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File: 1.32 MB, 1350x1735, 1671312008969106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52916228 No.52916228 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't have enough money to tip well you shouldn't be going out.

>> No.52916268
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, dogublin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simping for roasties
you're actually more retarded than me anon. quite the feat

>> No.52916281
File: 78 KB, 446x435, 1569437187927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white simp steals money from a black man to give to a woman
All simps are trash. Especially racist simps.

>> No.52916286

Imagine being Michael Jordan and tip 5$ at a Vegas casino, is this dude actually a kike nig?
Fuck is this new goblintown? NFTs ded, only Trump collec holders gonna make it kek.
>verification not required

>> No.52916292

yeah so Mike gambles a lot. Lifetime he's probably tipped more than Gret.

Either way who cares.

>> No.52916296
File: 642 KB, 777x679, 963042094724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow wayne gretzky sounds like a dick
hated him in the nhl too
michael jordan is the best of all time

>> No.52916303

Tipping is an American concept made up by globohomo establishment owners refusing to pay their employees properly.

>> No.52916304

>wayne gretzky
>that face
i'm not looking up who that is but i give it a 50% chance it's a jew

>> No.52916309

>Michael Jordan then proceeded to kick in the face of whoever this piece of shit stealing jew was who had the audacity to steal from him to tip a roastie

>> No.52916313

Still white.

>> No.52916318

hes extremely french canadian looking

>> No.52916322

obviously not. pity (You) for your poor bait, no need to @ me until you figure out better arguments

>> No.52916324

yes, because when everyone feels obliged to participate in this bullshit, no-one goes anywhere.

>> No.52916350
File: 924 KB, 1574x2100, 069FFC49-ECE8-4F36-A111-751A5DE0AB89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliver my food wagie
And do it for no tip :)

>> No.52916375
File: 65 KB, 625x487, simple as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo wayne gretzky was just angle shooting because he couldnt compete

>> No.52916376

Nah, Ill just tip with Michael Jordons money.

>> No.52916384

Keep consuming your goyslop, NPC.

>> No.52916404

How about since I don't have enough money I just stop participating in society completely? How about all of us toiling away and slave jobs for slave wages right now just decided that hey you know what if we can't afford to go out or participate in society that were propping up then why even fucking bother propping it up we're just propping it up for those exploiting us.

Yeah I'm thinking I might stay home and keep that tip money and I also might not show up to my job inside that kitchen and I might not cook that food. Along with all the other meals that won't go cooked or all the other bullshit jobs that won't get done which society depends on.

>> No.52916406

you prob got no rizz ugly bald ass nigga + u lost all ur money on shit coins

>> No.52916425


>> No.52916504

He's a ukie origin

>> No.52916543

I would've knocked down the fag on the spot, also the waitress just because

>> No.52916610

MJ is the nigger that tried to short gamestop through melvin capital gg blackie

>> No.52916667

no you wouldnt have. you'd look at the ground and mumble out an ok wayne.

>> No.52916689

wayne was definitely in the wrong here. also fuck tipping

>> No.52916851

Here he is, we have been anxiously waiting for you. Thank you for this very reply, keep up with the bot-tier posting!

>> No.52916917

I can just imagine the smell of your basement. Fat fuck.

>> No.52916986


>nigger doesn't tip

Being a waiter will redpill you fast.

>> No.52917144

>grabbed one of the chips that didnt belong to him
Stomp that faggot. He could've made a point without the theft.

Also, op is a giant faggot and, even worse, a simp.
Death to op.

>> No.52917164

>i'm not looking up who that is
Zoomer trash
>french canadian
Clearly slav. Hes one of the greatest Ukrainian Canadians

>> No.52917165
File: 5 KB, 195x195, hispanic mexican american white male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>michael jordan tips
I always knew he was one of the good black guys. But wayne sounds like a fucking faggot.
>100 dollar tip please

>> No.52917187

fucking kek'd out loud, nice

>> No.52917224


>> No.52917250

americans are so cringe

>> No.52917252
File: 54 KB, 566x480, 1413774723423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the most famous hockey player in history, how fucking ignorant are you?

>> No.52917261

I tip 1 dollar only.

>> No.52917277

Kek no wonder I don't know who that is

>> No.52917278

whats hockey? is that full of niggers too

>> No.52917305

Tip is american thing. White people don't do it.

>> No.52917322
File: 752 KB, 1630x2026, 295BFE28-1B3E-4C34-8712-6400FEA858BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagies seething for their gibs

>> No.52917398
File: 12 KB, 222x227, jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52917409

>mj simping for mcdicks
holy shit lol
I remember the PSAs

>> No.52917415

thank fucking god a white real man showed that stupid nigger how it's done

>> No.52917421

That pic if for ants but Michael is right.

>> No.52917444

Based mentality but he only says that because he got a lot of shekels by throwing a basketball in a hoop.

>> No.52917702

Exactly this. Also remember that Wayne wifed up the first model that put out for him lol

>> No.52917763

>tipping at all
I dunno man sounds degenerate and retarded

>> No.52918054

>>Imagine being Michael Jordan
Thats the fucking thing, if you knew anything about the guy, you would know that he was a ruthless psychopath. To him giving away money to some roastie who does not deserve is fucking retarded. It is not about the amount, but the priniciple, you earn your money. It is not "tipped" or given to you.
yeah whites are pathological simps, what else is new. Instead of the waiter getting a better job, you enable this retard behavior by tipping. Maybe you should give money to starving children in Africa, it is going to work out homie.
Why do anglos think that they are above supply and demand. Every single time they try to tamper with it, they end up in a worse situation. They try to get cute with it and come with retarded phrases to cope (MMT, effective altruism blah blah), shit is never beaten, enjoy the next couple of year.

