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52875527 No.52875527 [Reply] [Original]

as the saying goes, there's no loyality amongst thieves...

>> No.52875546

its her or him. without her testimony they couldnt indict him.

she probably scared easily

>> No.52875558

Every man to themselves at that point. She's probably going to receive less time. I can't believe this shit is happening. How tf can you go from living like a prince in this world to sleeping with prison mates that smell worst than homeless. And on top of that, he is likely going through adderall withdrawal

>> No.52875566

Put them both in jail for life and let God sort them out.

>> No.52875572

et tu goblina?

>> No.52875573

She's probably getting better dicks this way

>> No.52875579

yo. is Sam gonna come back out as a hardened criminal king pin?

>> No.52875585

Got too cocky and greedy. Honestly how much can a man want? If I got that big I'd probably start playing conservative. You play risky when you're small with nothing to lose, but when you're that big you have nothing to gain and everything to lose. I don't understand these people.

>> No.52875588

The loyalty of the weasel has never been under-estimated.

>> No.52875592 [DELETED] 

I thought SBF already knew the 1st rule of biz

with jews, you lose
jew got jewed.

Sad, many such cases

>> No.52875603

i always thought Caroline was just a Sergey photoshop. nothing can convince me otherwise.

>> No.52875605

maybe it was always smoke and mirrors? so they had to keep trading to make it

>> No.52875608

FTX is just the tip of the iceberg, we haven't seen the real reflection on the market of this massive fraud, yet.

>> No.52875616

these hoes ain't loyal

>> No.52875627

Why else would she be spotted in NYC?

>> No.52875641

Binance is now a target. If that shit goes down, I think crypto may be a failure overall. It may just go dark for another 10 years

>> No.52875643


>> No.52875660

She probably already has an immunity deal so nothing he says can affect her.

>> No.52875662

its fractional liquidity for speculative value

>> No.52875664

>too cocky
He was literally always just a thing, a toy. If his backers in the government decided to throw him away the result would be the same. This is just proof that crypto is too volatile for them to control at this point, that their Official Sanctioned Exchange couldn't stick it out against the other 'unlicensed' exchanges.

>> No.52875665

can someone post the pasta

>> No.52875688

They are throwing shit to each other. Just turn on that fan!

>> No.52875694

She was spotted next to a fed building in NYC. She is getting an immunity deal

>> No.52875732

I guess shes from Slytherin

>> No.52875740

this some white person shit, if me and homies get locked I'm not talking

>> No.52875746

it's worse than that, he is getting pinned by the weasel.

>> No.52875758


she went from hufflepuff to slytherin

Sam is gonna be Voldemort after being released

>> No.52875759

So we all know SBF has connections to important politicians and academia from his parents. But who does Caroline know? Why would they listen to her and not Sam?

>> No.52875765

Retard didn't fuck off to Isreal. Literally his own fault.

>> No.52875805


>> No.52875815


Women are more risk averse so it’s not surprising she sang like a canary. Trying to outrun/outsmart the US government is not for the faint of heart

>> No.52875915

Prison will harden Sam. he will become even more powerful

>> No.52875963

Neither of them are white, retard.

>> No.52876015

It's a doggie dog world

>> No.52876030

Nah, Sam's hogging them all for himself.

>> No.52876074

This stupid retard looking cunt lost all sam's money and now she gets to betray him and watch him pay for what is at least partly her fault, chirping away in with her lawyers like a vindictive little chipmunk.

>> No.52876081
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imagine dicking down an ugly girl as a billionare then she's the one that rats you out. Like he could have just bought high class escorts and made them exclusive to him but he chose Caroline

>> No.52876082

Women are like toddlers, they never be held accountable for shit. Person of the year now!

>> No.52876104

Her father was Gensler's' boss at MIT.

