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File: 84 KB, 1160x1160, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5288232 No.5288232 [Reply] [Original]

>Maybe Monero?
Don't act like your flavor of the week shit coin is going to get listed. These are the obvious choices. What say you?

>> No.5288292

btc going down alts going up simple as that might wanna buy drp and sonm

>> No.5288342

Coinbase will get shut down within a month. You can't be based in the USA and do the kind of things that happened yesterday. They done goofed. It's a matter of days.

>> No.5288363

Most likely Ripple, guessing price at $300 EOY 2018.

>> No.5288420

>Circulating supply - 38 739 144 847 XRP

>> No.5288429

that would make me a millionaire but I don't see that happening
spotted the corecuck

>> No.5288462

ahem, leaving this here


>> No.5288474

You understand that its not just citizens buying this coin right? Banks will also be buying ripple in the billions. There are thousands of banks. Do the math.

>> No.5288503

Dash and ETC are probable.

Xrp is a shit token for the Ripple platform, so it doesn't meet the standards.

And for the last god damn fucking time let's spell it out for you retards:


Stop being a total fucking moron.

>> No.5288505

End of January $100
EOY 2018 $500

>> No.5288527

fuck off, newfriend
why does that make him a corecuk
what exactly did they do? I understand that the SEC is on to them and they fucked people over with BCC, but I don't get the details

>> No.5288602


>> No.5288611

Unless I'm missing something, XRP getting to 300 would mean that the total money supply in the world doubled and that it's all in XRP. I wouldn't be mad as much as impressed.

Insider trading schemes when regular stock exchanges were starting to bet on Bitcoin. I was exaggerating, but the future will tell what happens. It wouldn't surprise me if there were repercussions.

>> No.5288613

piece of shit coinbase fuck them
shit company

>> No.5288617

Why the fuck do people think ETC will get onto coinbase? It is a literal shitcoin with no use.

BCH was showing strong bullishness on the graphs for days and was pumping before coinbase added, bitcoin core holders and r/bitcoin are super salty that coinbase added bitcoins direct competitor/successor causing money to flow from a stagnant BTC to it and are going batshit lmao.

>> No.5288646

yes I understand that aspect of Monero, but just because it originates from coinbase doesnt mean it cant easily be sent to different wallets and disappeared. I'm not saying they will list it, but it's not crazy

>> No.5288695

Would they ever do a burn?

>> No.5288719


ya i see ripple at $2 max and even then I would be impressed

>> No.5288739
File: 132 KB, 1269x709, bitcoinCRASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what they do?

fucking crashed bcash by more than 2k in less than 60sec.

>> No.5288798

What would Coinbase get from listing it? I'm tired of FUDing, and it would be a great thing if they would sell it, but they seem to be looking for things that can profit them as well, and especially if they're picking and choosing at the beginning, starting to sell the currency that's most ethical use right now are drugs doesn't seem like the best PR move.

>> No.5288849


Not the stock market. Not insider trading. Just faggots crying. I have 25% in bcc even though it's shit. Guess I lucked out.

>> No.5288881

i would love it too, I've been mining it for months, and I can see it being a PR problem, however privacy isnt just for pedos

>> No.5288884 [DELETED] 

I don't have either, so I don't care. I just find it shitty that it had to happened like it did.

>> No.5288925


Ripple is too cheap.

Montero is hard to work with,

Dash is just perfect.

>> No.5289033
File: 180 KB, 672x900, 1513288279495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Butthurt loser corecuck shill. Stop defending coins like sports teams fagot. You are here for alpha, leave your philosophy and ideologies out the door. Anybody not blinded by raw faith knows BCH is more practical and this alone makes it more valuable from a speculators point of view
>Tfw alled in BCH 3 days ago after realising this

>> No.5289137

>Ripple is too cheap.
that doesn't make sense you fuckin squaker cracklit drink the dust off my sweaty back hoe raking grass seed swallow down the hatch nickel plated fuck toy.

>> No.5289192
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you need to hit the blunt and relax

>> No.5289454

The SEC isn't and can't be onto them. Cryptocurrencies aren't securities, so insider trading laws don't apply. The only time the SEC will step in are during ICOs because there are investors involved and that's if fraud might be taking place; they'll audit that and if they find fraud has happened they pass on the case over to the FBI to enforce the rules, and this is only by a case-by-case scenario. Auditing companies takes a few months normally, for a new technology like cryptocurrencies the auditors have to each do training in a specific coin and study what exactly happened, and by then things might change enough that it's no longer relevant.

>> No.5289505

Do you even understand the purpose of token burns and why it benefits the specific industries that those coins are vested in? Or do you just use buzzwords and chase pumps?

>> No.5289617
File: 9 KB, 94x268, bitbay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally thick off every coin from this list (that's listing from another foreign exchange btw, they had all this shit way ahead of coinbase), I'll be surprised if Dash is not the next one

>> No.5289734

Only a retard would think ETC and Monero are going to be listed on fucking Coinbase.

>> No.5289883

Imagine being this fucking brainlet. Fucking faggots like you thinking they know people who actually practice law

>> No.5289972

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.5290493


All of these make sense to me, save for Monero. A privacy coin on an exchange that requires ID... don't think so.

>> No.5290604


>> No.5290702

Ethereum will have private transactions, if coinbase doesn't remove that then they have no reason to avoid Monero. They can still track who sends and receives Monero (as long as it happens on the exchange). so it shouldn't be a problem from a legal perspective

>> No.5290847

Monero has a comparibly high volume/marketcap, so lots of fees to be collect and high potential. Plus Monero's viewkeys may just be enough for them to get away with AML, just barely.

>> No.5291033


>> No.5291054

lol no way is this happening