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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52891406 No.52891406 [Reply] [Original]

>Sister's wedding
>Bunch of young couples and people married with kids
>Be 36 with absolutely no relationship experience, personality or charisma.

Is faking it until you make it an applicable strategy here?

>> No.52891418
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Why do people think /biz/ is their diary?

>> No.52891419
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I know the feel, maybe you can break the cycle

>> No.52891423

Just tell them you’re a monk.

>> No.52891424

Post sister

>> No.52891435
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Take comfort in knowing most people in relationships are miserable
Especially the ones who have been caught cheating on each other

>> No.52891445

invite an escort to the wedding, make out with her in front of your little cousins, grab her ass on the dance floor in front of your grandma

assert dominance

>> No.52891466

co-worker tried to hook me up with a friend of hers, I am 32. I just straight up told her no without any consideration at all. Feels good, honestly

>> No.52891479

Have a few drinks and chat with anyone that smiles at you.
Pua gets a lot of shit but one of the things they have right is that becoming friends with the men gets you in with the women.
You might hit it off with one of the women and meet up later.

>> No.52891480


>> No.52891502

I don't think I would be interesting enough to hang onto an escort. She'd probably end up chatting with the others while I sit there quietly.
Not being able to tell stories or make small talk eliminates you from relationships or friendship.

>> No.52891512

That's honestly more interest from females than I've had in my adult life.

>> No.52891580

Bro, I run out of things to say in a few sentences...

>> No.52891650

Reported this for low content unrelated to /biz/! Your ass is so mine

>> No.52891652


The best advice I've ever received regarding women is to think of yourself first. You have to know yourself because that is the best way to build confidence. Knowing your dislikes/likes and being old enough to mature into a spot in life makes you a complete man.

Not everyone is a leader. There are knights, bishops, rooks, and pawns. There are all different types of people, and then there is you.

You must stop thinking about them all the time. You must think about you. You must wake up and go about your day as if the cares and whims of women mean nothing to you. You wake up, eat a muffin or whatever, go to the coffee shop, read, watch a movie, video games, get a pizza, watch the game, etc. Sleep. Wake up again. Work. Gym. Find more work. Repeatx 1000. Write. Save money. Stop jacking off. Go to church. more exercise. Healthier food. Start a business. Less drinking. Smart decisions. More reading. Meet people. More money. Start winning.

It snowballs, trust me.

All of the sudden women will be interested when you start to achieve this zen state. You are working and building. You are the energy in the room. The beautiful thing is, by that point, you are in the driver seat of your own life. If they want to hop in for a while, great. But you wear the pants. And if they want to fuck that up, or toxify your life? You don't need them.

>> No.52891659
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>> No.52891704

>Sister's wedding
>an applicable strategy here

alcohol, fren
this is the relevant strategy in this context

>> No.52891722

Ask questions…
Treat it like the world is ending in a few months and you have nothing to lose.

Once you find someone that seems easy to talk to roll with the conversation as long as you can. Talk about whatever comes to mind.
“Did you hear your favorite song tonight? What would have you picked?”
Then go ask the dj to play that song.
Life is short and women are just people.
Feel free to make a slight ass of yourself because no one actually cares.

>> No.52891747

Mein negger, you are so based fren

>> No.52891751

A good escort will not do this. She should hug your arm and talk you up to others. You're paying her ffs. Don't be afraid to interview the girl before hand or do an intro date.

>> No.52891754

Hear this. It is absolutely OVER for women your age right now. No wonder she tried to "hook you up" with her used up friend who needs a provider. It's just beginning for men in their 30s, however. Ygmi.

>> No.52891757

This is a great opportunity to get matched up with someone

>> No.52891765

Genuinly interested how people end up like this.

>> No.52891774
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I can dig it

>> No.52891792
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Appreciate the well crafted responses brehs, you're good lads but I'm aware of these and have been on a work/fitness/net worth routine for years. All of this is just unnoticed. So I go on alone.

I'm afraid this post is correct:>>52891419

Some of us simply weren't meant to make it.

>> No.52891847

Well I rejected anyone that tried to get close to me out of fear in early high school. Add some physical flaws, then some poor academic performance, no professional success and sprinkle some ridicule on top and there you have it.
I don't pursue women and they don't pursue me.

>> No.52891867


>> No.52892248

They know everyone here is a fucking loser so they think you might relate.

>> No.52892295
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Fuck that anon who wrote that pic and fuck you for spreading it.

Never give up on life. The fact that you're on this board means you have the ability to determine your own fate.

>> No.52892326
File: 42 KB, 460x692, 1036454-naomi-russell-nude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit retard. You are clearly not doing what that anon said to do otherwise you WOULD be able to hold a conversation. You WOULD be able to put on a fake persona in public that can interface with normie scum. These threads from your kind always start the same and when this type of advice inevitably gets given to the OP they always say the same fucking thing. "I tried that, it did nothing for me...." You are a fucking liar. I see right through you.

If you are genuine and not a demoralization agent than what you are really doing is trying to figure out a logical solution that works on paper.

My evidence for this is your response that anon who gave you the perfect best advice to solve your issues here: >>52891652

>have been on a work/fitness/net worth routine for years. All of this is just unnoticed. So I go on alone.

That right there is a response from a person who is trying to reason out of why that anon's advice wouldn't work. You are thinking linearly and logically that if "I just work on my self and ignore women, how will they ever notice me!" That is a dead give away that you are NOT doing what that anon said to do you fucking lying faggot rat!

What your monkey mind fails to realize is that in doing what that anon said to do line for fucking line it will literally transform your current parasitic mindset. So not having a "personality, persona.....bla bla bla" goes away as you gain ACTUAL self confidence. This is exactly how I 10000% know you are a fucking liar and didn't do what that anon told you to do to solve your dilemma.

Now kindly fuck off you lying demoralization rat.

>> No.52893324

I come here just to complain about how fucked up everything is and that I'm not getting rich putting half a paycheck into xor, I'm not interested in advancing anything here, I just don't want to work

>> No.52893338

Just skip the wedding. No one will miss you.

>> No.52893599

Read the tao te ching
(I haven't read it yet.)

>> No.52893866

Whip out your dicc and assert dominance. You become the alpha male now.

>> No.52893990


>> No.52894095

Giga tropes and copes every incel bleats like a sheep.

>> No.52894242

Being sociable is doing stuff is the minimum, telling him to do all this stuff for women while "not thinking about women" is retarded by itself, it's the same argument as "dont worry it will happen naturally" most of these failed retards received and believed.

>> No.52894315

if you're under 40 you are young and very much still marketable and still have time

but you better stop fucking around.
stop being so serious
stop being so down and self defeating about yourself
stop waiting for the perfect moment or a miracle
you gotta get out there in the wild and live your life according to your own terms
release the inner fire
let your light shine forth
know that you are worthy
don't wait for someone to "validate" that for you
nothing wrong with you
be alive
walk run hike sprint climb breath exhale drink water
be alive
be alive for yourself
be yourself
own it
don't judge yourself anymore
don't imagine what other people are judging about you
do not entertain any of this fear or doubt