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52875999 No.52875999 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.52876005

>all that saved rent


>> No.52876019

living with you parents if you're unmarried well into your life is common pretty much everywhere in the world aside the US. They have this weird stigma like if you don't live by yourself for with a roommate you're a failure at life.

>> No.52876033

The jew seethe jumps off the page
Let me guess a 'luxury" item is meat

>> No.52876050

I've been paying my mom's mortgage for 3 years. My biggest regret is not finding a good skill earlier and earning more so I could have paid it off for her in full.

>> No.52876061

>living with you parents if you're unmarried well into your life is common pretty much everywhere in the world aside the US.
No it's not. Even just a few decades ago people in the US were getting married much younger. In most of the world people aren't childless in their 40s like Millennials will be. I think it's something to do with the women, something about freezing their eggs to focus on their career that they hate is insane to me and its not surprising to me that so many (White) young men are turning gay or dating Latinas/Asian women instead of White women. Don't get me wrong, White men have issues too but they were mostly raised by single mothers in cozy suburban households so that's kind of expected when you don't have a father figure in your life. Men in Spain are still masculine, men in Nigeria are still masculine, it's an anomaly.

>> No.52876099

>that one anon who always brings up muh white womenz so i date other womenz in every thread

we get it bro

>> No.52876117

>No it's not.
yes it is. I'm not talking about socioeconomic stuff. I'm talking about the culture. If you're an unmarried 23 year old your parents aren't throwing you out on the street and girls don't look at you with disgust when you tell them that you live with your parents. There will be severe pressure to to get married and start your own life from your family sure but It's not like the US where you poretty much have to gtfo of the house at 18 to be considered normal.

>> No.52876128

My parents live in a flyover state. There are no jobs.

>> No.52876131

I'm 28. Live with mom and her husband
Dying to move out

>> No.52876137

Them too. The minute you move out they will fuck on your bed

>> No.52876156

>all that money saved by not having space for sex is fuelling a luxury boom!
>all that money saved by not having kids is fuelling a luxury boom!
this will end well.

>> No.52876199

Half of young adults in the US are beaners and niggers, who fucking cares.
Your ancestry generally dictates your bias on the stay home v leaving home early debate, I'm phone posting and can't be bothered going into it but generally north/shitter climate = leave and go explore, south/warmer climate = build a life where you are. Outliers exist in all directions.
Obviously the prevailing societal conditions will dictate how much of success the decision to go it alone ends up being but for me it should always be the goal even if in the medium term it makes more sense to save money staying at home.

>> No.52876235
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I’m really stubborn and full of myself so it takes a lot to make me change my mind or perspective. I had that happen a few years ago regarding living at home after 18. This will probably be long and boring but whatever.

For my entire life I thought that kicking a kid out at 18 and forcing them to be on their own was the best thing for them. It wasn’t until I met an Albanian restauranteur that I realized that it wasn’t a good idea.

He had all of his kids stay home until they finished college or got married and they all worked at the restaurant at night as waitresses and bussers. One night we were discussing this fact and I said that I was going to kick my kids out at 18 and he rebuffed me. What he said was genius.

“Anon, think about all the dumb things you do from 18-20.” He said this in a thick Albanian accent. “You go out do drugs do drinking do party and go to jail. I tell my kids, ‘stay with me and I pay your cell phone, your food, your car, your school, everything. And in exchange you work for me at the restaurant.’ It keep them home and where I can be with them when they are the dumbest age they gonna be.”

Boom. It hit me. I thought about all of the absolutely retarded shit I did at 19 off at college and realized that I would have been much more wholesome had I been forced to go home every night to my parents at that age. It makes so much sense. So unless my kid gets a scholarship for football (which is possible currently) I’m going to make that same offer to my kid. I think it’s a great way to keep a kid honest at that age but you also have to be a parent and not ignore them.

>> No.52876258
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I'm unmarried but 33 and still living with parents.

>> No.52876275

Psyops unironically

>> No.52876450
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1657611339259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most kids are still living with their parents even after graduating from college

90% of relationships under 30 fail

you're not doing as bad as you think you are

>> No.52876482

He's older than Jesus ffs.

>> No.52876489
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>I'm unmarried but 33 and still living with parents.
>90% of relationships under 30 fail
I moved out at 27, but after living with my ex for 8 months she left me. Now I have a house all to myself. I knew buying without her attached to the house was a good idea. She still paid for half my mortgage and utilities at the time.

>> No.52876497

nah. i help pay for a lot of things. they have been having problemw for mobths too

>> No.52876499

If you're over 30 and still living with mommy and daddy you are a coping loser.

>> No.52876509

t. coping losers

>> No.52876512

seethe harder kike

>> No.52876515

>all that saved rent
holy fucking seething boomer
journalists should be shot on sight

>> No.52876519

im comfy

>> No.52876522

>have autistic manchild living in extra room
>cant have sex, cant put your mom in a mouth gag and facefuck her while she cums on the sybian he bought before you moved back in
>uh they have problems

Yeah no shit, the last thing a marriage needs is an autistic manchild living in your spare room

Mark my words, he is annihalating her cervix the second you leave.

Next time you see them the marital problems will have mysteriously vanished

>> No.52876529
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>t. Jewish rat

>> No.52876530

you have 2 years before you become a coping loser making le living with mommy and daddy is ackshually based threads like OP. don't be that guy anon, I believe in you.

>> No.52876535

>just stay being a poor loser all your life goyim, providing for yourself as a fully grown adult is actually jewish af
kek keep coping, loser

>> No.52876542

There's no fucking point having a go at anons still living with their parents till they're all decrepit and insane. They are a mere symptom of Things Gone Badly Wrong, not the cause.

