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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52859047 No.52859047 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52859059

Liabilities going down are a good thing. We made it.

>> No.52859064

What does this mean?

>> No.52859080
File: 198 KB, 800x451, 1651003696232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Fed is insolvent

>> No.52859082

no brother, this graph can basically be interpreted as Janet Yellen's blood pressure spiking as the treasury literally has no US dollars to spend in real time.

>> No.52859093


>> No.52859098

No one on /biz/ has any idea what this graph actually means kek

>> No.52859102
File: 135 KB, 1024x767, thomas Jefferson on hard money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fed prints money, the treasury technically cannot, so if the fed stops printing and remitting (sending) that money to treasury the treasury is insolvent

>> No.52859114

it's okay, the Fed isn't supposed to exist and money isn't supposed to be made up bullshit; it's supposed to be physically real, but we work with what we've got.

>> No.52859149

Would someone finally explain it me like I'm a -0.1 degrees kelvin IQ what the fuck this graph actually means. Inb4 some hyperbole.

>> No.52859154

kinda yeah, but the point is that it's gotten so bad that printing money wont work anymore

>> No.52859177

Knowing literally nothing about it and just looking at the chart it looks like they took on a shitton of liabilities out of the blue. Probably bailing something out but what exactly could cause such a cut into the red.

>> No.52859183

printing money works if you are increasing your assets at the same time. Since the Fed is tightening and raising rates... well... goodbye printer... hello bankruptcy.

>> No.52859203


>> No.52859230

No source, didn't happen

>> No.52859246

get ready for 2008 all over again but instead of taxpayers bailing out companies it's the Fed this time (10x worse is prob low balling it)

>> No.52859254

Gotta do the bookkeeping somehow

>> No.52859255


>> No.52859279

No explanation for what it means, could just be an accounting quirk for all I know, nothingburger

>> No.52859284

the money printing never worked, but the United States was such a rare species of economic freedom capital stayed here and productivity kept rising. In wake of US civil war there was a push to return to hard money and it succeeded to an extent, and from 1878 to essenitally 1929 there is an economic boom, although there were bad bank runs in 1907 that led to 1913 Fed and that Fed createdt credit and money which caused the 1922-1929 boom and then ensuing depression. The US wins second world war and we've been living in that period afterwards, when the US kept printing but capital couldn't go anywhere. When capital tried to leave Nixon killed the gold window and the US state stole gold from the people and the world.
Since 1971 the debt to gdp has done nothing but grow, this evil system benefits nobody but the least likeable of humankind; those that seek to enslave and steal from others, and are good at it.
The United States will likely monetize the debt, in other words print the entire value of the US bond market and buy them outright ('repay' the debt). It will then attempt to use gold to stabilize the dollar, probably also as a response to the Bretton woods nations as well as Russia, China, Brazil, African countries, and the Arab states demanding that the US participate in a return to sound money.
This is going to be one of the most interesting periods in human history.

>> No.52859287

The FED purposefully makes these nonsensical charts that no one can interpret in order to make it seem like they are transparent. And no one questions it because they don't want to feel stupid.

>> No.52859305

From the Feds footnotes:
“Positive amounts [from January to early September] represent the estimated weekly remittances due to U.S. Treasury.”

“Negative amounts [since early September] represent the cumulative deferred asset position, which is incurred during a period when earnings are not sufficient to provide for the cost of operations, payment of dividends, and maintaining surplus.

“The deferred asset is the amount of net earnings that the Federal Reserve Banks need to realize before remittances to the U.S. Treasury resume.”

The Fed normally pays the Treasury when they are making money. The chart shows the weekly payments they make to the Treasury. Now the Fed is losing money. The Treasury doesn't pay the Fed when they lose so this chart shows the Feds total revenues - expenses.

>> No.52859320

So let me get this straight. A remittance is a gift of money, sent by mail. And these remittances are based on US treasuries...
Does that mean the US just received $14 million in bonds from other countries in the form of a remittance?