>> No.52876107

Everyone seems to forget the fact that she lost all his god damn money too. She was the one over at Alamedaon adderall binges running the whole $6,000,000,000 clown show

Sam had his empire and life ruined by a 3/10 nerdy skank bitch

>> No.52876116

hoes aint loyal and they have no shame of jumping ships

>> No.52876141
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The reason he didn't fuck classy escorts is because classy escorts are plastic fuckholes
He probably had a genuine attraction to Caroline because she is a Jewess, and also a nerd, and they probably share a lot of interests, and be could see her humanity and connect with her. He probably loved her.

What kills a man and gets him into shit is a woman that they fall in love with and begin to trust. 1/3rd of people locked up are locked up because of a woman. This is a fact.

It's sad that there are so many disloyal women. Love can blind you and make you trust the wrong people. This is one of those cases.

>> No.52876158

how come guys keep blaming Women???

i dont do that

>> No.52876165

Drinking tonight Anon?

>> No.52876183
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>Oh Caroline I love you so much, here, have $6,000,000,000 to go do whatever you want with :)
Truly this is merely a story of love gone too far, you're right anon

>> No.52876184

>He probably had a genuine attraction to Caroline because she is a Jewess, and also a nerd, and they probably share a lot of interests, and be could see her humanity and connect with her. He probably loved her.
I'm not doubting this or anything else you said for a second I'm just saying it's insane that the knife in his back came from a girl he didn't even need to get near. He could have potentially dodged this bullet by being more of a whore and just sticking with high class escorts to get his fix

>> No.52876206

because he likes Caroline.

>> No.52876222

The reverse grip twist.

>> No.52876262

I think there's more to the story than just that thougu. The Chinese partner nobody knows about who started the firm with Sam. The bank in Washington they bought a stake in. FTX itself seems like a money laundering operation of some kind. Onshoring foreign money etc.

>> No.52876291

Looks like the weasel is pinning SBF

>> No.52876344
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Haha called it, IIT we hypothesize the PE payoff matrix

Potential payoffs
Network concealment
Witness protection
Backroom office job

>> No.52876350


>> No.52876361

It's spelled gensler fuckwit

>> No.52876366
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>> No.52876375

>hot women using charm skills to lure men just like a siren

>> No.52876411

Damn, SBF got fucked, cucked and bucked

>> No.52876439

>breaking the law together with someone who isn't your father/mother/brother who you know you can trust
Lol lmao, you have a loose end for as long as they are alive.
Brothers are brothers while friends are meh, you can't buy street smarts with stolen money.

>> No.52876443


>> No.52876454

hi Caroline.

>> No.52876744
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Do you think they got their one last time?

>> No.52876783

With that mindset he would have never even got into such a position. Nobody exactly knew the limits and dangers of this game. Nobody can time his peak exactly and then just reverse the whole psychology of getting there.

>> No.52876784

I was trying to imply that 3/10 is generous.

>> No.52876813 [DELETED] 

A rat looking inbred fake trash can.

>> No.52876823

This is not FIAT.
Calm down.

>> No.52876825

they will sneed him like epstein

>> No.52876834 [DELETED] 

They both jewed you all.
Many such cases!

>> No.52876858

also he is probably hungry right now since i dont think they will serve him vegan in prison

>> No.52876912

His parents are going to bring him food. Still I wonder what it will be like for those upper middle class suburbanites to even visit and how long they will be able to help, the place is disgusting

>> No.52876920


>> No.52876957

sam are you ok?

>> No.52877021 [DELETED] 

>jews being jews
who woulda thought

>> No.52877094

>He probably had a genuine attraction to Caroline because she is a Jewess, and also a nerd, and they probably share a lot of interests, and be could see her humanity and connect with her. He probably loved her.
if that's true then would not have been any orgy

>> No.52877112


>> No.52877311

Guess Sam was the weasel all along

>> No.52877352
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Already have my action figure...

>> No.52879045

>start shitting on your accomplice in twitter interviews
>she rats you out to the feds

Who could have seen that coming?

>> No.52879709

kek, would rather be stabbed to death than jewed out by my jewess

>> No.52879763
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>> No.52879808

el kikelina diablo

>> No.52879860 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52879979

Just don't steal people's money, it's literally that easy.

