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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52895491 No.52895491 [Reply] [Original]

I work for UPS making $1000/wk. What should I do with this money?

>> No.52895625

hookers and blow

>> No.52895671

40% in bank. 40% for payments. 20% Playmoney.

>> No.52895700

I need $250 for gas and tolls so really I am making $750/wk.

>> No.52895721

what nigger how do you spend $250 a week on gas and tolls are you driving a sherman tank

>> No.52895731

I'm finally going to pay off some credit cards!

>> No.52895741

what the fuck are you gonna do with all that shit doing nothing in bank and bleeding to inflation, NGMI

>> No.52895775

I drive a 2011 Toyota Corolla. It gets pretty bad mpgs. I'm thinking of buying a prius.

>> No.52895791

American wages are so fucking inflated

>> No.52895811

Index fund

>> No.52895836

When people say to put it in the bank they usually mean to a brokerage account

>> No.52896007

corollas have one of the best mpg what are you on about, how fucking far do you dirve? tolls are like $2-4

>> No.52896586
File: 510 KB, 1082x695, if only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your make-it stack for $2.5k (500k Statera)

>> No.52897052

I'm going to put some into SHIB.

>> No.52898685

What are some other ideas on what I can do with this money? My first plan is to pay off my credit cards.

>> No.52898838

Either Californian or retard that doesn't know how much he spends on things (or both)

>> No.52898865
File: 64 KB, 851x479, Ff_IBfmX0AA28cW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put some spare into PepePal and give it a few days. If the volume keeps up it might get one of those classic CoinGecko pumps.

Just be cautious. It kinda rides off of the 4chan vibe but it actually has a product, and has had plenty of chances to rug in the past few days but has not, and they seem to have the funds for more marketing or calls of whatever.

>> No.52900717

Buy a gun. Buy one bullet. Load gun. Put to temple. Pull trigger.

>> No.52900796

I have made the decision to pay off my credit cards first then get a new car.

>> No.52900854

>dollar is up against all currencies and assets
>dollar is strongest its been in 20 years
>biz says don't hold dollar
ok im gonna head out