>> No.52859330

Looking at it makes it clear it isn't a quirk. Zoom in on this year and it started going negative back in September. The downward trend continues and seems to be accelerating. -6K at the end of to -12K at the end of November. Compared to -2K at the End of September to -6K at the end of October.

It's clearly reflecting something.

>> No.52859350

The FED isn't the US. The FED is a parasite on the US.

>> No.52859399

see >>52859305
The Fed doesn't have 'profits' to give to the treasury because US bonds that they own trillions of have dropped in market value.

>> No.52859443

just wait til you see what it prints tomorrow

>> No.52859447

Without any hyperbole intended, and without wanting to exaggerate and thus have the statement lose gravitas:
The Federal Reserve has completely denatured the United States of American, and its society, and because it was one of the only free countries in the world, may have destroyed liberty forever.

>> No.52859457

So when do I buy?

>> No.52859487

Right about now

>> No.52859496

around when it looks like mad max outside

>> No.52859510

STFU retard

>> No.52859528

There were cars on fire on the highway near my house today

>> No.52859573

Thats just the fed bailing out Citadel who needs to pay back GME shareholders

>> No.52859589

Suppose the feds end up doing exactly that; what would be the best thing to dump my cash into?
Enough money that will get me to retire, so that I don't have to waste my life working and missing out on life.
I've already wasted 8 years, any more of this and I'm gonna call it quits. I can't believe some people work for decades.
It's fucking insane to me.

>> No.52859592

will people hurt themselves over this? and by people i mean normies? when will the normies kill themselves?

>> No.52859686


>> No.52859717

gold and LINK you fucking tard. really anything not fiat. farmable land would be good too. firearms, bullets.

>> No.52859760


>> No.52859773

Retire? Lol. Forget that, you will be privileged to simply live that long. You need reliable access to potable water, land for growing potatoes, ammo for surviving the first year, in that order. Stockpiles are good but remember they dont last forever so unless you have a plan to become self sufficient on food/water then you are just delaying the inevitable.

>> No.52859786

not forever. but for a while. when these niggers lose there will be peace not just for 1000 years earth time. 1000 bible years. that's about 364,000 years of peace.

>> No.52859815

I got blue doomer balls and I need doom to coom.

>> No.52859828

Will Silver also do? Gold and Silver are linked, yes? I have 200 ounces of silver that I was thinking of dumping into Link but I already have a few thousand Link so I wasn't sure, and with all this shit happening it feels like I should probably hold the Silver.

>> No.52859836

Gammons video on this tonight was phenomenal.

Problem is this means the debt might get monetized directly by the government sooner rather than later, leading to real, actual hyperinflation.

I'm bearish on the market right now so this needs to wait at least 2 months so my puts dont get fucked and I can rebuy gold and silver.

>> No.52859845

The fed isn't selling from its bond portfolio; it holds to maturity. The QT they're doing requiring a certain amount of dollars from maturing treasuries to not roll-forward into new treasuries. Since dollars are liabilities to themselves, they simply cease to exist. (Ex: 100B mature, 60B cap for the shredder, 40B rolled forward)

The deficit in their operations is due to paying out more on Interest on Reserve accounts and through their repo windows than they are making in interest on their bond portfolio.

Selling into the market has never been an explored option for them.

>> No.52859855

The treasury can create US Notes at any time which are the equivalent to dollars.

Oh shit. This is the end game. The CBDCs will be US notes and this (((liquidity crisis))) is how theyll get us to use them.

Fuck a duck. Looks like we will see the dollar skyrocket in value and become super scarce and the only way out will be US Note CBDCs

>> No.52859862

yeah just hold that shit and buy more LINK. if you think its too risky then just buy BTC. literally anything not dollar will do. maybe hoard a few months worth of canned food if somehow the supply chain/logistics become fucked. that's all super doomer shit though, pretty sure the Fed is going the route of slowly bleeding us dry. try to find a job that's critical infrastructure. don't become emotionally attached to life, because if you're a decent person who loves Christ, what's waiting for us isn't too bad. life is just full of vindictive fucking homosexual satanic freaks.

