688
File: 78 KB, 1200x676, snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 more dayssssss

>> No.52947745

TLT is where the real moonshot lies
Lunc DAO, TCV and TGF onboard
redelegate now to receive airdrop
This is your one and only warning

>> No.52947825

fuck TR
we need do kwon back

>> No.52947866

Link pump and dumped?

>> No.52947976

seems I'm talking to you anon. Thanks for the (you)

>> No.52948000

hey, man

>> No.52948012

>direct democracy
It's called communism. And the community cannibalized itself every time.

>> No.52948827

Fuck no. TR is the new DK. They have now assumed legal liabilities by taking payments. They are on the hook for the sec and criminal charges based on their fraud and misrepresentation. Once this reality hits they will change tune.

>> No.52950074

> Embezzlement is a crime that consists of withholding assets for the purpose of conversion of such assets, by one or more persons to whom the assets were entrusted, either to be held or to be used for specific purposes.

>> No.52950230

>ID : Bass
They can't, sir Bass.
They are quite busy sucking my dick here. However you can have Mudhorn instead.

>> No.52950468

>From the tax code reduction to the 50% to community pool to failing to pass rabbis proposal to passing this revel station vote, you nigers have voted the wrong way at every turn.
/tlcg/ actually voted correctly on all those props but the validators fuck us at every turn

>> No.52950742

>Conspiracy to Defraud
Conspiracy to defraud involves an agreement by two or more people to dishonestly deprive a person of something that belongs to them, while knowing you have no right to do so.

Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a "racket") to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.

>> No.52951212

>None of the tards there know how to code.
Wait and see, anon.

>> No.52951312

Anyone think it would be beneficial to submit a proposal requiring any use of any community pool funds to have a detailed budget of how the funds will be distributed/used and any change or deviation must be voted on?

Would prevent what happened with this 150K for the RW going to discord tranny jannies, but not sure if any if the validators would go for it

>> No.52951647


What's tlt?

>> No.52951687
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>> No.52952330

go on TR discord and suggest such a proposal and write one on agora, you got my vote

>> No.52952504

Think we need TFL to take over.

>> No.52952765

Lol TR just fucked themselves lmao

>> No.52952783
File: 120 KB, 750x740, 1668219473621338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a 1 month holiday from janniggers
>come back 1 month later to see how LUNC is doing
>everything is on fire
Well it was worth a try

>> No.52952805

Just join the fud side

>> No.52952894
File: 53 KB, 710x473, 1zymh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52953069 [DELETED] 

Well … back to /pol Goethe rest of the year. I’ll Check back in after the new year and hope there is some shimmer of hope left.

>> No.52953086

Well … back to /pol for the rest of the year. I’ll Check back in after the new year and hope there is some shimmer of hope left.

>> No.52953488

see you tomorrow

>> No.52953658

>zaradar left
>edkim left
>redlinedrifter left
>thearchitect123 left
holy fuck it's ogre.

>> No.52953744

we still have ReXx and his stinky feet

>> No.52954208

>zaradar left

zaradar left TR
his disagreement with TR was the business decisions
said he'll be focusing on L1
said TR should/will be focusing on L2
but zaradar isnt leaving LUNC
said he believes in LUNC

>> No.52954378
File: 45 KB, 1266x163, TR mod team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what $150k bought us

>> No.52954442
File: 94 KB, 700x1244, (G)RAPEAPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care if luna ends up being the next doge or it goes to zero, I bought ten million when it was nothing and sold half when it became something and am massively up. However, at this point in time I would not buy more lunc as it's done nothing but stagnate with no real progress and mass amounts of developer faggotry going on in the background for way too long. Unless I was some rando that didn't own any I wouldn't get more and even then I'd throw beer money at a million and forget it even existed. That's what this was in the beginning and it was extremely lulzy, and I will forget I have what I already have until something actually happens in the future or I am dead and it is worthless.

Thanks for the memes and the several grand.

>> No.52954444

Public facing engagement AND community facing engagement? What a deal! As if that wasn’t enough, we’re also getting internal consultation. I don’t see what the problem is here? This is money well spent!

>> No.52954476

>we're paying for a woman to study L1
Yeah I'm selling

>> No.52954536

Just staking and compoonding. I'm not stressing over it.

>> No.52955284

I own 25000 of these shits aigmi?


>> No.52955429

>it it was never about making it
> I made money
> le lulz

>> No.52955505

Lmao no. In fact, that might be the smallest stack I've seen someone admit to lol

>> No.52955781

Is this true? Or is it over? What a shitshow this has been.

>> No.52955801

Based if true.

>> No.52956321

true or not it makes me want to suck zaradar’s zaradick

>> No.52956352

That's what, $4?

>> No.52956357

He also wants 25k a MONTH to work on LUNC full-time.

>> No.52956400

Ok but I'm staked and make it money is like 5 grand. I'm going to rug you faggots at 25 cents so fucking fast itll knock the nigger cock right out of ur mouth

>> No.52956473

>>posting faggy crypto
> always voting (in a bad way) proposals without reading

kys and delete your channel

>> No.52956508
File: 56 KB, 1550x713, Screenshot_20221220_195733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not rugging shit

>> No.52956661

Those numbers keep going down

>> No.52956671

somebody bake a new thread

>> No.52956686

You do it fag

>> No.52956719



>> No.52957724

Lol same guys gonna make a le new team to scam some more.

>> No.52957994

So I’ll still get a lambo?