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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 2004x1127, CD216ED9-8B12-4AA0-8C5F-7F2A0D82E24F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52855630 No.52855630 [Reply] [Original]

CZ is next

>> No.52855642

Poor little white guy

>> No.52855655

ok i actually kind of feel bad for him now

>> No.52855668

jews ain't white

>> No.52855671
File: 261 KB, 700x700, 4ff-4232831915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 million + 1

>> No.52855677

>being surrounded by niggers

I think that's enough punishment, let him go.

>> No.52855696

How do you even catch CZ? No one knows where the fuck he is.

>> No.52855704

Opposite day in the Bahamas.

>> No.52855740

Not to mention ever since he shaved his head he’s been adding body doubles

>> No.52855750

I have blue eyes, super fair skin and freckles and I'm like 5% Ashkenazi.

>> No.52855764
File: 175 KB, 1954x1030, 0008978567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you like it whiteboy

>> No.52855788

I going to print this and frame it

>> No.52855837

what? he literally tweets his location every fucking today or so. he has been to over 70 countries with a fucking selfie with each nation leader preaching crypto to them. Finding CZ is literally not a task in itself, just go to his twitter
you fucking fudders are so out of touch

>> No.52855862

If you think CZ is gonna just escape a clap back for ruining SBF you’re deluding yourself.

Binance is vulnerable; CZ created a mess and he is next. BSC is a total lie and poster boy for crypto scamming.

Get ready for a real crypto winter

>> No.52855926

Wow, it's weird as hell seeing a screencap from one of our local news channels being posted on here (Grand Bahamafag reporting in)

>> No.52855984


>> No.52856044

Hi nigger

>> No.52856063

jews = meds = caucasian = 'white'

>> No.52856096

Are all the criminals in the Bahamas white?

>> No.52856137
File: 152 KB, 429x523, fountain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real cz is in child form, good luck catching him, never aged due to his Chinese talismans. The cz you think you 'know' is a body double.

>> No.52856188

We love bahamas.

>> No.52856309

Well that's not very nice
Honestly the only times I've ever seen white guys wanted or arrested here is if they got caught with drugs or unlicenced firearms, or if they did some white-collar shit. And that's not that common over here

>> No.52856352
File: 7 KB, 685x625, pepe8bit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you black?

>> No.52856354

this picture looks oddly familiar

>> No.52856375
File: 59 KB, 700x467, sbf blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach pic

>> No.52856431

surely sam must have cut payments to his hired shills. do you guys just do it for free now?

>> No.52856614 [DELETED] 

Yep, there are black anons that post here, surprised?
>b-but what about all the racism?
I'm supposed to avoid this place after I once found a fucking 100x on here, just because some randon guy here called me the no-no word? Kek

>> No.52856625

Jews arent Mediterranean

>> No.52856631

that's a lot of darkies
they're sending a message to israel, show us the $$$ if you want your boy. israel will of course get the money from the u.s.

>> No.52856635

Yep, there are black anons that post here, surprised?
>b-but what about all the racism?
I'm supposed to avoid this place after I once found a fucking 100x on here, just because some random guy here called me the no-no word? Kek

>> No.52856661
File: 68 KB, 553x506, 1670954036759123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 100% Black, my penis is 8 inches and my IQ is 105

>> No.52856806

Average on /biz/ is 4 inches and 85 IQ so you're crushing the competition here.

>> No.52857201

You've got stolen genetics, sounds right to me.
Dave Chappelle is there in the back?

>> No.52857233

*150k +1. Inb4 jidf cope

>> No.52857249

meal team six

>> No.52857256
File: 98 KB, 660x1024, 1593714718229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been telling people that there are literal niggers among us and you're shitting up the board, but the kikes are always like nooo it's just a white guy larping as a nigg. Thank your for coming out and admitting to your niggerness. I hope you and every other nigger dies

>> No.52858960

he has many thousands of victims he intentionally harmed

>> No.52859028

Fuck you. Us KANGS are taking over /biz/ and there's nothing you pigskin fucks can do to stop us.
t. 7 fig African Kang

>> No.52859088

When did Greta get so based?

>> No.52859281

Jews are whites and thus whites are kikes. Kys roach

>> No.52859299

Based. Fuck kikes.

>> No.52859354

as a fellow white male, I KNEEL SIR, WOULD YOU LIKE TO FUCK MY 10/10 ARYAN WIFE???

>> No.52859550

Based Kang, I'd unironically sit in the corner and watch while this guy fucks my wife.

>> No.52859570

WTF i love greta thunderberg now!?! MARRY ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

>> No.52859829

Why are they arresting this young jewish man? ANTISEMITISM
literally hitler

>> No.52859944

I'm 1% nigger(really) can I get reparations?

>> No.52860063

Why do white women love black men so much? Is it the BBC, Blanon?

>> No.52860067


>> No.52860287

IDF going apeshit with slide posts and cope right now lmao

>> No.52860835

former Binance employee here. literally nobody knows where CZ is. I think only the CTO was aware of his whereabouts.