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52874968 No.52874968 [Reply] [Original]

Are we going to 12k or not?

>> No.52874988

ill email you

>> No.52876021

won't matter once ethereum surpasses boomercoin with the help of polygon that's making ethereum's network more accessible, cheaper, and faster for users and devs through its scaling solutions

>> No.52876024


>> No.52876155

I've been calling for ~10k for over a year, and I have no problem with saying that 15.5k definitely looks like it was the bottom; there are many technical indicators indicating it was the bottom (one indicator in particular, that's almost a secret and never talked about but that's super duper ultra mega reliable for the macro scale, very clearly states the bottom was reached), but that doesn't mean it can't or won't dump lower. There is nothing preventing BTC from going lower other than the whales - whether they've decided to prop BTC up to prevent it falling below 16k. A dump to 12k is a tiny difference price-wise from 15.5k so it could go there in an instant if a big dump occurs, in fact sub-10k could happen in a flash, like within an hour or a few hours timeframe.

I know that to brainlets that may just sound like "it could go up or down", but the situation is complicated and delicate. Precisely BECAUSE a lot of indicators (that "secret" one in particular) indicate that 15.5k was the bottom, if someone dumps it below that price now, or really just under 16k - that'd most likely be enough - then it would giga-autodump after that because the whole market will go "oh shit what the fuck, guess that wasn't the bottom, all those indicators were wrong, panic time!" and sell/short, driving the price down further.

>> No.52876253

From a purely price/number point of view 9k or 8k has always seemed like the most logical bottom. Less than 8k doesn't really make sense. 15.5k seems too high. That's about a 77% decline from the top - perfectly reasonable, but a bit too weak (the previous bottom was 84%-85%).

However, from a purely technical point of view, that is; from the point of view of looking at the chart as it looks now, then 15.5k very much looks like the bottom. So it might be. But that doesn't seem quite right. I sense that wasn't the bottom. If BTC passes 21k though, that pretty much confirms 15.5k was the bottom.

>> No.52876311

Poly is a sidechain with its own eco. Doesnt scale eth at all

>> No.52876449

I think 15k was a black swan event due to the whole FTX thing. From the outside, it looks like big investors are waiting for all this nonsense to become clear. That's why we see exchanges like Binance being put under intense scrutiny. I think we'll crab around 19-15k until most of this court case and regulation stuff has a clear direction for institutional investors.

>> No.52876463

17k, 12k, it's all pretty much the same at this point.

>> No.52876507

C'mon, what indicator? Don't be a homo. RHODL has bottomed out, UTXO's > 1 year are flat, we've been under the realized price for months now, and wallets with > 1 BTC have massively spiked.

>> No.52876598

It was just a continuation of the dumps already occurring and the Stoch RSI was very high at the time and the chart in other ways looked bearish; it had nothing to do with FTX and wasn't caused by FTX -- at most, the FTX shit only made the dump occur a bit faster. A real black swan occurring (like Binance getting hacked or nuclear war) would dump the price far below 8k, maybe under 3k. Don't use the term black swan lightly.

It's an indicator you can't just "turn on", it's not in the Indicator list on tradingview, and it's not displayed on any website (like the ones on lookintobitcoin), and you can scroll through page after page on tradingview and you won't find anyone using it (but there probably are a few people there using it; it's just very rare to see anyone using it). It has been posted about a few times on /biz/... but nah, I won't mention its name.

>> No.52876614

Well a hint at least. Do I have to start reading through papers by economists? I know there's a git repo with a bunch of Bitcoin analysis tools by one, but a fair bit of it is outdated.

>> No.52876625

stop gatekeeping the pink wojak index

>> No.52877076
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you tell me

>> No.52877485

i think we crab for a few months then crash to 11k

>> No.52878119

I honestly don't think so. I wouldnt care much but I hoppe we won't go there just for all the fucking 12k caller retards to lose (AGAIN) like that capo twitter fag etc. Fuck these people big time.