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File: 584 KB, 1452x1170, crypto_500s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52920617 No.52920617 [Reply] [Original]

I mined bitcoin back in December 2012, 10 years ago almost to the day. After mining I also started buying from exchanges.
Back then it cost fractions of a cent to spend bitcoin, it could and was used for microtransactions. A gambling site called Satoshi Dice used these microtransactions to allow people to bet almost any amount of bitcoin and get paid back their winnings.
Bitcoin went from being a peer to peer electronic cash to "a store of value" or "digital gold". Did you ever wonder how it got there? Well buckle in and learn about a little company called Blockstream.

> Bitcoin exists
> People start using it for quirky payments, an online donation, some gambling, etc.
> Then real life businesses start to accept bitcoin, a muffin store here, a taco stand there, a coffee shop there.
> Next online businesses, real businesses start to accept it for stuff
> Next huge businesses start to accept bitcoin for things, steam, microsoft, etc.
> Bitcoin is obviously growing, a huge organic success. Existing competitors to bitcoin's payment network want it stopped. Master Card, Visa, PayPal, etc.
> Enter Blockstream, they buy off the key developers and moderators of discussion forums (bitcointalk and /r/bitcoin).
> All discussion of "alternative" non-blockstream controlled nodes is banned. Bitcoin+, Bitcoin Unlimited
> Non Blockstream bitcoin nodes were DDOS'd and attacked.
> Paid off developers all decide that increasing bitcoin's capacity is dangerous and refuse to lift the temporary 1mb blocksize limitation.
> Transaction costs go up because demand for transactions exceeds blockspace supply. Bitcoin can no longer be used for microtransactions, this removes a huge number of use cases for bitcoin.
> The mempool of broadcasted transactions grows and never clears, transactions become stuck in the network and never make it into blocks.
> Blockstream add "replace by fee" to bitcoin, now you can rebroadcast a transaction at a higher fee.

>> No.52920620
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> Bitcoin now becomes a nightmare for online businesses, they have no way of trusting if a transaction that was broadcast to the memory pool will make it into a block. Online business requires instant payment, not waiting 10+ minutes for payment confirmation.
> User experience with online payments becomes shit, customer support gets hammered and businesses REMOVE support for BTC payments. Bitcoin can no longer be reliably used for payments.
> BitPay, a company that was growing rapidly by allowing IRL businesses to accept bitcoin and easily convert it to cash stops growing, no businesses want to touch bitcoin, it's toxic. Bitpay slowly fades into obscurity.
> Gavin Andresen comes out and states that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, Blockstream dev's immediately revoke his access to the bitcoin software repository.
> Segwit is announced, a controversial addition that changes the structure of a bitcoin block to one that no longer conforms to the white paper description. By seperating the witness data from the transaction data the idea is that blocks can use this space to have more transactions. Stupid because increasing the blocksize to 2mb has the same effect. Bitcoin blocks are no longer "A chain of digital signatures".
> Blockstream no longer measure blocks by MB or KB but by a "weighted" size.
> No miners want segwit, it requires miners signal in their blocks support for it and once a critical mass of miners signal support, the hard fork would occur and it would be baked in.
> Miners are seperated into two camps, segwit supporters and big blockers.
> Blockstream shit their pants and race all around the world to have meetings with miners making false promises that they'll make more money by supporting segwit. The miners are mostly chinese and the chinese love to appeal to authority figures, they trust the blockstream devs.
> Miners decide that they'll support segwit only if the blocksize is lifted to 2mb

>> No.52920627
File: 1.60 MB, 1261x5131, bitcoin_talk_banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Segwit 2x is decided upon, enable segit, then lift the blocksize at a later date.
> Segwit is activated (Bitcoin cash is created to maintain the original bitcoin without segwit)
> Blockstream betrays the miners, never increases the blocksize to 2mb
> Attacks on BCH begin, a huge smearing campaign, exchanges refusing to list it. Coinbase even pulled support temporarily after initially listing it because the price was rapidly rising, to 50% of BTC's price.

So this leads us to today, you've got BTC which has none of the original's capability or utility. It's not growing in adoption, people are not using it for its intention of peer to peer electronic cash. The use cases for small payments is no longer viable, online businesses don't support it as checkout payment option. It's primary use is speculation.
Beware the Blockstream shills, they're active even now trying to fake consensus through a ton of social media posts on any platform that discusses crypto/bitcoin. And they'll work their way into positions of power to ban any dissenting opinions, as they've been doing since 2015.
They've even used my posts from here to ban my original bitcointalk forum account. proof attached.

>> No.52920633

tldr op is a faggot and should kill himself

>> No.52920635

Not your blog, you have to go back

>> No.52920639

oh look its this spam again
/thread hidden

>> No.52920652

Tough shit, Adam Back is satoshi

>> No.52920664

Take note of the shills, they can't refute ANYTHING i've said because it's all true. All they can do is insult like toddlers with shit smeared diapers.

>> No.52920681

Fuck off shills

>> No.52920684

I spent 5 bitcoin on silkroad for weed worth around $1000 in total

>> No.52920689

I'm not a shill and I don't dispute anything you say, Adam Back got bought off and permafucked btc

>> No.52920698

What are you shilling?

>> No.52920702

Retards, when there is a gap in the system someone will be working on a solution. While you worry about the price of btc, ftx, binance, the people in the other direction are creating solutions to wipe you out of the market

>> No.52920705
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roger, is that you?

>> No.52920706

Sounds about right. I believe the banks created BTC as a test for a global currency, it failed so they turned it into what it is today.

>> No.52920729

Nothing but the truth about Bitcoins history. Most people here were too young to be involved back then or just didn't get into crypto until one of the later bubbles. So you've taken in information that's been controlled and censored the entire time you've been in crypto, this makes it difficult to have a solid foundational understanding of how we arrived at clownworld.

>> No.52920748

I've been in bitcoin since 2013 and yes I remember the block size wars and the bitcoin subreddit and other websites being completely censored. Again Adam Back is Satoshi and he's a massive faggot.

>> No.52920759

Chainlink solves this

>> No.52920762

If you had said Dave Kleiman was Satoshi, you'd have really piqued my interest

>> No.52920786
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Epic thread.

>> No.52920788

Based thanks OP. I've never cared for crypto but atleast I can see what it TRIED to be.

>> No.52920790

>like a dog
>t. mouse

>> No.52920793

too long didn't read

>> No.52920815
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here's a throwback

>> No.52920834

Sketchy node operators, opaque validators and parasitical rent seekers solve something?

>> No.52920840

whats wrong with lightning, strike and other 3rd party services that allow you to use bitcoin instantly and then settle on bitcoin block chain?

>> No.52920865

So is Craig Wright really Satoshi or not

>> No.52920885

Probably useful though seems less relevant today. The mentioned hobbling of Bitcoin was successful and it is gradually dying now, but will be replaced by other cryptocurrency.

>> No.52920893

they're middlemen services, and middlemen want their cut of the profits. So they've taken an efficient payment network and crippled it just to insert their own middlemen.
Also lightning works by brute forcing attempts through the network, it can only work if the network is small, as in not many hops between users. As the network grows, lightning fails to route transactions through the network.
This results in a small network with the main nodes having many users, ie, centralised control.
You also can't onboard a large number of users because the 1mb blocksize limit can only do 7 transactions per second maximum, run the math and see how long it takes to get a few million people using this system. In order for lightning to work, it must solve the very problem that bitcoin solved, which was the Byzantines Generals problem: https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Byzantine_fault

>> No.52920915
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>subtle BSV shill thread, again

>> No.52920917

hmmm i've never had any problems. Whats wrong with centralized payment solutions? If they ever become a problem you can open your own channels or just go back to the baselayer of bitcoin. They even have a web browser and zoom replacement that uses lightning network to make the initial connection between people. It's pretty cool. I was hoping lighting would scale well enough to have every major website using projection ion side chains. I don't forsee any problems with the scaling yet.
Whats the amount of users where lighting stops scalling?

>> No.52920923

project ion*

>> No.52920924

You know what is untouched like a fresh choir boy before his first gathering ? Litecoin

>> No.52920937

> So is Craig Wright really Satoshi or not
Craig never wanted to be known as Satoshi, he was outed against his will. If he is or is not satoshi has no impact on me, all I want is the original bitcoin to succeed and for it to destroy the current debt based banking system. Bitcoin takes the power out of money. No more governments sending money to foreign nations for wars, no more money being printed out of thin air robbing average people of their wealth. These are the promises that drew myself and thousands of others to bitcoin in the beginning. And those promises live on in Bitcoin SV. So is Craig satoshi? I don't really care, but I do care that he's continuing the original bitcoin. The only people who care if craig is satoshi or not are those that want to make a quick buck, the speculators.

