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52853438 No.52853438 [Reply] [Original]

lets say you had low 6 figures in cash. what would you do with it?

>> No.52853478

pay off my house to free up cash flow

>> No.52853496
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luxury kneepads

>> No.52853525

wait for the housing market to crash and then use it on a down payment for a couple rentals. alternatively wait for the stock market to crash and then dump it in VTSAX.

today, short term bonds at 3% to weather inflation as best as you can. ibonds pay 9 but you can only do 20k a year. im in this same situation with about 300k.

>> No.52853528
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Buy cryptocurrency.

>> No.52853541

spend money on a Woman. Kacey (Korean Stacey.)

>> No.52853589

build that exact room

>> No.52853616
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Literally nothing would change, even at my ATH last year when I was up like 10x I still lived my same frugal lifestyle.

>> No.52853640

down payment on a shrimp farm at the bottom of the market

>> No.52853657

I'll just assume the lowest 6 figure, and say $100,000.

A Third of that is going into stable, proven stocks in the market, preferably that pay dividends.
Half is going straight into savings, though I may split it between institutions for safety.
The remaining ~22,000... I dunno, Maybe I'd see if any local franchise opportunities exist? Probably hold a lot of that in reserve for a while to see if anything I really want long term becomes available. If nothing does, I'll probanly spend a few thousand on penny stocks in a massive spread in case any of them skyrocket.

>> No.52853659

I have this situation and it's sitting in the S&P 500 for the most part.

>> No.52853752

~I meant ~44,000, sorry am rarted.

>> No.52853765

I would do your mom

>> No.52853782
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I'd put it all into Premia and stake it for a comfy passive income.

>> No.52853816

>6 figure hell
I'd say rough it out in Alaska

>> No.52853851

This, then additionally dollar cost average the surplus in IWDA and slurp more BTC and ETH as the market continues down. Probably also treat myself once a week on a €150 fuck with a prostitute.

>> No.52854251

My brother always says this but I'm certain you aren't him. How do you have $44k or even $22k remaining? A third is $33k and half is $50k. You'd have $17k remaining.

>> No.52854278
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set aside money for taxes.

>> No.52854309


...I am mega Rarted.

Rest of what I said still applies to my plan though.

>> No.52854325

Thanks for the admission. Do you say rarted to get by a profanity filter by chance? Maybe in a game? Like Runescape?

>> No.52854418

Admittedly and embarassingly, it's not something original. It's just a another way to say retarded that I saw on a funny meme with a cat once and I thought it was funny.

>> No.52854450

Bet it on NFL overs and start selling light skinned Hispanic women to blacks

>> No.52854498

pay taxes, even without gains

>> No.52854525
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But I do have low 6 figures in cash.