>> No.52876546

See >>52876535, loser

>> No.52876552

I dont live at home Kike. Seethe more that people are buying steaks you hook nosed demon

>> No.52876555

yeah but these cope threads are fucking pathetic. OP will have you believe its based and redpilled to be a 30 something year old loser still relying on mommy and daddy and making something of yourself is some jewish scam lmao

>> No.52876563

>I dont live at home
uh huh

>> No.52876575

Seethe more jew. Going to enjoy a fat tri tip steak tomorrow to make you seethe

>> No.52876583

>NOOOOOOO you can't just live in a generational home as a family unit!
>you have to pay off mr. shekelberg's tenth mortgage instead!!!!11!

>> No.52876597

>poretty much have to gtfo of the house at 18
nobody had to kick me out, i was fucking pumped to gtfo and have my own place, freedom, etc.

>> No.52876605

I bet you'll have mommy feed it to you in your high chair, too

>> No.52876629

Let's face it, the only people in this thread who say it's ok to live at home as an adult are adults who are living at home
Just like every post that says people don't need to own a home are written by people who don't own homes
Just like every post that hates women is written by an incel.
It's all arguing from a point of weakness and if you live at home as an adult, don't own a home or are an incel you are unironically a failure

>> No.52876634

I live with my parents at 31. The icing on the cake is that I just got promoted and work from home now. So I'm at home with my parents all the time unless I go hang out with a friend or something

>> No.52876650

Yes seethe more kike. What should I have for sides??? Thinking baked potato and roasted veggies.

>> No.52876676

Good sir are you jewish?

>> No.52876679

What parent wants their kid around till they are 40? Seriously? Why not kick them out? Push them out of the nest.

>> No.52876693

I'm single and a virgin, sorry. Would never date an ethnic myself.
I'm talking about Millennials (like 30-40), not young kids not even finished with college yet. Never met a family who kicked their kid out at 18. My mother even said she would be willing to support me financially since I lost a job last week and I'm 25.

>> No.52876696

>live with mom
>she takes 100% of my money
>live on my own
>rent takes 50% of my money

easy choice

>> No.52876700

No, I'm a adult with a nice home, wife, kid and not living in my mums spare room listening rubbing one out listening to her get railed by my step dad.
Don't accept failure anon, the neet meme is a trap.

>> No.52876705

I moved out when I was 18. I love my parents and we have a great relationship. But why would you want to live with them? I value freedom and privacy.

>> No.52876833

is your mom Jewish?

>> No.52878596

No she just thinks whats mine is hers and whats hers is mine. which i guess is not a bad thing to think but she doesn't make money so my childhood was shit and now she wants to reap the rewards.

>> No.52879051

My mom makes me food hehe

>> No.52879076

Hey little buddy you should focus on your homework before christmas break

>> No.52881148
File: 681 KB, 2048x1536, 1641031422709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nearly half of anon on /biz/ are living at home with their parents and all that saved rent is fueling a fat russian scam

>> No.52881158

You're the one who still needs mommy to wipe his ass and feed him, loser.

>> No.52881174
File: 262 KB, 804x1325, 6e8b76dcb0e8f7c9c8f3f5475fd0a572d9fa3dada9c71908a2953930d3a7a2c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JEWS FUCKING BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.52881207

32 and live with family while having a full time job. All that sweet rent money is being rolled back into investments.


Hotels are cheaper.

>> No.52881214

>i was fucking pumped to gtfo and have my own place, freedom, etc.

that's wat college is for

>> No.52881444

Consoooming "luxury goods" is saving? You zoomers really are fucked in the head.

>> No.52881449


>> No.52881464

buying luxury shit > paying rent

>> No.52881471

>unironically shilling for living with mommy and daddy like a fucking toddler at 30

we're doomed

>> No.52881482

we're not paying your rents, schlomo

>> No.52881529

>I'm single and a virgin, sorry.
why do you think anyone wants to hear your opinion on women then

>> No.52881589

t. toddler

>> No.52881619

2 percent of Cuba immigrated to the United States this year alone. Practically all of Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Haiti have been non stop marching into the United States since King Retard took office. It really doesn’t matter if you aren’t paying rent. The landlords are still winning and you’ll still be a no-real estater rentcel

>> No.52881649

I'm not moving out. I'm not paying rent. Not my problem. Contra Mundum

>> No.52881657

its over jew. you can either cry about it or get a third world family to rent it.

>> No.52881679

This is bizarre analyst cope.

>> No.52881728



You get a 2-3 year window post college to help pay down loans, get yourself together, save money, etc.

If you’re 25+ and still living at home you’re a loser

If you’re 30+ and still living at home so help me god you’re pathetic

You literally spend your days making excuses about how unfair the system is while your peers are lapping you in life

>> No.52881766

okay shlomo, still not getting a mortgage
kvetch about it

>> No.52881777

I live with parents and WFH making 120k a year
it's a nice house too, quite big.
I can by all sorts of luxury shit and do luxury vacations easily
cry more, schlomo

>> No.52881779


Not getting a mortgage?
More like not getting laid

You’re bottom of the food chain bud

>> No.52881800


Yet you’re still a toddler who needs mommy to make his decisions for him

>> No.52881807

speak up, I can't hear you from the back of the shower

>> No.52881824

yes goy, don't accumulate, don't save a single penny, you must consoom!

>> No.52881827
File: 195 KB, 304x301, a6e5b814d34b30a2a923f7933088d8f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is staying till they are 40?

It is very expensive & now at this point dangerous to move out before you are 25 or make it.

I'm 24 & earning 25k-30k a month & I still live at home. Why the fuck should I pay 1k a month in rent or more.

The savings goto to my family, not somebody else.

>> No.52881842


Sure you are buddy

>> No.52881855
File: 402 KB, 650x785, 1670761435993540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, unironically. Many such cases. Bongland unite.

