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528649 No.528649 [Reply] [Original]

OK /biz/ I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm buying my first home. Until this point I've only rented but I feel it's time to own a home instead of giving away my money. The only problem is my priorities are kind of conflicting. There are 2 properties that I'm very interested in but they're drastically different, both functionally and financially. One is a 1700 sq ft, 2 bd/2.5 ba house in a nice, central location that puts me close to all the things I want to do. The other house is 4200 sq ft, 4 bd/5 ba that's more secluded(about 15 minutes away from the other house and thus 15 more minutes from activities/amenities) and costs 2.5x more but has amazing, mind-blowing views and literally more space than I know what to do with.
I can afford both, but I'm a single guy, living alone and the huge house isn't even in a good school district or near any good non-religious private schools so it wouldn't even be a "forever" home.
Do I need to just get over the romance of the big house in the hills with the amazing city views and resort lifestyle and be realistic?

>> No.528652

Depends on if you're willing to rent out the extra space. If yes, you might consider the larger house. If no, there's no point.

>> No.528653
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>Do I need to just get over the romance of the big house in the hills with the amazing city views and resort lifestyle and be realistic?


And why aren't you married? Are you gay?

>> No.528655

I don't want roommates so renting out spare rooms is a no-go.
>And why aren't you married? Are you gay?
What are you, a Mormon? I'm not even 30 yet and I don't believe in marriage. Even if I did I don't have a girlfriend right now to marry.

>> No.528657
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>What are you, a Mormon?
I know plenty of guys in their 20s that are married and they aren't Mormon. Maybe you're just a loser with no social skills that can't pull a decent girl to marry.

>> No.528658

Hint: the other guy is clearly trolling. Marrying usually makes little financial sense, but it's a particularly bad idea if you're young.

>> No.528659

>mormon confirmed

I also don't ever plan on getting married. It is like Millennial 101.

>> No.528660

>you must be gay if you aren't married
>you must be a loser if you're not married in your twenties

>actually tells people on /biz/ to give away half of their money to honor an outdated, pointless ritual

How retarded are you?

>> No.528663
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If you and the girl are deep in love, then what's the problem with marrying? Doesn't love conquer all? Are you sexist?

>> No.528664
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>not looking into foreclosed property
>not hitting up a bankruptcy lawyer's office and asking about realestate they are looking to get rid of fast
>not interested in something that can make easy passive income (du/triplex)
>no concern over potential future value or yearly property taxes
>muh square footage
>muh bathrooms
>muh pleblicschool districts
>muh activities
2/10 would not invest with

>> No.528666

Nigger, we are in a seller's market. The only properties that people are trying to get rid of fast for cheap are shitholes that usually aren't worth fixing up.

>> No.528668
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>muh sellers market

>> No.528672

Your opinion is clearly worthless.

>> No.528876
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muh special snowflake opinion

>> No.528883

>we are in a seller's market
You're wrong. We've been in a sellers market for a little while now.
Homes are taking longer to sell now. They are appreciating slower. People just don't want to buy homes as much. More investment firms aren't buying as much since prices have gotten so high too.
>muh sellers market
I say fuck it. 15 minutes is nothing buy the bigger house. Have more space if you don't want to rent to a stranger see if you want some one to live with you. But either way you will have a nice house. sounds like if you ever have kids. The mother can drive the child to a good school. thats apprently 15 minutes away. and god knows. things may change and your area in 10 years may be the better school district

>> No.529037
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I fail to see how the holy union of man and woman for the purpose of procreation to carry on your seed via the biological self-perpetuatoin mechanism is outdated.
Do you just move to germany and impregnate prostitutes or some shit?
And you expect the world to like atheists when half of them have this degenerate mentality?
This level of tipping is unprecedented.

>> No.529390

Not OP, has anyone bought a house that was foreclosed or police auctioned? I was thinking about hunting houses that way for a fixer.

>> No.529435

>this is a seller's market
>no it's not, it's a seller's market

>> No.529442

You need to run the numbers on this house as if its a rental property that you intend to hold onto as an asset.

>> No.529443

Tax lien foreclosures. Dont forget those. Rare nuggets but they happen. You pay whatever you agreed at auction and the back taxes and that shit is yours free and clear.

>> No.529522

>4200 sq ft, 4 bd/5 ba
What the hell are you going to do with all that space? You're going to go insane before long.

Here's what you do: go on airbnb/whatever, find the ridiculous resort house of your dreams, and live in it for a week/month/summer. Then get on with your life.

>> No.529730
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>You're going to go insane before long.
Fingers crossed.

>> No.529762

Get the apartment. You're not going to rent, so might as well get what suits your wants the most. Plus, the bigger house will need maintenance, which I'm sure you don't want to do.

They're not rare nuggets. They're there for a reason. It's always in the shadiest slums of the city. I bought one thinking I could fix it in my spare time and resell. My maoterials kept getting stolen. I couldn't leave a whle piece of drywall without it getting smashed/stolen for 3 days. Drywall plaster? gone. Copper pipes? not even half a day. I had to replace 3 windows because they got smashed. I didn't even make any money doing it. The rare nuggets are the ones in a decent neighbourhood, and they get snatched up faster than you can blink.

>> No.529869

The point is you don't have to be married to have kids.

>> No.529876

Actually that's a good idea. OP should do this.

>> No.531129

That's just throwing money away. It wouldn't even be a vacation since I would still be in the same city.