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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52869951 No.52869951 [Reply] [Original]

In less than 6 months. It's happening.

>> No.52870646
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>> No.52870683

I still can't afford either, who cares

>> No.52870694

Sure. High end real estate is always a shitty unstable market. Now show real houses normies can actually mortgage.

>> No.52870728

A couple mil for a home in SF is not high end lol

>> No.52870734

NFTs for Boomers.

>> No.52870757

holy shit lol we are going straight to 2008 prices in housing. what a time to be alive. I wonder how many of these hoomers took out helocs at ath valuation

>> No.52870767
File: 467 KB, 759x649, Screenshot (3781).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High end real estate
this isn't high end real estate

>> No.52870770

>put a pencil on ebay for $10k
>after no bids you lower the price to $1
>omg $9999 in value gone!?!?
you're so fucking stupid lmao

>> No.52870827
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this is the house like 5 doors down.
Which is a shitter home btw

>> No.52870830


>> No.52870951

>holy shit lol we are going straight to 2008 prices in housing
we might be.
The tech industry is maturing. The days of crazy growth and tons of IPO millionaires are over.
Lot of layoffs here and most work is remote. There isn't a reason to be here anymore.
Companies are leaving altogether too.

I think the rest of the country will fare quite a bit better.
The southwest might have some serious issues in the future though.
Shit got too expensive too quick. The average person there isn't making that much more

Portland is also a wreak right now

>> No.52871066
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Miss this place like you wouldn't believe. Mark Twain wrote about hobos on the same streets as today.

>> No.52871114

I care because San Fran's not the only one taking a hit. The entire market's crashing.

>> No.52871145

>market goes up 200%
>then drops 50%
I'm still priced out. This thread is cope

>> No.52871161

>high end
You think rich people buy properties like that?

>> No.52871194

We still have a long way to go, yes. But I'm already able to put a down payment on a $250K house innawoods again.

>> No.52871391


But but they told me housing market to the moon!

>> No.52872831
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>A million dollars in value - GONE

>> No.52872862

They bought the house for $835k

>> No.52872869

What are some good stops to hit up? anywhere cool, or any good eats you can recommend?

>> No.52872911
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I do too. It certainly has been fucked to hell in the last 70 years, but it's America's most kino city.

>> No.52872983
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>blocks you

>> No.52873075

house prices are barely down around me

t. Floridaman

>> No.52873084

>in value
it was never there. that's just the price.

>> No.52873129

It's not going down for waterfront.

>> No.52873253

I still live in the bay, and I want to appreciate it more before I leave, any interesting recommendations in general?

>> No.52873286
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And political cartoonists were complaining about landlords and rent around the same time

>> No.52873298

The goth dragqueen shows that Batcave throws are always wild.
The dragqueen brunch at St Francis and sing competition is also great.
There was a small theatre that hosted things like "Naked men read lovecraft" where you would see a gay man paint a cthulhu face on his naked groin and pretend the penis is one of cthulu's tentacles.
Chilling at dolores park and buying psilocybin chocolate from the magic mushroom guys is fun.
You should also go party in the Midway on a weekend.

Most of these things are going away because the city hasn't stopped getting more and more expensive, so do them now that you still can fren

>> No.52873317


>> No.52873334

I wish I had more for you, anon, but I used to just walk miles around the city exploring parts I'd never been to and finding good places to eat that way. Kek
A lot of places closed thanks to covid lockdowns.

>> No.52873498
File: 117 KB, 826x815, avt7zc99qh591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there anything I should do before I leave the SF bay area?
>oh all sorts of stuff!
>gay shit
>gay shit
>gay shit
>gay shit
>more gay shit

Truly hilarious

>> No.52873615


Really cool picture.


I just took a Scoot and scooted around. I was told to scoot to the warfs to watch the sea lions. Then I scooted to the bridge and walked over it and went on the hill on the left. Apparently if you go further there are some big trees. Went to the park area and scooted. Went to some art museum thing by the park. Basically I don't see what the big deal is. Downtown was just another boring downtown.


The hills are a pain to park on.


There is some monastery/church thing you can go inside of and it has nice views. I also enjoy watching neighborhoods where you can't park your Scoot and figuring out what makes them bad. Seems like it's mostly Asia town.

>> No.52873636

What did Mark Twain write about hobos?

>> No.52873669
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Can't park scoot here.


He might be thinking of Jack London. MT / Sam mainly wrote about Ohio river hobos.