This isn't that uncommon, since I run my business from home it doesn't really matter where I am.


>> No.52881869

Take the military pill at 18. I did now I have monthly neet bux.

>> No.52881894

Not sure about you but owning my own house where I can do exactly what I want, make changes, have no rules, etc. is worth 10x more than any luxury items I could afford without the mortgage.

I can't imagine going on expensive luxury vacations only to come home to mommy and daddy fighting then sending you to your room at 9pm to bed only for you to awake at 6 am to mommy doing dishes and pestering you to get your life together.

>> No.52881910

>run my own business

kek, the ultimate wagie.

>but I spent 80hrs/week working, bet those part timers working 30hrs/week are just jealous!

>> No.52881917
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>> No.52881942

>mommy and daddy fighting then sending you to your room at 9pm to bed only for you to awake at 6 am to mommy doing dishes and pestering you to get your life together.
lol, projecting your family issues much

>> No.52881962

t. manchild

>> No.52882026

>that's wat college is for
do americans really? LMAO college is like highschool but for adults. it not even close to real life.
it's also like saying the military will make you a man, something I read from time to time. seriously? you are being ordered to do this and that while being kept alive by a state/govt institution and you think THAT will make you a man? LMAO
yet retards ITT argue that living with parents after 18 to save money is somehow wrong, even though you might have your own life, a job, a gf/wife/...
are all americans pampered and ignorant like this?

>> No.52882102

the military teaches you discipline, which is very useful for a young man. it stops you from being a drug addicted useless coomer
that being said, joining the military these days is retarded, because fighting for any western nation is retarded.

>> No.52882132
File: 18 KB, 326x206, 1670870526704399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived with my parents and saved 100k takehome this year, plus I get to have my mom's cooking every Thursday night

>> No.52882316
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1660571218617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fills me absolute contempt and seethe.
My dad kicked me out of the house as soon as I turned 18 years old, then threatened to shoot me for trespassing if I ever tried to move back into "his" house. Basically, dooming me to be a slave forever.

>> No.52882319

>making something of yourself
kek this american dream garbage again?
Q: What's the difference between a guy making over 100k living at home vs making 100k living in the "dynamic" big city?
A: I'm saving 90% of my take home income and you're wasting yours funding jewish landlords foreskin collections

>> No.52882374

What "injuries" did you get for the neetbux and how long were you in?

>> No.52882391

>generational home
>family unit
kek what cope is this. that home is paid for and maintained by your mommy and daddy while you leech off them and rely on handouts for the rest of your life. the "generational home" inevitably ends with you because as a broke loser you never had the means to create and provide for your own family to carry on your lineage. Epic fail.

>> No.52882422

this is only true if you rent

if you own you actually have a place thats yours. you call other's jews yet you are the epitome of "you will own nothing!". stop sucking on mommy's tit and be a man.

>> No.52882429

>my wife's son

>> No.52882455

Ah yes just buy a house in this economic climate. That's so simple.

>> No.52882480

>don't pay rent. pay interest!

>> No.52882483

are you 20 years old or so?
frenchman in late 30s here, i can tell you for my generation living with your parents was definitely not normal. my lil bro even moved out at 14
this was the norm pretty much everywhere in the west. living with your parents as an adult was seen as a third world country thing
we're now seeing ample amounts of copium deployed, all to avoid admitting both unlimited immigration and the real estate ponzi were bad ideas

>> No.52882529


t. freeloader

>> No.52882536

So what are you spending your 100k on? It's not as if a loser like you who still lives with mommy and daddy is capable of having his own family and providing for them, so what are you doing with it besides consooming on material bullshit or saving up for your own place? What good is that 100k a year if you end up a lonely childless incel? The truth is if you were truly self sufficient you wouldn't need to still be provided for by mommy and daddy, so I don't for a second believe your alleged 100k a year is anything to be smug about. If it's not enough for you to be self sufficient or working towards that goal then you're just working to be a wage slave and nothing more. Loser.

>> No.52882552

nigga just leave

>> No.52882607
File: 1.74 MB, 4600x6328, whenyourtenfeettallll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Noticing a lot of reeeing on both sides of the argument.

If you live with your parents at 30, actually work and save and are planning on building a family/soon buying a property you are not a loser. Certainly not a loser for saving $10,000's or more and living traditionally in a multi-generational home (much like how most people around the world do.) The move out at 18 meme is dying as people (middle class) don't have the money they used to. Sacrificing your space and comfort for a better future is not a bad thing if it will mean success in the future.

That being said, if you are 30 and don't work, study and leech off your family living in the spare room without doing anything you are hurting yourself in the long-term and are not sticking it to the man. You are crippling yourself and future opportunities, and as each year passes fitting in to society or even getting a job/communicating with others will be harder.

This is coming from a Canadian that sees a huge amount of people still living with parents because houses in desirable areas are $1m plus

>> No.52882617
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The world totally has gone to shit in the last 5 years. Don't get me wrong, it was always kinda crappy but it was salvageable before that. I feel like we're past the point of no return now

>> No.52882674

Yeah so basically the only reason to still be living with mommy and daddy is if you're saving up to move out. But 90% of these copeposters just lie to themselves that living at home and consooming is somehow less jewish.
>The move out at 18 meme is dying as people (middle class) don't have the money they used to
And this is the foundation of the argument - basically all the copeposters ITT are simply just too poor to move out.

>> No.52882734

one word insults are not an argument

>> No.52882754

>both unlimited immigration and the real estate ponzi were bad ideas
still not gonna pay rent tho

>> No.52882774

>basically all the copeposters ITT are simply just too poor to move out.
i have 100k+ i can use on a down payment any time i want, thanks

>> No.52882853

it was common in the us up until the boomers

>> No.52883057

just called yourself a manchild retard

>> No.52883082

lmao ya boilin'

>> No.52883086

>this weird stigma like if you don't live by yourself for with a roommate you're a failure at life
They had a similar stigma with college until that blew up recently.

