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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52870382 No.52870382 [Reply] [Original]

All human needs are accounted for by megacorps already, so starting a business is just going to be some form of scam artistry.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.52870408

>the price can just infinitely go up, no one with a smaller and more nimble operation should compete, doing the exact same thing for people but not taking as much in profit is clearly a scam
guess you're a retarded faggot

>> No.52870566

Outside of base needs (food, shelter, water) everything is a scam to feed your dopamine receptors.

>> No.52870581

op should kill himself.

>> No.52870591

when you're a monopoly you can run at a loss for a while to get rid of small competitors.
scale allows lower profit margins

>> No.52870602

It's competition that enables technological progress / lower prices
You're definitely a 105 IQ retard

>> No.52870644

her feet are fucking massive. theres no way this is a real girl. even for a dude these are big.

>> No.52870650


>> No.52870682

non sequitur

>> No.52870691

real business development comes from delivering the same goods in new ways like how uber and airbnb changed lodging and transport