>> No.52873800

transplant bingo

>> No.52873820

can you screenshot a house?

>> No.52874922
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>> No.52875029

so how nice is it actually to live there today

>> No.52875046
File: 1.04 MB, 828x855, 02FD1939-27F2-4EB1-889A-C93C21502456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$650k for the privilege of living in a 1 bedroom apartment directly beneath a major flight path and directly next to an Interstate
The crash hasn't even begun.

>> No.52875091
File: 458 KB, 868x712, sam-cop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of money
>comfy chair
>putting the screws on poors
>a chinese man serves you roast duck

I WANT to be this vamp

>> No.52875162

I live on the east coast and rental prices have been dropping like a rock recently. Places that used to rent out for $1800 a month are now down the $1600 range, with incentives. We have wholly new "luxury" buildings that are unfinished and/or vacant. I drive past an unfinished development on the way to work, and nothing has been accomplished or worked on for at least three months.

Home sales are a lagging indicator to rent. We do have a long way to go but just how far remains to be seen. We technically have deflation right now in many markets. I feel bad for anyone who bought a house in the past 5 years. You are probably going to get wiped out and underwater very soon. People are starting to realize that for most people, "owning" a home is a terrible investment and a depreciating asset. Unless you got an amazing deal and are planning to stay for at least 10 years, you are better off renting and placing the down payment in another investment vehicle.

>> No.52875190

hope you speak tagalog..


>> No.52875277
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>normies can actually mortgage
Normies are completely priced out of most markets, check Zillow for your area, tons of houses sitting on the market for 3-6m, but boom booms refuse to find market prices
>I gotts dis here fire gutted shack appraised fer $750k in Dec'21 and that's what it's worth, bydanit!
Pure delusion is propping up the housing market right now

>> No.52875475
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>where you would see a gay man paint a cthulhu face on his naked groin and pretend the penis is one of cthulu's tentacles.
Really selling SF faggot

>> No.52875517

is that the house catherine tramell had in Basic Instinct ?

>> No.52875549

san francisco pricing is like 10x worse than anywhere else, so it makes sense they would crash 10x as hard. if it were as bad elsewhere, you would have started the thread with that

>> No.52875556

Bubble go pop!

>> No.52875595
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>> No.52875610

of course, how could I have not seen it before. its the haitians driving demand for the multimillion dollar houses

>> No.52875839
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That wasn't exactly a normal transaction.

>> No.52875883
File: 138 KB, 1369x290, BAA40363-1C77-4FA7-99B6-D03E422D3AEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple house can’t be „worth“ 52 average annual salaries

>> No.52875885

I appreciate that it made the meme chart, with that return to normal and new paradigm. Even has a first selloff back in 2014.

>> No.52875919

>san francisco pricing is like 10x worse than anywhere else, so it makes sense they would crash 10x as hard. if it were as bad elsewhere, you would have started the thread with that

I live in one of the lowest cost of living areas and home ownership is still out of my price range. It's fucking over

>> No.52875937
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Tell me your family is poor without telling me your family is poor.

>> No.52875985

Well that's because you shovelled dollars in to crapto instead of saving in the good times

>> No.52876001

I used to go up there at night and drink with my friends. Seems like ages ago.

>> No.52876075

>finally realized that the reason why San Fransicko politicians refuse to fix the homeless and drug problems is so they can drive the property values down

>> No.52876083
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its more normal than you think.
This is the house when it was listed


>> No.52876140

Thats in pacific heights
Hillsborough is a good area
and you're too far from the airport to hear anything.
they need high real estate prices to sustain their spending.
this wasn't planned by the city.

>> No.52877615 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 461x321, devenv_2TH1kGGHl5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicode arrow comments to make my brain hurt less

>> No.52877685

george orwell has the definitive hobo book

>> No.52877785

Shouldn't a house in your area be like $170k?

>> No.52877830

I went to school in San Francisco.

fuck that city. garbage shithole desu
Unironically filled with liberal retards

>> No.52878322

This has to be satire

>> No.52878329

You couldn’t pay me to live in that city

>> No.52878509


>> No.52878514


>> No.52878521

>I went to school in San Francisco.
what college

>> No.52878699

This shows retarded leftwingers will always flock to the most financially unsustainable place for them to live just so they can claim a fake plastic awning of 'oppression'.

>> No.52878766

prewar San Francisco politics were a lot different.
Nixion carried San Francisco County when he became a senator in 1950
and San Francisco had a long history of republican mayors up until the 1960s.

>> No.52878785
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