>> No.52920944

What a bunch of bullshit. Building up in layers is better than bloating up your base layer like you are suggesting. I know what you are. BTC will win and I hope it makes you seethe

>> No.52920955

This. It's getting annoying

>> No.52920960

I'm one of those "speculators" and I unironically want anons to succeed and normies buying the top,what;s wrong with that?

>> No.52920992
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>blocks your path

>> No.52921007

what do you think about things like this that use lighting network?
will that also not scale? Can you explain to me how it wont?

>> No.52921016

Then you're part of a zero sum game and have no impact on the world beyond enriching yourself. You don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Bitcoin the idea does matter, what it can do benefits everyone.
> Building up in layers is better than bloating up your base layer like you are suggesting.
So why not have 9000+ layers if its such a good idea, imagine the scaling then! The simplest solution is often the best solution, and scaling on layer one with big server farms is the simplest most efficient solution. Efficiency matters, particularly for any payment network as its pure capitalism, survival of the fittest. The fact that BSV is able to put every other blockchain into its blocks right now shows how successful this method of scaling is.

>> No.52921042

Lightning can only work if you have big nodes with all the liquidity on them and then all the users connected to those nodes. It can only scale when its centralised. So if it can only work when centralised, why not use the more simple solution of layer 1. Cut out the middleman and you have a more efficient network with cheaper end user costs.
The other problem with lightning is that it takes miner transaction fees away from the miners, this was the original way to pay miners once the block reward subsidy diminished. The Blockstream plan is to simply raise the coin limit to allow indefinite block rewards for the miners.

>> No.52921046

It works okay for tcp/ip and osi model. The internet works on 7 layers for basic transmission of bits. Bitcoin is an application layer protocol like http or ftp is. Then lighting is built is ontop of that. Whats the issue with doing that?

>> No.52921067

I don't care if I don't matter,I just want to be happy and for others to be happy too.You won't get that though with the way things currently are cause we are living in the clownworld so the next logical step would be enriching those who are aware that this is the case and might be able to take a stand against it in the future

>> No.52921072

the way i imagine it is a transcation on the bitcoin network in the future is more like opening a bank account. Then once you open account everything else will happen higher up. Your logins will be over side chains like ion, your money transactions will happen lightning or something similar, nfts will happen on another side chain/tree like liquid. It seems pretty cool to me. You get the best of both words. If a vendor over charges you on you accident they can reverse the charge on a side chain where as on a base layer you woudn't want that to happen. On the other hand you get the security and decentralized of the base layer where it can't be censored or charged back. I can run a bitcoin node no matter how much is built on top of the network at higher levels.

>> No.52921077
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Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, and countless other bitshit clones are garbage. Nobody will use this trash. Can't wait for these shitcoins to die especially king shitcoin (ticker: BTC)

>> No.52921086

You missed the part where visa pays some faggot to say he is Satoshi, fork off a fork of the Bitcoin fork created to save electronic cash from being killed and muddy the waters in an attempt to delegitimize the only earnest effort to bring people financial freedom.

>> No.52921098

No. Not even a little.

>> No.52921104

monero is the real bitcoin

>> No.52921106

im not reading all that, but from your title i can tell you that winning the lottery does not make you a financial advisor so kys

>> No.52921122

>we wuz early adobtaz

>> No.52921154

I was onboard with BCH from the day of the fork. We were promised scaling, big blocks, but we didn't get it. We got years of stalling with no progress. Then along comes nChain and what do you know, we started to get some scaling improvements and you know what happened, they got attacked hard. Did you know that the largest block mined on BCH was done by an nChain miner using nChain node software?
Then to add to the frustration of no scaling we had devs making all sorts of pointless bullshit that no one asked for. Shit like cashaddr, the stupid address format change which makes BCH even more confusing to use for normies and harms addoption. Or the transaction ordering change that destroys transaction broadcast order data.
And what's BCH done since the BSV / BCH fork? Fucking nothing, they don't get any media exposure any more, their blocks haven't grown in size, the userbase hasn't grown. BCH appears to be nothing but controlled opposition in the face of the original bitcoin. This explains the DAA adjustment to keep the hash on BTC, it explains the 220 byte OP RETURN limit to restrict functionality and it explains the attack against those who attempted to scale or restore the protocol.
I believed in BCH but I was betrayed, what I was promised never happened, all the momentum of the big blockers was squandered after the BCH BTC fork by poorly made decisions and one faggoty french dev named Amaury Sechet.

>> No.52921198

Thought David Schwartz was satoshi cuz john mcafee exposed him

>> No.52921211

It's called Bitcoin ABC aka ecash now ({PoW x PoS) https://e.cash/

>> No.52921230


Are you millionaires now?

>> No.52921237

how about you killing yourself? Would improove the world and mankind (if you have an children please kill them first so the global genpool gets rid of your subhuman dna)

>> No.52921281

It would lead us to a system backed on energy and the tax is the energy cost of things

>> No.52921329
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Everything OP says is true, minus Craig Wright being satoshi in that screenshot, that's nonsense. But see anons, this is why ethereum will win. The same bitcoiners and blockstream shills that prevented bitcoin from scaling also prevented it from having smart contracts.
Now, thanks to those morons many of us got a 2nd chance to get in on the ground floor of crypto with ETH. Now once ETH overtakes bitcoin those of us who have been smart will make it. I'm going to be a multimillionaire by 2025. I already tapped 7 figures this last cycle and have been in ETH since 2016.
I started poor af, bough for 7$ biz, 7 fucking dolleredoos. Fuck the jews that ruined bitcoin, bitcoin was originally great and could still be if the people realized the truth. Retail still owns the most bitcoin after all. But I'm cynical, it's been 10 years and the project has ossified. So until then I'll be riding my 7 dOlleReDoos all the way home.
But do not despair, this is yet still time frens. ETH will likely go to triple digits soon in this bear market, join me, it's your last chance. And if you think I'm shilling, consider this, does ETH really need some little apu poster like me?

>> No.52921354

This gives flashback to all the unbearable bcash shills back in 2017.

>> No.52921472

everyone needs to remember how it went for Bitcoin when someone insists that its not the technology its how you use it.
Every, Fucking. Technology gets exploited in the worst imaginable way by the predators among us. So when you imagine how great Neuralink, for example, might be for paraplegics stop yourself. It might help 3 immensely wealthy cripples for a couple of years before it burns their brains out but largely it'll be used to eliminate free will for masses of people

>> No.52921781

I made my first million in the 2017 bull run

>> No.52921811

You owned Bitcoin from 2010, you fucked up and either sold and lost it. You're still a poorfag posting on /biz/ and not a Billionaire, and we should listen to you? kek

>> No.52921996

>He's not Satoshi
>He lacks of access to original code
>He has an inability to sign messages with private key associated with the first Bitcoin transaction
>Contradictory statements saying he was the sole creator then being part of a team.
>Claims he has a CS PhD from Charles Sturt University in Australia but there are no records
>History of bullshit claims and contradictory statements
Craig Wright is not Satoshi; the whole world has agreed and chosen to move on from this debate. BTC is the standard, and that's a fact. Craig Wright is following the "repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth" tactic, which is attributed to Nazi Joseph Goebbels. It's an illusion of truth, while not actually being the truth. All these BSV fanboys are coming from /pol/, not old /biz/ because we've been debunking his bullshit for years.

>> No.52922009

>I'm an oldfag (with no proof though) and that somehow that means I'm capable to see the future
A thread with porn died for this.

>> No.52922065

Love how OP pretends LN doesn't exist

>> No.52922161

For the BTC core supporters explain this.
> How are miners going to be paid when the mining subsidy drops below mining profitability and the majority of transactions occur on lightning?
BTC will become unprofitable to mine after the next halving in 2024 - https://bitcoinblockhalf.com/ just 500 days away.
Bitcoin was meant to have a large volume of transactions each paying a small fee to the miners. This is how it was intended to operate as the mining subsidy block reward continued to halve. In fact miners will make more profit as the network grows larger and their transaction volumes increase more. The cumulative amount of transaction fees can exceed the block reward. Once this occurs on BSV there is zero economic incentive for a miner to continue mining BTC.
So BTC has a locked in death that's fast approaching and there is no solution.

>> No.52922281

>Transaction fees will increase if miners start relying more on transaction fees
>The value increases potentially offseting the impact of the reduced block reward and make mining profitable

>> No.52922475

3.125 bitcoins is about $104,000 per block mined.
BTC can handle a maximum of about 4,200 transactions per block. That's $24 fees per transaction for every transaction. Just to retain the current profitability.
> This assumes full blocks, which BTC doesn't always have, fees have to go up higher for less full blocks.
> If there are more transactions than block space allows, $24 is the minimum, price bidding to get into a block will push this way up.
> Why would anyone use this when legacy payment networks are significantly cheaper.
> No low income country will bother with BTC, that's billions of users priced out.
And you think people will be willing to do this in 18 months?

