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52901347 No.52901347 [Reply] [Original]

Can your name have a big impact in your life? I feel like some names just aren't supposed to make it.

>> No.52901369

No my name is absolute dogshit, double barreled my name is spelt one way but pronounced differently (no clue why) but I am ngmi due to being autistic not my names fault

>> No.52901371

that's why my name on steam is super cool!

>> No.52901414

it does
i share names with one of the biggest conquerors of all time so im destined for greatness

if you are some random american named john you are simply not going to make it

>> No.52901447

Yeah, people usually structure their personalities around their names I feel. I’ve met so many dumb people with shitty names. Or maybe that’s the genetic factor in play where only low IQ people give stupid names to their kids passing on their dumb genes

>> No.52901567

Sadly yes.
There was a study sometime ago where a woman named Youneeq ("unique") could never get a job interview. So she changed her name on some applications to something really generic like "Heather" and got a bunch of callbacks. Also found that salary offers for the same job in the same company for the same application were higher. Sucks because it's not like you choose your name and it's literally just a sound that distinguishes you from others, it doesn't mean anything about you personally.

>> No.52902129


>> No.52902163


>> No.52902221

bot threads wont get deleted but fren threads will

>> No.52902246
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1633733829251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one shot at life
>parents named me filbert

>> No.52902732

they literally don’t do shit until you tell them that’s how it works

>> No.52902763

This just sounds like racism - preference for a white sounding name over a black one.

>> No.52902800

everyone i ever met called delaquarius or shaniqa has been pretty broke so i think q is a cursed letter in regard to names

>> No.52902880
File: 227 KB, 860x947, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

names are extremely powerful
>change name to chad
>buy the most retarded tokens available on the free market
>make it
simple as

>> No.52902895
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Based Chad shitcoin slinger, what ya been buying?

>> No.52903021


>> No.52903048

and that's fine

>> No.52903065

I feel as if it is time for you to change. Not a pharmacist, but I'll fill your order. You are now Phillip Grimwise, or Phil. Wise to all biz related shenanigans.

>> No.52903078
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How is a Christian (not Chris) supposed to turn out and would it have been better or worse if my mom let my dad name me Fleming, the usual family name for men

>> No.52903091


>> No.52903153

>Bruce Gold has invited you to dinner.
>Gunther Brown has invited you to dinner.

You tell me op.

>> No.52903181
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>Nominative determinism

>> No.52903230

I feel as if Gunther is a good ole boy and has a lot of guns, and he comes from a lineage of strong germans men and he'd go on to tell you it was originally Van Braun. Also I feel as if Bruce is a homosexual billionaire and likely has a rap album under the alias Faggot Bruce.

>> No.52903375
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They've done surveys where "unique" names (depending on the country) makes it harder to get elected/votes. I don't know how much it effects your actual job though.

I was born and raised in the United States. My name is totally Russian (First, Middle, and Last). My last name isn't an easy Russian one like some (Ivanov, Morozov, etc.). It ends I'm ov, but most people have trouble pronouncing it. Most people will just call me by my first name at work. Even when management is naming off people's full names in a meeting (Like John Smith, Kayla White, Ben Miller, etc.) they'll just say my first name.

It doesn't bother me at all. It's not their fault, and it's not like they do it on purpose to be disrespectful.

>> No.52903587

You aren't going to make it, Doyle