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File: 197 KB, 503x400, STIFF12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52899206 No.52899206 [Reply] [Original]

>Reinstates the original Bitcoin protocol.
>Directly carries on the work of Satoshi
> Only Bitcoin faithful to the whitepaper
Even if Craig isn't the original Satoshi, he is the de-facto Satoshi.
BSV makes 95% of crypto obsolete by outperforming them on every metric.
BitcoinCore (BTC) is the result of a hijacking of the original Bitcoin,Segwit castrated Bitcoin and now instead of p2p cash we have the ''store of value''copium.
Open your eyes anons,the interests of AXA insurance and Visa are the inerests of Blockstream and Blockstream owns Corecoin
StayStiff out there.
>Don't like what you just read?
>Undiagnosed ADD means you didn't even read it?
>Pic related

>> No.52899229

Big blocks are for big gays

>> No.52899252

didn't read not buying his ghostchain

>> No.52899265

BSV is a top G coin. Core cucks are insolvent retards.

>> No.52899299


the seething intensifies lmao

>> No.52899359

sign the block Craig

>> No.52899414

I bought. The argument these days is BSV vs BTC, while BCH is no longer even part of the conversation, so while I don't expect BSV to flip BTC any time soon, I'm certain it will flip BCH in the coming year and that'll wake a lot of people up.

>> No.52899442

The malding intensifies,when we break through 3 figures, you salty bois best remember these threads.We're ahead of the curve and as you can clearly see a beacon of green in an ocean of blood,but hey atleast it's not all your's right?
I'm sure peepeepoopooinu will hold strong....

>> No.52899460

The seethe this man generates is absolutely unparalleled and based beyond belief. The truth shall set this board free.

>> No.52899505
File: 164 KB, 750x498, 9ffe780f591f2eb9e27e126707f0f8a14991aaac3aca22872d05fff21ffc9166_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emotional damage!!!


We all know this day would come

>> No.52899529

>BSV shilling/shitposting in the current year of our lord and savior.
Did he lose another court case to become relevant again?

>> No.52899661
File: 239 KB, 400x200, LaughofSuperiority.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my BSV thread
like pottery

>> No.52899784

what's the smallest bsv bag to make it by 2025?

>> No.52899829

If BSV is actually allowed open market adopting without suppression? Less than 1. Youre being given the opportunity to buy the real bitcoin before mass use.

>> No.52899853

>"nobody bought my bullshit scams and now I'm just a broke fraud failure"

>> No.52899973

big IF, I'm thinking 100 should be more than enough

>> No.52899997

Craig give it the fuck up and stop posting here god damn.

>> No.52900014

I'm not sure anon. Look how far BTC got on a lie and lots of hype. Imagine what all that hype renewed plus the chain making most every other project redundant and on top of that it's seeing real adoption across the globe.
BSV taking the throne relies on pretty much everybody knowing the truth about Bitcoin from the original whitepaper and protocol to the castration of the network. Once this becomes common knowledge BTC will already be dead.

>> No.52900107

>malding again
Many such cases

>> No.52900126

publicity coins are useless

>> No.52900171

>does nothing but sue people

>> No.52900362


yes, but what does
9ffe780f591f2eb9e27e126707f0f8a14991aaac3aca22872d05fff21ffc9166 mean

>> No.52900394

I'd rather buy d0b0 or some other useless shitcoin
I'll stick with BTC for non meme buys

>> No.52900410

imagine being a seething ignorant fag like this. craig has and is satoshi.

>> No.52900466

1ptid samefag malding in every thread

>> No.52900488
File: 114 KB, 950x611, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52900588

Was that you who posted that the first time round in that thread ?

>> No.52900639

no sir.

>> No.52900712

Ahh my bad anon, I hadn't looked at your ID before replying.

>> No.52900743

yes. It was written before the volt and handcash outage. I still stand by the 5$. We haven´t even crossed 200MA yet. Shorts have been covered...scam or not. Crypto still has to implode and BSV isn´t strong yet to weather the shockwaves that will cause.

try searching onchain

>> No.52900876

I always looked at the possibility of a short squeeze as more of the cherry on top of the bulk of sell pressure evaporating.
The deciding moment for was that German exchange telling their customers they would swap there BSV for BTC no company would do that at a loss,I reckon they're holding onto that BSV for the future

>> No.52900967


There's no discussion, BSV is dead.

