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52865736 No.52865736 [Reply] [Original]

write and call the OSC, ASC, and CSA and tell them to reverse their decision to ban margin and leverage crypto trading in Canada

>> No.52865771

>he thinks he has any effect at all over Canada's system
You are the testing ground for the WEF 2030 agenda. You will own nothing and be happy. If you want to stop this you must rise up.

>> No.52865808

Get fucked bobos. Trudeau is eliminating all Judaism from Canada.

>> No.52865874

Bobo is getting fuvked!!

>> No.52865966

how is pierre supposed to replace trudeau when trudeau still has the better haircut? canadian politics is all about the hair. pierres hair isn't bad, it's even good, but its just not on the same level as justins magnificent mane.

>> No.52866022
File: 70 KB, 1020x680, ezgif-5-5efdf59e58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and bernier, his policies make sense and he is the most based option by a metric mile. but this haircut just isn't exciting me, it needs more volume and maybe some kind of iconic curl or flip. if i don't see some better hair i don't think i'm voting at all

>> No.52866089

I have nice hair, but no political experience and no knowledge of French. How do I become prime minister?

>> No.52866207
File: 66 KB, 1020x680, ezgif-5-5efdf59e58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this could work, what do you think? this hair would look very electable

>> No.52866319

political experience isn't necessary, justin had none, and even now he doesn't do anything, freeland (probably a scripted character if the ironic name is anything to go by) is the real pm and nobody even voted for her. do you have a famous last name? are you chummy with establishment insiders? just learn enough french that you can read a speech someone else wrote and you're good.

>> No.52866390

It's not 2019, drop the libertarian boomer already.

>> No.52866435

he's got the spiciest twitter account though. go on check his tweets he's probably offending all kinds of people. if i was going to vote at all (probably won't, i'm pretty convinced democracy isn't real) it would be for mad max

>> No.52866467

also bernier is unvaxxed
he refuses to take the jab
i am flip-flopping every day between voting ppc or not voting at all

>> No.52866670

He blocked me years ago for calling out the CAHN as a racial terrorist organization. I've also met Bernier in person - he is not a viable candidate.

>> No.52866672

that's what you guys should realy do, rally around an unvaxxed
they can lie as much as they want but the vaxxed status really tells the truth