>> No.52859871

The currency they will monetize the debt with will be cbdcs.

We are fucked.

>> No.52859878

None of this is normal they have lied repeatedly about trying to offload the bonds and clear the balance sheet. The mindfuck for most folks is that thecfed owns a bond which the treasury pays interest on but needs the fed to send it money with which to pay interest, and that goes on the fed balance sheet.

>> No.52859896
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almost like history repeats

>> No.52859901

> we are fucked
good. I fucking hate everyone, fuck em! I came up out of the trash and people didn't give a fuck. now THEY will eat out of the fucking trash and be happy if they can find a damn crumb in there this time.

>> No.52859911

The people have the power, and the government cannot exist without the people supporting it. CBDC's will fail, and the United States will cause damage the more time it attempts to forestall the inevitable.
Nixon told the people in '70's that redemption of dollars using paper notes was going to be suspended "temporarily", and he was correct, the united states will need to literally use the gold.

>> No.52859914

romans did not have CBDCs and were not able to delete M2 money supply. we will be the richest house on a bad street.

>> No.52859933

the Roman State had run out of silver and credibility at the same time.
The United States will have no credibility when it comes to using debt or borrowing, but it still has infrastructure and gold.
So technically they could start right now at the top left hand side of that graph. If they monetize the debt using dollars they owe nothing to anyone, they can start fresh with a massive armed forces, nuclear weapons, 350+ million citizens and the most monetary metal of any single nation. The problem is the internal economic and political issues.

>> No.52859956

don't forget about CIAs black funds which include all sorts of fucking goodies like precious metals. these fucking niggers literally in control of most trap houses in the united states for the last 50 years. there was a lot of cash and gold traded/bought over the years with crack money, and when the pecking order tells those fucking faggots to jump and hand it over, they fucking will or else.

>> No.52860009

The American Empire is still the wealthiest in the world using every metric, but if the government is tyranical and tries to 'fund itself' even after this fiat disaster, humanity is fucked.

>> No.52860028

>don't become emotionally attached to life, because if you're a decent person who loves Christ
Thanks for the advice. I will heed it. I'm having trouble with the quoted bit, honestly. I am struggling with my faith. I am given too many blessings and I am too undeserving. I do not understand it. I have been a terrible Christian recently and I feel terrible guilt whenever I pray and yet I continue to sin. It makes no sense to me. I have begged God to simply take over and force my hand for the better but he won't. It's all very frustrating. I don't know if I am saved.

>> No.52860061

are you sober? yeah the lord is a real one and won't give up on us. Satan wants us to feel hopeless and abandoned. you at least have enough self realization to know something is off. I'm struggling too, that's just part of life. i recently went through something that scared the fuck out of me and now i don't even feel like smoking weed anymore. just be vigilant.

>> No.52860121

Yes I'm sober. I used to smoke a lot of weed. I can't anymore. The way I live my life, if I smoke I get severely paranoid to the point of near panic attacks. I don't do drugs, drink, smoke, anything. I'm just not a very good person. I don't want to go into it but I wilfully sin and then when I pray I feel immense guilt and I beg for forgiveness and say sorry over and over, which doesn't help, I still feel terrible, but then after a few days I go back to being a shit. I have begged to be purged of it. I think that ought to give me some reprieve. It does not. I do think God is being unfair. I know you have no answers for me. I'm just venting I guess. Thanks. Good luck, anon.

>> No.52860135

let me guess, they're going to print more

>> No.52860145

what are you looking at cp or some gay shit? just put the phone down lmfao. take some dewormer. not sure how you can just voluntarily sin. you fucking someones wife or something?