>> No.52901076

Bitstamp did the same...right after the split... They "kept" customers BSV And if I had power and money I would also short BSV to the floor and buy on the down low. It is a posibility.

It sounds however much easier to say that BSV is a <150iq play and everyone else really fell for the narrative and got vaxxed.... I mean BTC.

how many >150iq people are there? exactly.

>> No.52901242

>he doesn't know about BSV on ICP

>> No.52901264
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>> No.52901302
File: 5 KB, 228x221, brainlet-y-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how retards like you look in the mirror

>> No.52901398

>BSV makes 95% of crypto obsolete by outperforming them on every metric.

the technical aspects of crypto Ponzis dont matter as nobody ever uses them for anything practical

>> No.52901441

give it to me straight, I don't own any BSV, I haven't bought much crypto this year at all except for one shitcoin I am stacking.

What's the suicide stack for BSV? What's the Make-It stack?

>> No.52901535

Me too anon.
I'd say there's only a few of us left now.

>> No.52901576

>Malding 1ptid
Like pottery
Not right now it doesn't but crypto doesn't go any further without actual projects being used. BSV isn't the be all end all of the new crypto world but it will sit atop the pile.
2.1 SUI 21 make it

>> No.52901605

now you know how and where to buy it.

>> No.52901720

This guy has been keeping up the facade for years now. I'm guessing that all the people who bought BSV this time came into crypto in the 2020s. Longest-running noob trap in crypto, thanks for playing.

>> No.52901826

You should tell South Africa,Nigeria,Senegal and the UAE.

>> No.52901963
File: 550 KB, 690x362, 1652284668175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Blocks, big cocks.

>> No.52902308
File: 287 KB, 1280x960, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52902795

>Even if Craig isn't the original Satoshi, he is the de-facto Satoshi.

let the coping begin

>> No.52902831

>"has and is satoshi"
>esl detected

Show hands with timestamp, please ser

>> No.52902859
File: 49 KB, 1080x608, BSV USDC swap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ZERO fee USD to USDC this week in Wallet.
USDC to BSV Swap in Wallet for less than a percent.

People DO NOT understand what is coming ?
EVERYONE will be able to get BSV in their wallet with their debit, credit or bank account for pennies.

This opens the entire third world into 11 sat micro-transactions forever. Windows, Android and Apple based Point of Sale systems coming very very soon.

No one ever needs to be worried about being robbed again and can do every purchase on the blockchain.

Sathosis Vision is about to become true

Now think of this

You can't buy BSV in some parts of the world. But EVERYONE in the world can buy USDC,

and now they can swap it in a non-custodial wallet for 1% to BSV.
What do YOU think this will do to the price once people figure this out ?

Remember that BSV can do transactions for 11 Sat. That means everyone on planet earth can USE BSV like Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned.. a peer to peer electronic cash with minimal fees.


>> No.52902874
File: 44 KB, 726x504, bsv-tops-20-million-transactions-in-a-day-aims-for-much-more-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No marry that why the FACT that the majority of ALL blockchain transaction are already done on the BSV blockchain and what do you get ?
BTC is about to get stealthed.

>> No.52902917


Watch this
1USDC to BSV for 1 cent INSTANTLY in a non-Custodial wallet.

>> No.52903061

one use case out of many finally becoming reality

>> No.52903068


>> No.52903094
File: 943 KB, 576x1080, USDC to BSV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's insane.
The Dev just said that they will have BSV to USD in your bank account in Q1 2023

"Yes. And once we add cash outs you can just send USD from your BSV to your bank account directly from HandCash. Legal setup is already there. We expect to offer it Q1 2023. So you don't have to send them to Coinbase."

>> No.52903122

so 1 BSV = 1 cent ?

