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52906347 No.52906347 [Reply] [Original]

If it keeps going down like this I might have to pull the trigger…

>> No.52906370

Why wait? Just to suffer more?

>> No.52906402

>he thinks he can escape that easily

>> No.52906416

>he bought the gun
>cant afford bullets after this giga dump
Op, I...

>> No.52906662

Anon stop. You are considering throwing your life away because you now have less money? Stop that type of mentality. Stop worrying about money so much you are literally considering suicide. Go read the Holy Bible and believe in and follow Jesus Christ. These problems you have now look infinitesimally small when you look at how long eternal life is.

>> No.52906745
File: 30 KB, 620x387, 89EEE1AF-A74D-44BD-B0D3-509DDE71F52D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m down so much bro…

>> No.52906770

real question, how old are you?

>> No.52906781

You didn't hedge???

>> No.52906818

Anon trust me. I know loss of money sucks but it is not worth taking your own life. How bad would that loss feel if your currency suddenly became worthless over night? Exactly, it suddenly doesn't matter at all. In fact at that point you'd probably be irate you didn't stick all your cash into physical assets or a currency that didn't go to 0.

Read the Holy Bible, go read the Book of Ecclesiastes, and then move on to the New Testament.

>> No.52906843


>> No.52906865

how much you lose

>> No.52906874

3k. I was a ROSE bag holder.

>> No.52906902

I lost a lot of money in a scam when covid hit, 3 or 4k. Keep your head up

>> No.52906928

Brother, I am the same age as you. Even if you were 25. That's still fucking young man. I'm sad to hear you feel this way right now, I felt this way when I was about 19-20; let me tell you this.

This is going to be some normie shit, because it's real. You cannot for the life of you live on negativity, you will keep reinforcing this pathway of melancholy and hopelessness, not realizing that failures are a necessity to "make it". If you get depressed about not doing everything 100% correct, you're asking for the impossible.

You still have your hands, brain, eyes, legs, arms. You're still in the fucking game man. Think of the person you were at 11, is this really how you want it to end? Nah man. Nah nah nah, this cant be how it ends.

You have to realize, that the only person that can truly help you in the best sense is yourself. If you don't have the will to help yourself, you're not going to. The people who get to the top accept their mistakes and love who they are regardless. Now I am not telling you to be a psychopath or anything, but give yourself a break man.

There is no deadline to get better, this is your life to live. Do something that can make yourself sleep at night, do things that 31 year old you would look at asnd say "yeah, you did good man". don't fucking dread the past, you can't change the past; fuck that shit man. worry about what you can change.

take care

>> No.52906950


apologies for the reddit spacing, doesn't matter though. also bro take some time off 4chan, this place will make you actually nuts if you're not in a stable mind. Do not go to /r9k/, fucking cesspool degenerate melancholy, worse than /b/ and /pol/ combined and multiplied.

>> No.52906957

It's gonna keep going down.

>> No.52906958
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I love Ecclesiastes. Great advice.

>> No.52906962

dw two months at wendy's and you're good. call a help line or go on omegle if you're serious

>> No.52906963

You might have a point. I’ll ponder what you said. Thanks for that.

>> No.52907006

Dude 3k is nothing. You’re going to look back at that number when you’re old and laugh. You can make that back working at McDonalds for 3 months. You’re going to an hero for 3 months worth of wagie income? Gtfo.

>> No.52907007

he's right i lost 40k in 2008/9 and accepted it eventually. but i didn't put the positive spin on it.
there are people who lost 6 and 7 figures on ftx. yet there are a handful of those who do not care simply because they are confident that they have the skill and drive to make it back, whether or not it's in crypto.
make it all back in one trade fren

>> No.52907018

Haven't read but agree. Follow this mans advice, OP

>> No.52907057

Nigga you can make that back waging at family dollar or McDonald's. I lost 2k when I was 22 in 2020 and made that back doing wagieshit being a local stocker for a bit.

>> No.52907182
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very, very seldom that I get emotional on this website. this was one of those moments brah, i'm ready to get the trolls to respond to me to try and trigger you and I; but it doesn't matter, it would be endearing even in a morbid way.

do what you can, sleep at night knowing you did what you could. you have time, nothing wrong with starting from scratch.

