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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52887228 No.52887228 [Reply] [Original]

how do we fix this shit?
>wagecuck job barely beating minimum wage
>barely 3k in btc
i started caring about money 18 months ago during the holocough lockdowns and i havent taken a single step forward. ive tried to make money as a gambling affiliate on tiktok and youtube, got a bunch of views and followers but not many sign ups (the handful i did get have barely gambled). i learned pinescript and wrote some shitty tradingview strategies that have all failed, made myself available for hire to put other peoples ideas into code and have had 2 people come to me with both being broke retards. tried buying and selling stuff on facebook with some good moments but nothing on there is ever going to be consistent.
i feel like i have a brain that works and through things i wont talk about itt i know in the past ive had the balls to go through with risky ideas but wtf is the answer for us? do we need to just become elite wagies?

>> No.52887448

poor bros.. where are you

>> No.52887487

so you basically tried everything but working?
>how do we fix this shit?
There is nothing left worth working/fighting for.

>> No.52887512

only reliable long term plan is to sign up for college, get a degree and apply to a better paid job

>> No.52887537

>better paid job = pay more tax = pay my (boomer) debts

>> No.52887579

hello poor fag
I used to be a fellow poorfag but through my natural talent as a salesperson and on the job training to compliment it, I now make 100k USD working from home. Sales can suck a lot of balls but it's also the highest paying job in most companies (aside from executives). Generally they will take anyone because the turnover is so high. Some days I want to kms (ironically) but other days I feel good helping people and informing them and then getting their credit cards.

I do not have a college degree nor a highschool diploma. (I have a state diplima kek) which means I can't even join the military if I wanted.

>> No.52887588

Overthrow the government, but NOT install communism.

>> No.52887617

has this ever been tried?

>> No.52887630
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You mean communism, or overturning a government without trying communism?

>> No.52887635

>working from home
This is not a real job and people like you deserve to get hanged

>> No.52887647

how did you get into sales?
did you use any resources to get good or was it all just natural

>> No.52887655


>> No.52887664

just work + consoom bro

>> No.52887771

get rekt tradie. jokes on you I will never lose my job and I love acting smug to wagies who have to commute. I'm the last person to get fired because I have no salary. I'm 100% commission which means I don't have an upkeep cost. marketing, customer service, hell even executives will lose their jobs before me. And also you're a faget who doesn't realize that I pay for everyone else job. I and other likes me generate the revenue that pays for the salaries for every non direct earning position.

I started as a wagie in a retail store selling cameras, learned that I had a nack for it because wasn't afraid of rejection or "not acting polite" or any other nonsense we tell ourselves when we're afraid to ask people to buy things.

Anyone can learn how to do sales but more technically minded people or people who struggle to articulate their points through speech may find it really difficult.

sales managers (unironically can have good advice)
watch movies like the boiler room, glengarry glen ross
hell even wolf on wallstreet is a good one, specifically the scene where he over hypes the penny stocks.

my main issues are daily existentialism and the boring monotony of describing the same things and asking the same questions over and over. Also you don't have to be a coked out dickhead you can just be calm and still follow methods like "assumptive close" "either or close" "asking for the sale" "qualify questions" "puppy dog close" etc.

>> No.52887838

I've grown up as a farmer in a village (more cows than humans), WE are producing your entire food, energy, everything... you don't even know how the world is working. You will be the first ones who suffer. Doubt you will survive a single day without your frappuchino.

>> No.52887883

last bit of advice:just apply for sales gigs and when they ask you why you want to be in sales tell them you want to make a lot of money. This is the one job where you can be honest and tell the hiring manager that you just want to earn a lot of money and you heard sales was a good way to go about it.

when they ask what motivates you to sell tell them: "you have kids/wife to provide for" "you have a an expensive hobby/lifestyle to maintain" "you love the chase of closing a deal" "I have debt to pay off"

anon, why don't you sell me this pen.
>asshole managers pushes a pen towards you

start by asking them questions:
1. do you currently have a pen?
2. what do you like about pens you have used in the past?
3. what don't you like about your current pen?
4. how often do you use your pen?
5. is your current pen comfortable?
literally make up any questions, it doesn't matter.

then recommend the pen they pushed in front of you and say, it sounds like you could really use a new pen based on what you told me early. It's only $5 and it's the best and only pen you'll ever need, plus it solves all those problems you mentioned to me before when I was asking you questions. Does that sound fair?

