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File: 334 KB, 1600x840, halloffame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52876425 No.52876425 [Reply] [Original]

Dr. Craig S. Wright, the inventor of bitcoin is on the hall of fame on the ipv6 forum, how stiff is that? Internet will run on bsv just for you to know.

>> No.52876429
File: 64 KB, 1058x720, hof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52876432

actually it will be run on internet computer. it's in the name. nice try craig.

>> No.52876480

wow what a legit sounding and looking website
let me guess, he was inducted by calvin ayre?

>> No.52876498

It's the official site of ipv6 developement.

Watch and learn:
>Craig Wright at IIT Kanpur: With Bitcoin & IPv6, P2P exchanges enable an Internet of Everything

>> No.52876516

stiff sounds so faggy and gay
hey guys we really fucked that guys butt after we drugged him. dont like it? STIFF

>> No.52876521

>implying a fat bag of scamming shite would make up awards to give to himself

>> No.52876539

>icp scam no dice

bsv 1T marketcap by 2027

>> No.52876591
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wow you're right, clearly only the very best minds in the world make it to the hall of fame!

>> No.52876613

Did aspect ratio stop working in IPv6?

>> No.52876615

go back to shilling the btc ponzi and stop shitting in this thread, fags

>> No.52876618

holy kek

>> No.52876630
File: 449 KB, 1605x682, Vint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look what they look, what a great argument! How about the father of the internet himself then, does he look too old or bad?

>> No.52876631

Look at all the seething LIMP fags itt

>> No.52876647

absolutely based and stiff
corecucks and gregs agenda completely btfo

>> No.52876753


>> No.52876759

surely creg invented the Internet, one dusty afternoon in the shed of his granddaddys farm in the Outback, on his trusty Windows XP mainftrame?

>> No.52876875

>surely creg invented the Internet
What are you talking about? He invented bitcoin and is in the same company as the founders of the internet protocol. Internet will run on bitcoin with ipv6 implemented to it.

>> No.52876919

my dad works at internet protocol version 6, he said they let everyone post on that site for a fee

>> No.52876933

Such a funny post

>> No.52877323

next year will be fun, even the last retard will know he is satoshi and bsv is bitcoin

>> No.52877530

What has craig actually contributed to IPv6 then? Show me one RFC with his name in it.

>> No.52877656

>the holiest trio: BSV, ICP and XRP

>> No.52878061
File: 309 KB, 492x586, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He created bitcoin and will implement internet with ipv6 on it. The new internet will run on bitcoin.

Here is craig talking about ipv6 and bitcoin in 2014 before he even was outed as satoshi:

>> No.52878103


>> No.52878142
File: 49 KB, 614x346, graig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody uses bsv except craigs bot farm

>> No.52878244

Biz never learn

>> No.52878309

>It's the official site of ipv6 developement.

Did he get rid of the retarded 'upgrades' to ipv6 like SLAAC? Cause if he didn't i'm still not upgrading to the turbo botnet

>> No.52878398

>implement internet with ipv6 on it.
Lots of internet is already running ipv6 and the network layer has absolutely nothing to do with BTC/BSV. These videos are just mindless buzzwords.

>> No.52878402
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>> No.52878522

You should educate yourself, bitcoin with ipv6 is like a holy grail

>> No.52878605

>bitcoin with ipv6 is like a holy grail
please explain how, don't link any videos.

>> No.52878732

Two words

>> No.52878858
File: 2.32 MB, 454x262, dompeeet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGA++ , new address per session per app, multicast jumbo packets, segment routing inside payment channels, no snooping on subnets, privacy, e2e model, bye bye PKI

>> No.52879050
File: 25 KB, 285x402, 1571553265971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52879233

>new address per session per app
Irrelevant to blockchains
>multicast jumbo packets
Irrelevant to both IPv6 and Blockchains
>segment routing inside payment channels
Buzzwords that don't mean anything
>no snooping on subnets
I can only assume you mean because of IPSec, this has nothing to do with block chains
>privacy, e2e model, bye bye PKI / CGA++
As much as PKI sucks, it is not going to be solved by using what is basically self signed certs at the transport layer.

>> No.52879336

It's shocking how far a fraud can go before collapsing in an heartbeat

>> No.52882544

Its shocking that nufags cant be bothered to read the btc whitepaper, and a summarized version of its history, and easily conclude that bsv is Bitcoin.

>> No.52884118
File: 243 KB, 1200x670, BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc white paper