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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52887723 No.52887723 [Reply] [Original]

So has the market crashed or is it crashing. I'm tired of being on edge all the time.

>> No.52887741

Wonder how she'll look like when she hits 35

>> No.52887769

hair thinned, skin sagged and lungs charred. there is no reason for someone to reasonably decide to smoke in this decade unless they want to kill themselves extremely slowly over decades.

>> No.52887821

>no reason
kills appetite, keeps thin.

>> No.52887823

There is a reason. Doing what you enjoy no matter the cost. Life ends.

>> No.52887848

ah yes, might as well eat the seed instead of watering it because it gives you 2 calories instead of having to wait for the fruit.

brainless take.

>> No.52887852
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>> No.52887878
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>> No.52887945

You stupid piece of halfwitted fucking garbage, you stated there was 'no reason' why a young and good looking chick like that might smoke in this day and age. And I gave you one. They want to stay thin. And I'll wager I personally know more about what goes on in good looking chicks heads than you ever will. Now apologize already. Fucking tards they let in here nowadays.

>> No.52887976

It's a rationalization, not a reason. Reason is she was trying to impress chad and then got addicted

>> No.52887977

It's crashing down further

>> No.52888038

Utterly pointless when Adderall/Vyvanse exist. Gives a more potent, longer, and smooth dopamine effect (what people enjoy from cigs), without killing you.
>inb4 muh long term damage
Only retards who abuse it get this. Low dose + days off and you'll be fine forever

>> No.52888087

yeah but smoking is fucking cool as hell especially cigars

>> No.52888088

Worked great for Sam Bankrun-Fraud. I liked how he was twitching when interviewed by Aaron Sorkin

>> No.52888108

based I think I’ll get a whole lot more adderall

>> No.52888143

why does the so called limitless pill make addicts and jews seethe so much?

>> No.52888273

This woman is French and tried to film herself having sex with a black guy without his consent.

>> No.52888383
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Marlboro man was a Hollywood model lmao. Have you ever seen how construction workers look? Hit the wall harder than most women

>> No.52888414

Stims are fucking useless. You just feel super sharp and clever. It doesn't make you anymore productive or increase the output of your work. Only thing is you sweat a lot, wake up with burning kidney pain and the realization that you jerked off to tranny porn for 7 hours straight before you passed out at 4 in morning.
Just go for a walk

>> No.52888431

stimulants make you want to smoke more, though

>> No.52888515

10-2yr treasury bond yield is at it's lowest since the 80-81 recession. S&P dropped like 35% from the middle of 80 until the end of 81. It only dropped 16% this year, so I'm expecting net year to drop further.

We're in a massive banking bubble spurred on by quantitative easing, fractional reserve banking and mass inflation. the market will reset itself eventually. The US government will default and everything will break. Basically only things like amazon (a service that literally changed everything) will survive and even some of those will die. The banks probably won't even make it out if there is no one to bail them out.

And your savings? Good luck getting anything from FDIC when the government can't even afford the military.

>> No.52888680

The absolute state of things in 2022
I have to defend fucking SMOKING on 4chan
Get rent u normalfag newfag nightmares
who the fuck even made you feel welcome?

>> No.52888875

suck those cancer sticks baby

>> No.52888904

No it's spelled "Crack"

>> No.52888924

>Reason is she was trying to impress chad and then got addicted
I started smoking due to my x at age 18. Took me 12 years to kick the habit. Still vape though - kids, never start smoking it's as addictive as they say it is.

>> No.52889181
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construction workers don't give a shit how they look, they're paid to give a shit how other shit looks.

>> No.52889235

>he doesn't have a nicotine habit

>> No.52889309
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Imagine the smell

>> No.52889576

>they're paid to give a shit how other shit looks.
They don't give a shit about that either.

>> No.52889614

I think i have that video

>> No.52889764

It gets on everything. Even if you scrub your hand with one of those body scrubbers you still smell it where you held the cigarette.

>> No.52889773

do girls who smoke ciggies have stinky vaginas?

>> No.52889869

Muh smoking bad unless weed cus bro yeah dude duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.52889897


>> No.52890384

Part of the faggotization of the west and the western men was making them realize that being a man is UNHEALTHY u fucking newfags. I am disgusted by what I see you all say here.

>> No.52890392

this so fucking true though kek

>> No.52890447

this has also been my exact experience

>> No.52890468

The United States is going to hyperinflate.

>> No.52890674
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>So has the market crashed or is it crashing.