>> No.52883094

>My mom and her husband
In my house we call him dad, or father.

>> No.52883096

They are not saving money, though. They are blowing them on stupid shit like braindead consumers they are.

>> No.52883109

neither is typing greentext "good goyim!" quotes

>> No.52883111

rent is so fuckin expensive, if you avoid it, you can afford to both save and live lavishly

>> No.52883194

Holy shit I'm sorry your family sucks. Even though you're a big boy with your own big boy mortgaged cuck shed they still sit your ass at the kid's table during the holidays.

>> No.52883278

>I live with my parents because mommy and daddy are super cool still! I p...promise! Daddy and I listen to hard rock in the car sometimes!

>> No.52883321

why do I feel like shit about it then?
I can't talk to girls because I'm so ashamed about living with my parents, even though I pay all our bills. 25 btw

>> No.52883326

you save to buy your own place, brainlet

>> No.52883445

and that makes you seethe huh shlomo?

>> No.52883453

imagine thinking that your relationship with your parents is the same as an adult. I bet you are projecting.

>> No.52883478

You sure do a lot of play-pretend with greentext for a super grown up big boy, don't you? To a bunch of internet strangers no less lmfao

>> No.52883482

>just stay a mommys boy and never have kids, goyim. consoom on goyslop and goyflix instead
nice try rabbi.

>> No.52883488
File: 2.52 MB, 490x396, laugh-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't talk to girls because I'm so ashamed about living with my parents
Yea bro I'm sure thats the reason, I bet if you lived on your own you'd be drowning in pussy

>> No.52883539

I never said that you dumb nigger, I'm saying I'm such a loser that I know I don't have a chance.

>> No.52883559

>Trying to paint people living with their parents as "luxury goods" consumers when in reality they are saving for their future
I hate (((Business Insider))) like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.52883564

Women don't care if you live at home and work a shit job if you're hot and have a good personality.
t. somewhat attractive with an ok personality

>> No.52883618

>eating your mom's food
the only sloppy thing here is your kike propaganda
you kikes are getting desperate
not getting a lot of money off property taxes, mortgages and tennants, huh? not a lot of people having kids for those foreskins either?

>> No.52883678

>I never said that you dumb nigger
>"I can't talk to girls because I'm so ashamed about living with my parents"
You literally did say that. Not only are you a loser, but you're fucking dumb

>> No.52883814

You're not fooling anyone Shlomo. You kike rats want white men living like toddlers dependant on gibs, consooming goyflix and goyslop and not creating white babies. Neck yourself kike rat.

>> No.52883882
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>living with you parents if you're unmarried well into your life is common pretty much everywhere in the world aside the US. They have this weird stigma like if you don't live by yourself for with a roommate you're a failure at life.

I love how when someone points this out, all the seething ameriblobs start to come out from their wage cages to defend the most unnatural consumeristic slave-mentality way of life that has existed in human history, and the worst is that they are not happy with it, they are constantly doing mass killings, taking antidepresants, and dropping out of society while paying up some onlyfans dominatrix so they can feel close to someone. Truly a society of degenerate bugman, no better than chinese or russians.

>> No.52883946


So instead of paying rent to shekleberg they buy the latest iPhones and spend on OnlyFans and twitch thots

>> No.52884031

girls don't care about it in my experience, especially not young 20 somethings. i don't think it's your main problem, brosef

>> No.52884343

>and all that saved is fueling a luxury boom
Can I get clarification on this?

>> No.52884644

Literally nothing you said is accurate at all. Number of people living at home with their parents is massively higher in Spain, Italy, etc. than in America. Also way lower fertility rates here than in America. Why do hate your parents?

>> No.52884698

Why are people shamed for living in their parents house in their late 20s? Why should someone in their late 20s, with a good job but no boyfriend/girlfriend, move out and pay rent instead of saving?

>> No.52884915


American cuck slave mentality

>> No.52884997

wait, youre living with your parents but pay all the bills? why the fuck dont you just get your own place?

>> No.52885025

imagine having a bad relationship with your parents lmfao
couldnt be me
im sure your job and boss will serve as great surrogates!

>> No.52885035

>if you live at home as an adult, don't own a home or are an incel you are unironically a failure

>> No.52885061

What if you don t have a good relationship with your father but you have a good one with your mom and brother?

Is it worth the stress or the problems? or would you rent out?

>> No.52885086
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Jesus how bad is rent in your cities anon? It's quite cheap here

>> No.52885107

very low quality bait

>> No.52885120
File: 25 KB, 375x374, Pepe the Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good. I've been advocated forever that people should live with their family members as long as possible. As long as it's not an abusive and toxic environment.

I've argued for years that it makes more sense for like 8 working family members to live in an 8 bedroom, 6 bathroom mini-mansion, than it is for them to all split up and own like four, $300k houses. Why not just buy one $1.2m home with an indoor pool, bar, etc.?

>Source; 28 and still live with my mother. We both work and split up the bills. Plus, we get along and very rarely argue (like 2, or 3 times a year at most).

This gives you a shit-ton of money to save up, it frees up time instead of doing maintenance, and you can focus on other hobbies that actually bring you joy.

>> No.52885155
File: 10 KB, 378x224, north center demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bait. I live a few blocks from here and it's one of the best neighborhoods in the city.

>> No.52885170

Multi-generational home are common in the third and second world where grandparents, children and grandkids all live under the same roof

>> No.52885182

>1 bed 1 bath
>that abysmal kitchen
>$1300 a month
jesus wept

>> No.52885214

I have a net worth of 750k and still live with my parents because why would I waste money on rent?