>The value increases potentially offseting the impact of the reduced block reward and make mining profitable
Hedge funds got burned by getting involved with BTC, that's it, there's no bigger fish to lure in anymore. This is what a speculation only asset leads to, you have to find bigger funds to sell to, and once you run out of bigger funds to sell to the only utility it has is gone.

>> No.52922484

*I meant 6.25 BTC* for btc to maintain its current profitability.

>> No.52922601

BTC integration solves this (on the Internet Computer Protocol)

>> No.52922640

Fpbp OP is probably Roger ver still assmad his gamble to take over Bitcoin didn't work

>> No.52922726

You sound stoopid, banks created BTC how? This is the fucking evolution of finance that gives freedom and has other utilities which countries are seeing. Oh cause the mcap is bigger than the Bank of America or China that's y'all these god-damned authorities wants to regulate it on every ground, well to hell with those plebic moves, watch even the low caps like Zpay, Sylo and others wear the cap in terms of making payment solutions easier and seamless and that's on a fucking period.

>> No.52922747

Kek, Maybe it's the beginning of his redemption arc
Either way, op isn't wrong

>> No.52922810

So what am I supposed to do with all this information. Buy BSV? Bitcoin still has the strongest network effects despite all the shortcomings

>> No.52922864

Lol I spent 180 bitcoin on 20 tabs of lsd, 1g of mescaline, 1g of dmt and 0.25g of mdma.

>> No.52922903

Except they are actual layers where the entire datagram exists and is transported with payloads for each layer being encapsulated in the overall stream. Where are the LN transactions being recorded in the blockchain datagrams aka txs?

>> No.52922944

>craig wright is satoshi
why did you leave this retarded credibility-destroying nonsense in your screencap and thus these posts? all crypto is a disaster, the whole lot of you are shills one way or another.
cryptot will never make anybody money again. at least when there are two political parties you can join one and expect to make progress in an area where the other isn't looking, and you only have to partially trust one of them in order to benefit. cryptofags are all completely untrustworthy in every aspect, every single one of you is just a lackey in the online equivalent of some street-roaming somalian gang
2023 is going to be a great year for real physical commodities and not just because they might outperform other assets but specifically how hard they'll shit on all these "digital goods" retards

>> No.52922962

>Bitcoin takes the power out of money.
sad to see after all the evidence in front of their own eyes, someone still believes this.

here's a five-woods bill. here you go.

>> No.52922995

>3.125 bitcoins is about $104,000 per block mined. BTC can handle a maximum of about 4,200 transactions per block. That's $24 fees per transaction for every transaction. Just to retain the current profitability. This assumes full blocks, which BTC doesn't always have, fees have to go up higher for less full blocks. If there are more transactions than block space allows, $24 is the minimum, price bidding to get into a block will push this way up.
This statement is not entirely accurate. The cost of using Bitcoin for transactions is not necessarily determined by the block reward or the number of transactions per block. Instead, the cost of using Bitcoin is determined by supply and demand for block space. If there is a lot of demand for block space, the fees required to get a transaction included in the next block will go up. If there's less demand, fees will go down. It's also worth noting that the maximum number of transactions per block is not a fixed number and can change over time. For example in 2017 they increased it from 1 to 2 mb.

>This is what a speculation only asset leads to, you have to find bigger funds to sell to.
Bitcoin is not only used for speculation, but it's also as a means of exchange and a store of value. While it may be more expensive to use Bitcoin for high frequency transactions. Some people are willing to pay higher fees for the security and decentralization that it offers. In addition, some use BTC to send and receive payments globaly because it's faster then legacy systems. Wth thought everyone knew this already.

>> No.52923016

The problem is that the alternatives are run by the likes of Roger Ver and Craig Wright. Everyone feels safer to be on the side of the smart sane people.

>> No.52923085 [DELETED] 


>> No.52923104


>> No.52923126

happy for you, or sorry that happened

>> No.52923225


Interesting post OP. Thank you for the info.

>> No.52923284

I'm a brainlet, surely, and I haven't been following BCH. I use it to pay my VPN once every three years and that's it. But it's got 32mb blocks and they are never full. What more scaling do you need? The volume isn't there to justify adding other features. It's got privacy I cash fusion, big blocks and low fees.
Making gigablocks and putting FMV on the chain is fucking retarded and unnecessary, a gimmick for attention and a scam it inflate transaction numbers. BSV is just controlled chaos to delegitimize the entire space.

>> No.52923337
File: 157 KB, 1492x1536, bsvbch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this fucking text wall can be known when listening to a random mainstream podcase about bitcoins history on fucking WHAT BITCORN DIDDELIDO with stupid fuck McCORNMACK.


what is OPs motive? maybe to pump other bitcoin forks. if that's the case see picrel

>> No.52923453

It's easy to do since it will only ever exist for nerds and will never be adopted.

>> No.52923524

OP is 100% correct biz bros, take note on the style and intensity of the fud, then think about what else is fudded by the same people.

Don't miss your chance.

>> No.52923578


>> No.52923679


Good thread OP, this board is literally filled with 17-25 year old zoomers who don't know about the origins of Bitcoin and the evolution of crypto to bring us here today.

Old BTC was the best before it got subverted by the jews

>> No.52923715

based dubs of truth.

>> No.52923732

>they can't refute ANYTHING i've said because it's all true

so why not just use any of the 500000000 new cryptocurrencies that do what bitcoin cant

>> No.52923750

This. All these emotional replies from a bunch of money-grubbing anons so blinded by their own greed they don't even care to ask why the fuck satoshi would create btc with transaction times that take up to 1hr, fees of $1 or more, and zero scalability. The ignorance is laughable and a reflection of the entire brain dead crypto space.

>> No.52923779


Thanks for writing huge paragraphs on this clown board but what is your solution to the problem?

>> No.52923888

absolutely based can't disagree

>> No.52923891

For the new fags, OP’s post is basically all correct except Craig is a con artist (who sucks at that too) and BSV is a joke. It’s a pity what happened to bitcoin but the solution isn’t in chasing a random shitcoin.

>> No.52923972

fuck off go back to 2017 bcash cuck
newfags: OP is a conspiracy theorist schizo that is tech illiterate
you can tell with is wall of text how he tries to convince you, instead of making a proper true statement: that's because he can't
ignore him, the women he wanted rejected him probably

>> No.52924071

You are the definition of a parrot. I sincerely hope you do not have a single satoshi and wont buy bitcoin until it reaches at least 1:1 parity with the garbage which you think is bitcoin.

>> No.52924134

the thing to pay attention to is how over time big block bitcoin was always attacked. It was attacked before it ever got off the ground with the early node versions like bitcoin+, bitcoin unlimited, etc.
Then after 1mb + segwit was locked in and BCH carried the big block torch guess what got attacked and shilled hard against.
But now no one is shilling against BCH because it's no longer a threat. Instead it's BSV that gets attacked and shilled hard against.
That's 3 successive generations of bitcoin that have been attacked for carrying the big block torch.
This has been going on for almost 10 years, if big blocks were such a bad idea then they would have failed by now and no active nodes would be running any form of big block bitcoin.

>> No.52924295

But bsv literally has near instant transactions, sub cent fees, and is scalable (close to 50000tps on testnet I believe?). What are you talking about?

>> No.52924296

Pedo coin, you gotta love that cunny. simple as.

>> No.52924306
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Top kek. Guess some people will always be coping.

>> No.52924433
File: 31 KB, 376x384, 1630092384401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Monero is the future then? It gets cheaper transaction costs as users increases, allowing for micropayments. It's also fungible and ASIC resistant.

>> No.52924622

Good luck scaling that shit

>> No.52924655

Why not just use XMR then?

>> No.52925184

peer to peer electronic cash lives on, just not with bitcoin.

>> No.52925223

I remember you. You had like 1200+ bsv and showed the emails of your 2012 btc buys from mt gox. We're not doing so great sv bro

>> No.52926976

I'm so glad I scrolled down first before I read all of this bullshit

>> No.52927051
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>It's not growing in adoption, people are not using it for its intention of peer to peer electronic cash. The use cases for small payments is no longer viable, online businesses don't support it as checkout payment option. It's primary use is speculation.

El Salvador. Lightening network.

Also, KYS.

>> No.52927076

it's adam back lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcvX0P1b5g

>> No.52927096

>google Blockstream
Holy shit, is there anything that Canadians don't try to ruin?

>> No.52927105

Monero has literal furries running the nodes

>> No.52927122


>> No.52927131


>> No.52927670

What, specifically, were they testing Mr Genius man ?

