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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.56 MB, 545x875, homelessqt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52906215 No.52906215 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on why I shoudln't live out of my car / a van and save $2000 a month on rent?

>> No.52906238

If you can't live somewhere better for the same price or cheaper, do it.
Van living is my plan if my parents ever kick me out because fuck paying the rent jew.

>> No.52906253


>> No.52906265

Food? I know you can eat out but I look to cook my meals

>> No.52906268

She's so cute bros I would throw away everything for a hobo girl to love me forever while living in a car

>> No.52906308

Don't, there is a reason why she is so independent. She probably does heroin or worse burns coal.

>> No.52906325

Yeah I was going to say she probably stays warm riding enough NTUs(nigger thermal units)

>> No.52906360

How the fuck do you not freeze to death even with 3 sleeping bags

>> No.52906373

Is not even hobo. There are some places where you literally spend 60~70% of your income in a shitty apartment filled with criminals.
Moving to your car is objectively an improvement.

Also, I have met people who did it way, way before it was cool. One dude worked for Blizzard (the Blizzard ) and not only their wages were a joke, but their working hours were insane (retarded deadlines). He just straight-up lived in the parking lot of the company.

I don't know how shit costs nowadays (not American, but have many American friends) but a subscription to a fitness centre/gym used to cost something like 20 USD a month, which gives you access to their bathrooms with hot showers.

>> No.52906391

what's her youtube I NEED to know faggots

>> No.52906392

Van is too expensive and defeats the whole point. live in a car.

>> No.52906399

29 degrees and shes in a sleeping bag? I sleep naked and im still sweating in those temperatures

>> No.52906409

There are military-grade/expedition-grade sleeping bags that lets you sleep outside in sub-freezing temperatures without a tent now.

>> No.52906413

imagine filling her fertile womb with your spunk in a snow covered WAlmart parking lot...w.hy even LIVE bros????

>> No.52906419
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I am 2 meters tall and I will never be able to live comfortable in a vehicle

>> No.52906423

You can get a used van for really cheap (like, scrap metal value), it just doesn't run right...
But is not like you are going to the highway with that piece of shit.

>> No.52906433

it's Fahrenheit. -1.6 Celsius.

>> No.52906436

Americans use British imperial system.
29ºF = -1.5ºC

>> No.52906454

Yeah, but you want a reliable van that can actually move, because otherwise you're basically evicted from your fucking house if the police catch you loitering in the same spot for 2 weeks..

>> No.52906456

she's got a down bag, 29 is nothing
full of shit nevertheless
I see no breath
I see no condensation or frost on the windows

>> No.52906461
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Get in here friend

>> No.52906468

ive done this like three or more times, its the shit! never forever, tho

>> No.52906478

you can do it for a couple months out of necessity but it just sucks as a permanent arrangement.
bad burrito and really need to take a crap? get a date and want to take a shower real quick? all those things are very inconvenient even if you have the best amenities (most don't).
plus a lot of things require permanent address. if you can use your parents then maybe.

>> No.52906496

Nah, I met one who was just poor and trying to save money/pay off student loans.

>> No.52906498

>be roastie
>sleep in heated house
>have breakfast
>take 1000 selfies
>delete all but 1, post
>walk out to car with 0 degree rated sleeping bag
>prop up camera and get in sleeping bag
>i didnt turn on the car last night teehee im such a strong independent woman

>> No.52906508
File: 67 KB, 616x353, forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad burrito and really need to take a crap?

>> No.52906520

imagine the magnificent smell

>> No.52906526

designated forest
never trust a muslim handshake

>> No.52906553

>LIVING IN A CAR!?!?!??!

>> No.52906570

You can move. You just don't want to do it too fast :^)

"Running bad" doesn't mean the car is dead. Just that he smokes more than your aunt, the tires are balder than your dad, the catalytic converter was traded for crack a long time ago, the break only works when you pull the lever, windshield wipers are there for decoration, the nuts holding the wheels all come from different manufactures and the oil in the engine looks suspiciously white. BUT IT RUNS.

>> No.52906582

Redpill me on why I shouldn't just sit on /biz/ all day waiting for memestocks to go all in on.

>> No.52906595

Because they never will.