>> No.52885231

Not everyone has terrible parents

>> No.52885241
File: 471 KB, 1049x740, 032520238bcd7f3b1b0a571de3f3f49b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheapest comparable in lower manhattan.

>> No.52885261

Old advice from boomers. See if you were the average man if you left the house you'd left your alcoholic dad that probably beat you or your mother, your mother would take care of house duties even if she had a job so always busy and wouldn't necessarily have nothing to teach you, you'd own a home with your average factory wage on your own, and you could sometimes marry a virgin woman, or at least not a complete whore since you were young and even whores need time to get pumped and dumped.

Nowadays it's bad advice because lots of people work white collar but the jobs are harder to get and a lot don't pay enough to live ok alone so you not only won't have good finances if alone, so not only financially cucked, that means your boss can cuck you because you can't tell him to fuck off. You marry older, uglier women, that have been traumatized and pumped so much by men with many options that you being a regular guy somehow and to prove you're hot shit and walk on eggshells, you're also more likely to be divorced. You have no friends to invite over because you can't go out a healthy amount or buy many things due to finances. Women don't want many kinds, you get taxed to death, etc.

Basically you either find someone good to move out with, or inherit your parents money

>> No.52885271

because Xi Zhang Wang (west coast) and Levi Goldbergstein (east coast) need a return on investment

>> No.52885277
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Cities are always more expensive (unless it's a destroyed ghetto, like Detroit homes selling for $10k). I'll take a rural area any day, I'm not a big city guy. I get a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom for $820/mo, trash and water covered, and my town is 97% white.

I'll go to the city for a concert, but the traffic is so terrible that I'd rather Uber.

>> No.52885286

You are not even making any sense jidf fuck

>> No.52885289

if you are a male over the age of 24 and living with your parents kys

>> No.52885318

I got married and moved into my wife’s parents basement

>> No.52885326
File: 401 KB, 1250x887, diversey muiltifamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your preference. I don't like driving everywhere so I'd prefer to live somewhere denser and pay more for that opportunity.

The real value here is in Multifamily. For the price of a nice SFH in the suburbs you can have other renters pay your mortgage - that's what im saving for now

>> No.52885335

rural brit here. My next door neighbour is around 70yo and her two children have both lived with their folks their whole lives, they're at least 45 and have full time jobs. It's a very desirable area with very few houses available. If you want to move out and get your own place then you either need to move into a shitty council flat in town or move at least 2 hours away into the city. I imagine they didn't want to do that.

People need to stop applying their own life experiences to others and act like that's how everyone should be. Not everyone wants to live alone. Not everyone can. Everyone is different.

>> No.52885339

>you can't tell him to fuck off
this, I'm taking one off to grandmas hick town while my coworkers are working christmas and new years eve


>> No.52885345

>That's your preference.
which is fine btw, no hate to rural anons. That life might be nice later in life

>> No.52885379

well no shit sherlock. Doesn't mean Chicago is affordable for most people.

>> No.52885427

Btw living on your own either alone or with a wife is based, if you make enough to be comfortable, otherwise it's cucked and you're doing it just because others do it

>> No.52885434

But I COULD rent a 5k/m house for multiple years, the difference here you stinking fucking jew is that I'm just saving all that money and helping out my parents while saving for an actual house of my own.

>> No.52885548


That 5 bedroom doesn't look too bad!


^ If I could get this, but with a pool, that'd be awesome. Still way too close to the city for me though.

>> No.52885641

Based. Lived with my parents after college to pay off all debt and dipped out. They'd probably let me come back and stay rent-free- their extremely supportive and I know they love me. But I can't walk into their house drunk af with my gf after a weekend of partying at 4 AM and throw on some classic rock and fuck her on the couch like I can at my own place.

>> No.52885677
File: 45 KB, 600x1063, _2021_09_income-needed-for-rent_2021_table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't mean Chicago is affordable for most people.
It's by far the most affordable of any major US city.

>> No.52885689

you failed to paint the whole picture tho
both families putting up money to give a hand to the newly married was the whole point of that
+ the whole religious angle
this might be even worse anon

>> No.52885706
File: 397 KB, 1249x889, lincoln park:old town multifamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's MASSIVE. For that price here you can get a 3-4 unit building in a very nice area.

>> No.52885757

Her mom makes me tendies and we pay rent. Her 28 yo sister with 2 kids from 2 different dads gets to stay there free though, feelsbad.

>> No.52885809
File: 433 KB, 1200x1502, Mother_Ohio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohioanon that's in Shaker which has some of the highest property taxes in the state. The schools also suck so you have to pay for private school too. Really awesome street but if you're not a member of the tribe or hyper progressive you won't like it.

>> No.52885899
File: 320 KB, 860x1054, apuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 26 now, buying 12 acres in summer to start building my house. I lived for the past few years as a rent-tard and was losing like 1.5k a month for now reason.
Now mom makes me breakfast lunch and dinner, does my laundry and all i pay them is for the groceries and utilities which is nothing compared to rent.
Saving up feels good, finally seeing tens of thousands in my acc and it feels nice
thanks mom

>> No.52885994


I don’t give a shit what my peers are doing or what you think. You and my peers opinions mean fuck all you control nothing and own nothing

I’m saving countless amounts my career is fine my business is fine fully online and makes me all the money I’ll need...I give my mom money own a car outright and will buy a home cash and she doesn’t mind I’ll move out when I see fit not when my fucking loser peers tell me.

What you want me to rent some roach infested shithole and drive a piece of shit European hatchback with a 7 year instalment and balloon payment going to to some shitty job at Ernst and Cucks or PeeWC like you??