>> No.52903134

No it cost you $0.01 to swap USDC to BSV, whatever amount

>> No.52903194

cutting out the middlemen is a big deal, hell no more scammy exchanges needed

>> No.52903222
File: 300 KB, 745x331, Wiil the REAL Satoshi please stand up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's what Satoshi told us on the very first page of the whitepaper.
Peer-to-peer electronic cash that is FAST with minimal fees and NO Middle man.

>> No.52903263

>ctrl-f pineapple 0/0
Wtf guys...

>> No.52903464
File: 56 KB, 1018x411, ohniggeria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fud. 4 outta 4 for psychological damage. Will/would be much more effective if/when it dumps back to 40.
Yup BTC not needed. Adios. Its ogre. Sayonara

Im on the the train. We havent even talked about Africa.

>> No.52903474
File: 63 KB, 1352x962, BSV to Solana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and it gets better....

>> No.52903491
File: 66 KB, 680x680, NITDA BSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im on the the train. We havent even talked about Africa.
Nigeria just made it illegal to withdraw over $45 from an ATM.

Meanwhile in Nigeria.

Connect the dots.

Anyone that reads between the lines can easily see where this is going. Nigeria's CBDC on BSV.
They are making it a goal to train 1 million developers on BSV Blockchain.

>> No.52903622

>>Im on the the train. We havent even talked about Africa.
and it's not just Africa

People have NO idea

>> No.52903672

there is more discussions about bsv than btc and bch combined on here

>> No.52903712

So we're getting spammed by fucking Nigerian bsv baggies/ shills?

>> No.52903718

BSV just went from number 53 to number 40 in Coinmarketcap

>> No.52904463


>> No.52904578

the only ones seething and malding are you. no one gives a fuck about this guy except bsv bagholders

>> No.52904660

>no one gives a fuck about this guy except bsv bagholders
obviously you do, since you chose to come shit in this thread

>> No.52904888

He's malding that he missed an early entry and will be one of those people who sit on the sidelines until he FOMO's the top and calls us a bunch of scammers.
You know anon,i've never been to a coin i dont holds thread specifically to mald

>> No.52904931

It's hysterical that retards on this board think satoshi's vision was transaction times up to 1hr+, transaction fees of $1+, and zero scalability at all. What a bunch of mouth-breathing mongoloids. And that applies to the entire crypto space basically. Ignorant, money-grubbing fools

>> No.52904935
File: 279 KB, 519x792, 1671172329430794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to bitcoin cash?

>> No.52904954

>BTC is about to get STIFFed.

>> No.52904964

Bitcoin cash is like recognizing the issue with "btc" but then stopping halfway and saying good enough.

>> No.52904985

>save africa coin
ill stick with the WEF thanks

>> No.52905004

>go all in nigeria coin and OP is based

>> No.52905030

It was worth every penny.

>> No.52905178
File: 98 KB, 1185x659, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. you're missing out, it's fun to observe bagholders in their natural habitat. go into the gme general and find out

>> No.52905470

csw and calvin bankrupted them so hard during the fork that they "moved on to other things"
they failed to implement a dev tax on miners and they even forked again into some other version of bch. they are done

>> No.52905701

do you know what insolvent means?

>> No.52905860

Christen Ager-Hansen is on team BSV, a Norwegian Billionaire who believes in Bitcoin as it was originally intended.
In contrast all the other crypto billionaires just lost their pants to the fall of FTX.
BSV is the silver sword that slays the corrupt.

>> No.52905871

so is Craig Satoshi or not? seems like he is and you fags have nothing to prove he's not, ha.

>> No.52905908

Jesus man. Unreal development. The most useful/powerful blockchain. Truly does make everything else irrelevant

>> No.52905932

>I'm a red white and blue unicorn and I fly to the moon and back once a month to harvest American Cheese
>you have no evidence to prove me wrong
This is what you sound like

>> No.52905936

Satoshi's words and whitepaper have become dormant over time, but he was truly the only one in the blockchain space to ever create something meaningful

>> No.52905958

stop buying you mathafackas , wtf is with the retard strength after the dump

>> No.52905961

Christen Ager-Hansen was worth 5 billion before the Bitcoin White Paper was even thought of.
He is one of those guys with the Golden Touch. He said last week that he would not have gotten involved with BSV if he was not sure that he could get it's market cap to One Trillion Dollars.

