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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52895109 No.52895109 [Reply] [Original]

See below article and pic.

They're fucking crabs in a bucket. Initially SBF was being painted as White Knight with Caroline looking like the degenerate gambler. Tables then flipped with more focus on Sam since the arrest. Now Caroline seems concerned he may be doing a plea deal and is most likely paying some participating media outlets off to disassociate from Sam. They both need to be thrown in prison..


>> No.52895129

kek i got a PR agent at one point in time. made me never look at these types of stories the same way. these publications will write anything for the right PR guy

>> No.52895213

>They're fucking crabs in a bucket.
Who knows what she did in Dubai before she went to NYC. The polycule's degenerancy knows no bounds.

>> No.52895232

100% agree. This is known, but to the average normie that reads mainstream articles they'll take this as gospel.

Shit is crazy seeing this level of misinformation.

>> No.52895285

don't invite a mole..cule to a polycule

>> No.52895397
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"Black dicks could be here", he thought to himself. "I've never been raped before". The warm tropical breeze wafting through the concrete slit in his cell felt sticky against his hooked nose. "I HATE black dicks", he thought. The sound of hooting niggers and drunk American tourists reverberated through the cell block even as the two packs of cigarettes worth of guava toilet wine flowed through his thick veins reinforcing his (merited) fear of black dicks after lights out. "Sometimes you pin the weasel...other times... the weasel pins you", he whispered to himself out loud

>> No.52895418

A friend and I spent like $2k of the cash we won in Vegas back in 2017 on these pay to play PR wire releases to make us look like fucking ballers (it was a total joke) and every time we applied for a new job they came up and people brought it up and were amazed told us how impressive they thought we were. Shit was fucking hilarious in hindsight but it helped us get our foot in the door with a lot of people who held sway at their companies or whatever. We basically faked it until we made it. Everytime I see of these nowadays I just laugh knowing it's all bullshit.

>> No.52895449

Nice edit with the toilet wine, lel

>> No.52895533

I think it's just about perfect now

>> No.52896009

was my initial reaction as well
>the soup thickens
if the PR crews were smart, theyd start releasing The Tapes, or at very least The FTX Sex Diaries (with their own particualr clients contribution carefully airbrushed, of course). Pretty soon we'd have the complete collection.

>> No.52896082

Is that really how much it costs? Only $2000? Is that per article or what?

>> No.52896317
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>> No.52896323

>teehee i read harry poofter by myself at age 5 im a genius heehee

I, and the 3 others in my grade in the gifted program in rural cucknada were reading lord of the rings at age 5 for our book club.

I fucking hate jewish midwits being hailed as geniuses so much its unreal

>> No.52896359

She definitely hired someone to scrub /biz/ whenever her yhwh posts are brought up.

>> No.52896486

I fucking hate arry pottah

>> No.52898744


be real, the weasel has your IQ times 10^10

>> No.52898800

>cheat codes enabled cant be liquidated
>still loses billions

>> No.52898966

she’s just ugly and degenerate so the only thing she could do was steal from others

>> No.52899368
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>> No.52899966

at least sam is already used to being in a polyamorous group

>> No.52900086

>i could read a book for 12-year olds at 5
ok, so could i. in fact, i could read newspapers, too.
that's a fucking stupid statement to make; all that proves is that by now she's supposed to be smart enough not to get involved with someone clearly defrauding their customers and the US government. yet that's exactly what happened.
okay so now you're "brilliant" and also a fucking scheming, conniving weasel you dumbass fuckin' woman.

>> No.52900120

>thrown in prison

That’s a funny way to say lined up against a wall and shot in Minecraft

>> No.52900244

>felt oppressive and libelous against his hooked nose