>> No.52860201

I do actually have good advice. if you keep sinning and can't stop, you need to have a friend that you can trust to vent to and hold you accountable. I used to think it was bullshit, but when i alsmot died last month from abusing drugs i confessed to my neighbors who i trust and instead of judging me or writing me off they listened to what i had to say. its good to get that shit off your chest sometimes.

>> No.52860203

>It's clearly reflecting something.
>I don't understand what the chart means, but something will happen in 2 weeks

>> No.52860246

they can't now. that's the point. buckle up

>> No.52860333

The will try lol. The stimmies were a test, and they failed(no brainer). Values still too out of whack. Shits already stupidly expensive(I dont mean prices). Think about it in terms of minimum wage to produce whatever, just labor, in b4 resources. Like something simple like a tomato. Its in today's terms expensive. Values need to reset and this is before all the fertilizer, oil, and water buggaloo. Potentially they need to reset and we have to deal with even less supplies/resources to produce.

>> No.52860359

I refuse to die for Jews

>> No.52860371

Why did you come back?

>> No.52860387

Are you a Jew?

>> No.52860411

Combining what these two bizraelis have said, I will add the cherry -- The Fed (your local central bank or whatever) has liabilities... Can you guess what they are... The money they print is the liability...

> “The deferred asset is the amount of net earnings that the Federal Reserve Banks need to realize before remittances to the U.S. Treasury resume.”

But... when you print money out of thin air thereby increasing liabilities on your balance sheet (because the money is the liability... )...

Now /biz understands why Jews and other central bankers have been run out of countless kingdoms and nations known to history, yes?

>> No.52860421

No, that's thousands of millions, fourteen trillion total.

Nothing burger.
> NEW YORK, Oct 12 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's net income turned negative in September, minutes from its most recent policy meeting showed, although the largely technical development - previously flagged by its staff - will not affect the U.S. central bank's ability to conduct monetary policy and does not threaten its financial position.

> At the Sept. 20-21 meeting, a top New York Fed staffer said that "as expected, Federal Reserve net income turned negative in September." The minutes, which were released on Wednesday, also noted that central bank staff expect the Fed will face negative income for some time. The looming turn to technical losses had been noted in the minutes for the Fed's July policy meeting.

> The U.S. central bank earns income from bonds it owns and from services it provides to the financial sector. After covering operational expenses it hands over any extra earnings to the Treasury.

>> No.52860432

Sorry. Fourteen billion. Miscounted.

>> No.52860433

never left. because were close, nigger. kill me or not, i dgaf anymore, not going to be a free lunch though. no im not a jew, would probably be way better off if i was.

>> No.52860440
File: 161 KB, 640x529, boc-printer-brr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no wonder Canada (this gay ass country) is signalling that stables are securities etc...

They're terrified of a run on CAD ... lol "run on"... they nuked this shit

>> No.52860477


>> No.52860591

>NEW YORK, Oct 12 (Reuters)
>Oct 12 (Reuters)
>At the Sept. 20-21 meeting

lol imagine posting outdated news on the day the new print comes in. have fun. best of luck.

>> No.52860664

When link rises and everyone gets poor… we are going to be fucking SWIMMING in pussy of formerly well to do housewives. They will all be in an Olympic size pool. We will jump off a 10m diving board like Greg Louganis (except we aren’t gay like him) and land in the water and we will be swimming with bitches. And fucking them all in the pool. You fuck one then you go underwater like a hammerhead shark and swim to the next bitch and then fuck her, and rinse and repeat with all of them in the pool.