>> No.52906022

ask Gavin Andresen, Ian Grigg and John Matonis. They all agree that Craig is Satoshi and saw him sign a message of their choosing using publicly available software installed just minutes before the signing.
If you don't know who these three people are you're a newfag.
Gavin was entrusted by Satoshi to continue the Bitcoin project and codebase, he liased directly with Satoshi over email.
Ian Grigg is an amazing cryptographer who invented tripple ledger accounting.
John Matonis was head of the original Bitcoin Association

>> No.52906070

Holy fuck we're going to fly if "btc" can ever stop shitting all over itself.

>> No.52906087
File: 193 KB, 1013x854, Ian Grigg sites Craig Wright - Satoshi Nakamoto in 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ian Grigg, cites Craig Wright (pseudonym. Satoshi Nakamoto) as inventor of Bitcoin in his latest paper, having now left EOS development.

>> No.52906119

>BSV thread in 2022.
Yep, the bottom is officially in lads. Verification NOT required.

>> No.52906155

>He's malding that he missed an early entry
That's definitely a factor in the nufags who know nothing about BSV and can't understand why it's chadding on BTCs demise, while their ERCs bleed into the obscurity they belong in. I will say if anyone thinks they're "too late" or missed a good entry theyre wrong. BSV is about to 3x while everything dies around it.

>> No.52906262
File: 448 KB, 1305x1406, CREG LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone already figured out what this faggots game is tho

>> No.52906529

greg, you should really delete the part about assumptions of calvin being stupid and the part about tether funding kleiman
i think if you crop those parts it would go way better to crash bsv more so i can buy even lower

>> No.52906733

why is everything 'greg' to you people? who the fuck is greg? it says creg not greg.

>> No.52906794

don't play dumb greg, where is my $5 bsv entry

>> No.52906868
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>> No.52906943
File: 257 KB, 1080x2021, DrZpk4JWkAALYK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greggles maxwell, the infamous ex btc core developer and chief technical officer at blockstream that ruined btc and kept it small and who is on a crusade to sink craig and bsv after being rejected like a bitch and who simultaneously controls and mods bsv subleddits and has proven to be promoting fake and gay fud with multiple accounts

>> No.52907928

don't forget he's a filthy jew and funded by epstein related accounts via some MIT fund.
You overplayed your hand Greggles, there's nowhere to run this time, the world is waking up to the crimes of your people, unlike the 1930s its the entire globalised world that will be aware. BSV takes the power out of money and it can't be stopped.

>> No.52909001

4 gig blocks on chain. stiff.

>> No.52909007


lets see, well, this shitcoin is centralized for starters, with its whitelisted miners

satoshi was afraid of letting users add a message because of the inherent risk of permanent messages on a public ledger, and this guy lets you put videos and scammy gambling apps - satoshi was very anti scam and wouldn't have supported either of these features

Craig is a charlatan and the real Satoshi has moved on.

>> No.52909113

Fuck it where can I get the uncensored information on this project without the shills?

>> No.52909131

Theory of Bitcoin on Youtube
Anything from kurt wuckert jr
CSW is now on twitter
Finally, common sense dyor

>> No.52909902
File: 246 KB, 1440x2560, 1579046706772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean how can you miss an early entry? The ealy entry is right now, we are basically at all time lows guys at $45 LOL

idk if you forgot because you are newfags, but BSV lost 90% of its value and used to trade above $250-400.

Anyone who has held BSV for more than like 3 weeks has lost money.

>> No.52909920
File: 118 KB, 1007x747, all_kinds_of_different_transaction_types.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you talking about? Satoshi added script to Bitcoin so it could be used for all sorts of applications, including things he hadn't even thought about.

>> No.52910443

so I can buy whatever amount of BSV I want for 1 fucking cent???

>> No.52910460

A 1 cent fee yes.
Bitcoin is very cheap anon, just the way Saotshi intended

>> No.52911760

Satoshi put a ppoker app directly in the original bitcoin source code.