I don’t want to and there’s fuckall you can do about it. Fuck you and my peers and your useless network.

>> No.52886014

>my mom's husband

oh no no no no no

>> No.52886143

>Have a job
>Get fired for not taking the vax
>live the neet life for over a year
>fiance's parents up my ass to get a job
>Know my ass is just gonna get fucked over trying to find one

I hate this just get a job it will fix all your problems line of thinking

>> No.52886152

If you're renting or have a mortgage you're objectively poor. You shouldn't be living in your own place unless you have 8 figures AT LEAST. Cope poor.

>> No.52886183

Get a job, NEET retard

>> No.52886199

No thank you wagie

>> No.52886208
File: 964 KB, 1920x1080, 44-445896_wallpaper-night-city-aerial-view-city-lights-overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you have a fiance without having a job lol, why isnt she leaving your broke incompetent ass?
Props for not getting vax, but come on, just work something remote that nobody cares if u have a vax or not. Go to codeacademy or something, hundreads of places u can learn IT skills for free.
where are you staying if you have no income?
Post pic of fiance, i wanna know if shes fat/ugly or something to stay with a loser like you so i can validate me not having a fiance despite being successful

>> No.52886379

How do you make 30k gving blowjobs

>> No.52886399

your fiance is going to leave you for a gainfully employed black man

>> No.52886402


Oh trust me, I know. That's why I live father East in a rural area, not in Cuyahoga.


That's a nice one too!

>> No.52886446


Gang nests are only a 10 minute drive away

>> No.52886499

>Men in Spain are still masculine
I wish. In Spain feminism is even crazier than in United States, so much so male suicide rates have skyrocketed there in the last decades.

>> No.52886617
File: 222 KB, 1640x605, 1581874966560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people aren't rich and don't have rich parents, a house is a luxury.
You're a faggot.
Not everyone can afford a house.
Not everyone has parents.
Not everyone has parents that own a house.
Not everyone has parents, that own a house, that paid it off.
Kill yourself, bro.

>> No.52886640
File: 147 KB, 1024x613, 1572754808672m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was painful to read.
Going to ignore your opinion due to your lack of intelligence.

>> No.52886737

nothing wrong with living with your parents. a colleague of mine was living with his parents until recently and he has a wife and a kid. moved out only because his brother was also living with them and he was a pain to deal with. unless there is an actual reason to move out i don't think you should. save up that money for a down payment if you must.

>> No.52886799

This shit is so common in the netherlands.
No soul.

>> No.52886843

There is a simple way to win against Jews; don't buy their shit.

>> No.52887119
File: 304 KB, 853x1090, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 28
>tfw own 2 properties, that I rent out
>tfw live with parents
>tfw have basically zero out goings every month
>tfw comfiest I've ever been

>> No.52887143

the only benefit of moving out is having girls over to fuck.

>> No.52887436

online shopping is a disease

>> No.52887459

i wont deny that it makes dating much harder but i wont pay 3k on expenses every month just to get a used up thot

>> No.52887463
File: 157 KB, 1080x974, photo_2022-12-13_14-16-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta build your credit.

>> No.52887483

it's because you look like utter shit. JFL @ this delusional subhuman.

>> No.52887498

>financing anything for 9.99NZD, which is equivalent to a dollar mixture at a white run dairy 15 years ago

>> No.52887507
File: 26 KB, 495x700, MvNEavu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon, i hope you can answer this for me
Is it a lot of work to manage the properties you own? Did you have a hard time with the paperwork/finding tenants and all the legal stuff? Or did you just go through a leasing agency that sorted it out for you?
Another thing, did you get them through mortgage or buy them with savings? If mortgage how much are you paying and is it actually worth the hassle?
I would appreciate the answers broski, im also living with parents saving money rn

>> No.52887598

thats my goal, even i get a home i will probably still live in my parents home, i am thinking on getting a surrogate mother for my children that way i wont be pressured by pussy to spend more

>> No.52887700

hes just larping, anon

>> No.52887719

Landlord boomers and Millennial YouTubers are seething right now. Fuck them. Supply and demand, fags.

>> No.52887736
File: 647 KB, 633x597, xy axis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another for my collection. Thanks. :)

>> No.52887737

if you want to buy an inflated cuckbox and spend the rest of your life paying it off then suit yourself slave

>> No.52888361

Brazilian here. To us, that would be completely normal.
Just saying.

>> No.52888412

I'm Italian. All my cousins lived with their parents or grandparents until 30 on average.
The 1920s-90s American Dream idea of buying a large house with a white fence in a large city at 18 was nice but as competition increases gets harder.
The age to buy a house now in major cities is now more doable closer to mid 20s to 30. Several of my family members saved until around 30 and bought houses or apartments to live in now, with money to spare to from the savings.

>> No.52888522
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw i love my parents and have no urge to move out because we have a healthy, loving relationship

>> No.52888558

>they're at least 45 and have full time jobs
neither married, not have families of their own, nor (now) much if any chance of starting one.. you see the issue here?
I appreciate what you are saying, there's whole shitloads of nicer areas in Bong where second housers and airbnb have killed any hope of younger people staying in the area and starting a family. But just hanging onto the nest with both hands and foregoing the rest of life, it's no answer either. We have failed the youth.

>> No.52888659

frame it as taking care of your parents instead

>> No.52888710
File: 264 KB, 547x596, 1586809303992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i too live with my parents because i want to fit in with my bros on 4chan
i also praise Christ, hate Jews (and w*men) and purchase funny internet coins based on what my cool friends on 4chan tell me.
if you dont like that? heh, well you can fuck right off buddy. you arent welcome in our club.
now beat kid, it before i start posting wojaks.

>> No.52888719

>neither married, not have families of their own, nor (now) much if any chance of starting one
not everyone wants a family of their own.