>> No.52918243

where is the men there? tipping with money of someone else is BS

>> No.52918310

>Pro hockey player

Pick one and only one

>> No.52918388

$5 to a cocktail waitress is pretty good tip desu.
drinks in vegas are free and they're constantly offering them to you, the casino wants you to be drunk.
a $1 tip is standard. $5 is large. $100 is way too much.
it was probably something like a bottled beer too which is really easy to grab and bring.

>> No.52918523
File: 98 KB, 645x770, c53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All simps are trash. Especially racist simps.
>whites are pathological simps
>I dunno man sounds degenerate and retarded

>> No.52918556
File: 43 KB, 550x535, 1592674100126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tipping began to go out of fashion around 2019

>> No.52918566

They stopped bringing me beers after I had 12 and didn't seem to get any drunk. Then I had to go to the mall they have adjacent to the casino and buy more beer there because they charge you like $6 per beer, those fuckers.

>> No.52918569

Jordan is the whitest black guy ever, his favorite sports to actually play are baseball, golf and fishing. And he watches NASCAR religiously.

>tipping $100 on comped drinks
Literally why.

>> No.52918603

Wayne Gretzky is Canadian. MJ was the only American in this anecdote, other than the waitress, presumably, and I don't see how you see his behavior as indicative of broader American behavior. Please clarify your post, sir.

>> No.52918617

Michael Jordan is an asshole but this was pretty based

>> No.52918625

>Michael Jordan is an asshole
Yes, I learned that on Reddit too my fellow gentlesir!

>> No.52918642

This, what a based legend. There's never been another quite like him.

>> No.52918643

Yo, MJ kinda based

>> No.52918798

Fuck that nigger and fuck that Canadian for telling an American "how we do it in Vegas".

>> No.52918855

>how dare you don't have encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture and irrelevant sports
wow got me there boys
if you ever wonder why you aren't rich, take a moment to tally up the time you spend worshipping other men

>> No.52918860

>you shouldn't be going out
thats fine because I don't

>> No.52918897

>be Michael Jorden
>buy father a nice convertible with your newfound wealth
>yutes carjack father, murder him, dump his corpse in a swamp where he isn't found for over two months
>never be too generous again

>> No.52919131

nah but these days it's full of fags

>> No.52919145
File: 50 KB, 632x630, 1668880912270990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks are notoriously shitty tippers.

>> No.52919428

>Knows who Michael Jordan is but not Wayne Gretzky
Go back nigger lover

>> No.52919453
File: 89 KB, 748x729, FLfOZTbXIA0z6jD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52919487
File: 9 KB, 220x230, 1670888254105432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Wayne Gretzki is allowed to say the n-word now?

>> No.52919664

Mike being the GOAT even outside the court

>> No.52919952

>6 bagels

>> No.52919963

define an 'everything bagel'

>> No.52919992

100 tip for a drink, a shitty casino drink with well alcohol. wow, so progressive, clap clap clap. literally thats not even decorum. you tip like that WHEN YOU WIN BIG, not just for fucking fun

>> No.52920872

>Play with a ball
>Money is earned

>> No.52920920

i only tip if someone has to go physically inside my house

>> No.52921034

>he thinks people outside of canada and americans close to the canadian border give a fuck about hockey

>> No.52921812

Simps deserve Genghis Khan's treatment

>> No.52921833


Wayne Gretzky is worth 9 figures, and jordan 10. They can tip whatever they like for whatever reason. Gretzky, being the based chad he is, was just teaching his simian friend how cultured, superior whites treat the servant class when they are feeling happy. If jordan wanted to fit in with his intellectual and moral betters, he needed to learn the ways of a fully evolved human. Sambos aren’t welcome in polite society.

>> No.52921848

Exactly. Jordan was a bitch nigga.

>> No.52921921
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 1600463515230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously not
That is a white man. Guarantee on his personal documents he is listed as caucasian. You don't get to change what is considered "white" when it's convenient for you pigboy.
White people always do this
>1800s - we're a minority in this land we stole from the natives? I know! lets make the orientals honorary whites to boost our numbers on paper yeah!
Whites are the satanic spawn of the fallen angels, the devil, and it's clear by their history and current actions.
The thief come not but to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10) and wherever white people show up that's exactly what follows.
>b-b-b-but niggers-
You deserve everything bad they do to you, your forefathers created everything wrong with the world today and you're just unlucky enough to be living through the consequences they kept kicking down the road. You can't hide from the truth, God's truth, and He is exposing everything, making it so obvious that you won't be able to hide behind paid lying "experts" like you all do.
All Praises to The Most High God
Death to the Antichrist

>> No.52921930

Jews steals money from black, idiot.

>> No.52922691

>If you don't have enough money to tip well you shouldn't be going out.

If nobody went out, the waitress would be hooking.

>> No.52922717

>giving some roastie $100 to walk 8 oz of liquid a few hundred feet from the kitchen, because you're in an establishment that was engineered to separate you from your money (which you chose to patronize)
gentiles, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.52922833

you are the simp. imagine thinking a $100 tip for a drink at a casino is okay, let alone someone else taking your money to do it for you. wayne gretzky is lucky MJ didnt just put him through the table right there. just like simps like you deserve to be.