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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52861993 No.52861993 [Reply] [Original]

I made a thread last week about how I made a nice offboarding document before I quit my job and handed everything over. A few months passed and my former employer (who owes me money) fucked up the credentials to multiple systems.

I asked if there was anything to be concerned about if I was going to just ignore them/not help them.

Their lawyer has now threatened to go after me for fraud because I didn't hand over the "facebook credentials" (I'm not admin on the page). They also mention Linkedin, which is funny because one of the boomers is the admin on that, they're just too retarded to figure it out.

Despite their threat to sue me for fraud, they also offered to give me 150k.

Ofc I'm saying no lmao

My lawfag is reviewing the document. Just thought I'd share how the situation is escalating.

>> No.52862014
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>> No.52862032
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should've censored that too

>> No.52862033

>Despite their threat to sue me for fraud, they also offered to give me 150k.

Ask your lawyer if it's ok to tell them you would have been happy to do it if they hadn't frivolously threatened you like fucking pricks.

>> No.52862054

Also add in something about how they're targeting you specifically because of your gender and you're considering some kind of harassment suit.

>> No.52862064

Tits or gtfo

>> No.52862086

one of the boomers (female boomer) texted me that I need to back off and fire my lawyer because "it's not going to play well with a young lady doing this"
i hate gendershit though, especially when i have more leverage in other ways

>> No.52862088

A real chad female wow

>> No.52862098

Glad you finally came to terms with your "special needs" condition anon.

>> No.52862100

OP I thought you were a guy

>> No.52862107

oh shit are those the rules? i knew i was forgetting something

>> No.52862118
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most guys do

>> No.52862248

OP are you a tranny?

>> No.52862304

no. these boomers wouldn't hire a tranny. the chairman is a rightwing boomer. we actually got along really good bc of that. he was too israel first for my taste but all the boomers, even the ones that were publicly 'liberal' hated trannies. I asked one why she had pronouns in her official bio and shes like "hr people hade us do it". I'm not sure if she was trying to impress the rightwing chairman boomer or what

>> No.52862422

Post vagina to prove you're not a tranny

>> No.52862695
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this is an elaborate larp, but I appreciate the effort

>> No.52862993

why not take 150k?

>> No.52863009

>it was a tranny all along
ok, now I get why you're not helping them and taking the money

>> No.52863088

>Despite their threat to sue me for fraud, they also offered to give me 150k.

yea didnt they owe you bonus or some shit? you wanted like 100k, last i heard they offered 75k.

i'm interested in this thread as i'm considering litigating my current place for hostile work environment and discrimination (i work with 2 middle aged black women). i've made a thread or two, kind of trying to figure out if it's worth it for litigation, and also trying to find a lawyer to work approach. how did you find your counsel?

>> No.52863098

if the 150k covers what they owe you +more just give them the documents instead of playing power games you goofy bitch

>> No.52863575

Seriously though, let's see at least a tit or something. Weve all been through a lot these past few years, we deserve that much

>> No.52863722

OP are you that retard from Virginia Beach

>> No.52864005

Gay larp fag any company can recover that shit and also nobody likes you and if you did quit some job nobody would notice so maybe if you stop making up gay stories then people will start to like you faggot

>> No.52864316

they owe me between 100k and 200k
The 150k was offered with conditions placed on their business which is out of my control (if we raise X money, we'll give you the first half of it)

found my lawyer on upwork. made sure to go with a white guy, ivy league.

I have given them everything. I had my access cut off a few day after Ie left (totally normal)
I don't have anything. I think what they want is for me to be boomer IT support and show them that they actually do have access to the linkedin page. But I don't want to work for free for people who owe me money. I am not witholding anything and wouldn't do that anyway. I'm unironically professional

>> No.52866144

>Despite their threat to sue me for fraud, they also offered to give me 150k.

that is helpful thank you

yea didnt they owe you bonus or some shit? you wanted like 100k, last i heard they offered 75k.

i'm interested in this thread as i'm considering litigating my current place for hostile work environment and discrimination (i work with 2 middle aged black women). i've made a thread or two, kind of trying to figure out if it's worth it for litigation, and also trying to find a lawyer to work approach. how did you find your counsel?>>52864316