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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 828x803, 71902587-CF9D-4683-A861-38395139582F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52854280 No.52854280 [Reply] [Original]

They will ban every alternative that follows, which effectively means they will censor any positive mention of Kanye West on their website.

This is why we need plebbit PlebToken now. We need to destroy this faggoty website and achieve financial prosperity in the process.

This is the biz coin for the next bullrun.

>> No.52854300

kek baggies

>> No.52854313

Cool you can start by not posting shit from the website or talking about the website

>> No.52854374

Can you buy my bag though

>> No.52854378
File: 12 KB, 460x460, E783869F-83AD-44E7-AC58-160CB2C0ACF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make your problems go away by pretending they don’t exist?

Well this man doesn’t. He rapes his enemies into submission, that’s how he solves them.

>> No.52854397

no idea who that is or what actions could be taken to stop the rampant normie-ization of the internet besides building uncensorable systems

>> No.52854417

billtards aren't ready for plebbit lmao

since you can't have a chat conv there

>> No.52854444

they were cheering on a sick man. it's a bit like linkies do with sergey, but at least he's only hurting them, not minorities in general

>> No.52854451

not my problem. go back.

>> No.52854464
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lmao plebchuds are getting desperate

>> No.52854463

If you don't like the rules make your own reddit? Bet you got assblasted when trump was removed from twitter LMAO get fucked chud. last minute effort to remain relevant for kanye by appealing to a bunch of flyover idiots who believe they have some secret arcane knowledge about the world no-one else knows about. his money is gone. his influence is gone.

>> No.52854475

We are making our own Reddit.

>> No.52854478



>> No.52854603

It's over.

>> No.52854612

We need Elon to buy Reddit next.

>> No.52854668

Wut if we started a token with the sole idea of doing exactly that. When overall market cap of coin reaches buyitnow price of Reddit then we sell and biz bros given shares of Reddit commensurate to their ownership in token

>> No.52854709
File: 63 KB, 666x666, 657576575757656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plebchan curbstomping r*ddit. Colorized

>> No.52854742

Actually based, Kanye is an unhinged lunatic and the fact that people like him can not only become famous but worse rich is a very clear example of how fucked we are with the society we've built.

>> No.52854784

That’s what Plebbit is, you dummy

>> No.52854811

reddit being based for once

>> No.52854863

>If you don't like the rules make your own reddit?
If you don't like his opinion make your own /biz
(See how ridiculous that is? -grow up)

>> No.52855153


Lots of jews on here tonight.

>> No.52855309

LMAO its not about what I think its about what the platform thinks you brainlet.

enjoy building a platform around some schizo qanon boomers it will never ever get off the ground it will just immediately get filled by imbeciles

>> No.52855333

platforms don't think you demoralized faggot

>> No.52855380

Its an ai image created from thispersondoesnotexist.com

>> No.52855382

they absolutely do. they are profit oriented hence reddit going for an ipo so they have to curate their platform to appeal to investors and advertisers.

i can tell you want platforms to be apolitical and yes that will come as new social medias start as protocols ala dorsey and yarvin. you cannot just remake reddit with 'no rules' it just goes to shit immediately. good luck with it though ill put it in the same bin as all the other alt social media websites that are filled with idiots.

>> No.52855641
File: 135 KB, 1768x1069, AEFCB795-F763-4638-9476-195D348A59C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fear the truth

>> No.52855666
File: 272 KB, 616x630, 189435137123089432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each subplebbit makes its own rules. That's the entire point, there's no centralized entity dictating what is and isn't an acceptable sub or what the core ethos of Plebbit is, it's entirely on the creator of each individual sub themselves.

>> No.52855686

Jannies, do your fucking job.

>> No.52856049
File: 458 KB, 1543x1401, 1643196169025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you sure wish biz had a downboat button to express your disagreement and hide conflicting opinions. Don't you?

>> No.52856231
File: 147 KB, 1170x652, 3CF11066-DF33-4ED5-96D1-FEA47C2F108D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, he should’ve bought reddit, which is 1/4th the valuation of twitter anyways

>> No.52856249

How is this biz related? Kys reddit nigger.

>> No.52856305

We already have a board for off-topic garbage, newfag.

>> No.52856426

That grifter "Esteban Abaroa" promised Plebbit to a bunch of biztards over a year ago and hasn't delivered shit so far. They are bagholding and desperate for new liquidity.

>> No.52856458

I hope everyone in that telegram feels embarrassed and they kill themselves

>> No.52856555

as a fellow white man, I haven't noticed any Jews at all. you should see a psychiatrist anon, antidepressants work wonders for us

>> No.52856589

I remember being in this site in 2013. Geezus how it has grown in popularity and completely turned into a globohomo shitshow

>> No.52856686

This is on topic. I am starting a discussion about a cryptocurrency called plebbit