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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52860026 No.52860026 [Reply] [Original]

How will my fellow non-white bros take advantage of this? I might finally be able to make it. Or is this a scam?

>> No.52860055

find a black person who hasn't bought a house before, have them buy the house for you, and pay them a small fee for the trouble. find a good contract lawyer

>> No.52860076

Too much work
Looks like I'm black now!

>> No.52860130

Identify as a mezito transnigger on the application forms.

>> No.52860139

fake but wouldnt this be the same predatory loans that targeted minorities in the 2000s kek

>> No.52860161

just say your black or hispanic. The real problem is your going to get fucked by interests payments. Putting 0 down on a loan is probably the dumbest thing you could do if you ever plan on paying it off at some point.

>> No.52860217

Word on the inside is (((they))) are giving out 3% loans still too if you have brown skin. No lie.

>> No.52860228


Loans are predatory in nature. Loans provide inflated pricing which means higher loan note values (more money for banks) as well as real income from interest. The bank owns the note AND the house until you pay it off, which is strange because why would you take a liability without owning anything first.

>> No.52860231

I now identify as a Black man.

>> No.52860373
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Fuck did I serve in the army for then?

>> No.52860499

Are you retarded? Buying a home is the best investment you can do. You take out x amount for a loan that gets cheaper with inflation and as time goes on while your home value keep appreciating. Its a total win. If you pay say 70k in interest while your home appreciates 300k + how is that not the best investment you could possibly do? And not only that youll actually own land

>> No.52860578

Bofa has been known to fuck blacks and hispanics. They're well aware of what's habbening.
Why not have some owe you for life and ensure they remain where they are in societies hierarchy while also being able to own the property. Not every one can wait out a storm, they're counting on that.

>> No.52860602

Banks aren't charities. Risky borrowers get high interest rates to compensate the risks a bank is taking on giving a loan. Stick to a jumbo 30 year.

>> No.52860613

>Buying a home is the best investment you can do.
Can't wait for that bubble to burst.

>> No.52860696

Even when it does burst history shows it rebounds and gains agian. Plus think about it, they're not making more land and they keep bringing immigrants here. There'll real estate will always appreciate

>> No.52860743

kek. Sure go out and buy with high interest rate loan with 0 down! I'm rooting for you my colored fren =) Especially do it in a city that is losing population or jobs are leaving. Make sure it's a city like Detroit when the outsourcing started or some nice flourishing rust belt city that was growing strong =). Hope that house is 80 years old for you too. You totally wont be paying a lot to maintain it or property taxes. Hell most houses in your 0 down price range wont have an hoa fee either! Good luck fren!

>> No.52860827

They don't offer that deal to all blacks and latinos, you need to live in specific ghettos. Read the article

>> No.52860932

I was talking about housing an investment in general you dunce

>> No.52861080

Fucking white male here. I'll just lie about my race. How dare you question my race.

>> No.52861729

When did you sign up?

>> No.52861793
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Learn to use the internet you illiterate nigboi. It's bots like you that give this site a bad name.

>> No.52861794

>stay in your ghetto and we'll give you a bad loan regardless of your qualifications
So... redlining but twitter friendly "yasqueenslay!" edition, so everything is alright?

>> No.52861859

>just get a 5% return on your investment in 30 years bro

Nice digits but I'm still not buying your boomerbox

>> No.52862041


>> No.52862131

Do Americans need a second person to to guarantee the mortgage or is this just a European thing?

>> No.52862725

yes, this is banks squeezing out the last bit of juice in the mortgage market under the guise of helping people

>> No.52862742

i already am seeing foreclosures pop up from homes purchased in 2019. when looking at the pictures you can tell it’s niggers by the nigger afro art on the walls

>> No.52862747

co-signing is possible but not required unless you have bad credit

>> No.52862778

thats incorrect. the bank doesnt own the house, it is collateral for the mortgage they own. you own the house if you have a mortgage

>> No.52862800
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>trusting niggers

>> No.52862803

>being this dense
If you put something up as collateral for a loan, you still own it on paper but the bank is the real owner until the loan is repaid

>> No.52862826

>miss payments to the bank
>bank kicks you the fuck out of the house and forces a sale to get their money back
>“but the house is actually mine. it says right here on this paper”
i love the naivete

>> No.52862846

Standby to short CDOs

>> No.52862859

knee pain

>> No.52862930

Banks don't tend to just immediately kick you out of the house, it costs them money.

>> No.52862961
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>> No.52863024

No down payment = more money for bank?

>> No.52863050
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I’m a white boy who was in the military so I can get a VA loan zero down fixed rate any time I want. Except I earned it and don’t rely on gibs because of being a poor POC. In reality the banking kikes are trying to earn yield off you. It’s probably 0% APR adjustable then Jack up the rate so you’re a loan slave for life.

>> No.52863106

Looks like racism. Preferential treatment based upon the colour of a persons skin. Society is falling apart if this is legitimate.

>> No.52863110
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It's a scam. They'll take your money and "your" house. I'd only buy in if I planned on participating in the inevitable class-action discrimination lawsuit in a few years. They 100% already offer these terms to white people, with better rates that will allow a portion of them to actually keep their houses.

>> No.52863130

Oh, you wanna play too, buddy? Here's your controller. Yeah, you're controlling the Goombas, isn't it fun? Oh, watch out, here I come!

>> No.52863170

The same applies to landlords and tenants. Going through a time consuming process to evict and foreclose does not change the fact that the bank is the real owner until the loan is repaid

>> No.52863936

Immigrants will stop coming once the west becomes a shitty place to live. Commiefornia and NY are already feeling the emigration. To further shit on the bed, first to emigrate out are rich people which places a heavier burden on the middle and lower class to maintain the state.

>> No.52864013

>preferential treatment
lmao. this is preferential treatment to the same extent that subprime mortgages were. this is like a predatory loan shark giving you a loan that he knows you will not be able to repay so that he can take all of your belongings