>> No.52860683
File: 19 KB, 306x306, donePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO, this is almost a "bottom is close signal", when you don't fucking track ZeroHedge and their obsession with new metrics that post WORST EVER SKY IS FALLING data, until you look further back.
For example:
tl;dr the Fed updates metrics at times. You're looking at a chart of this "sort" of metric, from 2010. Zoomies don't remember 08. Find a similar metric stretching back further. This isn't some unprecedented event.
I swear to fucking God, Zoomers are the most braindead generation on the planet. I don't care why, I want Congress to go through with banning TikTok. Maybe then we can only have ONE generation that mirrors boomers in their retardation, instead of multiple.
>tl;dr for zoomies: you're looking a graph from post-08 financial crisis. This is within the norm for recessions

>> No.52860717

It's the same phenomenon. It doesn't matter because it isn't even counted as a loss anyway.
> Fed officials have repeatedly stressed that central bank negative income is not like a conventional bank losing money. The Fed addresses negative income via what's called a deferred asset, which is an accounting measure that the central bank would then seek to cover when it begins turning a profit again. As of the Fed's most recent data, the size of this deferred asset now stands at $2.9 billion.

>> No.52861033

>they can't now. that's the point. buckle up
tend to agree
i shared this chart a few days ago here and got very little response
as usual,
biz is retarded
thanks for trying OP

>> No.52861047

Everything is working normally guys. Read.

>> No.52861150

... and I bet you spit on Atheists..

>> No.52861221

is this bullish or bearish for btc?

>> No.52861225

Is that bobo or mumu?

>> No.52861229

it means the soft landing is working and rate hikes are safe and effective.

>> No.52861275


>> No.52861294
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Even I ain't buyin that dip.

>> No.52861343

Thanks anon. This helped me understand

Imagine being a retard. Oh wait, you don't have to imagine it

>> No.52863306


>> No.52863475

still got my mini chest of merc dimes lmfao

>> No.52863527
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>> No.52863543

What does it mean

>> No.52863846

means were fucked apparently. Government is somehow supposed to take over and you know what happens when they touch anything.

>> No.52863944
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Yup. And doomposters will move their goal posts two more weeks

>> No.52863963

So what the fuck am I suppose to do then? Cryppos fucked, real estates fucked, stocks fucked, Index funds are insolvent, I will be laid off next year, etc.
What then?

>> No.52863974


>> No.52864003

$80 trillion need are due to be paid within 12 months according to BIS (outside US). $20 trillion USD equivalent in other currencies are due to be paid within 12 months in other currencies (outside US). Basically shit's more than fucked and the US is gobbling up foreign insolvent shit for control like the chinks did the past 20 years. just my take on the thing.

>> No.52864038

>and LINK
ffucking delusional nigger

>> No.52864050

Why aren't they just turning on the QE again then

>> No.52864072

They will, it's been 11 months, your country will collapse because of hyperinflation don't worry.

>> No.52864176

because it's foreign debtors that will get liquidated. like i said, like the chinks or any other colonial power did it, foreigner get's liq'd and is now a slave. in this case it's probably important technology companies that they try to score.

>> No.52864399

>It will then attempt to use gold to stabilize the dollar
Possible, but there's also central bank digital currency. Which is like crypto, but controlled through the fed. It's far more insidious than 'fiat' currency could ever be, because if you say the wrong thing on social media, they can cut your access and therefor not be able to buy groceries unless you apologize to the woke cult. And hey, the fed is a private bank so they can do what they want!

>> No.52864441

>now THEY will eat out of the fucking trash
I don't think that's what's going to happen. Even if it does, they will sit in the trash and proclaim, "TAKE THAT PUTIN!"

>> No.52864481

i mean yeah its not the softest landing

but think about how much worse it would have been without the rate hikes

>> No.52864486

yeah that will fail, 100%.
And guys we already have a fucking CBDC, there is 1000x more circulating digital USD than physical USD; There's only $2 trillion worth of physical banknotes. This system is failing and so will the next, it's all fiat crap.
Money needs to be real. It can be fuckign seashells, it can be aluminium pop cans or beer caps or match sticks. Doesn't matter but it needs to be real, and human beings settled on gold and silver a long time ago, it just works.
All the central banks are printing YOUR currency, and buying gold, fiat is going to fail, and if they try to use a CBDC backed by gold it would mostly fail also because there is no faith, no credibility. People will go back to using silver and gold, and if the United States Government or State wants to buy something it will need gold, physically. No more paper, no more IOU's, no more stand-ins.