>> No.52927876
File: 384 KB, 960x789, yeah zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has never even googled the Monero and doesn't know what dynamic blocksize is

>> No.52927895

I've been in crypto since 2013, and I have witnessed the same. Very few people want to have this conversation.

>> No.52928026

It's over.

>> No.52928047
File: 133 KB, 1280x1285, hmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its actually Avalanche and Chainlink.

>> No.52928104

This couldnt be more based

>> No.52928127

No you haven't, NIGGER

>> No.52928129

you sound like a retarded poorfag

>> No.52928150
File: 96 KB, 1025x683, mr nakatomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to yourselves
none of you have any solid arguments. just a bunch of ad hominems and impotent hand wringing.
this is because we all know the truth. you, me, and everyone else.
none of your blockchains or networks are anywhere near the level of bsv. it shits all over every other crypto because it's not some thrown together scam. it is what satoshi said bitcoin would be. it's fast, it's cheap, it's secure, and it's better than your shitcoin. full stop.
all you butthurt shitcoiner and btcmaxi niggerfaggot aids ridden retards are going to get rekt so fucking hard by CRAIG SATOSHI WRIGHT
actually, it doesn't even matter whether he is or isn't satoshi
what matters is what's about to happen.
you're about to lose everything because...idk actually. other than you're retarded niggerfaggots who deserve to lose. no other reason could make any sense.
the lulz are going to be epic. i can't wait to see the ropings you give yourselves.
he's coming hard and fast
in your ass

>> No.52928629

ITT: herd mentality

>> No.52929970

This shit was already refuted thousand of times. It's just that you can't discuss with tech illiterates like yourself, because you don't understand how scaling a system works. Just because you bought Bitcoin x years ago doesn't mean you have the slightest clue about it. Come back if you have a PHD in CS.

>> No.52930375

I'm a full stack developer dip shit, I understand this in greater detail than 99.99% of all coin holders.
But here's the great thing, anyone can easily verify if something works or not just by using it or seeing other people use it.
On BSV you can easily send transactions dirt cheap any time you want. It never gets expensive to use, and the transactions always go through.
This is simply not true for BTC and ETH, the cost of transactions fluctuates depending on demand and they don't reliably go through all the time, they get stuck in the mempool and dropped.
The reason this works on BSV is because it scaled as designed. The reason BTC and ETH have issues is because they haven't scaled, projects that had half a decade advantage haven't scaled yet, that's just pathetic.

>> No.52930421
File: 3.87 MB, 480x324, 1662017057238589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this as a lengthy bsv shill
We must be near the bottom if you indians are this bored

>> No.52930493

Australian, bout to smash back some bunnings snags and skull a goon box ya derro flog

>> No.52930508

Bump, good thread. Most newfags don't know or don't remember. They weren't there, but this is real. This happened. This matters. BSV is Bitcoin as Satoshi intended whether you beleive Crsig Wright is Satoshi or not.

>> No.52930851

Agree 100%

>> No.52931004

if the price of BSV goes up to what BTC is.. no one will want to spend it and just speculate the shit out of it like BTC.

>> No.52931117

false, as BTC increased in price people were spending it at the businesses that supported it. This will be even more true for BSV since it has utility driving its value.

>> No.52931940
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Shut the fuck up you fucking shill ass motherfucking cunt. Craig glows like the sun and BSV is a glow op. CBDCs are the final form of financial slavery and craigs job is to subdue blockchain technology and warp it towards this end.

>b-but BTC is the banker coin!

Only you stupid motherfuckers would fall for this kind of 'no u' rhetoric bullshit. Unironically neck yourself, you make the world fucking unbearably annoying to live in, having to live next to fucking sheep you like.

>> No.52931982
File: 369 KB, 1236x701, 1584109024848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should learn how bitcoin works before you talk like that. It will free the world from enslavery. This is the start of a new time of light.

>> No.52932027

I'm an aussie and I don't give a fuck if you eat processed chinese pork from a hardware store that sells chinese tools

>> No.52932187
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Look at what theyre doing and not what theyre saying you dense motherfuckers. You fucking low functioning autists. Holy shit do scammers and glowies only exist because people like you exist for them to harvest. BSV is a fucking trap. My god all of you make me viscerally sick.

>> No.52932209

all this was known nearly 4 years ago. not saying it wrong, but the market cycles continued as usual

>> No.52932259

Again, learn how it works. CBDC isn't automatically evil you retarded stupid asshole. Good they built it on bitcoin and not some central bank chain. It's a global public ledger, it makes everyone as honest as you can get honest.

>> No.52932275

there is already a digital central bank fiat ledger. its called the eurodollar.
the whole conspiracy behind cbdc is programmable money

>> No.52932295

bsv is just another fork of bitcoin it doesnt have what bitcoin has that 'special sauce' that im referring to. bitcoin is more than just a payment mechanism to people you are looking at the situation solely through the eyes of a developer but there are more than just developers in this space now. even if bitcoin became unprofitable to mine i dont think anyone would even care. your thread and your perspective is noteworthy, but ultimately i think irrelevant.

>> No.52932333
File: 79 KB, 1115x422, fjd2884dfj8382kc934f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CBDC isn't automatically evil

Yeah thats what he told you stupid fucks isnt it. And you bought it like you always do. When all he wants is to sell literal humanity itself down the river so he can get his slice of the spoils. Why am i stuck on this fucking planet heading for total monetary slavery because there are enough of you subhumans buying into it without seeing where its headed. I lack the vocabulary to properly express how fucking gullible you really are, anything i can think of doesnt do it justice. You are fucking mud and i resent even being nominally the same species as you.

>> No.52932338

Bitcoin is a publicly auditable ledger. Forcing governments to use it forces them to stop acting like unaccountable assholes. There's no hiding your financial corruption or insider trading or theft with an auditable evidence trail.
But lets play out your cbdc scenario, it gets built and uses BSV as the underlying platform. Governments have to convince people to use their money which will have bullshit terms and conditions attached to it, or they can just use BSV with all of the benefits and infrastructure without any of the downsides. The cbdc moneys will be COMPETING with BSV in a fight they cant win.
Central banks will also have to purchase BSV sats so they can tokenise them into CBDC dollars and cents. Assuming one sat gets tokenised into one cent you only have $1 million worth of cbdc money for every whole BSV. The central banks will need a lot of BSV to replace fiat with and this will pump up the BSV price like crazy.
Now if I have a BSV satoshi that is worth more than the tokenised cbdc it represents id have to be an idiot to not just use BSV as my money over the lower valued cbdc

>> No.52932531

Bitcoin is monetary freedom, educate yourself. Your image is just a poor fud attempt. There is this thing called law.

>> No.52932535

monero solved the block size issue, has low fees, and is actually fungible unlike btc, bch and bsv

>> No.52932548

failed experiment down 75% lmao

>> No.52932576
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Its not "my cbdc scenario" you evil lying fuck. Its craigs. Its nchains. Theyre actively advertising it like i showed. Theyre not even hiding it cause they know they dont need to with you assholes. And you are fucking hopelessly balls deep in his cult if you think he is really going to personally just trick all the governments of the world into giving up their secrecy like that, holy shit. Jesus christ get his dick out your throat and get some oxygen so you can think for yourself. YOU ARE IN A CULT.

>> No.52932591
File: 206 KB, 559x2048, 1669705257367944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to talk about law cuntface? Heres what the law thinks about your personal savior. Get some fucking perspective and stop dragging the rest of us down with you.

>> No.52932729

devils advocate, how would government finances be hidden when using an audite public ledger like BSV.
I'll answer it for you, they can't. It's why bitcoin made no effort to hide transaction details from within the network.

>> No.52932830

>we are unsure if the conclusions are accurate
This is basically [Citation needed]

>> No.52933194

>style and intensity
>reddit tier wall of pasta

>> No.52933215

>future jews in CBDC
you think the law matters nigger? have you not seen what they are doing in every country they can get away with it?

>> No.52933225

All of that text is trumped by Craig refusing to sign one teeny transaction.

>> No.52933318

Okay. Nice info thanks. However, we are in 2022, not 2015, so we do not give a fuck, as we have way better alternatives than BTC. Starting with the Saberhagen coin.

>> No.52933456

>Have Litecoin
Don't care

>> No.52933498

2012? That's cute, I've been mining bitcones since 2009 and what I have to say is bitcoin is beta and the god chain (iced piss) is going to be the real game changer. Brick phones to smart phones lads.

>> No.52933514

This anon is correct, and laying in TCP/IP isn't for increasing throughput, just allowing more computers to participate on the network. The only significant speed increases come from the physical layer (layer 1)

>> No.52933626

>you won't like what I have to say
only because you look like an insufferable faggot
>>52920633 truly hit the nail on the head

>> No.52933648
File: 501 KB, 1100x1500, Fj_bQgbVIAAq0Do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is Bitcoin though. It is the 2009 protocol. It just has a different exchange ticker.