Sit your ass down and suck on your dick you Dunning Kruger fag.

>> No.52912124

can they publish the signed message? i'm sure it was something like "Craig Wright is Satoshi", so that would be proof he has the keys. if he doesn't have the keys, he's definitely not Satoshi, so that is the first step in proving so. talking and blogging is useless, anyone can do that

>> No.52912181

Explain for a brainlet how Wright could prove that he has the Satoshi keys without instantly crashing the price of Bitcoin and all other cryptos to zero as every single bagholder rushes to front run the possible sale of the Satoshi coins?

>> No.52912185

Just two more weeks

>> No.52912219

>if he doesn't have the keys, he's definitely not Satoshi
This is an obvious logical fallacy. Only brainlets with no ability to reason think like this.

>> No.52912616

bitcoin is a protocol specifically designed so that ownership of a key alone grants ownership of assets managed by that key. the creator is a cryptographer. any cryptographer keeps his keys safe. therefore, satoshi keeps his keys safe. anyone could have copied theys, so key ownership does not prove identity. but not owning the key immediately means you aren't satoshi. that's just basic logic. so the first thing you have to show if you want people to believe that you are satoshi is that you have the key. before that, people rightfully ignore you

>> No.52912687

What if Satoshi thought it was too risky to the protocol for him to have knowledge of his keys, i.e. in case of a wrench attack, and so he never recorded them or destroyed his records of them. It was his life's work and the existence of those keys would always be an existential threat to what he had created.

>> No.52912690

The laughable delusion you generate is also unparalleled

Scammer created shitcoin going to zero

>> No.52912731

That's the whole point and why that question is so retarded in the first place. It would initiate the mother of all immediate giga dumps to zero as every major exchange/whale unloads and frontruns "satoshi".

>> No.52912773

we don't have to speculate, in the latest iteration of the story, craig claims to have the keys. not having them would mean he's incompetent as a cryptographer, which is incompatible with him creating bitcoin in the first place. that's probably what he thinks

>> No.52912852


Hansen had 10 billion dollars when he was born. His entire life has been a continual series of massive losses: Every business he has touched has failed.

BSV is the perfect fit for him.

>> No.52912991

Hal Finney's address 1Q2TWHE3GMdB6BZKafqwxXtWAWgFt5Jvm3 moved coins in 2018 , does this prove that Hal is actually alive ? Signing from an address is only a part of proving identity . You can sign by using an e-signature only after you have prove your true identity .

>> No.52913064

Any anon with a plebbit post this to r/cryptocurrency and r/bitcoin.
My account is too young, sew the seeds of doubt anons.

I understand this is probably quite controversial but have never seen it talked about before and would like to hear everyone's opinion.

As far I understand. Segwit was a kind of "fork"that changed how Bitcoin worked. It was after Segwit where the "store of value"cope came from. Nowhere in the Bitcoin whitepaper does it mention Bitcoin being anything other than a digital p2p cash system, with built in privacy, massively scalable secure fast tps and its own form of smart contracts.It also didn't need taproot or the lightning network. Satoshi themself specifically wanted to cut out the middleman.This was all before Segwit mind you.

So now after Segwit Bitcoin became this shambling corpse which is what we now know as Bitcoin.

I did some digging into people involved with Segwit and found old forums mentioning Blockstream, I'd never heard of them before but found they are partially owned by AXA insurance and Visa.

So my question is, have we been buying a version of Bitcoin that got hijacked and castrated to appease the interests of Visa(obvious reasons) and AXA insurance (a company that controls assets who's worth dwarf the size of the GDP of the U.S.A?
If so, is the OG Bitcoin thay Segwit forked away from still available for purchase so I can atleast prove my statements here factual and how I remember it being.

Feel free to make alterations and additions but do not shill BSV

>> No.52913079

Title the post "Have we been lied too?"

>> No.52913106
File: 46 KB, 593x394, iangrigg_craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any cryptographer keeps his keys safe.
Logical fallacy.

>therefore, satoshi keeps his keys safe.
Logical fallacy.

