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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52908456 No.52908456 [Reply] [Original]

>coworker who I’ve worked with for years brings his wife to the office for the first time
>she’s a solid 2/10


>> No.52908497

Sometimes ugly can be better because you know they’ll never cheat and they try harder to please you keeping house clean and making good meals

>> No.52908501
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>> No.52908567

ugly can also mean insecure and more likely to cheat because of that. Attraction level is not what determines cheating.

>> No.52909189

don't make fun of him its tough out there I don't see you helping him op

>> No.52909191

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
this thread isn't

>> No.52909204
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Sounds like an incel excuse to date ugly women. The real reason is obviously you cant do better than that lol.

>> No.52909208

I’m dating a 9/10 and instead of fucking her 2 days before she goes out of town, she is sleeping and we’re watching aqua teen hunger force together. I hate my life

>> No.52909216

I once shared an office with a massive fat cunt that would turn up at 3-4 pm, sit at his desk and eat a whole roast chicken, + snacks, chocolate bars etc, then ring his wife who weighed 400 pounds, and spend 20 minutes making kissy noises down the phone at her.
She would then pick him up at 5:30, bringing their 'childtroll' as a stark reminder that these people somehow managed to fuck.

Still have ptsd and triggered rage 10 years later.

>> No.52909237

Physiogonomy reflects interior characteristics. The more lecherous and gluttonous someone is, the uglier they are on the outside. I've only ever liked 10/10s. Every woman less than that I've met was invariably worse as a person. The top tier of women are more humble and quite frankly less MUH WOMYM because the everyone less than them are envious of their natural looks.

>> No.52909258

Sounds like you're jealous of the fat fucks though jej

>> No.52909307


>> No.52909318

If they were my smv match they wouldn’t treat me like a king, they treat me like a king because I have much greater smv then theirs. My current girl is a 6/10 and she knows I can get 9+/10 as I get alot of female attention at the gym as I am very tall and muscle bound.

It’s just a personal choice of preferring a submissive no drama girl that doesn’t put me through a bunch of shit tests and is just pleasant and simply submits and serves my needs.

Ps. Only literal trannies and simps use incel as an insult.

>> No.52909323

>they’ll never cheat
anon I..

>> No.52909331

>he didnt find himself a thick mamacita that worships his cock and literally wants to be your sex slave

>> No.52909344

I've never read anything more stupid than this on this board. jfc

>> No.52909389

Incels can’t get any women no matter how hard they try you tard.

>> No.52909399

As long as the bitch is just a regular hog and not all autistic and deformed looking it can be alright. At least that way your kids will turn out normal.

>> No.52909568

>coworker brings his GF to the Christmas party
>she's a total landwhale and he's henpecked as fuck

>> No.52909581

shut up incel

>> No.52909612

Truth. That's the biological reason we find someone attractive in the first place; it's a sign of good genes and they're likely to be better people both physically and mentally.

>> No.52909615

I'm the guy who brings the 15 years younger 8 chick to the Christmas party

>> No.52909635

everyone thinks you're weird and/or a pedophile
no one is impressed

>> No.52909657

Yeah all those Satanic super models and actors are great people

>> No.52909660

No, never
See anon the thing is that I penis my women, and I penis them good, so they listen to me.
I told my gf that if she plans to marry me that she will do what she can within our means to keep herself as pretty as a roastie can be as we age, going to the gym, stuff like that.
In trade, I also will casually go to the gym and never get fat, and be the breadwinner of the house.

Keep your women in line, penis them very good, and give them a bit of effort and they work out just fine.
Yes this is financial advice.

>> No.52909669

Hahaha seethe
I had more young employees trying to fuck me after that.

>> No.52909680

kek I love the incel cope every time anybody mentions fucking hot young chicks on this board

>> No.52909688

then how come they'd all fuck the girl if given the chance?

>> No.52909694

how often and how long do you penis them, on average?

>> No.52909697

It's as bad as roasties crying about me banging 19 year olds
I'm 29
Yeah they call me dad too it's super hot and they are adults lmao

>> No.52909721

And yet you're a 29 year old virgin incel

>> No.52909735

Absolutely. I’m ok looking but some women find me attractive af. And if they’re attractive af too, then I’m going for it. I have destroyed many relationships cuz of that.

>> No.52909739

My wife is a solid 8/10 who couldn't clean or cook or do pretty much anything familial b/c her mom is a 8/10 fittie too and basically raised her to just be a fittie. I demoralized the shit out of her over the course of 2 years after our first child was born. I eventually broke her in, although it was not easy.

>> No.52909775

you imaginary coworkers/girlfriends/roasties don't exist and it's time to take your meds

>> No.52909786

>t. virgin

>> No.52909790

which one is it now lmao?

>> No.52909800

t. actual virgin
how about you suck my balls

>> No.52909810

This is cope. You’re just a big enough loser to settle for obese ugly bitches.

>> No.52909812

Why are you role playing on 4chan?

>> No.52909823

>t. actual for REAL virgin
verification NOT required

>> No.52909830

2/10 is a morbidly obese cripple or morbidly obese and mentally retarded
You probably mean 4/10 or 5/10.

>> No.52909836

based mental abuser

>> No.52909848

> 2/10 is a morbidly obese cripple or morbidly obese and mentally retarded

In the United States, that is about 90 percent of the female population

>> No.52909879


Well, I he happy at least?

^ Fool.

>> No.52909899

They're better than proles. I've met a few of them and they're keenly intelligent, well mannered and, nice. The nastiest and rudest, often most liberal or actual fags, are the ugly ones.

>> No.52909978

you stick out like a sore thumb
you're trying REALLY hard to fit in but you don't belong here

>> No.52910095

Kek'd. Fat people arent human

>> No.52910158

you only need to look at celebrities and politicians to realize that physiogonomy is bunk, mate

I think that there may well be a correlation (at the very least beautiful people have easier lives), but any soul can be corrupted, and any soul can be redeemed, over one's lifetime

perhaps beautiful people start out with good souls and vice versa, but we have free will and exteriors can be deceiving

>> No.52910224
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>wow my guy don't judge people by their appearance , disney told me it's about the inside
>pattern recognition is bad and racist , don't judge niggers and roasties by their appearance
How about you kill yourself shit eating basedbois

>> No.52910230


>> No.52910234

Teach now. What methods

>> No.52910254

All American goblinas oorah

>> No.52910273

This is not true
I’ve seen attractive people with the ugliest interiors
Ive seen attractive with beautiful interior
Ive seen ugly with attractive interiors
The point is
Humans are complex
What you say is only partially true
There is a wide array of people and your simplistic point of view just doesn’t cut it

>> No.52910324

Based mid enjoyer

>> No.52910375

that's not what I said, but if physiogonomy were true, it is easy what kind of appearance to associate with your post.

>> No.52910382

this guy gets it

>> No.52910485

ten inches every day

>> No.52910838

So you have to fuck her 3 times?

>> No.52910843

It's his wife, doesn't matter if she's hot, only matters if she's a good wife.

>> No.52910869

Is that one inch for ten revolutions? Or ten inches for one revolution? Is your penis large enough for its own odometer? Mine came with a tach and odometer, so I try to keep it humming at 3hz with a total distance of a quarter mile per orgasm.
>t. Naturally hung sex haver

>> No.52910881

Underage weekend frogposting is truly the armpit of /biz/.