>> No.52890803

>they're paid to give a shit how other shit looks
You def don't know what you're talking about if you think they care kiddo

>> No.52890843

Yes that's what I said.

>> No.52891196

>So has the market crashed or is it crashing. I'm tired of being on edge all the time
the only answer to this question is crypto. crypto crypto crypto. that is the play for what is about to come and everything else is bullshit. we are entering uncharted territory and its gonna get choppy. few broken dishes.

>> No.52891311

The hecking sciencerino told me that smoking is..... LE BAD!

Suck a dick fggt

>> No.52891342

Female brain.

>> No.52891343

>Dude weed
>Dude cigs
>Dude vape
You're a vapid consumer

>> No.52891456

See that bruise on her right arm? That's where alpha chaddius prime was coke fueled smashing her yesterday.

>> No.52891562

This is just the beginning of the crash where people are realizing "uhoh" and trying to keeps things propped up until they position themselves to take advantage of the crash.

>> No.52892250


>> No.52892359

the chain-smoking at my uncle's place caused the tar to build up on the ceiling and turn the baby blue paint a puke yellow color. It collected until it started to drip from the ceiling. Wake up with burning lungs and eyes from the second hand smoke.

>> No.52893150

some girls have the right face to carry age well. add a few lines here and there a stern look, no kids, and a out of control libido and you've got yourself a winner.

>> No.52893199
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Fellas fellas. Enough with the arguing, can I please just get the sauce?

>> No.52893229

>I'm tired of being on edge all the time.
Just stop caring. It's that easy.

>> No.52893245

>Realize being a man is unhealthy
I recon unless you are a woman that would be the exact opposite.
Thinking it is true a man is culturally defined is beyond me because you're literally born with genetalia, and your nature does not care what others think is untrue.
Faggotization is satanic, evil and it is an attempt of corruption of people.
True love exists and can come up between same sexes, but the perverse is far from divine love.
The LGBTXYZ agenda is simply corruption, perversity and legalization combined.
If you're not a bot you're an enormous faggot for sure.

>> No.52893290

I don't believe nicotine addiction exists. People are just voluntarily weak willed for the melodrama.

>> No.52893733

Share it with us anon

>> No.52893756

kek white women's lust for black men has no bounds

>> No.52894198
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I purchase when prices are dip, but it becomes dipper. I have already made those decisions, so I have no regrets kek. I'll keep buying coins based on the solid fundamentals like what I see on Xpress's multiple products.

>> No.52894207

Smoking is high T and I'm sick of pretending otherwise

>> No.52894308

homo, if she smokes she pokes

>> No.52894310

BBCbros we can't stop winning

>> No.52894318

Which multiple products?
Winning again and again

>> No.52894336

Love the Smoker cope in this thread. Good goys

>> No.52894363

Smoker detected. You smell like piss and poverty.

>> No.52894480

kys coomposter .

>> No.52894510

I'm referring to the crypto payment system, nft marketplace, and trading exchange, which are all accessible through a single smartphone app, anon. Don't stress yourself.

>> No.52894613

Smells like an unwashed pussy.
Binance is offering that. Im using binance pay

>> No.52894680

You die amen

>> No.52894717

A number of businesses already use Binance pay. The fact that crypto payment gateways are leading established businesses is no longer shocking. Security and simplicity must be considered.

>> No.52894728

Lol, that's harsh.

>> No.52894729

i started smoking some because it was supposed to have health benefits, and stopped whenever i wanted
propensity for addiction is heritable, it doesn't apply to everybody at all

>> No.52894739

Better to stop that action now

>> No.52894751
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>> No.52894859

This but replace 7 hours with 3 days and tranny porn with erotic fiction about age regression and exhibitionism.

>> No.52895107

you described the complete opposite of hyperinflation, you described deflationary default.

>> No.52895203

I am a habitual marijuana smoker and I say this.

>> No.52895275


>> No.52895302

This. I went on an adderall run that had me on 4 juul mango pods a day. I also used phenibut. Turned me into a money making CEO psychopath for about 4 months before I crashed and burned into oblivion.

>> No.52895372

Nicotine is good for you.

>> No.52895398
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Both. /thread

>> No.52895669

This board sure does have a lot of faggots hanging around lately.