>> No.52933683

This is all interesting, but where are you going with this? Did you just post to inform us of this?

>> No.52933766

gayest crypto website I've seen and I've seen a lot

>> No.52933928

biggest midwit post ive seen here in a while. Hows life with an IQ of 95-105

>> No.52933956
File: 79 KB, 1491x764, bsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is the protocol hal finney interacted with. nothing else. he interacted with the state of nowadays known of bitcoin core.

>> No.52933988

Using Bitcoin (ticker: BSV) for a CBDC is a GOOD thing. It is public and 100% auditable. You can't fuck around with dark money when everything is on chain. This is called subversion. You retarded motherfucker.

Someone post the BSV Trojan horse CBDC meme. It's perfect.

>> No.52934022
File: 244 KB, 1081x1531, Ec7h73hU8AIJpIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. BSV is the Bitcoin protocol that Hal Finney used.

BTC is some gay cripplecoin fork that core jews stole and completely disfigured.

>> No.52934904

He means buy bsv right now before it's too late.

>> No.52935155
File: 490 KB, 860x917, 441-4410420_kool-aid-man-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, so this is the bsv koolaid

tastes like larp

>> No.52935243

really impressive stuff though, i see now why the bsv cult exists. make it all sound plausible enough and then you can easily sell it to people who know less then they think they do. and lets them feel smart. i wonder how much overlap exists between the bsv cult and the hex cult as they employ a similar method.

>> No.52935292

BTC is dead anyway.

>> No.52935878

Privacy is the real deal.

>> No.52936083

Its comparison should firstly be based on its usecase which is privacy and its enough for it to be the future.

>> No.52936248

I'll add Ore network to the list even if its still upcoming in the space.

>> No.52936322
File: 164 KB, 750x498, 9ffe780f591f2eb9e27e126707f0f8a14991aaac3aca22872d05fff21ffc9166_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone using stale memes from the 2019 BSV psy-op, hasn´t Calvin given out new material?

By the way, 12.12.2022 came and went, Satoshi didn´t do shit.
19.12.2022 came and is leaving as we speak and again, jack shit happened. No muh Satoshi, no muh Nigeria, no muh short squeeze.

I'm giving up. I'll now learn to code and live by the sweat of off my brows. Fuck this shit, I ain´t following Moses 2.0 for 40 years.

5$ Shitcoin.

>> No.52936439

Imagine trusting with this deranged narcissistic faggot.

>> No.52936500

OP here. Everything I posted is heavily censored which is why most people just don't know about it. I mean the mods of bitcointalk banned my account just for posting about it here. An account I haven't used in years, but those are the lengths that they'll go to to keep this information from getting out.
If people knew this, no one would bother with BTC because it proves that the original reason for its initial growth no longer exists, it's like a tower with the foundations ripped out.
I'm not here to tell you what to do, it wouldn't matter if I did, but if you're armed with the same information that a lot of us early adopters had you'll probably make the same choices as we have.

>> No.52936521

This is why we moved on to Monero among other things like privacy

>> No.52936678

I lost it all in MT GOX

>> No.52936720
File: 79 KB, 500x662, 1671205017440559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin maxi boomer cope, what's the next narrative after all the ones you shilled turned out to be blatant lies?

>> No.52937101

Its amazing to see privacy talks all around biz especially in this time of self custody.

>> No.52937165

Identity management is based.

>> No.52937444

Privacy is one of the foundation pillar of cryptocurrency, you cant go wrong throwing some $$$ in there.

>> No.52937477

can you just give me the cliff notes, I don't have the patience to read an essay, and I just do whatever 4chins tells me to do.
I'm great at reading, but whatever you're on about is unclear.
like are you telling me to buy bitcoin?
what about Hedera?

>> No.52937775

bullshit, this was mostly available since 2018

>> No.52937819

Easiest money, just long bsv/btc

>> No.52937849

Ty for tldr. Not reading that shit

>> No.52937885

Oldfag here, it's fucking simple.
BTC had the potential to replace all payment systems. Except at one point it was temporarily capped at 7tx/s because childhood problems.
But banks and payment operators realized the danger, that if it's ever uncapped, they will go out of business.
So around 2015, there was a coup and BTC development was taken over by a group of devs sponsored by the banks.
They started pushing a view that the goal of BTC is not transacting but HODL-ing, so 7 tx/s is enough.

> what about Hedera?
Amazing tech with shit tokenomics.

>> No.52937970

The start is fairly accurate about BTC being kiked with scaling options as a way to control the network but that faggot scammer Criag is not Satoshi

>> No.52938660

everything this anon says is true, I was there.

Bitpay, Coinbase, everybody important wanted bigger blocks. Bitcoin Core definitely reneged on the New York Agreement (segwitx2).

Adam back is certainly satoshi, and he's certainly a fking loser.

Also, do not forget the importance of Tether people buying off the Bitcoin Devs. They re-introduced OP-return for no fucking reason to allow people to post data on the blockchain. Gregory maxwell himself said that this was bad for bitcoin, but for some reason they kept the little data field. Conveniently, right after this, a bunch of spooks setup Realcoin/Tether to be the shadow bank behind Bitcoin. Blockstream completely allowed it, and does to this day.

You can blame blockstream for tether. They're all in it together, @deleteshitcoin was right.

>> No.52939583

everything you described litecoin solves.

>> No.52939844

WTFWTF WAS THAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.52940565

In a hyperbitcoinized future, the rich will be living the anarcho-capitalist dream btc promises, and the poor will be living under a cdbc nightmare. This is because btc doesn’t scale, and in a world where billions of people use it, only 1% of the global population will be able to afford the $1000+ transaction fee to gain access to the limited block space. The rest of the world will be stuck with a custodial solution like paypal. They’ll get money taken out of their account for “spreading misinformation.”
The btc maximalist response to this is muh lightning network. But it cannot scale, for two reasons. First, because it depends on btc blockchain transactions, and those are extremely scarce. The waiting list to get your channel-opening transaction included in a block will be decades long. But even assuming that were surmountable, the lightning network also can’t scale because of routing. The only way to send a transaction to someone you don’t have a channel with is to have a map of the entire network so you can find a path through other channels to them. This means your little smartphone would need to keep a map of billions of nodes with tens of billions of channels open between them and keep an updated account of the balance in every single channel, which gets updated a million times a second. In the same way an ordinary user can’t run a btc node if the block size is too large, an ordinary user can’t run a lightning node if the lightning network is too large.
This won’t kill btc. This is exactly the kind of thing the wealthy elite want. A cdbc for you. An open, decentralized, censorship-free, seizure-resistant, deflationary, cypherpunk money for them.
It will go to a quadrillion dollar market cap. It will replace debt as the number one thing institutions hold in reserve. It will become the global reserve currency. And it won’t scale.
Better do literally whatever it takes to get yourself as much btc as possible, right now.

>> No.52940580

Now you might be thinking “why would people use btc if it can’t scale? just use another coin.” This seems reasonable but actually shows that you still don’t get it. The features don’t matter. Gold became the global reserve currency even though it didn’t have the best chemical or metallic properties. When people created steel it didn’t become the global reserve currency, despite how useful it was and all the features it has that gold didn’t have. Gold was better money than steel, even though steel was a better metal than gold. This is because gold was more scarce. When people say “hard money” they mean difficult to make. The opposite of hard money is easy money. Every cryptocurrency is easy money. Anyone can make their own coin with features btc doesn’t have, like anonymity or smart contracts or faster transactions. But it doesn’t matter. Those other coins might be better code but they aren’t harder money, because someone could come along tomorrow and make an even more anonymous, or even faster coin. It’s easy to make a cryptocurrency. It’s hard to make a bitcoin. You either have to mine it or buy it. That’s why it will become the global reserve currency, no matter how much better everyone thinks other coins are technologically. There will be an infinite number of cryptocurrencies, but only 21 million btc. Unless that changes, it will remain the hardest money for no other reason than because it is the first, and everything else is easy, inflationary money. They could even change the code to make it slower than it is now and it would still be the hardest money. As long as the blockchain functions and the supply doesn’t get inflated, btc is going to infinity. The features don’t matter.
It will go to a quadrillion dollar market cap. It will replace debt as the number one thing institutions hold in reserve. It will become the global reserve currency. And it won’t scale.

>> No.52940621

Better do literally whatever it takes to get yourself as much btc as possible, right now.