>> No.52864510

And I thought the Bank of Japan was wacky wtf Canada

>> No.52864542

>there is 1000x more circulating digital USD than physical USD
Admittedly, I don't understand all the technology involved, but that's not nearly the same thing as CBDC.

>> No.52864551

Canada also sold all of its gold reserves in 2015. It has seriously good mines though. Just the province of Quebec alone produces 2% of the world's gold.
It's actually kind of the best case scenario for the public in Canada. The government will have pretty much no purchasing power, the people will be free from that in a sense.

>> No.52864571

it's a fiat currency.
Who gives a fuck if there will only ever be 100 million of the US CBDC coin!? The rest of the world is going to stop providing real value towards this broken ass system, it isn't going to work.
IF YOU DO believe they will pull off CBDC and we're going full blade runner, buy gold NOW. If you don't believe they will pull it off, buy gold NOW.

>> No.52864600

bullish for XRP

>> No.52864615

Yea, but gold backed CBDC is as absurd as gold backed bitcoin. It's not fiat anymore than bitcoin is. Unlike fiat, the ledger is there for the fed to look at. Fiat is still accessible, but only through the bank you hold it in, which gives you some protection from a totalitarian stranglehold.

>> No.52864669

Buy gold and silver.

>> No.52864678

It is fiat.
Please consider:
any economic system that does not put gold and silver in your hands, physically, is fiat. If there is ANY intermediary, whether it be digital or paper or even stainless steel, between the agent and the money, it is a fiat economy.
Listen to what i'm saying. The USA will need to physically move gold in order to buy certain things. They will need to 'sell' gold, if that is easier terminology.

>> No.52865006

This chart explained in ONE simple step!


>> No.52865037

the whole commercial banking system globally has been revealed as insolvent since 2008. anything else is playing pretend

>> No.52865087

>we are fucked
Haha should've bought XRP faggot

>> No.52865280

It means the Fed is losing money on its holdings. Getting a negative return. They're supposed to give any return over 6% apy to the Treasury but currently they're negative apy. I don't know whether the deficit comes out of the Fed's pocket or the Treasury's but I assume the American taxpayers guarantee any losses because of the laws of some ancient texts probably.

>> No.52865292

>The money they print is the liability
What does that mean exactly? They print a dollar and now.. owe that dollar to someone?

>> No.52865350

Yes, they can

>> No.52865400

it was clearly insolvent in 1971 anyway

>> No.52865433

Checked. However, anon, most of the gold is not there, nukes are not real, and the army is troons. The US as a living political entity is no more; but it replaced a more ancient people who live on. One of the names of this continent now called America is Cathay.

>> No.52865600


>> No.52865641

>minus 14 000 millions
chump change

>> No.52865932

they are liable to, have been, are, and will always be printing money, anon.

>> No.52865956

so the "deferred asset" is basically an IOU?
can I just stop paying my mortgage and tell the bank to put it on my deferred asset?

>> No.52866004

Someone translate this to retard for me

>> No.52866119

isn't that exactly what happened during covid? student loans still

>> No.52866507

l-l-l-l-learn t-t-t-to s-sp-sp-spell my nigger.

>> No.52866529

not literally, just metaphorically. but yeah people are so fucking smug and stupid they will be happy to eat government provided bug protein bars.

>> No.52866536


>> No.52866539


It's literally the reverse, retard.

>> No.52866574

Just wait for the (Discontinued)

>> No.52867051

>If there is ANY intermediary, whether it be digital or paper or even stainless steel, between the agent and the money, it is a fiat economy.
That's not fiat. It is fiat because the gobernment says it's worth something means it is, when in reality that dollar in your pocket is just a piece of paper with a number written on it. People agree that it has value because the gov't says it's legal tender.

Bitcoin is like gold, in that it has value outside of someone's say so. You have to mine gold, and bitcoin, so effort must be exerted in order to create it. This is why it holds internal value. The gov't or fed can't just "print" gold or bitcoin.

