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52899082 No.52899082 [Reply] [Original]

The Chainlank cult was a group of neckbeards who were obsessed with a rotund man named Sergey. They believed that Sergey had the power to transform himself into a couch, and they worshipped him as a deity.

The cult was started by a group of incels who had been bamboozled by a paid indian shill campaign on a pozzed oat training DIY board. They had been convinced that Sergey and Chainlank were the answer to all of their problems, and they were eager to join the cult and learn more about his powers.

As they became more and more devoted to Sergey, the Lonkies began to indulge in homosexual orgies and to view themselves as elite members of society. They believed that they were the chosen ones, and that they had been given the power to transform themselves into couches just like Sergey.

The cult became increasingly secretive as it grew, with members meeting in secret locations and communicating only with each other using the so called "breadcrumbs". They were convinced that the rest of the world was out to get them, and that they had to protect themselves at all costs.

Eventually, the cult was discovered by the authorities and exposed as a scam, and many of its members were arrested and charged with various crimes. Despite this, the cult continued to thrive underground, with devoted followers continuing to eat feces and worship Sergey and his powers to this day.