>> No.52906632

I'd like to snow all over her face if you know what I mean

>> No.52906657

You can't live anywhere for free. The police are going to hassle you like >>52906454 says. The real patrician move is to buy a small plot somewhere and live in a tent while building a house. Don't bother working in the city at all. If you aren't making enough to live like a king in the city, then there's no point in being there.

>> No.52906667

But how long does such a junker last? Also you lose the benefit of being able to go on road trip vacations easily.

>> No.52906681

Learning the regulations and permitting for your own house seems like more of a nightmare than moving your car every half-week. Not that it isn't doable or financially worthwhile.

>> No.52906688

The way she says "entire night" by opening her hand, eyes, and mouth as wide as they will go really bothers me. I would give that bitch the most sarcastic hatefucking for acting so dumb.

>> No.52906693

>But how long does such a junker last?
The amount of time you need it.
>Also you lose the benefit of being able to go on road trip vacations easily.
M8, if you are living in a car, you probably can't afford a road trip...
We are talking about different groups of people over here.

>> No.52906701

There was actually COSM today and I missed it because I fell for the waging meme.

>> No.52906707

>M8, if you are living in a car, you probably can't afford a road trip...
>We are talking about different groups of people over here.
Plenty of single people making 30-100k a year live in cars.

>> No.52906715

Would you have sold @20?

>> No.52906716

>face cakeed in makeup just like that
>doesn't look smelly and unwashed
>"she's homeless in her car, for real for real".

>> No.52906728

Or as some say, cosmos

>> No.52906731

Lemme just get my scrying stone to the alternate reality where I bought and let's see.

>> No.52906739

YES, they do it to save money so they can buy a house!
Do you know how you save money? By not spending it IN EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY THEY HAVE.

>> No.52906743

You can't actually see through a picture if someone has showered. You unironically have to just imagine the smell. And makeup can be applied anywhere with a small mirror.

>> No.52906764

Travelling once a summer by car isn't that expensive. You might only spend like $500-1000 on your cross-country vacation.

>> No.52906790

Again, different groups of people.
Want to buy a boomer mobile with an indoor grill and olympic ping-pong table? Go for it. But do not confuse it with a car used to sleep inside when you are not working.

>> No.52906791
File: 211 KB, 772x800, zoomer pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should just go to /vt/ and find an anime girl to simp for, then go into extreme denial when you hear her boyfriend's voice in the background when she insists it's her "brother" and you can be simp number 1 defending her.

And that whore has a boyfriend, a house and doesn't live in a car.

>> No.52906793

Have sex, now

>> No.52906795

If she was burning coal, she'd have some public housing dump to crash at, I'm sure.

>> No.52906809

not a chance. gas alone will be $3000 or more.

>> No.52906820

This but live in your car on the plot indefinitely

>> No.52906827

I literally know someone who travelled for fun during the winter and worked construction the rest of the year. She lived in her car.

>> No.52906841

There are plenty of good looking women everywhere. You're the one putting attractive bitches on a pedestal. I'm the one saying they exist in every hobby on earth.

>> No.52906893

You should consider working on your grammar (things you put in parentheses should be in a different sentence).

>> No.52906899

The women on /vt/ aren't attractive that's why they pretend to be anime characters. My point is that you're going out of your way to defend a woman who is a whore making stupid videos for clicks.

>> No.52906925

There's a bunch of cute hobo girls living in cars out there. You can find one to be your gf easy if you supply the crank and fentanyl

>> No.52906954

that's someone's child

>> No.52906959

What are you even saving money for if you're so willing to be miserable in your free time?

>> No.52906961

I'm not defending her, I'm attacking you for making unsubstantiated and pointless claims.

>> No.52906971

Freedom and security.

>> No.52906972

If you don't care about what others think, go for it. An anon made a concise thread on how do it.

>> No.52906985

>car gets broken into
>lose absolutely everything

>> No.52906999
File: 85 KB, 828x789, neet beat the system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most regulations and permitting are in the city. County and state stuff usually only apply to large commercial buildings.
You can do that too.

>> No.52907014

>Most regulations and permitting are in the city. County and state stuff usually only apply to large commercial buildings.
Not really the case in states with high property prices where it's very worthwhile to build, like Mass, Connecticut, and NJ.

>> No.52907071

English is my third language. Plus it's late. Don't bother...

>> No.52907126

My claims are well substantiated.