>> No.52940968
File: 13 KB, 452x416, chudette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a hyperbitcoinized future, the rich will be living the anarcho-capitalist dream btc promises, and the poor will be living under a cdbc nightmare. This is because btc doesn’t scale, and in a world where billions of people use it, only 1% of the global population will be able to afford the $1000+ transaction fee to gain access to the limited block space. The rest of the world will be stuck with a custodial solution like paypal. They’ll get money taken out of their account for “spreading misinformation.”
>The btc maximalist response to this is muh lightning network. But it cannot scale, for two reasons. First, because it depends on btc blockchain transactions, and those are extremely scarce. The waiting list to get your channel-opening transaction included in a block will be decades long. But even assuming that were surmountable, the lightning network also can’t scale because of routing. The only way to send a transaction to someone you don’t have a channel with is to have a map of the entire network so you can find a path through other channels to them. This means your little smartphone would need to keep a map of billions of nodes with tens of billions of channels open between them and keep an updated account of the balance in every single channel, which gets updated a million times a second. In the same way an ordinary user can’t run a btc node if the block size is too large, an ordinary user can’t run a lightning node if the lightning network is too large.
>This won’t kill btc. This is exactly the kind of thing the wealthy elite want. A cdbc for you. An open, decentralized, censorship-free, seizure-resistant, deflationary, cypherpunk money for them.
>It will go to a quadrillion dollar market cap. It will replace debt as the number one thing institutions hold in reserve. It will become the global reserve currency. And it won’t scale.
>Better do literally whatever it takes to get yourself as much btc as possible, right now.

>> No.52941899

excellent point, anon

>> No.52942184

You forget the part where BTC will die as miners will go bankrupt in the near future, as explained ITT already. Only solution, as absurd as it is, would be to increase the supply to provide the incentive for the network, since transaction fees alone won't cut it.

>> No.52942282

when 1 btc is $100k+ and it cost $100 to do a blockchain transaction it will still be profitable to mine, and when 1 btc is $1mil and it costs $1000 to do a blockchain transaction it will still be profitable to mine, and when 1 btc is $10 million and it costs $10,000 to do a blockchain transaction it will still be profitable to mine. you get it yet

>> No.52942387

Kaspa solves all of this.

There's no point to the big block vs small block debate anymore. A huge part of the argument got solved, orphan blocks can now be sensibly incorporated.

As for bloat, Kaspa is rightly taking the layer 2 route for smart contracts to address that. Underneath is a base layer that can handle microtransactions at latency speed, without any high hardware requirements for nodes.

The main reason BSV failed was orphan blocks exceeding critical limit and the chain forking, requiring an inertvention on Twitter to fix it (lmao). Such a thing is not possible in Kaspa. Read up on it OP if you are genuine. If you're just a Bcash shill, then don't, I guess.

>> No.52942423

Not going to read your big wall of text, tankie.
>I'm oldfag from 2012 and blablabla
Try harder next time. MOON. lmao

>> No.52942425

>Adam back is certainly satoshi, and he's certainly a fking loser.
Can you elaborate?

>> No.52942515

let me say that again:

microtransactions at latency speed, withthe same security guarantees and decentralization as BTC. No need for a lightning network or anything. Just pure, generalized nakamoto consensus extended to orphan blocks.

>> No.52942523

Kek, Charlie Lee the happy accident.

>> No.52942673

what about when it dumps o 8k, than to 4k?

>> No.52942757

if it goes that low, how long do you think it will stay there? Bitcoin is the embodiment in code and silicon of financial conservatism. spend less than you earn and save up for the hard times, which will certainly happen from time to time and last for an uncertain amount of time, but not forever.

>> No.52942843

So in 15-20 years, bitcoin market cap will be around 20 trillions. Around the current USA GDP. Got it.

>> No.52942979

>This is exactly the kind of thing the wealthy elite want. A cdbc for you. An open, decentralized, censorship-free, seizure-resistant, deflationary, cypherpunk money for them.
You forgot "traceable."
The coin you described is actually Monero.

>> No.52942984

based and /thread

>> No.52943115

you didn’t read my second post. anything that isn’t bitcoin is a shitcoin. not because of muh tech or features, but because of cold hard economic laws. anyone can easily make their own “privacy coin” but nobody can easily make their own btc. the scarcity is the source of the value, not the features.

>> No.52943143

I don’t know when it will reach any particular price, and obviously it will continue to be volatile but trend upward.

>> No.52943186

>When people created steel it didn’t become the global reserve currency, despite how useful it was and all the features it has that gold didn’t have. Gold was better money than steel, even though steel was a better metal than gold.

Savage. And a reminder to all the "solutions" offered and for those yet to come.

>> No.52943189

No government, business, institution, or rich person wants their financial activities forever publicized and traceable. Privacy isn't some little "feature" its a fundamental aspect of money, especially for major entities that don't want their activities monitored.

>> No.52943327

>anything that isn’t a Commodore64 is a shit PC. not because of muh tech or features, but because of cold hard economic laws. anyone can easily make their own “gaming PC” but nobody can easily make their own Commodore64. the scarcity is the source of the value, not the features

>> No.52943438

>but muh features

>> No.52944497

You're both retarded and don't get why steel didn't replace gold; it had nothing to do with scarcity. It was used in coinage but was never able to replace gold as the reserve currency (which is a meme title btw) because gold is way more durable than steel. In fact, gold is indestructible. All the gold that was ever mined still exists, all the steel ever forged does not. This also makes gold a far better store of value than steel.

'Muh features' isn't the only reason why a Commodore64 is worth less than a top of the line gaymen PC today, and worth less than it was when it was created 40 years ago

>> No.52944724

> It was used in coinage but was never able to replace gold as the reserve currency (which is a meme title btw) because gold is way more durable than steel. In fact, gold is indestructible. All the gold that was ever mined still exists, all the steel ever forged does not. This also makes gold a far better store of value than steel.
True but of the other metals that have similar features to gold, like copper and silver, gold is clearly the most valuable because it is the most scarce.

>'Muh features' isn't the only reason why a Commodore64 is worth less than a top of the line gaymen PC today, and worth less than it was when it was created 40 years ago
Because it’s not money. If it gained monetary value they’d make more and inflate the value away. The hardest thing to make more of becomes the “reserve currency”

>> No.52946339

many people in the crypto space would agree that if a coin goes through a bull market, a bear market, and then a second bull market, and doesn’t surpass its previous all-time-high in the second bull market, then it’s basically considered a dead project. That’s in terms of its dollar price. But consider: as measured in BTC, ethereum failed to surpass its previous ath from 2017/2018 in last year’s bull market. In terms of competing with btc, eth is a dead project. And it’s the one normies think is most likely to “flip” btc. They really don’t get it. BTC is the winner because it’s the first, and everything that comes after, NO MATTER HOW GOOD THE TECH, is easy money. It’s just inflation.

>> No.52947544
File: 51 KB, 1200x675, 1671534064856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owned bitcoin since 2012
>shilling B-cash/BSV on a Moroccan accounting forum

Pick one, and only one. You should be on your Yatch, not shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.52947561
File: 993 KB, 1112x3792, BullShitVision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52947571

BTC was not designed to be anything besides a niche
zooming to 70K was always destined to end in a crash

>> No.52948699

Literal reddit faggot. The only person that matches Satoshi is Hal Finney.

>> No.52948927

top kek!!!! BSV is a steaming pile of shit

>> No.52949482

The faggot is you. Satoshi sent his last e-mail to the cypherpunk mailing list in 2015. Finney died in 2014. All evidence points to Adam Back.

>> No.52949612

Get rekt OP.

>> No.52949844
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the barely sociable doc does a pretty good job, although it is tainted by some "bcash propaganda" as the core cucks say.

Basically, Adam Back was on the cypherpunk mailing list and he replied to wei dai's post on B-money in 1998. He suggests combining b-money with his own invention, hashcash, to make decentralized cash. https://mailing-list-archive.cryptoanarchy.wiki/archive/1998/12/0b252a6001b0bb9e53289d9a7679164a884a28626360ff8a05ba8c5e9f4208ae/

Later in 2008, before Satoshi releases the whitepaper, he emails Wei Dai asking him for the link to his original B-money paper, so he can cite it properly. In the email, he mentions that he already spoke with Adam Back (hashcash.org) and Adam pointed him to Wei Dai.

Adam has never released evidence of this email exchange with Satoshi. Instead, we are to believe that Adam Back had the idea for combining Hashcash with B-money in 1998, but when Satoshi emailed him in 2008, he apparently did not even download the software or mine a single bitcoin.

Adam does not appear on Bitcointalk until 2013... 4-5 years after bitcoin is created, and in 2014 he waltzes in to become the CEO of blockstream, the first bitcoin company with lots of funding.