>> No.52896040

>what is adderall

>> No.52896053

>he fell for the marloboro meme

>> No.52896077

>ugh yikes oof
>how do i literally have to defend a habit that makes you a disgusting smelling, coughing, skeleton and costs thousands of dollars a year while killing you in 2022 like omg i cant even

>> No.52896109

>realization that you jerked off to tranny porn for 7 hours straight before you passed out at 4 in morning

not everyone is a tranny loving faggot anon, your life experience doesn't apply to people who don't have the mental issues you've got

>> No.52896113

just because agents for BigPharma shovel tons of poisonous and addictive slop down Burgers throats on a whim and well-recompensed commission basis, dont mean the rotw immediately follows. I dont think its that easy to get a stims script in Bong/Europe.

>> No.52896186

>you aren't a REAL man unless you generate 10$+ a day for billion dollar tobacco companies

>> No.52896273

paying to destroy your own health and become an addict is one of the most retarded shit you can do. a literal 70 iq move

>> No.52897023

Fundamentals will always win. Projects offering Asset and identity management are top trends for the future, cant go wrong.

>> No.52897027

It has crashed. The days of Ponzi shitcoins are likely finished forever but that doesn't mean that crypto is over, just that the real projects with real world applications will sooner or later shine through.
My guess is that things will start to pick up at the end of the first quarter 2023 when governments around the world start releasing their CBDC's which will largely be used to control the spending of poor people, people on welfare and other benefits will recieve a greater amount of money but it will be time limited and they will only be allowed to buy certain goods with it.
Like everything ran by the establishment it will be shit and require a dozen privately ran institutions to keep it from collapsing.

>> No.52897438

To be fair, if you were even half less of a retard that you are, you'd know that growth and loss are both consistent. So the wise thing to do is invest in safe assets like stablecoins, 1 to 1 backed ones like USDC and then stake on audited middlewares like SpoolFi

>> No.52897517

God I’m such a sucker for bad girls. I have no tattoos never stolen anything and generally a well behaved person. But I love bad girls wow!

>> No.52898126

>I don't believe nicotine addiction exists. People are just voluntarily weak willed for the melodrama.
It's been basically unequivocally demonstrated that it is with animal trials by e.g.
- feed two groups water only
- observe water bottle attempts and volumes
- add nicotine to water for one group
- observe water bottle attempts and volume
- apply electric shock to water bottles
- observe water bottle attempts and volume

Low and behold, the one laced with nicotine keeping going back to get shocked far more than the ones that are just dehydrated without water.

It's an excellent test because it involves acquiring something so fundamental to life, and pain as a deterrent. So it rules out things like the rats just being a bit picky about social faux pas.

>> No.52898166

Mother fuckerz bitcoin can dump to a dollar and soar to 100k.
High highs, low lows, get over you fucking faggots.
Still more attractive than you, pug ass Mother fucker.

>> No.52898191

>hair thinned, skin sagged
Been smoking for well over a decade, my hair line is fine and growing out not receding at all.
Skin is still fine, but I life weights and don't gorge on food.

>> No.52898215

>Multiple fat fuck white dudes.
Yeah its totally the cigarettes and not the twenty pounds of goy slop they eat a day.

>> No.52898238

>Stims are fucking useless. You just feel super sharp and clever. It doesn't make you anymore productive or increase the output of your work.
Yes it does you fucking faggot, you never did stimulants before, shut the fuck up.
If you're a fat fuck and fucking lazy, stimulants won't make you more athletic.
Fucking fat fuck 4chan nerds and wrong opinions, literally plebians.

>> No.52898282

Chill out and smoke a butt, fat faggot.
Non smokes are tight was faggots.
Good, stay away from me, sperg.

>> No.52898310

>dont think its that easy to get a stims script in Bong/Europe.
Just cocaine like normal European men, fag.
Too pussy to cop a bag?
>destroy your own health and become an addict.
Having a couple smokes before work isn't an addiction nor will it destroy your health.

>> No.52898390

gonna make it bro. it's mostly bald guys blamimg gods nector (nicotine) instead of their shitty genetics

>> No.52898414

Explain why it's scientifically proven that Tobacco increases testosterone, reduces the chances of neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, and smokers of pipe tobacco outlive non-smokers by 15%.

All of these studies funded by different groups with conflicting interests.
All of them peer reviewed.
All of them producing the same results, repeatedly.

Alcohol and Opioids are the most damaging substances to society and individual health. Yet the only warning on bottles is that drinking while pregnant can cause birth defects and doctors prescribe opium for every little pain.

Substances that promote testosterone and focused thought are a threat.

Where as depressants that make you passive, weak, and gay like cannabis, alcohol, and opium are permitted and heavily promoted.