>> No.52907145
File: 152 KB, 468x414, 3214682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek I go out to shovel my driveway with just a sweater at that temperature. Why are amerifats such pussy faggots?

>> No.52907184
File: 26 KB, 480x319, i.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought a sienna minivan partly for this purpose. has the engineering of a toyota with enough space to sleep in and room for clothes and shit. otherwise it gets decent gas mileage like 19/26

i wish i opted for the luxury model. but im happy with what i got.

>> No.52907199
File: 83 KB, 655x606, boston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't. Bostonians are known for walking around in shorts when it's snowing.

>> No.52907212

How much was it?

>> No.52907240

was listed at $4800 when i bought it in jew jersey. obviously higher with fees. and over $1800 in repairs. I don't drive around much. $20 of gas could last a week with local commute. but it's been treating me really well. My insurance is like $55/month. I wanna do more with it. but im just maintaining it for now.

>> No.52907243

That you can have a car and be homeless is really a cultural shock to me. The only "normal" person that regularly sleep on the streets here is recycling trash workers. They use a cart, work on downtown and sleep on streets, but go to their house at the weekends.

It would be absurd, mind-blowing a normal people be "homeless" sleeping at their car. Has the money to have a car but not to rent a house in a slum.

>> No.52907248

Oh, that seems like a pretty sweet deal actually. Do you ever go on weekend trips?

>> No.52907273


>> No.52907277

no not yet. part of the plan was to take it for beach trips. but there were some issues i had to get out of the way. for a time my car had some issues with the tires and the steering. but the tires are 100% fixed. I'm going to have the steering examined. and if it's good I'm going to take it on longer rides. It's at 155,000 miles. I've had it for 3 years and put less than 6,000 miles on it. Since it's a Toyota it will easily last 300,000+ miles.

>> No.52907422
File: 138 KB, 852x858, 30336CFB-FEB7-433F-8DE1-376943F8AA77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52907520

This is why I buy Sallie mae stock

>> No.52907600

>look smelly
Yep, you're retarded alright.

>> No.52907617

Fuck off retread

>> No.52907722

They're poor because they're they are stupid, evidenced by the fact that they're paying off an unsecured debt that does not count against their DTI. People who are in poverty that want to pay off their student loans are literal NPCs. DEBT IS LE BAD. If that debt existed, and something like your house or car against a line, yes debt is bad. If it doesn't, it's completely fictitious. Everyone who maxed out their student debt in college and lived with parents got like 16k to 20k a year in living expenses in the 2010s and if they invested that in crypto they're all millionaires now. Go squirrel away acorns and live in squalor to benefit the banks and the universities kek, they'll appreciate the payments, might even go toward a hall or loan center named American patriots like Harvey Milk or Ru Paul. There's no way for student loans to even collect against estates so if a high IQ person racked up 500k getting an MD, JD, PharmD in grad plus loans then kicked the bucket, they can't touch the assets you've bequeathed.

>> No.52907737


>> No.52907871
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1671045352036433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in my living room/ kitchen and rent out the two bedrooms of my 1000sqft condo and it pays the mortgage. I think of it as a free hole in the wall. Beats that and cost me only like 7k up front back in 2020. Absolute shitbox in Aurora Colorado but the housing situation here is an economic force of it's own. Even with 20% off I'm still well in the green. A car is an asset of convenience. I turn 32 this spring and am only now getting my licence and getting my first car next weekend. Just been keeping to transit my entire adult life and it's been well enough. Going to be awesome to just go wherever now. But vehicles are ultimately a depreciating asset.

>> No.52907892


>> No.52907906
File: 890 KB, 2436x1664, ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you should just move to a part of the country where housing is affordable.

>> No.52907997


Foresty forest demonstrated something useful. Winter vanning is actually easier than doing this in the summer.

>> No.52908088

because renting leaves you with nothing you mongoloid, it's just a way to save money

>> No.52908770

29 isn't even that cold. Regular sleeping bags are made for that. That's like a comfy winter camping temperature even without the car

>> No.52908927

>get a date?

>> No.52908974

I meant that their parents are also poor.

>> No.52908990

I have a random sleeping bag that's good for like -25f

Camping in winter is the most miserable shit I've ever done lmaoo

>> No.52909105

>be poor
>have poor parents
Makes him even more retarded.