Generally, the theory is that Adam remained satoshi until he thought it was safe to emerge as his real persona.

as for >he's certainly a fking loser

Just go follow him on twitter, you'll see what I mean. Its a real disappointment that he is Satoshi -- it's why all the OGs pretend he isnt.

as for this brainlet, it's batshit to suggest Finney is satoshi. That would me he spent months emailing back and forth to himself, all to keep secret his involvement with a software that was worth nothing at the time.

OFC it cant be craig, that's just stupid.

>> No.52949983

>No more governments sending money to foreign nations for wars

Why on earth do you think BTC would stop this?

>> No.52950025

They do so currently by printing the money out of thin air. Much harder to do with an asset that has a limited supply

>> No.52950643

fuck bitcoins. you know its too late to join a pyramid scheme when your grandmother mentions it. if you had it early you probably got amazing profits but now you just get insanely high risk for low return

>> No.52952447
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>> No.52952615

Anything based on mining will always be run by the ALREADY rich and powerful.

>> No.52953786

Are you retarded? In proof of stake you get rewarded with new coins by owning coins. Anyone can start a btc mining operation, and there are some coins that even prevent asic mining and make it much harder to centralize or corporatize mining.

>> No.52953839
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Oh brother. Just say you are a BSV shill already, Crej.

>> No.52953892

Ive owned bitcoin since 2008 and OP is a shill and not satoshi.

>> No.52953982

classic shill tactic. Any criticism of BTC is dismissed as BSV or BCH propaganda.

The classic Left/Right paradigm. Oh, you're criticizing the democrats, you must be a republican!

How much Tether per post do you get paid?

>> No.52954005
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also you definitely haven't owned bitcoin since 2008.... The genesis block is in 2009.


>> No.52954359

I mined bitcoin for an hour in 2011 or so, and I don't understand shit about it. I also was too poor to afford buying btc. if only I had had a magic crystal ball...

>> No.52954412

>one member of the Satoshi team doesn't have perfect photographic recall of something another member of the Satoshi team posted on Bitcointalk under the Satoshi handle years before
>Gotcha Creg!

>> No.52954413

also, thanks for the history lesson
btw, why do you people still fight? what's the point of fighting, when there are 1982738723648723 alternatives to bitcoin, to the point of some becoming literal scams? LMAO you people are sad

>> No.52954584

you dont even know who I am boy. OGs post on here.

>> No.52954625

>bitcoin will become unprofitable after the next halving
This fud has been here since 2012, yawn

>> No.52954658

>Just to retain current profitability
Well thats your error, it does not and will not retain current mining profitability. Profits will go down, hashrate will follow, difficulty will adjust and everything will be fine.
If you‘re really an oldfag you must not have paid attention to the technicals behind bitcoin and instead been obsessed with retarded politics around the protocol. No wonder you haven‘t made it.

I have

>> No.52954664


>> No.52954700


>> No.52954723

Nigger not everybody that has legit concerns agains aa fucking shitcoin is a shilling jew, youre just a tech illiterate mongoloid deep into protocol politics because you can‘t understand the tech with your subhuman iq

>> No.52954733

>near instant tx
>sub cent fees
It scales because it is centralized, simple as. Might aswell use solana (KEK) if you want quick and cheap payments

>> No.52954754

Hang yourself if you unironically believe the shit that comes out of your mouth

>> No.52954767

Cool, run 50.000 TPS on it for 2 years and watch the node amount reduce to <5 because the chain gets to a size of 50TB in that timeframe

>> No.52954781

>you can spend it

>> No.52954809


>> No.52954885

such cope. Hows the price looking Crej?

>> No.52954983

Craig is a narcissist and scammer.
The complete opposite of Satoshi.

Ironical that he calls his theft Satoshi's vision because it should be called Satoshi's nightmare.

Bitcoin's current purpose is to become digital gold and it does not need fast transactions for this.
When you run an enterprise things never work out the way you plan and you need to adapt.
Bitcoin is doing that.

>> No.52955131

Ethereum will do what Bitcoin failed to do.

>> No.52955325
File: 273 KB, 668x322, Wiil the REAL Satoshi please stand up AGAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52955386

going on 3 days of this thread lingering on /biz/
this place is fucking dead

>> No.52955756

>subdue blockchain technology
That wouldn't be possible. The tech itself is foundations for the future of the internet. And with so many easy onboarding options for users, it getting widespread adoption is only a matter of time.

>> No.52956836

Unfortunately a CIA narcissistic asset tried to take control of the new attempt.
You lose both ways but at least with a crippled bitcoin something else can take its place.

>> No.52956946

No, BSV is a fork of BCASH. That image is bullshit.

>> No.52956986

This is all bullshit. Bitcoin was always going to have trouble scaling and being used for microtransactions. Everyone always knew this. The fights in the Bitcoin technical space were all about what to do to solve the problem. It looks like the solution is going to end up being some other coin is going to have to take care of microtransactions. But which one?

>> No.52957054

Centralized state captured shitcoin

BSV/BCHers here are just coping and seething watching their failed scammy forks fade into obscurity during the depths of the bear market

>> No.52957090
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god your narratives are shit

>> No.52957226

>prove your identity by selling an asset
Is this where we are at in 2019 dudes?

>> No.52957465

It's a distributed ledger using social consensus.
If it becomes shit the consensus will move to an alternative or fork Ethereum if they have to.

The technology is open source and with enough time everyone will be able to start a blockchain with a simple button click.

>> No.52957812

Bitcoin lost its value as a payment option and now it's becoming increasingly clear that it won't be the "digital gold" anymore. It just correlates the price of tech stocks and that's it.

>> No.52958510

Bitcoin (bsv) scales with no issues, don't you worry, by end of decade it scales tp billions of tps.

>> No.52958554

>you won't like what I have to say.
Bottom signal.

>> No.52958559

50tb isnt a lot, there are youtubers with storage solutions bigger than that in their homes. If you can afford to buy and run an array of asics, you can easily afford a few bucks for storage.
As the network grows this storage becomes another resource to earn money from, miners will be able to charge for access to archived data.
Halving leads to half the block reward for mined blocks to be shares by the miners. This drops profits by half too where the hashrate remains the same. other factors are running costs and efficiency of the asics. as profitability reduces the less efficient miners sell off their equipment and buy more efficient and competitive asics.
The problem I'm pointing out is that as profits reduce due to halving block rewards, this profitability can drop below that of even the most efficient ASICs. In this situation there is no incentive to mine and secure the network. BSV on the other hand won't rely on the block reward but rather transaction fees from all the transactions in a block. The profitability increases as the BSV network use increases. And because they're both SHA256 POW hashing algo based that makes BSV able to migrate over the unprofitable BTC miners.
As soon as BSV mining is more profitable from fees than BTC is from the block reward, that marks the final blow to BTC.

>> No.52959843

3x 18TB hard drives would cost less than $750

>> No.52960261

As someone in crypto since early 2011, I mostly agree with OPs summary. I think it's laughable when people say that Bitcoin is fully decentralized when such a small group of core developers have demonstrated their power to overturn the will of the clear majority in the segwit2x fiasco.

OP doesn't even mention Theymos, the admin of both bitcointalk and /r/bitcoin, responsible for all the censorship. I still remember how he said that if 90% of people disagree with him, he wants those 90% to leave the community rather than speak freely. He has done tremendous damage to crypto and decentralization.

>> No.52960359

theymos is also a key part of the puzzle. He implemented a 1mb+ CSS style sheet (they're usually only a few kb) on the /r/bitcoin forum to put the most controversial posts up to the most visible places to further confuse and conflate the situation. He also banned anyone who mentioned the non-core nodes. This is why /r/btc was created, to escape the censorship, but they too resorted to similar tactics when their narrative was challenged.
All this censorship has one common trait behind it, they always ALWAYS attack big block bitcoin.

>> No.52961670

>>everyone will be able to start a blockchain with a simple button click.
That exactly is one of the major issues in the crypto space. too many blockchains, each with their peculiarities and differences.

>> No.52961763

OP sucks more dick than all fags in San Francisco combined

>> No.52961902


Isn't xhe a tranny?

>> No.52962586

smart contract privacy is the future for defi

>> No.52962653

Defi, L1 privacy systems and L2 scaling solutions are well-developed on Ethereum.

>> No.52962670

that's painful.

>> No.52962718

ore id solves that complexity

>> No.52962884

USDC runs on Ethereum though

>> No.52963658

The documentary "Who Killed Bitcoin" shows in detail the censorship made by theymos, although at the end they shill for BCH, if you ignore the shilling there's plenty of good info there.


>> No.52963868
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I got into crypto in 2013, worked as an eth dev this last bullrun, I have read all of the technical books on Bitcoin and blockchain and understand the tech in a way maybe probably only a handful of people on this board do. OP has a point, insofar as Bitcoin has failed to do what Satoshi said it would in the whitepaper. Blockstream is too centralized and their decisions have been questionable at best.


