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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52921032 No.52921032 [Reply] [Original]

>dude, you will be insanely rich if you make crypto and investment your entire lifestyle and spend your entire day looking at charts and financial news and studying and learning about investing adn then outperform the market with careful portfolio management and risk analisis
You know how is called?

A fucking boring economics job in a financial institution.

Why not simply get an economics degree and actually do this shit properly in a financial institution for real instead of playing stupid games listening retards on youtube.

>> No.52921068

Anon, enjoying your freedom far away from wagecucking is far better

>> No.52921076
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yes, I love falling for buzzwords from grifters trying to redefine centuries old finantial variations on ponzi schemes and pump and dumps.

wow, so fun to lose my savings in variations that are at least 80 years old ilegal tactics in wall street.

>> No.52921096

Unfortunatly that is how money is made. How the system works. It its rigged from its core. Some of us dont have a degrees or can not get a high paying jobs. Took less time and was easier to flip cryptos than burgers for money during bull

>> No.52921132
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I dont know.

I rather my source of income be a real job, with a real economic purpose.

And not making money because I was one of the lucky idiots to enter early in a ponzi/pump and dump.

I just dont find fun to just try to market a chart of a pump and dump ponzi project for a proper entry and exit points.

It's kind of wow, It's a fucking useless activity that doesn't make someone life better.

It's just a masturbatory action.
At least working on a gloryhole seems to be more useful than this shit.

>> No.52921161

Yes no value to the society is being made this way. Same thing with betting and casino. Thats why the people that chase pumps and dumps are gamblers. The money is being transfered around without giving you a sense of purpose or doing something of an importance.

It is what it is. You either accept the terms of the game and play it or you dont. All of us have different paths and goals. I know for sure i need money by working at the job i hate because i cant get anything better atm or by trying my luck elsewhere

>> No.52921169

Wtf? Retards will pay me to gamble?

>> No.52921174

kek anon malding because he missed on free munnies

>> No.52921206
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I'm just enjoying the shows and seeing retards being burned because this shit is a cassino.

This shit market is not an investment market.
It's just a market to make some scam and scalp and rug pull idiots.

If you go with the mindset this is just a casino where the only strategy is to scam retards, then you're not a dumbass.

If you want to be a piece of shit and grift retarded normies that think they're investors, then I accept you're not a low IQ subhuman.

But I simply don't want to be a piece of human garbage scammer, so I dont have an interest in this industry.

>> No.52921213

sure thing anon keep being a wagie and getting fucked by jews then if that makes you at ease

>> No.52921227
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you're simply a clueless retard that think you're a big deal.

No, you're a stupid small sardine playing in a kids pool thinking he's a huge deal.

The moment you get a nice catch for fishers, you will be fished.

You're not special.
You're simply too irrelevant to not be a good fish to catch.

>> No.52921235

idc bro rent free

>> No.52921241
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ok retard, keep thinking the goverment doesnt care about you because you're the chosen one and not because you're a nobody loser that nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.52923440

>Why not simply get an economics degree and actually do this shit properly in a financial institution for real
>instead of playing stupid games listening retards on youtube.

LMFOA what the fuck do you think they do there? A public good? Some kind of arcane science?
Your retirement money goes straight into the stock market goyim.

I fucking love /biz/ right now. So many naive nocoiners show up like slugs after rain.


>> No.52923446


>> No.52923469

OP seething

>> No.52923501

>Why not simply get an economics degree and actually do this shit properly in a financial institution for real instead of playing stupid games listening retards on youtube.

Because I'm not 18

>> No.52923528

>why be a Vegas whale when you can be a casino dealer?
Weird post.

>> No.52923585
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>actually do this shit properly in a financial institution
I did all that. Sorry, I want to make money not be an actor. The "legitimate financial system" is no longer about cost of capital and discounted cash flows. It's a hypernormalized morass of moral hazard and corruption where 5 guys decide everything. If youre not one of those guys youre just a schmuck in a suit. Uniswap provides a realer market than the NYSE.

>> No.52923892

Next bull, for a fact my boss ain't gonna see me serve him coffee and stand on the queue to arrange him some fucking chocolate cream doughnuts, no god-damned way. I trade futures no doubt, gotten rekt well enough
>but ain't not me snoozing on EGLD for farming RIDE with it as new rewards are out, LRC, AZERO and VRA staking still intact asides the big caps.

>> No.52924520

your gay

>> No.52925629

Finance isn't a real job.
You produce nothing of value to your nation, no product, simply moving around numbers

>> No.52925745

Fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.52927650

Fucking retarded op. ywnbaw, faggot.

>> No.52927689
File: 22 KB, 135x100, 1657085041091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's weird looking
How could toguro have sex with this thing?
He's a fag now.

>> No.52927728

Doing this stuff is a form of work.

I thought about this. At a normal wagie job I'm just contributing to animal death and overseas slave labour. Everything I do as an existing adult is actually bad for the planet and living beings on it. The only logical thing to do would be to buy a plot of land and live off your own vegetables.

Unless you are doing absolutely nothing you are contributing to the downfall of humanity in some way, so playing games with crypto and stocks is a legitimate job. You spend all of your time going over charts, you have to know a lot of math if you want to be advanced about it. Literally the only thing that's going to stop me from trading stocks and trying to make a living off the stockmarket/crypto would be making trading apps illegal.

If I need to deal with a brokerage firm and pay some bozo to put my trades in I am too broke to even start.

>> No.52927743

>yes, I love falling for buzzwords from grifters trying to redefine centuries old finantial variations on ponzi schemes and pump and dumps.
>he thinks tradfi isn't a giant ponzi scheme meant to pump and dump on midwits like OP

>> No.52927758

>reddit spacing
Go back.

>> No.52927908

what the fuck do you think the stock market is lmao
at least i dont need $250k starting capital and to complete a full kyc to start trading crypto futures like i do have to for tradfi futures lmao

>> No.52928934

just buy stocks and set a sell target price. easy profits with minimal work