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52905198 No.52905198 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no chud bros, not like this...

>> No.52905208

I will bet my testicles that dude is vegan.

>> No.52905211

Watch all the neo nazis cope with the low level of immigrants imploding america

>> No.52905213

Bullshit, illegal aliens are hopping across the boarder at record rates.

And you're looking for pre 1965 immigration.

>> No.52905226

>Immigrate to America
>Get jabbed 80 times
>Have to pass a test

>Walk across the boarder
>Cough on the boarder guards
>Wipe your nose with the American flag

Yeah, I wonder why immigration is down. Weird man.

>> No.52905245

Those don't matter they're just the loser lower class race who never had free will or civilisation. There's a smaller number of indians and chinese coming to America.

>> No.52905250

There's nothing novel about his statement. Most first-world countries import impoverished, brown people to labor for starvation wages.

>> No.52905261

Canada and USA had about the same amount of new immigrants this year. And Canada has like 1/10th if USA population. And it is needless to say Canada selects all their immigrants meanwhile USA is overwhelmed with unskilled illegal immigrants. The future is Canada.

>> No.52905281

Low level would be 100 max schlomo

>> No.52905284

>those don't matter
Border jumpers directly fuck up the real estate market.

>> No.52905293


>> No.52905313

There's literally no metric other than gross GDP by which this is true. I guess you could proxy that as company earnings as a way of disguising it to the goyim.

>> No.52905328

I feel so sorry for all the idiots who come here. Insane housing costs, lowest wages in G20, everything is expensive, and the cities are now filled with drug addicts.

>> No.52905346

If we need to continuously import smelly Mexicans to keep this pyramid scheme propped up we deserve to implode.

>> No.52905379
File: 57 KB, 320x567, 1670889905868113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not valid first of all, only legal migration is down. Illegal immigration is exponentially higher. But I want this drastic decrease of both to happen, it will only implode the spic-nig cycle and make this place possibly livable again.

>> No.52905427

Exactly when Canada's housing bubble started going bananas.

>> No.52905447
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>> No.52905454

Mexicans are just like negros. They don't do anything for the economy and they don't even consume resources. This thread is about legal immigration which America benefits from.

If qualified people no longer go to America then America will crash and burn because america never produced any talent on its own.

>> No.52905483

he isn't. now send my those balls.

>> No.52905488

Financially speaking.
What's the point of taking 200k people out of random brown countries (and only brown countries? What's up with that?).
That many people are born every day. It does nothing.

>> No.52905493

>america never produced any talent on its own.
tell that to george washington carver

>> No.52905504
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>> No.52905511

>Illegal immigration is exponentially higher
I think you are making this up because it would be convenient to bitching about immigration. You don't actually know what the chart of illegal immigration rate in the US looks like.

>> No.52905516

this. holy fuck I just sold all my ICP

>> No.52905555

Pretty sure America's superpower is having the world reserve currency, not melanated individuals who don't speak English.

>> No.52905571

>What's the point

>me poor
>country shithole
>sheckelber Jones has company
>country of the company not shithole
>white men live there and want decent life
>Jones has idea
>take people from brown shithole and pay them half than the wage of white man
>brown is happy, even poor life in white country better than poor shithole and with poor wage he send it to brown family and they rich in brown shithole
>Jones saves money, makes more money, now white man has to compete with brown desperate horde and lower his standards too
>Jones can get cheap talent
new kids take time to grow up, and usually have some aspirations since they grew up in a decent country, poor brown fag is ready exploitable and with less aspirations

>> No.52905583

brown people are ready to take on debt and willing to work for nothing

>> No.52905601
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China doesn't

>> No.52905645 [DELETED] 

Lets go Brandon, abolish immigration. Dunk on Drumpfv!

>> No.52907271

Our immigrants are fucking retarded pajeets and various other low quality mud races. If our immigration system is selective, you must be getting fucking troglodytes there.

t. Leaf

>> No.52907400

Read the graph, it's mapping legal immigrants

>> No.52907475
File: 361 KB, 615x615, 1665696124161812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also that he has been to israel more than once.

>> No.52907506

>new kids take time to grow up, and usually have some aspirations since they grew up in a decent country, poor brown fag is ready exploitable and with less aspirations
Until people start to check out of society and stop giving a fuck of course.

>> No.52907543

“Leaf” lol. Giving yourselves endearing names. Yeah nah, Cucknadians* is more fitting.

>> No.52907623

>please ignore the millions of leftist voters we're letting in through the southern border

>> No.52907676

>voters don't matter, says retarded white dude as republicans lead dems nationwide with 25-30% and fail to win elections
stupid moron

>> No.52907684

>lead dems
lead whites*

>> No.52907717

>which america benefits from
No country has ever benefitted from the natives being replaced or multiculturalism.

>> No.52907744

This is lawful immigration stats, record breaking illegal immigrants have been entering United States every consecutive year

>> No.52907782

not first world