>> No.52888737
File: 16 KB, 1260x244, firefox_OauffsvMk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gone up a lot these past few years

>> No.52888765

Fuck rent, living with parents 4 life unless I get rich.

>> No.52888797

Yes, and there's another shitload who won't get the chance, or it becomes no longer a viable option. And it's them who concern me. And all for what, the Benefit of the Landlord Class? Shits fucked yo.

>> No.52888829
File: 97 KB, 763x577, Screenshot (3811).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live with my parents.
everything is free.
I'm 24.

A room here is over a grand a month.
I would be insane to ever move.

What am I gonna do. Live with some goofy faggot transplants.
Fuck that.

>> No.52888834

>Work part time at Walmart
>Rent in town is $1800/mo for a basic 1 bedroom apartment
>Only service/retail jobs
>Somehow paying $1200 from my parents is "unreasonable"
lol lmao

>> No.52888874

Jesus Fucking Christ.
All that bullshit, plus you get the joys of owners and realtors on your case 24/7.

>> No.52888901

sue em for anti white racial discrimination

>> No.52888912
File: 21 KB, 255x255, 1657209236982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo who will buy the boomers mc-mansions and pay RE investors mortgages with rents
The cope is real
>Hasn't taken the multi generational pill

>> No.52888931

I personally can’t move out because my parents would have a significantly worse living situation. I make $140k TC and pay 70% of prevailing rents at my spot

>> No.52888963

>month to month lease
Never ever sign on to one of these.

>> No.52889004
File: 76 KB, 775x1024, 1611918042606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly boys its understandable that people turn to communism and fascism. The only reason I'm even involved in the markets is because I'm in a winning position right now, but this economic system is turning fuedalist fast. There's so much corruption, rent seeking, monopoly and nepotism it's amazing that the pro-market psyop has worked this long.

>> No.52889023

I'm 30 years old living with my parents, roast me faggots, just do it now

>managed to save a lot of money though feels kind of good

>> No.52889081

>I love how when someone points this out, all the seething ameriblobs start to come out from their wage cages to defend the most unnatural consumeristic slave-mentality way of life that has existed in human history, and the worst is that they are not happy with it, they are constantly doing mass killings, taking antidepresants, and dropping out of society while paying up some onlyfans dominatrix so they can feel close to someone. Truly a society of degenerate bugman, no better than chinese or russians.
anything to promote the destruction of the family unit, especially white families

>> No.52889109

I wonder (((who))) came up with that.

>> No.52889261

Boomers are literally awful people.

>> No.52889285

landlords need $$$ so they push this mentality on people through media and social pressure.

>> No.52889580
File: 41 KB, 319x340, 1667639317354660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 29 and live with my parents LOL
I will buy when I feel the properties are to scale for their worth, NO I WONT BUY YOUR GRASS FOR $1M LOL
A shack on a 1 acre plot in the midwest, is NOT worth $250k. An apartment on the south side of Chicago isn't worth more than $1k a month or more than a 1 month security deposit. I won't pay it. I will spend the rest of my life here if I have to. I bring girls back here all the time because MOST OF THE WOMEN LIVE WITH THEIR PARENTS TOO. It's literally just accepted among us young millenials and older zoomers that this is how it is. As long as we can take them out on nice dates and buy them things they don't care where we fuck.

Boomers are SNEEDING because I won't pay $2000 a month for a 1room shit hole where i can hear the guy above me? How about you boomers get REAL. Go renovate that building and maybe I'll consider it LMAO.

>> No.52889711

>men in Nigeria are still masculine

>> No.52889825

i graduated right at the beginning of covid lockdowns and my parents kicked me out after a year cause i couldn’t find a job

>> No.52890058
File: 66 KB, 644x644, Screenshot_142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Be 43
>Be a caretaker for a family member
>no privacy
>no doors
>one bathroom
>the one you care-take for is from My 600lb Life
You think you know pain

>> No.52890169
File: 376 KB, 1007x586, 1574268611927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living wkth my parents lets me save up for a down paymemt big enough to make monthly payments reasonable. H'yep, gonna be able to afford a house any day now. As soon as home prices stop inflating and the fed rates go back down. Any day now.

>> No.52890187


>> No.52890205

Might as well work for the Post Office at that point. Literally get paid better and your schedule is in military time kek

>> No.52890230

Lol retard take.

>> No.52890253
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 1667963902935102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he makes 300k a year self employed, how is that the ultimate wagie, for himself?

What kind of gymnastics cope is this?

>> No.52890258

Reading these threads make me realize I had shitty parents, I had zero privacy growing up (no bedroom door) and were hoarders. I could only do 2 years after college living at home working full time.

At least they let me have unrestricted access to the internet on my own computer.

>> No.52890347

everyone in the thread please discount this post. This post is the equivalent of saying 'not every man wants to have sex'
Fuck off

>> No.52890662

MFW I'm hispanic so we have been doing this for so long we already know how to deal with shit like privacy and bringing girls over. (Latinas not only see this way of living as normal but prefer it because it shows the closeness of family)

>> No.52890677

>didn't grow up in a house big enough to allow for multiple families to live together and have enough privacy for sex.

>> No.52890683

>we outplayed the investors
You're just feeding the top dog, my dude. There's nothing more cucked than that.

>> No.52890728

If you're not parent-maxxing while putting your paychecks into the market you're doing it wrong

What are you collecting anon?