>> No.52880005

she is arguably the first 1/10 I've seen that isn't physically disfigured, disabled or overweight

>> No.52880035

>there's no loyality amongst thieves
there's no loyality amongst jews

>> No.52880087 [DELETED] 
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I agree with this, man what an ugly woman

>> No.52880196

Kek. Thumbed up and retweeted

>> No.52880216


>> No.52881275

So she fucked him, but now figuratively

>> No.52881355

absolutely perfect

>> No.52881781

>Nobody can time his peak exactly and then just reverse the whole psychology of getting there
tabasco did and he seems to be getting away with it
pretty perfect sense of when the jig is up on that one
or are the schizo theories correct and he was the first one to go plea deal with the feds before anything really happened or leaked this ensuring a very good deal

>> No.52882182

There's rumours that she was in NY because she requested and approved extradition out the country

>> No.52882193

He's going to commit "suicide" in jail because of "depression" like epstein.

>> No.52882197

jews ftfy faggot

>> No.52882235
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grippy betrayed

>> No.52882295

Checked. Serves him right for fraternizing with such a creature.

>> No.52883174

Fuck man she is so ugly.

>> No.52883188

fuck that bitch
she should be rotting in prison too

>> No.52883202

>trusting a jew
Even jews fuck themselves over

>> No.52883209

>its her or him. without her testimony they couldnt indict him.
he did lots of very obvious illegal things
mixing funds to name 1

>> No.52883359

You smell like a Tootsie roll, you ham roll looking mother fucker.

>> No.52883436
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>doggie dog

>> No.52883473

4/10 desu, but still would, especially if she's known as "grippy"

>> No.52883481

you dont feel stim withdrawls when youre in fight or flight mode

>> No.52883484

Didn't she fleed to fuck some country?

>> No.52884304

She was in China, and now she's "back" in the US exactly where she was before she "fled."
Totally fled though, was not in the country, and the photos of her walking around New York buying Jewgals are not real and she was in China.

>> No.52884331

that was proven to be disinformation, possibly purposely spread by her fed handlers.

She was spotted a NYC a week ago buying coffee at starbucks. No doubt probably never even left the United States in the first place.

>> No.52884481

Nothing nice to say about the Jewish princess (aka "operative grease weasel") snitching out scam coiner? I mean..... CAM'ARRRRNNNNNNNN!?!

>> No.52884496

>Drinking tonight Anon?

>> No.52884778

go back you fucking retard

>> No.52884845

He was clearly not th highest ranked in her polycule

>> No.52884940
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It's unlikely that FTX would be as big if they didn't have Alameda basically giving away money on the exchange

>> No.52884973

This. Never ask a woman to be a ride or die.

>> No.52885411
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I'm not even sure who's pinning who at this point

>> No.52885473

Put me in the screencap

>> No.52885523

Where are the extra 2 points coming from?

>> No.52885661

Frankly, she deserves to die way more.

>> No.52886140

Jews backstabbing each orther. im schoked !

>> No.52888139


>> No.52890422

*harden INSIDE sam, thickening

>> No.52890453

It's all just a stage show for the goyim, there will be no accountability from anyone.

>> No.52890492 [DELETED] 
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when the jew becomes the jewed.... by the other jew

>> No.52890557

if she's providing a millionaire+ lifestyle, then I could see 2 points. but he had his own money and I dont have THAT kind of money, so in his case he's just retarded

>> No.52890607

>Nobody exactly knew the limits and dangers of this game
the dangers of fraud are pretty clear

>> No.52890793

3/10? dude that is the ugliest humanoid i have ever laid eyes on. get some standards ffs.

>> No.52890934
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>> No.52890963

3/10 Jesus what is a 2? I guess a fat mutt

>> No.52890974

as the saying goes, there's no loyalty amongst these hoes

>> No.52891031


>> No.52891236

imbreeding for thousands of years will do that to you