Craig is VERY obviously not Satoshi and raising the block size is the sort of fix a chimpanzee would make. It doesn't solve any of the underlying issues Bitcoin has, it is and always has been a temporary measure to bide time coming up with a solution to scaling, which Craig never fucking did. It's like Bitcoin has a shattered pelvis. Is the Blockstream Bone Cage (tm) going to fix it? Probably not. Is Craig's diaper shaped bandaid any better at fixing BTC? FUCK NO lmfao

>> No.52964815

lol yeah, also nobody is engaging with my very clear and specific points about adam black.

genesis block is 2009 and I proved you're clueless, you may continue to cope and seethe tranny

>> No.52965496
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>The internet works on 7 layers
>Except they are actual layers where the entire datagram exists

yes and no. The layers are just mostly a categorization of the entire process. Some processes happen at both levels and its difficult to say one happen on just one layer or the other. The only layer that is actually separate from the other is the physical layer 1. This also the most expensive layer. I'd run network performance tests on new hardware. The network card that pumped out the 100Gbe was worth about 250k or more. The switching and routing devices also cost money.


The type of disagreements on how bitcoin is made is the same as tcp/ip . When microsoft started they didnt even have a tcp/ip stack. Gates was fucked. So he did what op is describing. He destroyed the original bitcoin bch (Netscape) then released his new better coin(btc). It wasn't actually any better but Gates was selling the operating system that the browser would be on. Thus he had completely control to make sure MS internet explorer would be the only browser used as he crushed the competition. article: https://www.theguardian.com/global/2015/mar/22/web-browser-came-back-haunt-microsoft

"And because Internet Explorer was so dominant, Microsoft had little incentive to update and improve it. So, in the end, other – more innovative – browsers like Opera, Safari, Firefox and eventually Google Chrome appeared."

So basically what will happen is BTC will remain king and continue to be so while crushing competition with anti competitive practices. While turning into complete shit while another currency 10 years later will be a 10x better coin. We have to ask ourselves would chrome, and the rest exist if Microsoft didn't continue have its early success. The only other OS's are Linux its versions and Apple. Monoplies can be bad, but its also the only way to make money. Would cars be as ubiquitous if Ford wasn't as successful. Auto industry destroyed the trolley.

>> No.52965653

Didn’t read, nor am I selling

>> No.52965890

Privacy is based but renaming monero as bitcoin makes it seem like a second fiddle, whereas it will be a mover of mainstream adoption in the face of regulation

>> No.52965924

No one wants their financial data available to anyone who wants to have a peek.

>> No.52967117

I owned Bitcoin since 2012 also and I don’t understand why your thread has lasted three fucking days with hundreds of replies.

>> No.52967194

teranode, spv, and massive blocks are the scaling solutions you dolt, but please, enlighten us on how to scale a blockchain properly?

>> No.52969013
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>Bitcoin's current purpose is to become digital gold
That's not what Satoshi created Bitcoin for.

>and it does not need fast transactions for this.
That's what Satoshi designed Bitcoin for. Payment system. Fast transactions. Low fees. Micropayments.

>> No.52969050
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Nope, BSV is the original Bitcoin protocol. Works the same way it did in 2009.

BTC and BCH are altcoin forks. Don't get confused by 3 letter tickers, the protocol is what defines Bitcoin.

>> No.52969174

Massive blocks are a hindrance not a selling point
lmfao what happened to preserving the integrity of Satoshi's vision? Fuck it, let's pretend it is still Satoshi's model (it's not but whatever idc like SV fags) Craig said it was processing 50k tps in 2018, and that it would put within 2 years. Last year they said it would be out in 2022. Now it's the end of the year, shits still not finished. Bring that shit up when it actually works

>> No.52969205

I doubt that mate. Regulations gonna affect Monero. it will be smart contracts privacy systems driving mainstream adoption of crypto

>> No.52969206

>Post a quote that makes Satoshi look like a retard
Bro he wasn't God he was a man who built some software and died before it properly took off (Hal Finey)

>> No.52969299

Hal Finey wasn't Satoshi unless he emailed and replied to himself 100s of times

>> No.52969900

> Small blockers saved humanity by giving us hard money, exactly as Satoshi wanted based on the genesis message.
> Idiot big blockers who insist to spam humanity’s most important ledger with their coffee purchases are actual enemies of humankind, wittingly or not, and should be treated as such.
Hey, idiots. You do have your precious payment system up and running, and guess what, nobody wants it. Face it, you’ve been wrong this whole time, about everything.

>> No.52969976

Yes it's called autism regarding plausible deniability for a pseudonym

>> No.52971487

7txs*60seconds*60minutes*24hrs*365days= 220,752,000 transactions per year

that is 220 million possible transaction per year. fuck it, double that number because fuck why not, it's peanuts anyway, whatever. 500 million transactions max! That has to include opening or closing lightning channels, high value transactions from investors, or whatever you wanna call em and of course the occasional exchange mistrust bank runs trumpeted by not your keys, not your coins chants. They all have to fit in 220 million tx per year. You want an on chain tx on BTC? Go suck on a cactus. You want an onchain tx on BSV? They are practically immediate and free.

>> No.52971552

All ghost chains are practically immediate and free, that's not impressive

>> No.52971620

I think the idea of privacy of this sort is retarded. Back in the days when meta data wasnt a thing, sure we could expect some level of privacy. But that shit is gone. Even if they cant see any of your transactions they can tell who you are and what you are buying. Maybe not exactly or enough to block specific transactions. But enough. There will always be ways around this shit . Like you just pay someone else to buy a thing for you. Yes they can use meta data for this as well, but it just constantly moving goal post. Learn, adapt, suck off dudes.

>> No.52971848

privacy through obfuscation is ideal. You can cheaply split up coins into many addresses on bsv. Then by using new change addresses each time you've achieved privacy to the extent that the average person can no longer tell what coins are yours.
this can be further enhanced by having customers sign a transaction and then send this over to the merchant for broadcasting. This separates the customers IP from their coins, only the merchant knows the customers id and this information is kept private

>> No.52973224
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>and a reflection of the entire brain dead crypto space
I remember arguing with strangers over the internet about scaling from 2015 till 2019 kek.
Actually helped me articulate arguments better, so not a total time waste.
And plenty of the people I argued with were probably glowies.
I really really miss the golden days of Bitcoin, creating websites for the sole purpose of promoting it, juggling through 4 side hustles just so I could invest more into my bitcoin businesses (but never bitcoin itself kek).
Silver lining is, all those morons who don't understand the origins are our exit liquidity. Every big blocker did at least somewhat support BCH, and everyone who followed BCH knew about Avalanche consensus way before AVAX launched at $0.33 and $0.50. Also all of us bought our bitcoins at double digits.

So the irony of the situation is that those of us who didn't put money first, eventually made it from the stupidity of those who ruined our ideals.

Never forget the good days anons, and assuming you're at 8 figures already, use the money to spread good in other ways.

>> No.52974135
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Quality thread op thx. You would never see something like this on Reddit this is what makes biz

>> No.52974186
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Lightning doesn't pay BTC miners and forces the entire chain to move to blockstream controlled lightning when the blockreward reaches zero that's their end game. BTC cannot collect enough transaction fees at 7tps.

>> No.52974236

Why split up coins among so many addresses when you can easily hide your transactions from being seen? Zero-knowledge technology is the way forward with privacy.

>> No.52974261

the campaign for privacy is on a high and users are becoming receptive towards privacy systems like monero, zcash and railgun

>> No.52974296

it is ideal to have multiple wallets for different purposes and a privacy wallet to prevent surveillance or monitoring of your transactions history

>> No.52974317

ore id makes it easy to create and manage multiple wallets seamlessly

>> No.52974379

so that the average user has some level of privacy yet if a crime is committed the auditable ledger can have the appropriate amount of resources directed to it in order to trace the crime.
There isn't enough resources on the planet to trace every users funds, but with a concentrated effort law enforcement can track crime.

>> No.52975037

BSV had it’s time and nothing OP has to say changes the value of BTC in present day.

>> No.52976087

Not this spam thread again. Roger, we know it's you.

>> No.52978291
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The point here is that Craig and Satoshi had the same ideas about Bitcoin at scale, how it should be run out of data centers using big blocks. Obviously because they are the same person.

>> No.52978309
File: 84 KB, 1362x248, few_nodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi wanted big blocks and mining being run out of huge data centers you fucking retard.

>> No.52978393

holy fuck this thread is still up?

>> No.52979289

yes, because it's STIFF rather than limp

>> No.52981725

BSV is decoupling from the rest of the market. The same old shit will be drown out eventually if this pattern continues.

>> No.52981928

An entire blog post just to shill Craig Wright's abomination. What a nigger.