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52919255 No.52919255 [Reply] [Original]

>most attractive women 18-25 don’t care about how much money a guy has, they just want to “find themselves” and have fun by fucking Chads
>the few that do care about money will not go for a regular relationship and instead will whore themselves out on OF or become sugar babies to 60 year olds
>women only start to look for a provider when they become old and undesirable at 30+

Betabux bros….. we lost

>> No.52919313


Get fucked incel

>> No.52919327

>all women are just like the whores in my amerimutt shithole city
I thank God every day I am not a mutt

>> No.52919350
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>> No.52919355

>all Americans are fags and niggers that just love The City™
Why are eurocucks so stupid? You'd think with their free everything they'd be the most innovative people alive today

>> No.52919365

>my girl is le different

>> No.52919377
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this is incredibly demoralizing

>> No.52919384
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I just accepted my fate bro, I don't know what is in store for me but I'm just gonna ride it out, if I see a non whore girl I'll try to ask her out If i get rejected I'll just move on to the next one.
In all honesty I have nothing to loose already gonna assume I'm a dead end as 50% of guys never reproduce anyways, neither have any of my older brothers.

>> No.52919407
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now one of you need to care for her

>> No.52919426


Women wake up at 26/27.

Then the provider search begins.

If men would stop providing the whole house of cards would come down. Unfortunately most of the men on earth are dumb fucks who go "OH HOT WOMAN LET ME TALK TO HER IMPRESS HER ANYTHING SHE WANT IF I CAN TOUCH HER VAGINA"

In a round about way men are actually to blame for everything.

>> No.52919449

99% men are simp

>> No.52919477
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>> No.52919495


Sadly yes.

Most men I meet are simp. And women for the most part just float on a sea of simps their entire life.

You can be annoyed by it, or accept the world for exactly what it is.

>> No.52919501
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6'3 poorfag here

Not my problem.

>> No.52919536

Before the 1960's men would simply refuse to have commited relationships with women who weren't virgins. Since men now are too desperate to keep such standard, women have 0 reasons not to have their fun and fuck 50+ Chads in their youth.

>> No.52919566
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put few ass pic on IG/OF and simper will pay your nice lifestyle so you can travel and taste more dicks. Don t worry will be back at 30 so you can finance the rest of my life

>> No.52919571
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fun fact you WILL take a roastie and she will cheat on you. you have 0 self esteem

>> No.52919579

Literally just be Chad.

>> No.52919590

Bro actually good looking, stronger, high T, working class men own an F-150 outright and a white 9+ blonde breeder wife by the time they're 25. If you don't lock em down young then there's nothing left over. If the people in your circle are doing this then you live in the wrong spot.

>> No.52919613

Cope. Different cultures being forth different values. Jews ruined america. Most big cities in general devolve to degeneracy.
The boyfriend is retarded. Even if she got an abortion, she'd still been a cheating bitch. Imagine not breaking up with a whore that cheated on you.
Yep. Weak pussies create weak times. Simple as. They enable the degeneracy and also the propaganda nowadays is to make men feminine aka submissive which is increasing the magnitude of the degeneracy. Feedback loop of so'y

>> No.52919629

Better be a rich 5’6” incel than a poor 5’6” incel

>> No.52919644

Tranny car actually low T made of aluminum foil trash can
Found On Road Dead

>> No.52919686


Are Fords nice?

>> No.52919712
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Reminder that we will see the end of women's rights in our lifetime because of the global population collapse that it caused. I'm not even joking.

>> No.52919722

found your problem

>> No.52919725

No they are aluminum junk
It's the "best selling truck" because they sell them en bulk to commercial buyers
For consumers they are an absolute scam of the cheapest made vehicles out there, literally engine block made of aluminum foil like WHAT.
Oh and if you get into an accident they get fucking annihilated because lol aluminum foil.

Want a truck? Buy a Ram.

>> No.52919955

Your making real life decisions with a movie you made in your head based on things you initially understood were jokes, generalizations, memes, stereotypes and other peoples experiences. Now you decided to fold all this into your own character instead of going out into the world and finding out about life yourself, on your own terms.

The solution is realizing that all this thinking is old. Change happens very fast, and you are a unique person in time that needs to explore their current surroundings in order to conquer it. think about this

1. a new female turns 18 every second. Thats a fresh, clean mind that hasn't been made bitter or has no habits or preferences, everything is new, everything is worth a shot to them.

2. Society is changing norms. 18-25 find "Daddys" appealing. This by itself allows for any guy with any semplance of maturity to be a father figure, regardless of age weight whatever. step porn is popular because women crave men that are fatherly.

3. 99% of females try and fail at only fans and sugar daddy chasing. The top porn star is Abella Danger, who has been in porn for 20 years now, not your neighbor or coworker, like 99% of 'artists' never make money.

As I type this shit, its already outdated, it will take years for movies and memes to accurately depict what 2023 woman are like, you might as well become the expert, or go out and learn. You play shit like elden ring and god of war, you KNOW you gotta level up and grind on those games, but you over here lvl 1 nobodies cant get a lvl 10 bitch one time in 1996 and so you not gonna try my dude?

>> No.52920027

you have faggot ass redit spacing, but your post was okay. work on it.

>> No.52920070

How do you know she wasn't dating the father?

>> No.52920091

that's called paragraphs you fucking nigger

>> No.52920139

fuck off back to gayddit.

>> No.52920157


You use a trip code, you’re probably underage. Reddit spacing=phone posting. Stop being retarded, people are embarrassed for you

>> No.52920177

can't wait for sexbots
the SMV of women will crash

>> No.52920180
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Not europoor sweaty
Lol I'm married with kids dummy

>all women are le whores
>REEE jews are killing the white race! White genocide!!!!
Which one is it chuds

>> No.52920391
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I was that young guy without any money. The girls and women told me about their provider (ex)boyfriends, who pay their rent, take them on trips, sent money, gift iPhones, who have respectable jobs and come from good families.

Seeing women just being completely indifferent to them was eye opening

>> No.52920638

>blancpoo villeret
Nice orient bambino lol what a shitter

>> No.52920659

Imagine being a woman in 2022. All modern men are effeminate gaming addicts with broken dicks from watching porn since they were prepubescent.
It's literally impossible for them to find a suitable male partner (a real man).

>> No.52920888

Have you considered READABILITY