Fiat currency does not require any exertion in its creation. The fed can just "print" it. But because faith in this system is eroding they want to create a bitcoin that they alone control.

>> No.52867167

nothingburger they can print infinite amount of dollars

>> No.52867184
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>and LINK

>> No.52867337

Why can't they?

>> No.52867341

I actually had a dream last night and I was being suffocated by a dark, evil force. Everything was black and I could see sigils and runes forming in the mist infront of me. I was being pulled to my knees and could feel an incredibly oppresive force on my chest making it difficult to breathe. I, weakly at first, called out for Christ to help me. This gave me some relief and I was able to summon more strength and I screamed 'CHRIST IS KING' while looking up. I saw a bright yellow circle that looked a little like the Sun but was also quite unlike it in a way I struggle to describe. With it's arrival the darkness was immediately banished and I felt this onrush of immense love and hope and grace. It was overwhelming. It was only for a moment and my mind began to race and I thought of my sins and how anxious they made me and with that the feelings of love and hope immediately ceased and I was left, for a very brief time, alone in complete darkness. For that moment I remember thinking two things: I want more of that, but I would have also been entirely consumed by it. It felt very much like I had received only a tiny taste and that I wasn't ready.
I woke up feeling a little cheated as I was given such a brief moment of this bliss but I've had time to ruminate now and I can see how foolish and selfish and self-centered that is. I feel very grateful. God has clearly heard my pain and gave me a clear indication of his being here for me, which is simply incredible. I just thought I'd let you know, and thank you for whatever part you might have played. God bless.
I don't think about you. I have close family members who are atheists. I love them. We don't speak about it. Maybe I should evangelise to them, but they won't listen. It would only push them away. I just try to be nice to them. Good luck to you, atheist anon.

>> No.52869061

they don't need to

>> No.52869243
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Every time someone has posted one of these "OH MY GOSH IT'S OVER" charts absolutely nothing has happened. It happens every day, and this time will not prove different.

>> No.52869298
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It's not zoomers, boomers are far more prone to this sperg "IT'S OVER" behavior IMO. When you see gold/silver posters in a thread you know you've hit boomer/gen x central. Also, don't take the Lord's name in vain.

>> No.52869853
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Hey brother, you and I are very similar (heavily invested in LINK and silver) except I have a strong faith. I'd love to chat and see if I can help you work through this, want to text?

>> No.52869924
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>strong faith
>holds LINK

>> No.52870032

I thank you for your good intent anon but I have an update: >>52867341

I am going to pray tonight for more dreams to see if I can get closer to God and to get another moment of relief and happiness like he showed me in this dream. I feel like I might have turned the corner. I'm going to try harder, a lot harder. Thanks again. God bless.

>> No.52870125


Fed gets interest for the government debt it holds.

Fed pays interest to interest on reserves (IOR) and reverse repo (RRP). They use these two things to set interest rates. Example: when IOR is 4%, banks won't loan for less than 4% because they can just put the money in their fed reserve account and get 4%.

SO the only thing that happened is that the fed raised rates, and they do that by raising IOR and RRP. So the fed is "spending" a lot more money now. While the money they take in from government debt is the same. So the fed is "losing" money. Except this doesn't matter because the fed can print as much money as it wants. This is a 100% nothing burger.

Extra info: paying higher rates on IOR and RRP actually increases the monetary base, but decreases the total circulating supply be reducing the amount of loans and credit.

>> No.52870377
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I'm glad you're feeling better! If you ever need to chat, screenshot this and send me a text: 772 two four two 5 zero one 2
Christ is King.
>have to type my number like that because of filters, sorry

>> No.52870493

>lmao time to refinance, biden!
>oh no!
>one month paper is going to cost you 5% or more? why that's terrible!
>can you make a 5% vig in one month?
>guess you're going to war, huh little guy :)
printing money never works, retard. printing money is suicide. we've simply been productive enough to offset it, for over a hundred years. but now everybody sits on their ass waiting for china to do it for them.
so, now we're broke.