>> No.52909121

This is not the base model. The base L has no middle console between the front seats. (Former Sienna L owner)

>> No.52909133

Co worker of mine lived for 3 years out of his RV and used a KOA membership to bounce between 2 camping grounds we have nearby. He would reserve a spot (max is 3 weeks) and then follow up with 3 weeks at the second spot. Cost him about $200 a month for the membership plus utility fees. Eventually got sick of it and got a transfer to Tennessee when his brother bought a few acres and just set up his RV there.

>> No.52909250

She can live with me for free in exchange for sex and cooking. Saves even more money.

>> No.52909270

Bitch it's going to be -34 here next week brag when you do that somewhere that's actually cold.

>> No.52909337


Get a room share where you’re rent is 600-1000, and work two jobs. You’ll make well over 3000/mo if you’re making $20+. If you live frugal you can put 2k aside and still have free time to be social

>> No.52909339
File: 215 KB, 1136x1136, truck camper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way he was only paying $200/mo for KOA campgrounds, those places are double the price of state parks which are usually about $25/night.

>> No.52909359

the hate you are getting is from people who never touched grass

>> No.52909409

> homelessness is now a trend
idk about you guys but for me living in a van is hitting rock bottom and one step before killing myself.

>> No.52909412
File: 20 KB, 692x174, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different regions. People in Texas can handle hot weather and people in the north can handle cold weather. Pic related. Highest temp ever record in Texas is over 110+ which I would imagine be a national disaster for almost every single european nation but for Texan it's just another hot day

>> No.52909432

Here in the Netherlands if the weather is 78,8 degrees for a week we get power outages.

>> No.52909436

Van living is motivational


>> No.52909460
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Honestly I agree
I don't understand why people are so adverse to moving to a different country

Pre-war 2017 I moved to Russia and paid about $300 a month for food/rent/utilities
I did that until I had enough capital to move back to the states

Now in crypto hell I'm planning to try Thailand or some other cheap sea country

I mean have some dignity ya know
Why do people subject themselves to this
Shitter in Mumbai have a better standard of living than these so called 1st world Americans

>> No.52909467

29 degrees fahrenheit means literally nothing. I often sleep with the window open in the winter.

>> No.52909792
File: 107 KB, 1281x925, 2030p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an incredibly tough life living out of ur fucking vehicle dude.
but find out the hard way.

>> No.52909921

>If you aren't making enough to live like a king in the city, then there's no point in being there.
so many people get trapped into buying a shoebox apartment near the city while they work their cucked job thinking they have made it meanwhile getting juiced by these central bankers on mortgage and interest rates

>> No.52909991

if you pay more than 1/3 of your post tax salary on rent you should seriously consider anything else yes

>> No.52910017

There's zero hope of a lot of us young people ever owning a home if we live the way we are living. Rent is extorting us down to nothing so honestly I'm just about there with everyone else. I've actually looked into it, when my lease is up, just living in my car and shit, idk i think i might. I have already hooked up with a homeless chick actually and no it's a different homeless. It's not skid row living in a tent to support a drug habit type shit it's working a job and accumulating money while also minimizing all living expenses so maybe MAYBE one day we can own a home.
If that's "rock bottom" then so be it must be nice probably a boomer who grew up when a house was $500 nice

>> No.52910040

>love me forever
dont tell him

>> No.52910103
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why live in a van when you can buy a double parking size plot of land in area that you know that they will soon develop for about the cost of 2 used vans, then put up a tiny home there, and wait for the city to pay 10 times more to buy it so they can actually do their development

>> No.52910196

A van is a type of car.

>> No.52910229

Be white

>> No.52910272
File: 917 KB, 1964x1086, IMG_20221125_125942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2000 a month on rent
do amerikeks really

>> No.52910301

you do realize she will just fuck you over eventually the moment she gets a chance with a dude that has an apartment or house?

girls have no concept of loyalty and will always flock to the better option unless they feel restricted in a way.

>> No.52910462

Every white girl at some point in their life will burn at least one coal anon. Do you want him to stay a virgin forever?

>> No.52910476

i had a thing going for a few months with a dutch girl who looked exactly like the girl in the video and this video gives me fucking PTSD. she was so perfect, but also completely insane and was hurting but denied anything being wrong with her. sad thing was i fell in love with her before i noticed how crazy she was, it was so hard to let go