>anyone could have copied theys
Correct. Or they could be lost, sold, given away, stolen, or simply stored away in a vault that is never meant to be opened. Or he has been told or threatened not to spend them. Or made a deal with governments not to spend or touch. Or have made a vow or a contract not touch them. Many possibilities.

>so key ownership does not prove identity.
Correct. Key ownership is not related to the claim of who created the system.

>but not owning the key immediately means you aren't satoshi.
Wrong. Logical fallacy.

>that's just basic logic
You are terrible at logic.

>so the first thing you have to show if you want people to believe that you are satoshi is that you have the key.
Wrong. What you have to show is unparalleled and unique knowledge of the system you have created. Knowledge that the creator is expected to have.

>> No.52913536

STIFF bump

>> No.52913910
File: 97 KB, 738x330, 1670699741388607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you're correct in your entire thesis. I think Visa/Mastercard went directly to their AXA overlords basically in desperation because they could see, far before the general public, that real bitcoin was their nail in the coffin. Bitcoin outperformed them in every way, and would inevitably take their entire online marketshare, then eventually their in-store PoS marketshare. Merchants would have 0 incentives to use their services any longer in comparison ti Bitcoin. No other crypto comes relatively close to original btc, which is why the mainstream has no problem touting them and partnering with them - they're not a threat.

>> No.52913949
File: 122 KB, 1280x960, Eva0JQRXEAI27xY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth about who is behind Blockstream and Segwit.
Everyone should read/re-read this


This shows exactly who is behind the curtain.
Who is implementing Lightning ?
Would that be Lighting Networks ?
Owned by AXA ? The Insurance company that is control of more derivatives on planet earth than any other private entity ?

Oh and they own Coinbase, Brave Browser, Coindesk, Etherscan, Genisis, Greyscale, Gyft, Kraken, Ledger, Ripple, Shapeshift,Z-Cash

etc etc etc...

Who owns Blockstream ? Blocstream is the devs of BTC.


Digital Currency Group

>> No.52913969
File: 104 KB, 1147x801, The Big Takeover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52914079

so you are saying that after inventing a system where keeping your keys safe is priority number one, the creator lost or threw his keys away? that's the only assumption that doesn't lead immediately to satoshi being required to have the key. however, craig says he has the key. so either he's a liar, or he isn't satoshi. agreed?

>> No.52914290

> the creator lost or threw his keys away?
No, those are not the only possible options read again. This time very carefully:

>they could be lost, sold, given away, stolen, or simply stored away in a vault that is never meant to be opened. Or he has been told or threatened not to spend them. Or made a deal with governments not to spend or touch. Or have made a vow or a contract not touch them. Many possibilities.

And for your last sentence
>so either he's a liar, or he isn't satoshi. agreed?

No. He can be be liar and ALSO be Satoshi. Not mutually exclusive. He can bt the creator of the Bitcoin system and also:
1) don't HAVE the keys (anymore) or only have limited control of the keys
2) don't WANT TO use the keys
3) Keep ambiguity around any keys he may or may not be in possession of for strategic, personal, security/safety reasons.

Understand that keys have exactly zero to do with the claim of being the inventor. It is an entirely seperate claim.

>> No.52914680

so we reached common ground, craig wright should not be listened to

>1) don't HAVE the keys (anymore) or only have limited control of the keys
making him a liar, since he claims to have access to the keys

>2) don't WANT TO use the keys
why should anybody listen to a keyless satoshi then? provide reason to believe you are satoshi, technobabble and getting the content of your own paper wrong on twitter aren't enough

>3) Keep ambiguity around any keys he may or may not be in possession of for strategic, personal, security/safety reasons.
he already claims to have the keys, this point is moot

not using the keys means nobody should listen to him. could he be a non-key=access satoshi? sure, but so can anybody

>> No.52916002


>> No.52916081

Dr Wright is going to make transactions subsidized for the push into the third world.
It will be free transactions. Handcash will onboard multi-millions.


>> No.52916715

If the message is "Craig Wright is a huge faggot" would you then believe he isn't satoshi?

>> No.52917288

VIP stalking to the extreme by intl. Gov agencies

>> No.52917754

>Steals your coins for speaking against the BSV cult