>> No.52870501

based. its all been made up since 2008.

>> No.52870544

Thanks fren

>> No.52870567

silver really does end the fed???

>> No.52870597

>fed needs to print more
>inflation continues going up
>Powell needs to raise rates to combat inflation
>problem compounds
>rinse and repeat

This is a cycle and it's dangerous.

>> No.52870625

>So technically they could start right now at the top left hand side of that graph. If they monetize the debt using dollars they owe nothing to anyone, they can start fresh with a massive armed forces, nuclear weapons, 350+ million citizens and the most monetary metal of any single nation.
and since you can't just win a fight with the entire world -- in fact you can't even win a fight against some vietnamese farmers -- you'll be paying, with that gold, what you owe.
the scenario you're describing sends the price of a 1oz gold coin to $100,000.

>> No.52870661

yes, but first, all of the prior 60 years of printing since closing the gold window will catch up.

>> No.52870708

Did Jerome Powell fart?

>> No.52870753

That's the only play they have. As this anon >>52870597 points out, this is a cycle, where their debt fueled GDP must pay greater payments and they choose to monetize those payments causing higher inflation, thus higher rates etc. We are currently seeing the big spike in US Interest payments, which will be monetized. That means an extra trillion a year to the deficit starting in about 12 months time. So the credit will be more expensive, but the dollars worth less.
They will need to confront this thing, default on the debt by technically 'repaying' the debt, which i'm sure they'll make sound wonderful and triumphant, and then peg to gold.
Yeah you're right they will need to literally pay with gold even domestically because I think there will be huge social problems.
The wealth distribution is going to be so fucking retarded. 1% of the population will own 80%+ of the GDP, we're already at like 35-40%

>> No.52870755

In the long term yes, but spiking rates reducing the circulating supply a lot quicker, so in the short term it can work to brink inflation down. But if it they keep rates high with this ample reserve regime then it will increase inflation in the long run.

They would probably switch back to a pre-2008 system eventually, where the fed didn't pay interest on reserves. Before 2008 there was much less reserves, and a reserve requirement, so banks had to lend to each other a lot more, and that determined interest rates. The fed influenced this by buying/selling government debt. That is a more traditional fractional reserve system where there is actual risk of banks failing like 08 though. Today we don't really have a full fractional reserve system and bank accounts are pretty much as good as cash but the trade off is the ponzi-like system the fed uses to set rates.

>> No.52871138

You have a whacky concept of value. You have to work for my cum. Does that make it valuable? If anything, that just makes it scarce. Silver and gold both have industrial uses. Bitcoin doesnt. Any value is societal and not material.
> t. bitcoin maxi

>> No.52871178

The stock to flow on your cum is extremely high. Its not scarce at all. Bitcoin is scarce, but also durable, portable, fungible, and verifiable which is what makes it have immense utility and though that utility value.

>> No.52871186

yeah but who is gonna accept your cum as a means of exchange?

>> No.52871189

It also doesn't fucking exist and is a fuckign IRS/FBI agent wet dream.
Why are you people running towards tyranny?

>> No.52871199

Is it unvaccinated?

>> No.52871212

Huh? Bitcoin doesn't exist? Take you meds

>> No.52871301

160 responses and no one to explain this graph...

>> No.52871357

it's literally been explained and deboonked here >>52870125

>> No.52871832

It will always get to the point where the economy collapses using fiat combined with "democracy" because:

1. Politicians grow increasingly corrupt.
2. Nobody will vote for policies that will make them worse off.
3. The majority of the voting public are morons who don't understand basic economics.
4. The ease and incentives to print money for personal gain are too enticing for people of low moral fibre.

It's the equivalent of bending over a park bench and spreading your arse cheeks and being shocked when someone fucks you in the ass, the majority of people won't take advantage of a stranger but there are plenty of people who will if they think they won't get caught.