>> No.52890913

Height differential. He has been under a rock for hundreds of years

>> No.52891174

I'm not interested in having kids either

>> No.52891265

Unimaginably based.
I hope you and your folks live long and happy lives

T. I work 2 jobs + side gigs so my folks can retire 6 months of the year.
I love them so much .

>> No.52891549

>turning gay
this dude is admitting that he only likes women because of external factors, and could conceivably be gay due to other external factors

>> No.52891853
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1571447741526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>older than Jesus
>Jesus was crucified at 33
Technically you're wrong, he has one more year but I see what you did there. Also 33 is not very old at all and has become relatively less "old" than it was say 50 years ago because of the mass influx of information and great generational divide that millennials grew up with known as the internet.

>> No.52892060

I am not going any further reading these absolute fucking garbage. You rightoids faggots have fuck all idea about what's going on.

>> No.52892340

Depends on what she is doing with that money if she is just taking the money and using it for regular shit it defeats the fucking purpose asnd you'll be stuck at home forever never being able to get a leg up

>> No.52892341
File: 2.64 MB, 480x640, 1671094501496679.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called your own bank account

>> No.52892349

You need to fuck off cause what you are saying is moronic.

>> No.52892367

Lmao what are you hitting on walled roasties?
Go after younger girls you idiot and reap the benefits of youth and lower relationship expectations.
Women in their 30s expect you to have a house and a 6 figure job and all they have to offer you is the ability to order takeout (they don't even cook anymore) and their aging bodies that you only get to fuck when they want to.

>> No.52892435

>just be a bad son and get guilttripped by the entire world

>> No.52893277

Keep in mind most anons here are as stupid as the one you just responded to. Scary isn't it?

>> No.52893309

lol this kind of thread is one that always gets the chud drones to pound sand

>> No.52893311

This video is just some whore's face. Don't see why you posted this but OK

>> No.52893380

75%+ of American women are overweight/obese, no shit she's fat. I bet she's some whore with an onlyfans too LOL


>> No.52893488

okay based

>> No.52893565

>nigga hasn't seen abusive parents
count yourself lucky

>> No.52893576

>waiting for the cycle to end so you can finally own your own place
I know that feel, except I am living in a dump of a rent place, in the bad part of town, due to low rent price.

>> No.52893577


>> No.52894597

>your fiance is going to leave you for a black man
So like almost every white woman?

>> No.52894656

The amount of seething malding boomer cope in this thread is hilarious. Hows that underwater mortgage on your 4th supposed "investment" property treating you? How's the interest on those daisy chained HELOC's coming along? AHAHAHA Get fucked!
>"B-but other p-people are so m-much further than y-you in life development! You h-have to c-compare y-yourself to other and feel bad!"

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Maybe if you stopped playing "Keeping up with the Joneses" your have a debt free retirement you fucking geezer! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

t. I get laid, I have a job, I have a business and still live with my parents whom I have a wonderful and loving relationship with.

>> No.52895620

I lived at home until I was in my late 20s and I will never go back. That shit was miserable but it was a means to an end. If you're going to stay home later in life like ~30 that's fine, do what you gotta do, but just don't go back. I'd take a second job before I ever went back home, that's just moving backwards in life.
Also, this fixation people have on buying a house is retarded.
>you're throwing away money on rent
You're paying double the price of your home over the life of a 30 year loan with today's values and more than half of that is interest.
You're coming out of pocket 20% of the sale price for the luxury of it, and then you're paying taxes on it. Lol

>> No.52895707


>> No.52895722


>> No.52895886

My parents are just bad roommates

>> No.52896051
File: 1.35 MB, 320x240, KR4C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd love to be able to live at home amd save on the rent. except my family is mentally fucking retarded and immature. they've also downsized in recent years, there's physically no space for me even if i somehow lost my job and savings and had to go back at 30. not everyone is blessed with a family that is likeable.

i rent a pretty good apartment for my area (NYC), area not crowded, subway down the block
so 30 min to the city, got a backyard and basement while also not paying over 50% of my salary. room mates are chill except for the girl she was nice at first but currently being a bitch so she's gonna have to go when lease is renewed.

>> No.52896167

It was over decades ago. Women would rather die childless than live with your ugly manlet (read shorter than 6'3) sub8 skinnyfat ass

>> No.52896204

>Also, this fixation people have on buying a house is retarded.
>you're throwing away money on rent
>You're paying double the price of your home over the life of a 30 year loan with today's values and more than half of that is interest.
>You're coming out of pocket 20% of the sale price for the luxury of it, and then you're paying taxes on it. Lol

anon houses have been a good investment since the 1950s, today's market is fucked. a lot of wealthy people today have their foundations from previous generation investing in a house when it didnt take 30 years to get downpayment together and easily affordable. especially the 30 year fixed rate mortgage which is unique to the US. between the 1950s and 1990s you could get a 30 year fixed rate mortgage even as inflation fucked the lenders (but then freddie mac made them whole). it was only really in the 2000s when boomers fucked around with ARM subprime mortgages to people that couldnt afford them si banks could supply AAA mortgage bonds to finance investors that houses as an investment got called into question, and even then the mid-2010s were the last time to get that sub-4% fixed mortgage. we missed out, and you're views on home-owning only applies to zoomers and whatever new generation is coming up but it wasnt always like that.

>> No.52896320

Damn that sucks anon, hopefully you can get to the level of your dad with your son and not kick out your offspring. Just try to do him one better is your goal.

>> No.52896338

>he thinks im going to have a son
hahaha, fuck no. Im not bringing another life into this shitty system.

>> No.52896399

I pay $1,500 a month to my in-laws

Bullshit I don’t have to pay rent

>> No.52896432

Oh ok. Hopefully you enjoy whatever you can provide for yourself. Maybe get a dog since they love unconditionally

>> No.52896473

I guess dowrys still exist. Is it your own living space with your wife and her boyfriend?

>> No.52896587

Where am I supposed to fuck younger girls then? Obviously can't take em home. And they still live with their parents... I feel like railing women is impossible without your own place.