>> No.52907425

Thanks for the replies fellas. I didn’t expect anons to actually post thoughtful things. I thought I was just going to be told to live stream my demise. I won’t be going through with it today. Unfortunately I do believe that my own death will be by my own hands. But that won’t be today or tomorrow. I hope other anons that are having a tough week from their losses or perhaps from other life shit take something of value from the anons here. We’re all on this ride of suffering together. But fuck man, it gets tempting to just fucking escape all this bullshit.

>> No.52907455
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>Come home, goy men...

>> No.52907478

There is no God.

>> No.52907490

I hope you and the rest of the scum blow your heads off on the coming economic downturn. Fuck you greedy get rich quick fucks. You got what you deserved. Suck it up and get it done buttercup. The world will move on without you.

>> No.52907507

Kys you redditor scum

>> No.52907509
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>But that won’t be today or tomorrow.

I'm glad the anons could change your mind, even a little bit. Remember, the easiest thing anyone can do is give up.

You must find something that you can hold yourself dear to, to live for. The reason people say "muh hobbies" is that they have the good side effect of being a distraction as well as possibly inspiring a passion. and as much as people will tell you therapy is a jewish psyop, i can vouch that even if they are I dont give a shit because it did help. If you get someone to help you see things objectively with no bias, it can help a lot.

You sound pretty smart anon, you have a great advantage being more conscious of your situation. There is a part of you that does want to live, that said "But". You gotta blow air to that fire, try to trample the one that says to hurt you. Again man it comes back to the will, you need that will.

I sincerely hope you will bypass your obstacle, that will fight to teeth spitting blood, clawing your way to victory if that's what ti takes. You're gonna make it bro, I got a good feeling, iA43NrEb!

>> No.52907513

Anyone got screencaps from the last bear market? Short-sighted niggers/females here seem to not understand macro trends in the slightest

Also OP's way of thinking is EXACTLY why 99% of you will never be rich, and the future millionaires see massive dumps like this as opportunity not world-ending crisis

Anyway carry on crying, OP don't kill yourself you faggot Satan won't let you shitpost anyway so why bother?

>> No.52907525

lmfao nice b8

>> No.52907528


>> No.52907530

>I thought I was just going to be told to live stream my demise
For losing 3k as a 20 year old? There are fuckers younger than you or me that debtmax credit cards and go bankrupt for stupid bullshit like Xbox and Playstation consoles with an added trip to L.A. or NYC. You're not some wallstreetbet fag that leverages his and his wife's house on AMC OTM calls that expire that same week.

>> No.52907544

I’m not a redditor nigger.

>> No.52907621

can you post proof of loss w/ biz timestamp?

>> No.52907626

Thanks again for your words. I screenshot your posts and I’ll read them if I get into this dark space again. Duality of man. You’re the opposite of this kike here >>52907490

If you haven’t already made it, I hope you do.

>> No.52907645

religion is just cope. don't give him false hope

>> No.52907655


>> No.52907714

Anon are you in the US? If so there's a hotline number you can call now 24/7

Dial 988, it's free - please talk to someone brother, it'll help to get stuff off your chest

Truly wishing you well my friend, if you hurt yourself I'll be very sad man.

>> No.52907727

Anons are right about Jesus Christ.
look at Christ and how he is revealing sins chaos in your life, you're down 3k on rose, which really this anon is right,
it's all good and fine to want to trade, you can't get your identity from that though, get it from Christ who says you're redeemed from sin. That way your value is safe with Christ, your treasure is with Christ safe.

look at what the greed of putting your identity value in your 3k in rose does to you
so you made a bad trade, it's not your defining characteristic, there is more hope to life

>> No.52907730

plz donate ur bags to me first

>> No.52907731

I had somebody to that for me when I was in that dark space. I'm just passing the baton, I know this is getting soppy or whatever but fuck it dude it's anonymous, but I want you to be the one to pass the baton one day, when you are ready!

>You’re the opposite of this kike here
That's why I told you 4chan is no place to be when your mind is in such a state. There are psycopaths, normies, trolls, degens, schizos, retards, geniuses etc. There is literally no way to know, just the things people type. At least in real life you get clues by body language and shit, not here. Understand that the best thing you can do is not let these israelis get what they want, don't even acknowledge it brah, they're desperate for a (You). Being weak in the mind makes an easy target because there will be people who will take advantage of that knowing that. But the great thing is that once you realize this, eventually you know how to just waste their calories by playing their minds. Can't do that here because I've already switched to normie mode, but you just gotta have fun with it; don't treat these people as people if they won't treat people as people, simple.