>> No.52887908

move to a better country then

>> No.52887910

>sell me this pen.
stop watching movies, welcome to reality
now jump

>> No.52887925

We already are the best country

>> No.52887973

if you're so industrious good sir, why are you on a basket weaving board yelling at poorfags. not everyone wants to deal with cows, consider it a good thing for your job security. Also, they literally ask you to sell a pen in interviews because they saw it in a movie.

>> No.52888012

I'm not 'yelling' at "poorfags" im doing exactly the opposite.

>> No.52888744

what advice have you given thus far oh blessed one of superior technical reasoning?

>tells them to "work"
>tells them to stop watching movies and live in "reality"
>literally identifies as a boomer who had it better than anyone in this thread

you should be ashamed boomie, go process my burger, I'm getting hungry

>> No.52889157

what advice have you given thus far oh blessed one of superior technical reasoning?
>tells them to "work"
>tells them to stop watching movies and live in "reality"

I'm 26 years old.

>> No.52889184

no, just lie about your degree and get a mid-level corporate or tech position. there are so many obscure non-jobs out there just say you went to some b-tier school and they never check. be personable for two interviews (acting) and you can easily find something that pays $80k+ i know several people who have done this. EVERYONE LIES about their education.

>> No.52889206

you just need an IQ above 50 to get that position

>> No.52889267


okay we know you work with cows and are 26, any advice for poorfags?

>> No.52889280

This is my story. I was a broke neet for 10 years. My government introduced a program where unemployed people had to work for their benefits. I was cut off. Eventually I was down to $6 in my account. One Christmas I couldn't afford presents. That was my bottom. I got a job. I started saving. I built up 10k. 20k. 30k after a year. Discovered /biz/ in 2020. Covid happened. I bought BTC. ETH, LINK and some shitcoins. 5k worth. Got uni airdrop. Put that into BEL. Got 1inch airdrop. Again into BEL. Portfolio reaches 6 figs. Cash a little. Move out of parents. Bear market hits. Folio back to 5 figs. Got savings to slurp with. I make this post on /biz/ today.

>> No.52889297

>any advice for poorfags?
don't use the word 'poorfag' anymore because you are the one under control

>> No.52889328

I’m at the point where the idea of working some shitty normie job until I die makes me want to kill myself but idk how to get rich. I have no money to start up anything, just ambition and fear of being a slave, what’s the most rational move here? Accept that life isn’t fair and accept my position as serf? Or try and give fucking drop shipping or whatever a chance?

>> No.52889360

You don't sign a life time contract when you get a job. You need an income initially. The easiest option is to put on those wagie boots. Save up money and use that money to make more money. The end goal not being work til death but work til you no longer have to.

>> No.52889362

nice I'll contribute
>be me
>play vidya all day as a kid
>enter teenagehood
>don't go to school, just play PC and bang girlfriend
>get shitty retail job that pays minimum wage
>upgrade to another retail that at least has commission bonus
>fast forward, working for T-Mobile in their store when poached by someone who makes 6 figs at a sales gig in the city
>move to city
>got the job
>become "sales rookie of the year"
>live modestly and save a lot
>buy bitcoin at $6900
>buy matic at .04
>buy ADA at .05
>take a little profits and sell ADA at peak
>put 100k down on duplex

now I'm working from home at same job w/ duplex and rentie paying half of my mortgage. I did nothing to deserve this except take advantage of opportunities.

>> No.52889407


I'm starting to get why they got you working with cows mate.

>> No.52889414

Nice, not surprised at all about rookie of the year. I truly believe any anon here capable of a thoughtful post is equipt with the ability to succeed at what ever they pursue. Most people out there in the world are not too bright or insightful. Anons have a lot to offer.

>> No.52889453
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You will never learn, it's unbelievable and interesting at the same time.

>> No.52889608

Iv mainly been screwing with you this whole time, I do think what you do is probably based. You're losing me with the jew hate though but I'm willing to join you for black hate :D

>> No.52889717

Nice try shlomo